// Token: 0x06001B5B RID: 7003 RVA: 0x000549F8 File Offset: 0x00052BF8 public void method_0() { DialogResult dialogResult = DialogBox.smethod_6(string.Format(UninstallationCleanUp.string_25, this.string_0.Length), UninstallationCleanUp.string_26, new Enum39[] { Enum39.const_5, Enum39.const_6 }); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes && this.uninstallationCleanUp_0.folderBrowserDialog_0.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Class356.smethod_0(this.string_0, this.uninstallationCleanUp_0.folderBrowserDialog_0.SelectedPath); return; } DialogResult dialogResult2 = DialogBox.smethod_6(string.Format(UninstallationCleanUp.string_23, Class291.string_2), UninstallationCleanUp.string_24, new Enum39[] { Enum39.const_5, Enum39.const_6 }); if (dialogResult2 != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } Class512.smethod_0(Class291.string_2); }
private Stream7(bool A_0, long A_1, Stream A_2) { this.long_1 = -99L; this.stream_0 = A_2; this.class356_0 = new Class356(); this.long_1 = A_1; this.bool_0 = A_0; }
public Stream9(Stream A_0, CompressionMode A_1, CompressionLevel A_2, ZlibStreamFlavor A_3, bool A_4) { this.stream_0 = A_0; this.bool_0 = A_4; this.compressionMode_0 = A_1; this.zlibStreamFlavor_0 = A_3; this.compressionLevel_0 = A_2; if (A_3 == ZlibStreamFlavor.GZIP) { this.class356_0 = new Class356(); } }
// Token: 0x0600285B RID: 10331 RVA: 0x00096034 File Offset: 0x00094234 private void BrowseForScreenshotDirectory_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Class509.CanChangeScreenshotDirectory) { this.folderBrowserDialog_0.SelectedPath = this.class112_0.ScreenshotSaveDirectory; if (this.folderBrowserDialog_0.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string screenshotSaveDirectory = this.class112_0.ScreenshotSaveDirectory; string selectedPath = this.folderBrowserDialog_0.SelectedPath; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(screenshotSaveDirectory) && Directory.Exists(screenshotSaveDirectory)) { string[] array = Class234.smethod_1(screenshotSaveDirectory, "*.jpg", ".jpg"); if (array.Length > 0) { DialogResult dialogResult = DialogBox.smethod_6("Would you like to move your existing screenshots to the new directory?", "Migrate Screenshots", new Enum39[] { Enum39.const_5, Enum39.const_6, Enum39.const_1 }); DialogResult dialogResult2 = dialogResult; if (dialogResult2 == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } switch (dialogResult2) { case DialogResult.Yes: Class356.smethod_0(array, selectedPath); break; } } } this.class112_0.ScreenshotSaveDirectory = selectedPath; this.ScreenshotDirectoryBox.Text = selectedPath; } } }
public abstract void Visit(Class356 c);
public override void Visit(Class356 c) { }