Exemplo n.º 1
        public static CommandResponse SetClan(CommandEventArgs args)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_token))
                return(new CommandResponse("Ask the bot owner to set their CoC API key"));

            var u = args.SourceUser;

            var input = args.Parameters.Trim();

            if (!input.StartsWith("#"))
                input = "#" + input;

            //Validate clan tag
            using (var wc = new HttpClient())
                wc.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", _token);

                var url = String.Format(UrlConstants.GetClanInformationUrlTemplate, input).Replace("#", "%23");

                ClanResponse clan = null;
                    var json = wc.GetStringAsync(url).Result;
                    clan = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ClanResponse>(json);
                catch (Exception e)
                    return(new CommandResponse($"Unable to find clan '{input}'"));

                if (clan.reason != null)
                    return(new CommandResponse($"Unable to find clan '{input}'.  Reason: {clan.reason}"));

                u.SetSetting <string>("CoCClan", args.DatabaseInstance, "", input);
                var leaders = clan.memberList.Where(x => x.role == "leader").Aggregate("", (a, b) => a + "\n" + b.name);
                return(new CommandResponse($"Clan found and set:\n{clan.name}\n{clan.members} Members, led by{leaders}"));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static string GetWarReport(WarResponse war, ClanResponse c)
            var result = "War Report:";

            if (war.clan.stars > war.opponent.stars)
                result += " (Win)";
            if (war.clan.stars == war.opponent.stars)
                //get average desctruction
                var us   = war.clan.members.Sum(x => x.attacks.Sum(a => a.destructionPercentage)) / war.clan.attacks;
                var them = war.opponent.members.Sum(x => x.attacks.Sum(a => a.destructionPercentage)) / war.opponent.attacks;
                if (us > them)
                    result += " (Win)";
                if (us == them)
                    result += " (Draw)";
                if (us < them)
                    result += " (Lose)";
            if (war.clan.stars < war.opponent.stars)
                result += " (Lose)";
            result += $" {war.clan.stars} to {war.opponent.stars}\n\nFlagged Members:\n\n";
            foreach (var m in war.clan.members)
                var attacks = m.attacks?.Length ?? 0;
                //check which members did not attack at all
                if (attacks == 0)
                    //no attack whatsoever
                    result += $"{m.name} no attacks.\n";
                //check which members failed to get 2 stars
                var stars = m.attacks?.Sum(x => x.stars) ?? 0;
                if (stars < 2)
                    result += $"{m.name} got {stars} stars.\n";
                //check which members did not attack twice

                if (attacks == 1)
                    result += $"{m.name} attacked once.\n";
                //check which members attacked outside their mirrors
                var pos = m.mapPosition;
                if (m.attacks != null)
                    foreach (var attack in m.attacks)
                        var opp = war.opponent.members.FirstOrDefault(x => x.tag == attack.defenderTag)?.mapPosition ?? 0;
                        if (Math.Abs(opp - pos) > 2 && opp != 0)
                            result += $"{m.name} (#{pos}) attacked #{opp}\n";
