Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            Mobile       from      = sender.Mobile;
            ClassOrb     c_orb     = null;
            ClassControl c_control = null;

            foreach (Item h in World.Items.Values)
                if (h is ClassControl)
                    c_control = h as ClassControl;

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is ClassOrb)
                    c_orb = i as ClassOrb;
                    if (info.ButtonID == c_orb.ClassNumber)
                        c_control.C_Current = c_orb.ClassNumber;
                        from.SendGump(new ResSBGump2(from, c_orb));

            if (info.ButtonID == 0)
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void OnAddClass(CommandEventArgs e)
            Mobile       from      = e.Mobile;
            ClassControl c_control = null;
            bool         r_active  = false;

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is RCChest)
                    r_active = true;

            if (r_active)
                ClassOrb c_orb = new ClassOrb();

                foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                    if (i is ClassControl)
                        c_control = i as ClassControl;

                if (c_control != null)
                    c_orb.ClassNumber   = c_control.A_Classes + 1;
                    c_control.C_Current = c_orb.ClassNumber;

                from.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static void OnClean(CommandEventArgs e)
            Mobile       from     = e.Mobile;
            bool         r_active = false;
            Bag          c_bag    = new Bag();
            ClassOrb     c_orb    = null;
            RaceOrb      r_orb    = null;
            BonusPackOrb b_orb    = null;

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is RCChest)
                    r_active = true;

            if (r_active)
                foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                    if (i is ClassOrb)
                        c_orb = i as ClassOrb;
                        if (!c_orb.Activated)

                foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                    if (i is RaceOrb)
                        r_orb = i as RaceOrb;
                        if (!r_orb.Activated)

                foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                    if (i is BonusPackOrb)
                        b_orb = i as BonusPackOrb;
                        if (!b_orb.Activated)

Exemplo n.º 4
        public RestrictedSkillsGump(Mobile from, ClassOrb orb)
            : base(20, 30)
            m_From = from;
            int  h            = 45;
            int  w            = 30;
            int  m_move       = 0;
            bool isRestricted = false;

            AddBackground(0, 0, 610, 450, 5054);

            AddImageTiled(165, 10, 290, 23, 0x52);
            AddImageTiled(166, 11, 288, 21, 0xBBC);

            AddLabel(215, 11, 0, "Restricted Skills (Maximum of 10)");

            for (int i = 0; i < 54; i++)
                isRestricted = false;

                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                    if (orb.Restricted_Skills[j] == from.Skills[i].Name)
                        isRestricted = true;

                for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++)
                    if (orb.Primary_Skills[k] == from.Skills[i].Name)
                        isRestricted = true;

                if (!isRestricted)
                    AddLabel(w, h, 0, from.Skills[i].Name);
                    AddButton(w - 19, h + 1, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, i + 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 1);

                    h      = h + 20;
                    m_move = m_move + 1;
                    if (m_move == 15 || m_move == 30 || m_move == 45)
                        w = w + 150;
                        h = 45;

            AddButton(11, 391, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, 60, GumpButtonType.Reply, 1);
            AddLabel(30, 390, 0, "Done");

            AddLabel(20, 420, 0, "Right click to return to Add Class");
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            Mobile       from      = sender.Mobile;
            ClassOrb     c_orb     = null;
            ClassControl c_control = null;

            foreach (Item h in World.Items.Values)
                if (h is ClassControl)
                    c_control = h as ClassControl;

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is ClassOrb)
                    c_orb = i as ClassOrb;
                    if (c_orb.ClassNumber == c_control.C_Current)

            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                if (info.ButtonID == i + 1)
                    c_orb.Res_Books[i] = SpellbookType.Invalid;
                    from.SendGump(new ResSBGump(from));

            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                if (info.ButtonID == i + 22)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
                        if (c_orb.Res_Books[j] == SpellbookType.Invalid)
                            c_orb.Res_Books[j] = c_control.LoadBook[i];
                    from.SendGump(new ResSBGump(from));

            if (info.ButtonID == 0)
                from.SendGump(new ResSBGump(from));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public AddClassGump(Mobile from, ClassOrb orb)
            : base(20, 30)
            m_From = from;

            AddBackground(0, 0, 340, 275, 5054);

            AddImageTiled(10, 10, 320, 23, 0x52);
            AddImageTiled(11, 11, 318, 23, 0xBBC);

            AddLabel(60, 11, 0, "Race/Class System *Add Class*");

            AddLabel(30, 45, 0, "Class Name: ");
            AddImageTiled(115, 43, 150, 23, 0x52);
            AddImageTiled(116, 44, 151, 23, 0xBBC);
            AddTextEntry(120, 43, 144, 20, 1334, 1, "");

            AddLabel(30, 75, 0, "Class Description: ");
            AddImageTiled(36, 105, 250, 70, 0x52);
            AddImageTiled(37, 106, 251, 70, 0xBBC);
            AddTextEntry(43, 105, 240, 60, 1334, 2, "");

            AddLabel(30, 185, 0, "Str: ");
            AddImageTiled(60, 183, 50, 23, 0x52);
            AddImageTiled(61, 184, 51, 23, 0xBBC);
            AddTextEntry(65, 183, 45, 20, 1334, 3, "");

            AddLabel(130, 185, 0, "Dex: ");
            AddImageTiled(160, 183, 50, 23, 0x52);
            AddImageTiled(161, 184, 51, 23, 0xBBC);
            AddTextEntry(165, 183, 45, 20, 1334, 4, "");

            AddLabel(230, 185, 0, "Int: ");
            AddImageTiled(260, 183, 50, 23, 0x52);
            AddImageTiled(261, 184, 51, 23, 0xBBC);
            AddTextEntry(265, 183, 45, 20, 1334, 5, "");

            AddLabel(30, 220, 0, "Cap: ");
            AddImageTiled(60, 218, 50, 23, 0x52);
            AddImageTiled(61, 219, 51, 23, 0xBBC);
            AddTextEntry(65, 218, 45, 20, 1334, 6, "");

            AddLabel(130, 220, 0, "Cap: ");
            AddImageTiled(160, 218, 50, 23, 0x52);
            AddImageTiled(161, 219, 51, 23, 0xBBC);
            AddTextEntry(165, 218, 45, 20, 1334, 7, "");

            AddLabel(230, 220, 0, "Cap: ");
            AddImageTiled(260, 218, 50, 23, 0x52);
            AddImageTiled(261, 219, 51, 23, 0xBBC);
            AddTextEntry(265, 218, 45, 20, 1334, 8, "");

            AddLabel(30, 250, 0, "Continue");
            AddButton(11, 251, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 1);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            Mobile       from      = sender.Mobile;
            ClassOrb     c_orb     = null;
            RCCONTROL    rc        = null;
            ClassControl c_control = null;
            Bag          d_bag     = new Bag();

            foreach (Item h in World.Items.Values)
                if (h is ClassControl)
                    c_control = h as ClassControl;

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is ClassOrb)
                    c_orb = i as ClassOrb;
                    if (info.ButtonID == c_orb.ClassNumber)
                        foreach (Item j in World.Items.Values)
                            if (j is RCCONTROL)
                                rc = j as RCCONTROL;
                                if (rc.P_Class == c_orb.ClassName)
                        foreach (Item k in World.Items.Values)
                            if (k is Bag && k.Name == c_orb.ClassName + " Class")
                        c_control.A_Classes -= 1;

            if (info.ButtonID == 0)
Exemplo n.º 8
        public ClassGumpPrimary(Mobile from, ClassOrb orb)
            : base(20, 30)
            m_From = from;
            int  h         = 70;
            int  w         = 30;
            int  m_move    = 0;
            bool isPrimary = false;

            AddBackground(0, 0, 610, 450, 5054);

            AddImageTiled(165, 10, 290, 23, 0x52);
            AddImageTiled(166, 11, 288, 21, 0xBBC);

            AddLabel(215, 11, 0, "Primary Skills (Maximum of 10)");

            AddLabel(250, 45, 0, "Value: ");
            AddImageTiled(300, 43, 50, 23, 0x52);
            AddImageTiled(301, 44, 51, 23, 0xBBC);
            AddTextEntry(306, 45, 45, 20, 1334, 1, "");

            for (int i = 0; i < 54; i++)
                isPrimary = false;

                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                    if (orb.Primary_Skills[j] == from.Skills[i].Name)
                        isPrimary = true;
                if (!isPrimary)
                    AddLabel(w, h, 0, from.Skills[i].Name);
                    AddButton(w - 19, h + 1, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, i + 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 1);

                    h      = h + 20;
                    m_move = m_move + 1;
                    if (m_move == 15 || m_move == 30 || m_move == 45)
                        w = w + 150;
                        h = 70;

            AddButton(11, 391, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, 60, GumpButtonType.Reply, 1);
            AddLabel(30, 390, 0, "Done");

            AddLabel(20, 420, 0, "Right click to return to Add Class");
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static bool RestrictSB(Mobile from, Spellbook book)
            ClassOrb  c_orb        = null;
            int       rc_Exists    = from.Backpack.GetAmount(typeof(RCCONTROL));
            RCCONTROL rc           = null;
            bool      isRestricted = false;

            if (rc_Exists != 0)
                rc = from.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(RCCONTROL)) as RCCONTROL;

                foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                    if (i is ClassOrb)
                        c_orb = i as ClassOrb;
                        if (rc.P_Class == c_orb.ClassName)

                for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                    if (c_orb.Res_Books[i] != SpellbookType.Invalid)
                        if (c_orb.Res_Books[i] == book.SpellbookType)
                            from.SendMessage(6, "Your Class lacks the ability to use these Spells.");
                            isRestricted = true;

                if (isRestricted)

Exemplo n.º 10
        public void resetCOrbNums()
            ClassOrb c_orb   = null;
            int      new_num = 1;

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is ClassOrb)
                    c_orb             = i as ClassOrb;
                    c_orb.ClassNumber = new_num;
                    new_num          += 1;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public NumberTertiaryGump(Mobile from, ClassOrb orb)
            : base(20, 30)
            m_From = from;

            AddBackground(0, 0, 280, 120, 5054);

            AddImageTiled(10, 10, 260, 23, 0x52);
            AddImageTiled(11, 11, 258, 23, 0xBBC);

            AddLabel(50, 11, 0, "Tertiary Skills Amount (0-10)");

            AddImageTiled(30, 45, 50, 23, 0x52);
            AddImageTiled(31, 46, 51, 23, 0xBBC);
            AddTextEntry(33, 45, 45, 19, 1334, 1, "");

            AddButton(25, 80, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 1);
            AddLabel(44, 79, 0, "Submit");
Exemplo n.º 12
        public ResSBGump(Mobile from)
            : base(20, 30)
            m_From = from;
            ClassOrb     c_orb     = null;
            ClassControl c_control = null;
            int          h         = 60;

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is ClassControl)
                    c_control = i as ClassControl;

            AddBackground(0, 0, 340, (c_control.A_Classes * 25) + 80, 5054);

            AddImageTiled(10, 10, 320, 23, 0x52);
            AddImageTiled(11, 11, 318, 23, 0xBBC);

            AddLabel(100, 11, 0, "Race/Class System");

            AddLabel(30, 34, 0, "Restrict Spellbook from which Class?");

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is ClassOrb)
                    c_orb = i as ClassOrb;
                    if (c_orb.Activated)
                        AddButton(11, h, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, c_orb.ClassNumber, GumpButtonType.Reply, 1);
                        AddLabel(30, h - 1, 0, c_orb.ClassName);
                        h += 25;
Exemplo n.º 13
        public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            Mobile       from      = sender.Mobile;
            ClassControl c_control = null;
            ClassOrb     c_orb     = null;
            ClassOrb     t_orb     = null;
            bool         name_used = false;
            bool         is_void   = false;
            bool         isInt     = true;
            string       c_name    = null;
            string       n_name    = null;

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is ClassControl)
                    c_control = i as ClassControl;

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is ClassOrb)
                    c_orb = i as ClassOrb;
                    if (c_orb.ClassNumber == c_control.C_Current)

            if (info.ButtonID == 0)

            if (info.ButtonID == 1)
                if (c_orb != null)
                    TextRelay m_name    = info.GetTextEntry(1);
                    string    text_name = (m_name == null ? "" : m_name.Text.Trim());

                    if (text_name.Length == 0)
                        m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "You must enter a Class Name.");
                        m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                        is_void = true;
                        foreach (Item x in World.Items.Values)
                            if (x is ClassOrb)
                                t_orb = x as ClassOrb;
                                if (text_name != null)
                                    n_name = text_name.ToLower();
                                if (t_orb.ClassName != null)
                                    c_name = t_orb.ClassName.ToLower();
                                if (c_name == n_name)
                                    name_used = true;
                        if (name_used)
                            m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "That Class Name is already used.");
                            if (!is_void)
                                m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                                is_void = true;
                            c_orb.ClassName  = text_name;
                            c_orb.BackUpName = text_name;

                    TextRelay m_desc    = info.GetTextEntry(2);
                    string    text_desc = (m_desc == null ? "" : m_desc.Text.Trim());

                    if (text_desc.Length == 0)
                        m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "You must enter a Class Description.");
                        if (!is_void)
                            m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                            is_void = true;
                        c_orb.Description = text_desc;

                    TextRelay m_str    = info.GetTextEntry(3);
                    string    text_str = (m_str == null ? "" : m_str.Text.Trim());

                    if (text_str.Length == 0)
                        m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "You must enter a Strength Value");
                        if (!is_void)
                            m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                            is_void = true;
                        isInt = true;
                            int istr = Convert.ToInt32(text_str);
                            from.SendMessage(0x35, "Strength Value must be a number!");
                            if (!is_void)
                                m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                                is_void = true;
                            isInt = false;
                        if (isInt)
                            int r_str = Convert.ToInt32(text_str);
                            if (r_str > 100)
                                m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "Strength is above 100");
                                if (!is_void)
                                    m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                                    is_void = true;
                            if (r_str < 1)
                                m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "Strength is below 1");
                                if (!is_void)
                                    m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                                    is_void = true;
                                c_orb.Set_Str = r_str;
                                m_From.SendMessage(6, "Strength set to " + c_orb.Set_Str);

                    TextRelay m_dex    = info.GetTextEntry(4);
                    string    text_dex = (m_dex == null ? "" : m_dex.Text.Trim());

                    if (text_dex.Length == 0)
                        m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "You must enter a Dexterity Value");
                        if (!is_void)
                            m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                            is_void = true;
                        isInt = true;
                            int idex = Convert.ToInt32(text_dex);
                            from.SendMessage(0x35, "Dexterity Value must be a number!");
                            if (!is_void)
                                m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                                is_void = true;
                            isInt = false;
                        if (isInt)
                            int r_dex = Convert.ToInt32(text_dex);
                            if (r_dex > 100)
                                m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "Dexterity is above 100");
                                if (!is_void)
                                    m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                                    is_void = true;
                            if (r_dex < 1)
                                m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "Dexterity is below 1");
                                if (!is_void)
                                    m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                                    is_void = true;
                                c_orb.Set_Dex = r_dex;
                                m_From.SendMessage(6, "Dexterity set to " + c_orb.Set_Dex);

                    TextRelay m_int    = info.GetTextEntry(5);
                    string    text_int = (m_int == null ? "" : m_int.Text.Trim());

                    if (text_int.Length == 0)
                        m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "You must enter an Intelligence Value");
                        if (!is_void)
                            m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                            is_void = true;
                        isInt = true;
                            int iint = Convert.ToInt32(text_int);
                            from.SendMessage(0x35, "Intelligence Value must be a number!");
                            if (!is_void)
                                m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                                is_void = true;
                            isInt = false;
                        if (isInt)
                            int r_int = Convert.ToInt32(text_int);
                            if (r_int > 100)
                                m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "Intelligence is above 100");
                                if (!is_void)
                                    m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                                    is_void = true;
                            if (r_int < 1)
                                m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "Intelligence is below 1");
                                if (!is_void)
                                    m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                                    is_void = true;
                                c_orb.Set_Int = r_int;
                                m_From.SendMessage(6, "Intelligence set to " + c_orb.Set_Int);

                    TextRelay m_cstr    = info.GetTextEntry(6);
                    string    text_cstr = (m_cstr == null ? "" : m_cstr.Text.Trim());

                    if (text_cstr.Length == 0)
                        m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "You must enter a Strength Cap");
                        if (!is_void)
                            m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                            is_void = true;
                        isInt = true;
                            int icstr = Convert.ToInt32(text_cstr);
                            from.SendMessage(0x35, "Strength Cap must be a number!");
                            if (!is_void)
                                m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                                is_void = true;
                            isInt = false;
                        if (isInt)
                            int r_cstr = Convert.ToInt32(text_cstr);
                            if (r_cstr > 200)
                                m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "Strength Cap is above 200");
                                if (!is_void)
                                    m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                                    is_void = true;
                            if (r_cstr < 1)
                                m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "Strength Cap is below 1");
                                if (!is_void)
                                    m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                                    is_void = true;
                                c_orb.Str_Cap = r_cstr;
                                m_From.SendMessage(6, "Strength Cap set to " + c_orb.Str_Cap);

                    TextRelay m_cdex    = info.GetTextEntry(7);
                    string    text_cdex = (m_cdex == null ? "" : m_cdex.Text.Trim());

                    if (text_cdex.Length == 0)
                        m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "You must enter a Dexterity Cap");
                        if (!is_void)
                            m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                            is_void = true;
                        isInt = true;
                            int icdex = Convert.ToInt32(text_cdex);
                            from.SendMessage(0x35, "Dexterity Cap must be a number!");
                            if (!is_void)
                                m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                                is_void = true;
                            isInt = false;
                        if (isInt)
                            int r_cdex = Convert.ToInt32(text_cdex);
                            if (r_cdex > 200)
                                m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "Dexterity Cap is above 200");
                                if (!is_void)
                                    m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                                    is_void = true;
                            if (r_cdex < 1)
                                m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "Dexterity Cap is below 1");
                                if (!is_void)
                                    m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                                    is_void = true;
                                c_orb.Dex_Cap = r_cdex;
                                m_From.SendMessage(6, "Dexterity Cap set to " + c_orb.Dex_Cap);

                    TextRelay m_cint    = info.GetTextEntry(8);
                    string    text_cint = (m_cint == null ? "" : m_cint.Text.Trim());

                    if (text_cint.Length == 0)
                        m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "You must enter an Intelligence Cap");
                        if (!is_void)
                            m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                            is_void = true;
                        isInt = true;
                            int icint = Convert.ToInt32(text_cint);
                            from.SendMessage(0x35, "Intelligence Cap must be a number!");
                            if (!is_void)
                                m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                                is_void = true;
                            isInt = false;
                        if (isInt)
                            int r_cint = Convert.ToInt32(text_cint);
                            if (r_cint > 200)
                                m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "Intelligence Cap is above 200");
                                if (!is_void)
                                    m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                                    is_void = true;
                            if (r_cint < 1)
                                m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "Intelligence Cap is below 1");
                                if (!is_void)
                                    m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));
                                    is_void = true;
                                c_orb.Int_Cap = r_cint;
                                m_From.SendMessage(6, "Intelligence Cap set to " + c_orb.Int_Cap);

                    if (!is_void)
                        c_orb.Amount_Primary = 0;
                        m_From.SendGump(new ClassGumpPrimary(from, c_orb));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            Mobile       from      = sender.Mobile;
            ClassControl c_control = null;
            ClassOrb     c_orb     = null;
            bool         isInt     = true;

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is ClassControl)
                    c_control = i as ClassControl;

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is ClassOrb)
                    c_orb = i as ClassOrb;
                    if (c_orb.ClassNumber == c_control.C_Current)

            for (int i = 0; i < 54; i++)
                if ((i + 1) == info.ButtonID)
                    if (c_orb.Amount_Primary != 10)
                        c_orb.Primary_Skills[c_orb.Amount_Primary] = from.Skills[i].Name;

                        TextRelay m_pri    = info.GetTextEntry(1);
                        string    text_pri = (m_pri == null ? "" : m_pri.Text.Trim());

                        if (text_pri.Length == 0)
                            m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "You must enter a Value");
                            c_orb.Primary_Skills[c_orb.Amount_Primary] = null;
                            m_From.SendGump(new ClassGumpPrimary(from, c_orb));
                            isInt = true;
                                int ipri = Convert.ToInt32(text_pri);
                                from.SendMessage(0x35, "Value must be a number!");
                                c_orb.Primary_Skills[c_orb.Amount_Primary] = null;
                                m_From.SendGump(new ClassGumpPrimary(from, c_orb));
                                isInt = false;
                            if (isInt)
                                int r_pri = Convert.ToInt32(text_pri);
                                if (r_pri > 120)
                                    m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "Value is above 120");
                                    c_orb.Primary_Skills[c_orb.Amount_Primary] = null;
                                    m_From.SendGump(new ClassGumpPrimary(from, c_orb));
                                if (r_pri < 0)
                                    m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "Value is below 0");
                                    c_orb.Primary_Skills[c_orb.Amount_Primary] = null;
                                    m_From.SendGump(new ClassGumpPrimary(from, c_orb));
                                    c_orb.Primary_Values[c_orb.Amount_Primary] = r_pri;
                                    c_orb.Amount_Primary += 1;
                                    m_From.SendGump(new ClassGumpPrimary(from, c_orb));
                                    m_From.SendMessage(6, c_orb.Primary_Skills[c_orb.Amount_Primary - 1] + " added as a Primary Skill with a cap of " + c_orb.Primary_Values[c_orb.Amount_Primary - 1]);
                        m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "You have reached the Maximum Primary Skills");
                        m_From.SendGump(new ClassGumpPrimary(from, c_orb));

            if (info.ButtonID == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    c_orb.Primary_Skills[i] = null;
                m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));

            if (info.ButtonID == 60)
                if (c_orb.Amount_Primary == 0)
                    m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "You have not chosen any Primary Skills");
                    m_From.SendGump(new ClassGumpPrimary(from, c_orb));
                    m_From.SendGump(new NumberSecondaryGump(from, c_orb));
Exemplo n.º 15
        public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            Mobile       from      = sender.Mobile;
            ClassControl c_control = null;
            ClassOrb     c_orb     = null;

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is ClassControl)
                    c_control = i as ClassControl;

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is ClassOrb)
                    c_orb = i as ClassOrb;
                    if (c_orb.ClassNumber == c_control.C_Current)

            for (int i = 0; i < 54; i++)
                if ((i + 1) == info.ButtonID)
                    if (c_orb.Amount_Restricted != 10)
                        c_orb.Restricted_Skills[c_orb.Amount_Restricted] = from.Skills[i].Name;
                        c_orb.Amount_Restricted += 1;
                        m_From.SendGump(new RestrictedSkillsGump(from, c_orb));
                        m_From.SendMessage(6, from.Skills[i].Name + " has been Restricted");

                        m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "You have reached the Maximum Restricted Skills");
                        m_From.SendGump(new RestrictedSkillsGump(from, c_orb));

            if (info.ButtonID == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    c_orb.Restricted_Skills[i] = null;
                    c_orb.Primary_Skills[i]    = null;
                m_From.SendGump(new AddClassGump(from, c_orb));

            if (info.ButtonID == 60)
                Container class_bag = new Bag();
                class_bag.Name = c_orb.ClassName + " Class";

                Container equip = new Bag();
                equip.Name = c_orb.ClassName + " Equip";

                Container items = new Bag();
                items.Name = c_orb.ClassName + " Items";

                Container r_arm = new Bag();
                r_arm.Name = c_orb.ClassName + " Restricted Armors";

                Container r_wea = new Bag();
                r_wea.Name = c_orb.ClassName + " Restricted Weapons";


                c_orb.Name = c_orb.ClassName + " Orb";

                foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                    if (i is Bag && i.Name == "CLASSES")
                c_control.A_Classes += 1;
                c_orb.Activated      = true;
                m_From.SendMessage(6, "Class Generated");
Exemplo n.º 16
        public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            Mobile       from      = sender.Mobile;
            RaceOrb      r_orb     = null;
            RaceControl  r_control = null;
            ClassOrb     c_orb     = null;
            ClassControl c_control = null;

            foreach (Item h in World.Items.Values)
                if (h is RaceControl)
                    r_control = h as RaceControl;

            foreach (Item h in World.Items.Values)
                if (h is ClassControl)
                    c_control = h as ClassControl;

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is RaceOrb)
                    r_orb = i as RaceOrb;
                    if (r_orb.RaceNumber == r_control.R_Current)

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is ClassOrb)
                    c_orb = i as ClassOrb;
                    if (info.ButtonID == c_orb.ClassNumber)
                        if (r_orb.Res_Class_Num != 5)
                            for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                                if (r_orb.Restricted_C[j] == null)
                                    r_orb.Restricted_C[j] = c_orb.ClassName;
                                    r_orb.Res_Class_Num  += 1;
                            m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "You have reached the Maximum Restricted Classes");

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                if (info.ButtonID == i + 100)
                    r_orb.Restricted_C[i] = null;
                    r_orb.Res_Class_Num  -= 1;

            if (info.ButtonID == 0)
                from.SendGump(new RestrictClassGump(from));
Exemplo n.º 17
        public ResSBGump2(Mobile from, ClassOrb orb)
            : base(20, 30)
            m_From = from;
            ClassControl c_control    = null;
            int          h            = 60;
            int          rise         = 0;
            bool         isRestricted = false;

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is ClassControl)
                    c_control = i as ClassControl;

            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                if (c_control.LoadBook[i] != SpellbookType.Invalid)
                    rise += 1;

            AddBackground(0, 0, 340, (rise * 25) + 130, 5054);

            AddImageTiled(10, 10, 320, 23, 0x52);
            AddImageTiled(11, 11, 318, 23, 0xBBC);

            AddLabel(100, 11, 0, "Race/Class System");

            AddLabel(30, 34, 0, "Current Restricted Spellbooks:");

            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                if (orb.Res_Books[i] != SpellbookType.Invalid)
                    AddButton(11, h, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, i + 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 1);
                    AddLabel(30, h - 1, 0, orb.Res_Books[i] + " Spellbook");
                    h += 25;

            h += 10;

            AddLabel(30, h, 0, "Current Non-Restricted Spellbooks:");
            h += 30;

            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                isRestricted = false;

                for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
                    if (orb.Res_Books[j] == c_control.LoadBook[i])
                        isRestricted = true;

                if (!isRestricted)
                    AddButton(11, h, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, i + 22, GumpButtonType.Reply, 1);
                    AddLabel(30, h - 1, 0, c_control.LoadBook[i] + " Spellbook");
                    h += 25;
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static bool CanRaise(Mobile from, Stat stat)
            ClassOrb  c_orb = null;
            RCChest   chest = null;
            RCCONTROL rc    = null;

            /*If the System is Inactive, these are the Stat Cap values*/
            int n_str = 125;
            int n_dex = 125;
            int n_int = 125;
            int rc_Exists = 0;

            if (!(from is BaseCreature))
                rc_Exists = from.Backpack.GetAmount(typeof(RCCONTROL));

            if (rc_Exists != 0)
                rc = from.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(RCCONTROL)) as RCCONTROL;

                foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                    if (i is ClassOrb)
                        c_orb = i as ClassOrb;
                        if (c_orb.ClassName == rc.P_Class)

                foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                    if (i is RCChest)
                        chest = i as RCChest;
                        if (chest.Active)
                            n_str = c_orb.Str_Cap;
                            n_dex = c_orb.Dex_Cap;
                            n_int = c_orb.Int_Cap;
            if (!(from is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)from).Controlled))
                if (from.RawStatTotal >= from.StatCap)

            switch (stat)
            case Stat.Str:
                return(from.StrLock == StatLockType.Up && from.RawStr < 125);

            case Stat.Dex:
                return(from.DexLock == StatLockType.Up && from.RawDex < 125);

            case Stat.Int:
                return(from.IntLock == StatLockType.Up && from.RawInt < 125);

Exemplo n.º 19
        private static void OnUpdate(CommandEventArgs e)
            Mobile       from     = e.Mobile;
            bool         r_active = false;
            ClassOrb     c_orb    = null;
            RaceOrb      r_orb    = null;
            BonusPackOrb b_orb    = null;
            Bag          c_bag    = null;
            RCCONTROL    rc       = null;

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is RCChest)
                    r_active = true;

            if (r_active)
                ArrayList items = new ArrayList(World.Items.Values);

                foreach (Item h in items)
                    if (h is ClassOrb)
                        c_orb = h as ClassOrb;
                        foreach (Item i in items)
                            if (i is Bag && i.Name == c_orb.ClassName + " Class")
                                c_bag = i as Bag;
                                Bag n_bag = new Bag();
                                n_bag.Name = c_orb.ClassName + " Restricted Armors";
                                Bag n_bag2 = new Bag();
                                n_bag2.Name = c_orb.ClassName + " Restricted Weapons";

                foreach (Item h in World.Items.Values)
                    if (h is RCCONTROL)
                        rc = h as RCCONTROL;

                        foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                            if (i is Bag && i.Name == rc.P_Class + " Restricted Armors")
                                rc.A_Bag = i as Bag;

                        foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                            if (i is Bag && i.Name == rc.P_Class + " Restricted Weapons")
                                rc.W_Bag = i as Bag;

                        foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                            if (i is ClassOrb)
                                c_orb            = i as ClassOrb;
                                c_orb.BackUpName = c_orb.ClassName;

                        foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                            if (i is RaceOrb)
                                r_orb            = i as RaceOrb;
                                r_orb.BackUpName = r_orb.RaceName;

                        foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                            if (i is BonusPackOrb)
                                b_orb            = i as BonusPackOrb;
                                b_orb.BackUpName = b_orb.BPName;
Exemplo n.º 20
        public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            Mobile       from      = sender.Mobile;
            ClassControl c_control = null;
            ClassOrb     c_orb     = null;
            bool         isInt     = true;

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is ClassControl)
                    c_control = i as ClassControl;

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is ClassOrb)
                    c_orb = i as ClassOrb;
                    if (c_orb.ClassNumber == c_control.C_Current)

            if (info.ButtonID == 0)
                m_From.SendGump(new NumberTertiaryGump(from, c_orb));

            if (info.ButtonID == 1)
                TextRelay m_num    = info.GetTextEntry(1);
                string    text_num = (m_num == null ? "" : m_num.Text.Trim());

                if (text_num.Length == 0)
                    m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "You must enter a Value");
                    m_From.SendGump(new NumberTertiaryGump(from, c_orb));
                    isInt = true;
                        int i = Convert.ToInt32(text_num);
                        from.SendMessage(0x35, "Value must be a number!");
                        m_From.SendGump(new NumberTertiaryGump(from, c_orb));
                        isInt = false;
                    if (isInt)
                        int r_num = Convert.ToInt32(text_num);
                        if (r_num > 10)
                            m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "Value is above 10");
                            m_From.SendGump(new NumberTertiaryGump(from, c_orb));
                        if (r_num < 0)
                            m_From.SendMessage(0x35, "Value is below 0");
                            m_From.SendGump(new NumberTertiaryGump(from, c_orb));
                            c_orb.Amount_Tertiary = r_num;
                            m_From.SendGump(new RestrictedSkillsGump(from, c_orb));
                            m_From.SendMessage(6, "Number of Tertiaries set to " + c_orb.Amount_Tertiary);
Exemplo n.º 21
        public RestrictClassGump2(Mobile from, RaceOrb orb)
            : base(20, 30)
            m_From = from;
            RaceControl  r_control    = null;
            ClassControl c_control    = null;
            ClassOrb     c_orb        = null;
            int          h            = 60;
            bool         isRestricted = false;

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is RaceControl)
                    r_control = i as RaceControl;

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is ClassControl)
                    c_control = i as ClassControl;

            AddBackground(0, 0, 340, (c_control.A_Classes * 25) + 160, 5054);

            AddImageTiled(10, 10, 320, 23, 0x52);
            AddImageTiled(11, 11, 318, 23, 0xBBC);

            AddLabel(100, 11, 0, "Race/Class System");

            AddLabel(30, 34, 0, "Remove Restricted Classes:");

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                if (orb.Restricted_C[i] != null)
                    AddButton(11, h, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, i + 100, GumpButtonType.Reply, 1);
                    AddLabel(30, h - 1, 0, orb.Restricted_C[i]);
                    h += 25;

            h += 30;

            AddLabel(30, h, 0, "Add Restricted Class:");

            h += 25;

            foreach (Item k in World.Items.Values)
                if (k is ClassOrb)
                    c_orb = k as ClassOrb;
                    if (c_orb.Activated)
                        isRestricted = false;

                        for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                            if (c_orb.ClassName == orb.Restricted_C[j])
                                isRestricted = true;

                        if (!isRestricted)
                            AddButton(11, h, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, c_orb.ClassNumber, GumpButtonType.Reply, 1);
                            AddLabel(30, h - 1, 0, c_orb.ClassName);
                            h += 25;
Exemplo n.º 22
        private static void OnSyncNames(CommandEventArgs e)
            Mobile       from     = e.Mobile;
            bool         r_active = false;
            ClassOrb     c_orb    = null;
            RCCONTROL    rc       = null;
            RaceOrb      r_orb    = null;
            BonusPackOrb b_orb    = null;

            foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                if (i is RCChest)
                    r_active = true;

            if (r_active)
                foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                    if (i is ClassOrb)
                        c_orb = i as ClassOrb;
                        if (c_orb.ClassName != c_orb.BackUpName)
                            c_orb.Name = c_orb.ClassName + " Orb";
                            foreach (Item j in World.Items.Values)
                                if (j is Bag && j.Name == c_orb.BackUpName + " Class")
                                    j.Name = c_orb.ClassName + " Class";
                                if (j is Bag && j.Name == c_orb.BackUpName + " Items")
                                    j.Name = c_orb.ClassName + " Items";
                                if (j is Bag && j.Name == c_orb.BackUpName + " Equip")
                                    j.Name = c_orb.ClassName + " Equip";
                                if (j is Bag && j.Name == c_orb.BackUpName + " Restricted Armors")
                                    j.Name = c_orb.ClassName + " Restricted Armors";
                                if (j is Bag && j.Name == c_orb.BackUpName + " Restricted Weapons")
                                    j.Name = c_orb.ClassName + " Restricted Weapons";
                            foreach (Item k in World.Items.Values)
                                if (k is RCCONTROL)
                                    rc = k as RCCONTROL;
                                    if (rc.P_Class == c_orb.BackUpName)
                                        rc.P_Class = c_orb.ClassName;

                            c_orb.BackUpName = c_orb.ClassName;

                foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                    if (i is RaceOrb)
                        r_orb = i as RaceOrb;
                        if (r_orb.RaceName != r_orb.BackUpName)
                            r_orb.Name = r_orb.RaceName + " Orb";
                            foreach (Item j in World.Items.Values)
                                if (j is Bag && j.Name == r_orb.BackUpName + " Race")
                                    j.Name = r_orb.RaceName + " Race";
                                if (j is Bag && j.Name == r_orb.BackUpName + " Items")
                                    j.Name = r_orb.RaceName + " Items";
                            foreach (Item k in World.Items.Values)
                                if (k is RCCONTROL)
                                    rc = k as RCCONTROL;
                                    if (rc.Race == r_orb.BackUpName)
                                        rc.Race = r_orb.RaceName;

                            r_orb.BackUpName = r_orb.RaceName;

                foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values)
                    if (i is BonusPackOrb)
                        b_orb = i as BonusPackOrb;
                        if (b_orb.BPName != b_orb.BackUpName)
                            b_orb.Name = b_orb.BPName + " Orb";
                            foreach (Item j in World.Items.Values)
                                if (j is Bag && j.Name == b_orb.BackUpName + " Bonus Pack")
                                    j.Name = b_orb.BPName + " Bonus Pack";
                                if (j is Bag && j.Name == b_orb.BackUpName + " Items")
                                    j.Name = b_orb.BPName + " Items";
                            foreach (Item k in World.Items.Values)
                                if (k is RCCONTROL)
                                    rc = k as RCCONTROL;
                                    if (rc.BonusPack == b_orb.BackUpName)
                                        rc.BonusPack = b_orb.BPName;

                            b_orb.BackUpName = b_orb.BPName;