Exemplo n.º 1
        private IList <ClassTypeModel> BuildModelList(List <class_types> classTypes, bool withClasses = false)
            if (classTypes == null)
                IList <ClassTypeModel> moduledisplays = new List <ClassTypeModel>();
                foreach (class_types classtypes in classTypes)
                    ClassTypeModel moduledisplay = BuildModel(classtypes);
                    if (withClasses)
                        moduledisplay.classDisplayModels = new List <ClassDisplayModel>();
                        foreach (classes cs in classtypes.subclasses)
                            if (cs.is_active)
                                ClassDisplayModel cdm = new ClassDisplayModel();
                                cdm.Id        = cs.class_id;
                                cdm.Name      = cs.class_name;
                                cdm.LastCount = cs.last_count;

Exemplo n.º 2
        private async void MetroWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string         strErrorMsg    = string.Empty;
            ClassEditModel classEditModel = new ClassEditModel();

                classTypeAsyncProxy = await Task.Run(() => ServiceHelper.GetClassTypeService());

                classesAsyncProxy = await Task.Run(() => ServiceHelper.GetClassService());

                IList <ClassTypeModel> classTypeLists = await classTypeAsyncProxy.CallAsync(c => c.GetAllClassType());

                this.cmbClassType.ItemsSource = classTypeLists;

                if (this.classTypeId != 0)
                    classTypeModel = await classTypeAsyncProxy.CallAsync(c => c.GetClassTypeById(classTypeId));
            catch (TimeoutException timeProblem)
                strErrorMsg = timeProblem.Message + UIResources.TimeOut + timeProblem.Message;
            catch (FaultException <LCFault> af)
                strErrorMsg = af.Detail.Message;
            catch (FaultException unknownFault)
                strErrorMsg = UIResources.UnKnowFault + unknownFault.Message;
            catch (CommunicationException commProblem)
                strErrorMsg = UIResources.ConProblem + commProblem.Message + commProblem.StackTrace;
            catch (Exception ex)
                strErrorMsg = ex.Message;
            if (strErrorMsg != string.Empty)
                await DialogManager.ShowMessageAsync(this, UIResources.MsgError, "初始化界面失败!原因:" + strErrorMsg, MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative, null);


            if (Om == OperationMode.AddMode)
                this.Title        = "新增班级";
                txtName.IsEnabled = true;
                this.Title = "修改班级";
                //txtName.IsEnabled = false;
Exemplo n.º 3
 private async void gvClassTypes_SelectionChanged(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangeEventArgs e)
     if (gvClassTypes.SelectedItem != null)
         this.selectClassType = gvClassTypes.SelectedItem as ClassTypeModel;
         await bindClassList();
         await bindSchemasList();
Exemplo n.º 4
        private async void UpdateClassType_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            ClassTypeModel selectClassType = this.gvClassTypes.SelectedItem as ClassTypeModel;

            if (selectClassType != null)
                string strErrorMsg = string.Empty;
                    EditClassTypeWindow newClassTypeWindow = new EditClassTypeWindow();
                    newClassTypeWindow.SelectClassType = selectClassType;
                    newClassTypeWindow.Om = OperationMode.EditMode;

                    if (newClassTypeWindow.ShowDialog() == true)
                        await bindClassTypeList();
                catch (TimeoutException timeProblem)
                    strErrorMsg = timeProblem.Message + UIResources.TimeOut + timeProblem.Message;
                catch (FaultException <LCFault> af)
                    strErrorMsg = af.Detail.Message;
                catch (FaultException unknownFault)
                    strErrorMsg = UIResources.UnKnowFault + unknownFault.Message;
                catch (CommunicationException commProblem)
                    strErrorMsg = UIResources.ConProblem + commProblem.Message + commProblem.StackTrace;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    strErrorMsg = ex.Message;
                if (strErrorMsg != string.Empty)
                    await DialogManager.ShowMessageAsync(this.GetMainWindow(), UIResources.MsgError, "更新班级类型失败!原因:" + strErrorMsg, MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative, null);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private async void BindClassTypeInfo(ClassTypeModel selectClassType)
            string strErrorMsg = string.Empty;

                if (selectClassType != null)
                    txtName.Text            = selectClassType.Name;
                    numTotal.Value          = selectClassType.TotalLessons;
                    numPrice.Value          = selectClassType.UnitPrice;
                    numStuLimit.Value       = selectClassType.StudentLimit;
                    numTeacherRate.Value    = selectClassType.TeacherRate;
                    numAssistantRate.Value  = selectClassType.AssistantRate;
                    numConsultantRate.Value = selectClassType.ConsultantRate;
                    txtRemark.Text          = selectClassType.Des;
            catch (TimeoutException timeProblem)
                strErrorMsg = timeProblem.Message + UIResources.TimeOut + timeProblem.Message;
            catch (FaultException <LCFault> af)
                strErrorMsg = af.Detail.Message;
            catch (FaultException unknownFault)
                strErrorMsg = UIResources.UnKnowFault + unknownFault.Message;
            catch (CommunicationException commProblem)
                strErrorMsg = UIResources.ConProblem + commProblem.Message + commProblem.StackTrace;
            catch (Exception ex)
                strErrorMsg = ex.Message;
            if (strErrorMsg != string.Empty)
                await DialogManager.ShowMessageAsync(this, UIResources.MsgError, "绑定班级类型失败!原因:" + strErrorMsg, MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative, null);
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// 删除班级类型信息
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="deleteUserModel">删除班级类型信息</param>
 public bool Delete(ClassTypeModel deleteClassTypeModel)
     catch (RepositoryException rex)
         string msg    = rex.Message;
         string reason = rex.StackTrace;
         throw new FaultException <LCFault>
                   (new LCFault(msg), reason);
     catch (Exception ex)
         string msg    = ex.Message;
         string reason = ex.StackTrace;
         throw new FaultException <LCFault>
                   (new LCFault(msg), reason);
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新班级类型信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newUserModel">需要更新的班级类型信息</param>
        public ClassTypeModel Update(ClassTypeModel newClassTypeModel)
                Repository <class_types> classtypesDal = _unitOfWork.GetRepository <class_types>();
                class_types classtypes = classtypesDal.GetObjectByKey(newClassTypeModel.Id).Entity;
                if (classtypes != null)
                    classtypes.name = newClassTypeModel.Name;
                    classtypes.commission_rate_consultant = Convert.ToDecimal(newClassTypeModel.ConsultantRate);
                    classtypes.commission_rate_assistant  = Convert.ToDecimal(newClassTypeModel.AssistantRate);
                    classtypes.commission_rate_teacher    = Convert.ToDecimal(newClassTypeModel.TeacherRate);
                    classtypes.description   = newClassTypeModel.Des;
                    classtypes.is_active     = newClassTypeModel.IsActive;
                    classtypes.student_limit = newClassTypeModel.StudentLimit;
                    classtypes.total_lessons = newClassTypeModel.TotalLessons;
                    classtypes.unit_price    = newClassTypeModel.UnitPrice;
                _unitOfWork.AddAction(classtypes, DataActions.Update);

            catch (RepositoryException rex)
                string msg    = rex.Message;
                string reason = rex.StackTrace;
                throw new FaultException <LCFault>
                          (new LCFault(msg), reason);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg    = ex.Message;
                string reason = ex.StackTrace;
                throw new FaultException <LCFault>
                          (new LCFault(msg), reason);
Exemplo n.º 8
        private ClassTypeModel BuildModel(class_types classtypesModule)
            if (classtypesModule == null)
                ClassTypeModel classtypemodel = new ClassTypeModel();
                classtypemodel.Id             = classtypesModule.id;
                classtypemodel.Name           = classtypesModule.name;
                classtypemodel.AssistantRate  = Convert.ToDouble(classtypesModule.commission_rate_assistant);
                classtypemodel.ConsultantRate = Convert.ToDouble(classtypesModule.commission_rate_consultant);
                classtypemodel.Des            = classtypesModule.description;
                classtypemodel.IsActive       = classtypesModule.is_active;
                classtypemodel.StudentLimit   = classtypesModule.student_limit;
                classtypemodel.TeacherRate    = Convert.ToDouble(classtypesModule.commission_rate_teacher);
                classtypemodel.TotalLessons   = classtypesModule.total_lessons;
                classtypemodel.UnitPrice      = classtypesModule.unit_price;

        /// <summary>
        /// Todays Timetable
        /// </summary>
        public void TodaysTimetableLayout()
                TitleBar lblPageName = new TitleBar("Today's TimeTable");
                StackLayout slTitle = new StackLayout
                    Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                    Padding = new Thickness(0, 5, 0, 0),
                    BackgroundColor = Color.White,
                    Children = { lblPageName }

                Seperator spTitle = new Seperator();

                BindableRadioGroup radByTeacherOrClass = new BindableRadioGroup();

                radByTeacherOrClass.ItemsSource = new[] { "By Teacher", "By Class" };
                radByTeacherOrClass.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand;
                radByTeacherOrClass.Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal;
                radByTeacherOrClass.TextColor = Color.Black;

                StackLayout slRadio = new StackLayout
                    Children = { radByTeacherOrClass },
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

                #region By Teacher

                Image imgTeacherDropDown = new Image { Source = Constants.ImagePath.DropDownArrow, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand };
                Label lblTeacher = new Label { TextColor = Color.Black, Text = "Teacher" };
                Picker pcrTeacher = new Picker { IsVisible = false, Title = "Teacher" };

                StackLayout slTeacherDisplay = new StackLayout { Children = { lblTeacher, pcrTeacher, imgTeacherDropDown }, Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, Padding = new Thickness(Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 10, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0)) };

                Frame frmTeacher = new Frame
                    Content = slTeacherDisplay,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    OutlineColor = Color.Black,
                    Padding = new Thickness(10)

                var teacherTap = new TapGestureRecognizer();

                teacherTap.NumberOfTapsRequired = 1; // single-tap
                teacherTap.Tapped += (s, e) =>

                StackLayout slTeacherFrameLayout = new StackLayout
                    Children = { frmTeacher }

                StackLayout slTeacherLayout = new StackLayout
                    Children = { slTeacherFrameLayout },
                    Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    IsVisible = false

                Label lblStandardName = new Label
                    Text = "Standard Name",
                    TextColor = Color.Black

                StackLayout slStandardName = new StackLayout
                    Children = { lblStandardName },
                    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,

                Label lblClassTypeName = new Label
                    Text = "Class Type Name",
                    TextColor = Color.Black

                StackLayout slClassTypeName = new StackLayout
                    Children = { lblClassTypeName },
                    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand

                Label lblStubjectName = new Label
                    Text = "Subject Name",
                    TextColor = Color.Black

                StackLayout slSubjectName = new StackLayout
                    Children = { lblStubjectName },
                    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand

                #region By Class

                Image imgStandardDropDown = new Image { Source = Constants.ImagePath.DropDownArrow, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand };
                Label lblStandard = new Label { TextColor = Color.Black, Text = "Standard" };
                Picker pcrStandard = new Picker { IsVisible = false, Title = "Standard" };

                StackLayout slStandardDisplay = new StackLayout { Children = { lblStandard, pcrStandard, imgStandardDropDown }, Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, Padding = new Thickness(Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 10, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0)) };

                Frame frmStandard = new Frame
                    Content = slStandardDisplay,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    OutlineColor = Color.Black,
                    Padding = new Thickness(10)

                var standardTap = new TapGestureRecognizer();

                standardTap.NumberOfTapsRequired = 1; // single-tap
                standardTap.Tapped += (s, e) =>

                StackLayout slStandardFrameLayout = new StackLayout
                    Children = { frmStandard }

                StackLayout slStandardLayout = new StackLayout
                    Children = { slStandardFrameLayout },
                    Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,

                Image imgClassDropDown = new Image { Source = Constants.ImagePath.DropDownArrow, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand };
                Label lblClass = new Label { TextColor = Color.Black, Text = "Class" };
                Picker pcrClass = new Picker { IsVisible = false, Title = "Class" };

                StackLayout slClassDisplay = new StackLayout { Children = { lblClass, pcrClass, imgClassDropDown }, Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, Padding = new Thickness(Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 10, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0)) };

                Frame frmClass = new Frame
                    Content = slClassDisplay,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    OutlineColor = Color.Black,
                    Padding = new Thickness(10)

                var classTap = new TapGestureRecognizer();

                classTap.NumberOfTapsRequired = 1; // single-tap
                classTap.Tapped += (s, e) =>

                StackLayout slClassFrameLayout = new StackLayout
                    Children = { frmClass }

                StackLayout slClassLayout = new StackLayout
                    Children = { slClassFrameLayout },
                    Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    IsVisible = false

                //Grid Header
                Label lblTeachername = new Label
                    Text = "Teacher Name",
                    TextColor = Color.Black

                StackLayout slTeacherName = new StackLayout
                    Children = { lblTeachername },
                    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand

                Label lblStubject = new Label
                    Text = "Subject Name",
                    TextColor = Color.Black

                StackLayout slSubject = new StackLayout
                    Children = { lblStubject },
                    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand


                Label lblSequensNo = new Label
                    Text = "No",
                    TextColor = Color.Black

                StackLayout slSequensNo = new StackLayout
                    Children = { lblSequensNo },
                    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand

                StackLayout grid = new StackLayout
                    //Children = { slTeacherName, slSequensNo, slSubjectName },
                    Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                    IsVisible = false

                Seperator spDisplayHeader = new Seperator { IsVisible = false };

                StackLayout slSearchinOneCol = new StackLayout
                    Children = { slStandardLayout, slClassLayout },
                    Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                    IsVisible = false

                _NotAvailData = new Label { Text = "No data availalble for this search data.", TextColor = Color.Red, IsVisible = false };

                _Loader = new LoadingIndicator();

                radByTeacherOrClass.CheckedChanged += (sender, e) =>
                        Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
                           var radio = sender as CustomRadioButton;

                           if (radio == null || radio.Id == -1)

                           if (radio.Text == "By Teacher")
                               slTeacherLayout.IsVisible = true;
                               slSearchinOneCol.IsVisible = false;

                               foreach (TeacherModel item in _TeacherList)


                               slSearchinOneCol.IsVisible = true;
                               slTeacherLayout.IsVisible = false;


                               _StatndardList = await StandardModel.GetStandard();

                               foreach (StandardModel item in _StatndardList)

                //List view
                ListView TimeTableListView = new ListView
                    RowHeight = 50,
                    SeparatorColor = Color.Gray

                TimeTableListView.ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(() => new FillUpAttendanceCell());

                pcrStandard.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) =>
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
                            _Loader.IsShowLoading = true;

                            string standardName = lblStandard.Text = pcrStandard.Items[pcrStandard.SelectedIndex];

                            _SelectedStandardID = _StatndardList.Where(x => x.Name == standardName).FirstOrDefault().Id;

                            _ClassTypeList = await ClassTypeModel.GetClassType(_SelectedStandardID);

                            if (_ClassTypeList.Count > 0 && _ClassTypeList != null)
                                slClassLayout.IsVisible = true;
                                _NotAvailData.IsVisible = false;
                                slClassLayout.IsVisible = false;
                                _NotAvailData.IsVisible = true;

                            foreach (ClassTypeModel item in _ClassTypeList)

                            _Loader.IsShowLoading = false;
                        catch (Exception ex)


                //Class Picker Selected

                pcrClass.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) =>
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
                        _Loader.IsShowLoading = true;
                        _NotAvailData.IsVisible = false;

                        string className = lblClass.Text = pcrClass.Items[pcrClass.SelectedIndex];

                        _SelectedClassTypeID = _ClassTypeList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == className).Id;

                        //Get time table list
                        _TimeTableList = await TimeTableModel.ShowTimeTable(_SelectedStandardID, _SelectedClassTypeID);

                        if (_TimeTableList != null && _TimeTableList.Count > 0)
                            grid.IsVisible = true;
                            spDisplayHeader.IsVisible = true;
                            Items = new ObservableCollection<TimeTableModel>(_TimeTableList);
                            TimeTableListView.ItemsSource = Items;
                            grid.IsVisible = false;
                            spDisplayHeader.IsVisible = false;
                            _NotAvailData.Text = "There is no data for selected standard and class.";
                            _NotAvailData.IsVisible = true;
                        _Loader.IsShowLoading = false;

                //Class Picker Selected

                pcrTeacher.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) =>
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
                        _Loader.IsShowLoading = true;
                        _NotAvailData.IsVisible = false;

                        string teacherName = lblTeacher.Text = pcrTeacher.Items[pcrTeacher.SelectedIndex];

                        _SelectedTeacherID = _TeacherList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == teacherName).ID;

                        //Get time table list
                        _TimeTableList = await TimeTableModel.ShowTimeTable(_SelectedTeacherID);

                        if (_TimeTableList != null && _TimeTableList.Count > 0)
                            grid.IsVisible = true;
                            spDisplayHeader.IsVisible = true;
                            Items = new ObservableCollection<TimeTableModel>(_TimeTableList);
                            TimeTableListView.ItemsSource = Items;
                            grid.IsVisible = false;
                            spDisplayHeader.IsVisible = false;
                            _NotAvailData.Text = "There is no data for selected standard and class.";
                            _NotAvailData.IsVisible = true;
                        _Loader.IsShowLoading = false;

                StackLayout slTimeTable = new StackLayout
                    Children = { 
                        new StackLayout{
                            Padding = new Thickness(20, Device.OnPlatform(40,20,0), 20, 20),
						    Children = {slTitle, spTitle.LineSeperatorView,slRadio,slTeacherLayout, slSearchinOneCol,grid,spDisplayHeader.LineSeperatorView, _Loader, _NotAvailData,TimeTableListView},
                            VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    BackgroundColor = LayoutHelper.PageBackgroundColor

                Content = new ScrollView
                    Content = slTimeTable,
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 10
 public bool IsVerifyable(ClassTypeModel type)
     return(type.Properties.Any(p => p.Required));
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Student BehaviourNotice Layout.
        /// </summary>
        public void StudentBehaviourLayout()
            TitleBar    lblPageName = new TitleBar("Student Behaviour Notice");
            StackLayout slTitle     = new StackLayout
                Orientation     = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                Padding         = new Thickness(0, 5, 0, 0),
                BackgroundColor = Color.White,
                Children        = { lblPageName }

            Seperator spTitle = new Seperator();

            Image imgStandardDropDown = new Image {
                Source = Constants.ImagePath.DropDownArrow, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand
            Label lblStandard = new Label {
                TextColor = Color.Black, Text = "Standard"
            Picker pcrStandard = new Picker {
                IsVisible = false, Title = "Standard"

            foreach (StandardModel item in _StandardList)

            StackLayout slStandardDisplay = new StackLayout {
                Children = { lblStandard, pcrStandard, imgStandardDropDown }, Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, Padding = new Thickness(Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 10, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0))

            Frame frmStandard = new Frame
                Content           = slStandardDisplay,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                OutlineColor      = Color.Black,
                Padding           = new Thickness(10)

            var standardTap = new TapGestureRecognizer();

            standardTap.NumberOfTapsRequired = 1; // single-tap
            standardTap.Tapped += (s, e) =>

            StackLayout slStandardFrameLayout = new StackLayout
                Children = { frmStandard }

            StackLayout slStandardLayout = new StackLayout
                Children          = { slStandardFrameLayout },
                Orientation       = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

            Image imgClassDropDown = new Image {
                Source = Constants.ImagePath.DropDownArrow, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand
            Label lblClass = new Label {
                TextColor = Color.Black, Text = "Class"
            Picker pcrClass = new Picker {
                IsVisible = false, Title = "Class"

            StackLayout slClassDisplay = new StackLayout {
                Children = { lblClass, pcrClass, imgClassDropDown }, Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, Padding = new Thickness(Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 10, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0))

            Frame frmClass = new Frame
                Content           = slClassDisplay,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                OutlineColor      = Color.Black,
                Padding           = new Thickness(10)

            var classTap = new TapGestureRecognizer();

            classTap.NumberOfTapsRequired = 1; // single-tap
            classTap.Tapped += (s, e) =>

            StackLayout slClassFrmaeLayout = new StackLayout
                Children = { frmClass }

            StackLayout slClassLayout = new StackLayout
                Children          = { slClassFrmaeLayout },
                Orientation       = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                IsVisible         = false

            Image imgStudentNameDropDown = new Image {
                Source = Constants.ImagePath.DropDownArrow, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand
            Label lblStudentName = new Label {
                TextColor = Color.Black, Text = "Student Name"
            Picker pcrStudentName = new Picker {
                IsVisible = false, Title = "Student Name"

            StackLayout slStudentNameDisplay = new StackLayout {
                Children = { lblStudentName, pcrStudentName, imgStudentNameDropDown }, Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, Padding = new Thickness(Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 10, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0))

            Frame frmStudentName = new Frame
                Content           = slStudentNameDisplay,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                OutlineColor      = Color.Black,
                Padding           = new Thickness(10)

            var studentNameTap = new TapGestureRecognizer();

            studentNameTap.NumberOfTapsRequired = 1; // single-tap
            studentNameTap.Tapped += (s, e) =>

            StackLayout slStudentNameFrmaeLayout = new StackLayout
                Children = { frmStudentName }

            StackLayout slStudentNameLayout = new StackLayout
                Children          = { slStudentNameFrmaeLayout },
                Orientation       = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                IsVisible         = false

            //ExtendedEntry txtComment = new ExtendedEntry
            //    Placeholder = "Comment",
            //    TextColor = Color.Black

            Label lblComment = new Label
                Text      = "Comment",
                TextColor = Color.Black

            StackLayout slLableComment = new StackLayout
                Children = { lblComment },
                Padding  = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 10)

            Editor txtComment = new Editor
                HeightRequest   = 80,
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

            StackLayout slTextComment = new StackLayout
                Children = { txtComment },
                Padding  = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 10)

            //txtComment.Focused += (sender, e) =>
            //    if (txtComment.Text == "Comment")
            //    {
            //        txtComment.Text = string.Empty;
            //        //txtComment.TextColor = Color.Black;
            //    }

            StackLayout slComment = new StackLayout
                Children          = { slLableComment, slTextComment },
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Orientation       = StackOrientation.Vertical

            StackLayout slSearchinOneCol = new StackLayout
                Children    = { slStandardLayout, slClassLayout },
                Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal

            StackLayout slSearchLayout = new StackLayout
                Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                Padding     = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 10),
                Children    = { slStudentNameLayout, slComment }

            _NotAvailData = new Label {
                Text = "No data availalble for this search data.", TextColor = Color.Red, IsVisible = false

            _Loader = new LoadingIndicator();

            //Stanndard Picker Selected
            pcrStandard.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) =>
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() =>
                    _Loader.IsShowLoading = true;

                    string standardName = lblStandard.Text = pcrStandard.Items[pcrStandard.SelectedIndex];

                    _SelectedStandardID = _StandardList.Where(x => x.Name == standardName).FirstOrDefault().Id;

                    _ClassTypeList = await ClassTypeModel.GetClassType(_SelectedStandardID);

                    if (_ClassTypeList.Count > 0 && _ClassTypeList != null)
                        slClassLayout.IsVisible = true;
                        _NotAvailData.IsVisible = false;
                        _NotAvailData.IsVisible = true;

                    foreach (ClassTypeModel item in _ClassTypeList)

                    _Loader.IsShowLoading = false;

            //Class Picker Selected

            pcrClass.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) =>
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() =>
                    _Loader.IsShowLoading = true;

                    string className = lblClass.Text = pcrClass.Items[pcrClass.SelectedIndex];

                    _SelectedClassTypeID = _ClassTypeList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == className).Id;

                    List <StudentModel> lstStudentList = await StudentModel.GetStudent(_SelectedStandardID, _SelectedClassTypeID);

                    if (lstStudentList != null && lstStudentList.Count > 0)
                        slStudentNameLayout.IsVisible = true;
                        _NotAvailData.IsVisible       = false;

                        foreach (StudentModel item in _StudentModelList)
                        _NotAvailData.Text      = "There is no student for this class and standard";
                        _NotAvailData.IsVisible = true;
                    _Loader.IsShowLoading = false;

            Button btnSave = new Button {
                IsVisible = false

            btnSave.Text            = "Save";
            btnSave.TextColor       = Color.White;
            btnSave.BackgroundColor = LayoutHelper.ButtonColor;

            pcrStudentName.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) =>
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() =>
                    //btnSave.IsVisible = true;
                    string studentName = lblStudentName.Text = pcrStudentName.Items[pcrStudentName.SelectedIndex];

                    _SelectedStudentID = _StudentModelList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == studentName).Id;

                    //Exam list call
                    slStudentNameLayout.IsVisible = true;

            btnSave.Clicked += (sender, e) =>
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() =>
                    _Loader.IsShowLoading = true;

                    StudentBehaviourNoticeModel studentBehaviourNoticeModel = new StudentBehaviourNoticeModel();
                    studentBehaviourNoticeModel.ClassTypeId = _SelectedClassTypeID;
                    studentBehaviourNoticeModel.StandardId  = _SelectedStandardID;
                    studentBehaviourNoticeModel.StudentId   = _SelectedStudentID;
                    studentBehaviourNoticeModel.Comment     = txtComment.Text;

                    bool isSaveAttendance = await StudentBehaviourNoticeModel.SaveStudentBehaviour(studentBehaviourNoticeModel);

                    if (isSaveAttendance)
                        await DisplayAlert(string.Empty, "Save Successfully.", Messages.Ok);
                        await DisplayAlert(Messages.Error, "Some problem ocuured when saving data.", Messages.Ok);
                    _Loader.IsShowLoading = false;

            var cvBtnSave = new ContentView
                Padding = new Thickness(10, 5, 10, 10),
                Content = btnSave

            StackLayout slStudentBehaviourNotice = new StackLayout
                Children =
                    new StackLayout {
                        Padding         = new Thickness(20, Device.OnPlatform(40, 20, 0), 20, 20),
                        Children        = { slTitle, spTitle.LineSeperatorView, slSearchinOneCol, slSearchLayout, _Loader, cvBtnSave, _NotAvailData },
                        VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                BackgroundColor = LayoutHelper.PageBackgroundColor

            Content = new ScrollView
                Content = slStudentBehaviourNotice,
Exemplo n.º 12
        private async void DeleteClassType_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            if (gvClassTypes.SelectedItem == null)
                await DialogManager.ShowMessageAsync(this.GetMainWindow(), UIResources.MsgInfo, "请选择需要删除的班级类型!", MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative, null);


            MessageDialogResult delResult = await DialogManager.ShowMessageAsync(this.GetMainWindow(), UIResources.MsgInfo, "确定删除该班级类型吗?", MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative, null);

            if (delResult == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative)
                ClassTypeModel selectClassType = this.gvClassTypes.SelectedItem as ClassTypeModel;

                if (selectClassType != null)
                    string strErrorMsg = string.Empty;
                        IAsyncProxy <IClassTypeService> _classtypeAyncProxy = await Task.Run(() => ServiceHelper.GetClassTypeService());

                        if (selectClassType.Id != 0)
                            bool blIsSuccess = await _classtypeAyncProxy.CallAsync(c => c.DeleteById(selectClassType.Id));

                            if (blIsSuccess == true)
                                await DialogManager.ShowMessageAsync(this.GetMainWindow(), UIResources.MsgInfo, "删除班级类型成功!", MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative, null);

                        await bindClassTypeList();
                    catch (TimeoutException timeProblem)
                        strErrorMsg = timeProblem.Message + UIResources.TimeOut + timeProblem.Message;
                    catch (FaultException <LCFault> af)
                        strErrorMsg = af.Detail.Message;
                    catch (FaultException unknownFault)
                        strErrorMsg = UIResources.UnKnowFault + unknownFault.Message;
                    catch (CommunicationException commProblem)
                        strErrorMsg = UIResources.ConProblem + commProblem.Message + commProblem.StackTrace;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        strErrorMsg = ex.Message;
                    if (strErrorMsg != string.Empty)
                        await DialogManager.ShowMessageAsync(this.GetMainWindow(), UIResources.MsgError, "删除班级类型失败!原因:" + strErrorMsg, MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative, null);
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Fill Up Attendance Layout.
        /// </summary>
        public void FillUpAttendanceLayout()
            TitleBar    lblPageName = new TitleBar("FillUp Attendance");
            StackLayout slTitle     = new StackLayout
                Orientation     = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                Padding         = new Thickness(0, 5, 0, 0),
                BackgroundColor = Color.White,
                Children        = { lblPageName }

            Seperator spTitle = new Seperator();

            Image imgStandardDropDown = new Image {
                Source = Constants.ImagePath.DropDownArrow, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand
            Label lblStandard = new Label {
                TextColor = Color.Black, Text = "Standard"
            Picker pcrStandard = new Picker {
                IsVisible = false, Title = "Standard"

            foreach (StandardModel item in _StandardList)

            StackLayout slStandardDisplay = new StackLayout {
                Children = { lblStandard, pcrStandard, imgStandardDropDown }, Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, Padding = new Thickness(Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 10, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0))

            Frame frmStandard = new Frame
                Content           = slStandardDisplay,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                OutlineColor      = Color.Black,
                Padding           = new Thickness(10)

            var standardTap = new TapGestureRecognizer();

            standardTap.NumberOfTapsRequired = 1; // single-tap
            standardTap.Tapped += (s, e) =>

            StackLayout slStandardFrameLayout = new StackLayout
                Children = { frmStandard }

            StackLayout slStandardLayout = new StackLayout
                Children          = { slStandardFrameLayout },
                Orientation       = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

            Seperator spStandard = new Seperator();

            Image imgClassDropDown = new Image {
                Source = Constants.ImagePath.DropDownArrow, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand
            Label lblClass = new Label {
                TextColor = Color.Black, Text = "Class"
            Picker pcrClass = new Picker {
                IsVisible = false, Title = "Class"

            StackLayout slClassDisplay = new StackLayout {
                Children = { lblClass, pcrClass, imgClassDropDown }, Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, Padding = new Thickness(Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 10, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0))

            Frame frmClass = new Frame
                Content           = slClassDisplay,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                OutlineColor      = Color.Black,
                Padding           = new Thickness(10)

            var classTap = new TapGestureRecognizer();

            classTap.NumberOfTapsRequired = 1; // single-tap
            classTap.Tapped += (s, e) =>

            StackLayout slClassFrmaeLayout = new StackLayout
                Children = { frmClass }

            StackLayout slClassLayout = new StackLayout
                Children          = { slClassFrmaeLayout },
                Orientation       = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                IsVisible         = false

            Image imgStartDateDropDown = new Image {
                Source = Constants.ImagePath.DropDownArrow, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand
            Label lblCurrentDate = new Label {
                TextColor = Color.Black, Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yy")
            DatePicker dtTimePicker = new DatePicker {
                IsVisible = false

            StackLayout slSelectMonthDisplay = new StackLayout {
                Children = { lblCurrentDate, dtTimePicker, imgStartDateDropDown }, Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, Padding = new Thickness(Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 10, 0), Device.OnPlatform(0, 5, 0))

            Frame frmSelectMonth = new Frame
                Content           = slSelectMonthDisplay,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                OutlineColor      = Color.Black,
                Padding           = new Thickness(10)

            var dateTimePickerTap = new TapGestureRecognizer();

            dateTimePickerTap.NumberOfTapsRequired = 1; // single-tap
            dateTimePickerTap.Tapped += (s, e) =>

            StackLayout slStartDateFrmaeLayout = new StackLayout
                Children = { frmSelectMonth }

            StackLayout slStartDateLayout = new StackLayout
                Children          = { slStartDateFrmaeLayout },
                Orientation       = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                IsVisible         = false

            StackLayout slSearchinOneCol = new StackLayout
                Children    = { slStandardLayout, slClassLayout },
                Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal

            StackLayout slSearchLayout = new StackLayout
                Padding  = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 10),
                Children = { slStartDateLayout }

            _NotAvailData = new Label {
                Text = "No data availalble for this search data.", TextColor = Color.Red, IsVisible = false

            _Loader = new LoadingIndicator();

            //List view
            ListView FillUpAttendanceListView = new ListView
                RowHeight      = 50,
                SeparatorColor = Color.Gray

            FillUpAttendanceListView.ItemsSource  = Items;
            FillUpAttendanceListView.ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(() => new FillUpAttendanceCell());

            //Grid Header Layout
            Label lblAttendance = new Label
                Text      = "Attendance",
                TextColor = Color.Black

            StackLayout slAttendance = new StackLayout
                Children          = { lblAttendance },
                VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand

            Label lblStudent = new Label
                Text      = "Student",
                TextColor = Color.Black

            StackLayout slStudentName = new StackLayout
                Children          = { lblStudent },
                VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand

            Label lblIsPresent = new Label
                Text      = "A/P",
                TextColor = Color.Black

            StackLayout slExamMarks = new StackLayout
                Children          = { lblIsPresent },
                VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand

            StackLayout grid = new StackLayout
                Children    = { slStudentName, slAttendance, slExamMarks },
                Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                IsVisible   = false

            Seperator spDisplayHeader = new Seperator {
                IsVisible = false

            Button btnSave = new Button {
                IsVisible = false

            btnSave.Text            = "Save";
            btnSave.TextColor       = Color.White;
            btnSave.BackgroundColor = LayoutHelper.ButtonColor;

            //Stanndard Picker Selected
            pcrStandard.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) =>
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() =>
                        _Loader.IsShowLoading = true;
                        btnSave.IsVisible     = false;
                        lblCurrentDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yy");

                        string standardName = lblStandard.Text = pcrStandard.Items[pcrStandard.SelectedIndex];

                        _SelectedStandardID = _StandardList.Where(x => x.Name == standardName).FirstOrDefault().Id;

                        _ClassTypeList = await ClassTypeModel.GetClassType(_SelectedStandardID);

                        if (_ClassTypeList.Count > 0 && _ClassTypeList != null)
                            slClassLayout.IsVisible = true;
                            _NotAvailData.IsVisible = false;
                            slClassLayout.IsVisible = false;
                            _NotAvailData.IsVisible = true;

                        foreach (ClassTypeModel item in _ClassTypeList)

                        _Loader.IsShowLoading = false;
                    catch (Exception ex)

            //Class Picker Selected

            pcrClass.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) =>
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() =>
                    _Loader.IsShowLoading = true;
                    btnSave.IsVisible     = false;
                    lblCurrentDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yy");

                    string className = lblClass.Text = pcrClass.Items[pcrClass.SelectedIndex];

                    _SelectedClassTypeID = _ClassTypeList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == className).Id;

                    slStartDateLayout.IsVisible = true;
                    _Loader.IsShowLoading       = false;

            //dtTimePicker.Unfocused += (sender, e) =>
            //    if (lblCurrentDate.Text == "Date")
            //    {
            //        lblCurrentDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yy");
            //    }

            dtTimePicker.DateSelected += (sender, e) =>
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() =>
                        _Loader.IsShowLoading = true;
                        btnSave.IsVisible     = false;
                        lblCurrentDate.Text   = dtTimePicker.Date.ToString("dd-MM-yy");

                        int dateCounter = dtTimePicker.Date.ConvetDatetoDateCounter();

                        //get student list
                        _FillUpAttendanceModel = await FillUpAttendanceModel.GetFillUpAttendance(_SelectedStandardID, _SelectedClassTypeID, dateCounter);

                        if (_FillUpAttendanceModel.Students != null)
                            Items = new ObservableCollection <Student>(_FillUpAttendanceModel.Students);

                            if (Items.Count > 0 && Items != null)
                                FillUpAttendanceListView.ItemsSource = Items;
                                grid.IsVisible            = true;
                                btnSave.IsVisible         = true;
                                spDisplayHeader.IsVisible = true;
                                _NotAvailData.IsVisible   = false;
                                grid.IsVisible            = false;
                                spDisplayHeader.IsVisible = false;
                                btnSave.IsVisible         = false;
                                _NotAvailData.IsVisible   = true;
                            grid.IsVisible            = false;
                            spDisplayHeader.IsVisible = false;
                            _NotAvailData.IsVisible   = true;
                            btnSave.IsVisible         = false;
                        _Loader.IsShowLoading = false;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    grid.IsVisible            = false;
                    spDisplayHeader.IsVisible = false;
                    _NotAvailData.IsVisible   = true;
                    btnSave.IsVisible         = false;
                    _Loader.IsShowLoading     = false;

            btnSave.Clicked += (sender, e) =>
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() =>
                        btnSave.IsVisible     = false;
                        _Loader.IsShowLoading = true;

                        FillUpAttendanceModel fillupAttendanceModel = new FillUpAttendanceModel();

                        fillupAttendanceModel.StandardId  = _SelectedStandardID;
                        fillupAttendanceModel.ClassTypeId = _SelectedClassTypeID;
                        fillupAttendanceModel.Date        = Convert.ToDateTime(lblCurrentDate.Text).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                        fillupAttendanceModel.Students    = Items.ToList();

                        bool isSaveAttendance = await FillUpAttendanceModel.SaveStudentAttendance(fillupAttendanceModel);

                        if (isSaveAttendance)
                            await DisplayAlert(string.Empty, "Save Successfully.", Messages.Ok);

                            //_StudentAttendanceList = await StudentAttendanceModel.GetStudentAttendance(_SelectedBatchID, 9);

                            //if (_StudentAttendanceList.Count > 0)
                            //    _NotAvailData.IsVisible = false;
                            //    Items = new ObservableCollection<StudentAttendanceModel>(_StudentAttendanceList);

                            //    if (Items.Count > 0)
                            //    {
                            //        int noCount = 1;

                            //        for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++)
                            //        {
                            //            Items[i].IndexNo = noCount;
                            //            noCount++;
                            //        }

                            //        grid.IsVisible = true;
                            //        _Loader.IsShowLoading = false;
                            //        _NotAvailLecture.IsVisible = false;

                            //        studentAttendanceListView.ItemsSource = Items;
                            //    }
                            //    else
                            //    {
                            //        grid.IsVisible = false;
                            //        _Loader.IsShowLoading = false;
                            //        _NotAvailLecture.IsVisible = true;
                            //    }
                            await DisplayAlert(Messages.Error, "Some problem ocuured when saving data.", Messages.Ok);
                        _Loader.IsShowLoading = false;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        btnSave.IsVisible     = true;
                        _Loader.IsShowLoading = false;

            var cvBtnSave = new ContentView
                Padding = new Thickness(10, 5, 10, 10),
                Content = btnSave

            StackLayout slViewAttendance = new StackLayout
                Children =
                    new StackLayout {
                        Padding         = new Thickness(20, Device.OnPlatform(40, 20, 0), 20, 20),
                        Children        = { slTitle, spTitle.LineSeperatorView, slSearchinOneCol, slSearchLayout, grid, spDisplayHeader.LineSeperatorView, _Loader, _NotAvailData, FillUpAttendanceListView, cvBtnSave },
                        VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                BackgroundColor = LayoutHelper.PageBackgroundColor

            Content = new ScrollView
                Content = slViewAttendance,
Exemplo n.º 14
        private async void btnOK_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            #region 新增
            if (Om == OperationMode.AddMode)
                string strErrorMsg = string.Empty;
                    ClassTypeModel newClassTypeModel = new ClassTypeModel();
                    newClassTypeModel.Name           = txtName.Text.Trim();
                    newClassTypeModel.TotalLessons   = Convert.ToInt16(numTotal.Value);
                    newClassTypeModel.UnitPrice      = Convert.ToInt16(numPrice.Value);
                    newClassTypeModel.StudentLimit   = Convert.ToInt16(numStuLimit.Value);
                    newClassTypeModel.TeacherRate    = Convert.ToDouble(numTeacherRate.Value);
                    newClassTypeModel.AssistantRate  = Convert.ToDouble(numAssistantRate.Value);
                    newClassTypeModel.ConsultantRate = Convert.ToDouble(numConsultantRate.Value);
                    newClassTypeModel.Des            = txtRemark.Text.Trim();
                    newClassTypeModel.IsActive       = true;

                    newClassTypeModel = await classTypeAsyncProxy.CallAsync(c => c.Add(newClassTypeModel));

                    this.ShowAutoCloseDialogOwter(UIResources.MsgInfo, "新增班级类型成功!");
                    this.DialogResult = true;
                catch (TimeoutException timeProblem)
                    strErrorMsg = timeProblem.Message + UIResources.TimeOut + timeProblem.Message;
                catch (FaultException <LCFault> af)
                    strErrorMsg = af.Detail.Message;
                catch (FaultException unknownFault)
                    strErrorMsg = UIResources.UnKnowFault + unknownFault.Message;
                catch (CommunicationException commProblem)
                    strErrorMsg = UIResources.ConProblem + commProblem.Message + commProblem.StackTrace;
                if (strErrorMsg != string.Empty)
                    await DialogManager.ShowMessageAsync(this, UIResources.MsgError, "新增班级类型失败!原因:" + strErrorMsg, MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative, null);


            #region 修改
                string strErrorMsg = string.Empty;
                    selectClassType.TotalLessons   = Convert.ToInt16(numTotal.Value);
                    selectClassType.UnitPrice      = Convert.ToInt16(numPrice.Value);
                    selectClassType.StudentLimit   = Convert.ToInt16(numStuLimit.Value);
                    selectClassType.TeacherRate    = Convert.ToDouble(numTeacherRate.Value);
                    selectClassType.AssistantRate  = Convert.ToDouble(numAssistantRate.Value);
                    selectClassType.ConsultantRate = Convert.ToDouble(numConsultantRate.Value);
                    selectClassType.Des            = txtRemark.Text.Trim();
                    selectClassType.IsActive       = true;

                    selectClassType = await classTypeAsyncProxy.CallAsync(c => c.Update(selectClassType));

                    this.ShowAutoCloseDialogOwter(UIResources.MsgInfo, "修改班级类型成功!");
                    this.DialogResult = true;
                catch (TimeoutException timeProblem)
                    strErrorMsg = timeProblem.Message + UIResources.TimeOut + timeProblem.Message;
                catch (FaultException <LCFault> af)
                    strErrorMsg = af.Detail.Message;
                catch (FaultException unknownFault)
                    strErrorMsg = UIResources.UnKnowFault + unknownFault.Message;
                catch (CommunicationException commProblem)
                    strErrorMsg = UIResources.ConProblem + commProblem.Message + commProblem.StackTrace;
                if (strErrorMsg != string.Empty)
                    await DialogManager.ShowMessageAsync(this, UIResources.MsgError, "修改班级类型失败!原因:" + strErrorMsg, MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative, null);
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// 将实时考勤数据转移至本月数据表中
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public OpResult TransimitAttendDatas(DateTime qryDate)
            qryDate = qryDate.ToDate();
            int totalRecord = 0, record = 0;
            var datasInTime = this.fingerPrintDataInTime.FingPrintDatas.FindAll(e => e.SlodCardDate == qryDate);

            if (datasInTime == null || datasInTime.Count == 0)
            var dayAttendDatas = this.irep.Entities.Where(e => e.AttendanceDate == qryDate);
            var workers     = AttendanceDbHelpHandler.GetWorkerInfos();
            var departments = AttendanceDbHelpHandler.GetDepartmentDatas();
            DateTime middleTime = new DateTime(qryDate.Year, qryDate.Month, qryDate.Day, 13, 0, 0);
            ArWorkerInfo worker = null;
            List <string>   attendWorkerIdList = datasInTime.Select(e => e.WorkerId).Distinct().ToList();
            ClassTypeModel  ctmdl = null;
            DepartmentModel depm  = null;

            attendWorkerIdList.ForEach(workerId =>
                record = 0;
                worker = workers.FirstOrDefault(w => w.WorkerId == workerId);
                if (worker == null)
                    var m = ArchiveService.ArchivesManager.WorkerIdChangeManager.GetModel(workerId);
                    if (m != null)
                        worker = workers.FirstOrDefault(w => w.WorkerId == m.NewWorkerId);
                var attendDataPerWorker = datasInTime.FindAll(f => f.WorkerId == workerId).OrderBy(o => o.SlodCardTime).ToList();
                var currentAttendData   = dayAttendDatas.FirstOrDefault(e => e.WorkerId == workerId);//从内存中进行查找
                if (worker != null)
                    ctmdl             = AttendanceDbHelpHandler.GetClassType(workerId, qryDate);
                    depm              = departments.FirstOrDefault(d => d.DataNodeName == worker.Department);
                    worker.ClassType  = ctmdl == null ? "白班" : ctmdl.ClassType;
                    worker.Department = depm == null ? worker.Department : depm.DataNodeText;

                    int len = attendDataPerWorker.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                        var attendance = attendDataPerWorker[i];

                        if (currentAttendData == null)
                            record += InitAttendData(attendance, worker, attendance.SlodCardTime, out currentAttendData, middleTime);
                            record += MergeAttendTime(currentAttendData, attendance.SlodCardTime);
                    if (record == len)//如果处理记录与目标数量一致则进行备份数据
                        this.fingerPrintDataInTime.BackupData(attendDataPerWorker, record);
                        attendDataPerWorker.ForEach(m => datasInTime.Remove(m));
                        totalRecord += record;
            return(OpResult.SetSuccessResult("处理考勤数据成功!", record > 0));