private bool AirSpawnLogic(int x, int z, ChunkSpawnableEntity entity, AbstractChunk chunk, ByteChunkCursor cursor, FastRandom rnd, out Vector3D entitySpawnLocation)
            entitySpawnLocation = default(Vector3D);
            int y;
            int columnInfoIndex = x * AbstractChunk.ChunkSize.Z + z;

            //Y base = Original world generated ground height (Before any player modification)
            y = rnd.Next(chunk.BlockData.ColumnsInfo[columnInfoIndex].MaxHeight + 5, AbstractChunk.ChunkSize.Y);

            if (y <= 0 || y >= AbstractChunk.ChunkSize.Y)

            cursor.SetInternalPosition(x, y, z);

            if (cursor.Read() != WorldConfiguration.CubeId.Air)

            // Hurray it can spawn ! :D
            //Add some randomnes on the cube where it will spawn
            double XOffset, ZOffset;

            XOffset = rnd.NextDouble(0.2, 0.8);
            ZOffset = rnd.NextDouble(0.2, 0.8);

            entitySpawnLocation = new Vector3D(chunk.BlockPosition.X + x + XOffset, cursor.InternalPosition.Y, chunk.BlockPosition.Z + z + ZOffset);
        /// <summary>
        /// Function that will try to get a place where the entity can spawn, it will apply spawning restrictions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity</param>
        /// <param name="chunk">The chunk where the entity must be placed</param>
        /// <param name="cursor">A cursor on the chunk block data</param>
        /// <param name="rnd">Randomnes generator</param>
        /// <param name="entitySpawnLocation">Returned spawn location, will be [0;0;0] if entity cannot be placed</param>
        /// <returns>False if the entity cannot be placed</returns>
        public bool TryGetSpawnLocation(ChunkSpawnableEntity entity, AbstractChunk chunk, ByteChunkCursor cursor, FastRandom rnd, out Vector3D entitySpawnLocation)
            entitySpawnLocation = default(Vector3D);

            //Test spawning chance
            if (rnd.NextDouble() <= entity.SpawningChance)
            //Get Rnd chunk Location X/Z
            int x = rnd.Next(0, 16);
            int z = rnd.Next(0, 16);
            //Column Info index
            int columnInfoIndex = x * AbstractChunk.ChunkSize.Z + z;

            int y;

            switch (entity.SpawningPlace)
            case ChunkSpawningPlace.FloorInsideCave:
            case ChunkSpawningPlace.CeilingInsideCave:
                return(CaveSpawnLogic(x, z, entity, chunk, cursor, rnd, out entitySpawnLocation));

            case ChunkSpawningPlace.AirAboveSurface:
                return(AirSpawnLogic(x, z, entity, chunk, cursor, rnd, out entitySpawnLocation));

            case ChunkSpawningPlace.Surface:
                return(SurfaceSpawnLogic(x, z, entity, chunk, cursor, rnd, out entitySpawnLocation));
        private bool CaveSpawnLogic(int x, int z, ChunkSpawnableEntity entity, AbstractChunk chunk, ByteChunkCursor cursor, FastRandom rnd, out Vector3D entitySpawnLocation)
            entitySpawnLocation = default(Vector3D);
            int y;
            int columnInfoIndex = x * AbstractChunk.ChunkSize.Z + z;

            cursor.SetInternalPosition(x, 1, z);
            //Move up until Air Block
            while (cursor.Read() != WorldConfiguration.CubeId.Air)
                //Move up, if top chunk height exit
                if (cursor.Move(CursorRelativeMovement.Up) == false)

            int YFloorSpawning = cursor.InternalPosition.Y;

            int MaximumSpawningHeight = chunk.BlockData.ColumnsInfo[columnInfoIndex].MaxGroundHeight - 10;

            if (MaximumSpawningHeight <= 0)
                MaximumSpawningHeight = 1;
            //Move up until "solid" Block
            while (cursor.Read() == WorldConfiguration.CubeId.Air && cursor.InternalPosition.Y <= MaximumSpawningHeight)
                //Move up, if top chunk height exit
                if (cursor.Move(CursorRelativeMovement.Up) == false)

            if (cursor.InternalPosition.Y > MaximumSpawningHeight)

            // Hurray it can spawn ! :D
            //Add some randomnes on the cube where it will spawn
            double XOffset, ZOffset;

            XOffset = rnd.NextDouble(0.2, 0.8);
            ZOffset = rnd.NextDouble(0.2, 0.8);

            if (entity.SpawningPlace == ChunkSpawningPlace.FloorInsideCave)
                entitySpawnLocation = new Vector3D(chunk.BlockPosition.X + x + XOffset, YFloorSpawning, chunk.BlockPosition.Z + z + ZOffset);
                entitySpawnLocation = new Vector3D(chunk.BlockPosition.X + x + XOffset, cursor.InternalPosition.Y - 1, chunk.BlockPosition.Z + z + ZOffset);

        private bool SurfaceSpawnLogic(int x, int z, ChunkSpawnableEntity entity, AbstractChunk chunk, ByteChunkCursor cursor, FastRandom rnd, out Vector3D entitySpawnLocation)
            entitySpawnLocation = default(Vector3D);

            int y;
            int columnInfoIndex = x * AbstractChunk.ChunkSize.Z + z;

            //Y base = Original world generated ground height (Before any player modification)
            y = chunk.BlockData.ColumnsInfo[columnInfoIndex].MaxGroundHeight;
            cursor.SetInternalPosition(x, y, z);

            // verify that we can spawn here
            var canSpawn = cursor.Read() != WorldConfiguration.CubeId.Air && cursor.Move(CursorRelativeMovement.Up) &&
                           cursor.Read() == WorldConfiguration.CubeId.Air && cursor.Move(CursorRelativeMovement.Up) &&
                           cursor.Read() == WorldConfiguration.CubeId.Air;

            // return cursor to the spawn point

            if (!canSpawn)

            // Check that the block is well "Solid to entity"
            BlockProfile blockSpawnProfile = _config.BlockProfiles[cursor.Peek(CursorRelativeMovement.Down)];

            if (!blockSpawnProfile.IsSolidToEntity)
            if (entity.IsWildChunkNeeded)
                //Get Chunk master biome
                byte masterBiomeId = chunk.BlockData.ChunkMetaData.ChunkMasterBiomeType;
                //Get biome surface block layer
                byte surfaceBiomeCube = _config.ProcessorParam.Biomes[masterBiomeId].SurfaceCube;
                //If the entity need a Wild chunk, then it can only spawn on a cube surface equal to the default biome surface cube !
                if (surfaceBiomeCube != blockSpawnProfile.Id)

            // Hurray it can spawn ! :D
            //Add some randomnes on the cube where it will spawn
            double XOffset, ZOffset;

            XOffset = rnd.NextDouble(0.2, 0.8);
            ZOffset = rnd.NextDouble(0.2, 0.8);

            entitySpawnLocation = new Vector3D(chunk.BlockPosition.X + x + XOffset, cursor.InternalPosition.Y, chunk.BlockPosition.Z + z + ZOffset);
