Exemplo n.º 1
        private void Chunk(string line, Match match)
            in_del   = oldStart = int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value);
            oldLines = match.Groups[2].Success ? int.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value) : 0;
            in_add   = newStart = int.Parse(match.Groups[3].Value);
            newLines = match.Groups[4].Success ? int.Parse(match.Groups[4].Value) : 0;
            ChunkRangeInfo rangeInfo = new ChunkRangeInfo(
                new ChunkRange(oldStart, oldLines),
                new ChunkRange(newStart, newLines)

            current = new Chunk(line, rangeInfo);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void Chunk(string line, Match match)
            // if the file is null at this point, it means that only a chunk was
            // passed as input to the parser
            if (file == null)

            inDel    = oldStart = int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value);
            oldLines = match.Groups[2].Success ? int.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value) : 0;
            inAdd    = newStart = int.Parse(match.Groups[3].Value);
            newLines = match.Groups[4].Success ? int.Parse(match.Groups[4].Value) : 0;
            ChunkRangeInfo rangeInfo = new ChunkRangeInfo(
                new ChunkRange(oldStart, oldLines),
                new ChunkRange(newStart, newLines));

            current = new Chunk(line, rangeInfo);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static IEnumerable <FileDiff> Parse(string input, string lineEnding = "\n")
            var lines = StringHelper.SplitLines(input, lineEnding);

            if (!lines.Any())
                return(Enumerable.Empty <FileDiff>());

            var files  = new List <FileDiff>();
            var in_del = 0;
            var in_add = 0;

            Chunk    current = null;
            FileDiff file    = null;

            int oldStart, newStart;
            int oldLines, newLines;

            ParserAction start = (line, m) => {
                file = new FileDiff();

                if (file.To == null && file.From == null)
                    var fileNames = parseFile(line);

                    if (fileNames != null)
                        file.From = fileNames[0];
                        file.To   = fileNames[1];

            ParserAction restart = (line, m) => {
                if (file == null || file.Chunks.Count != 0)
                    start(null, null);

            ParserAction new_file = (line, m) => {
                restart(null, null);
                file.Type = FileChangeType.Add;
                file.From = "/dev/null";

            ParserAction deleted_file = (line, m) => {
                restart(null, null);
                file.Type = FileChangeType.Delete;
                file.To   = "/dev/null";

            ParserAction index = (line, m) => {
                restart(null, null);
                file.Index = line.Split(' ').Skip(1);

            ParserAction from_file = (line, m) => {
                restart(null, null);
                file.From = parseFileFallback(line);

            ParserAction to_file = (line, m) => {
                restart(null, null);
                file.To = parseFileFallback(line);

            ParserAction chunk = (line, match) => {
                in_del   = oldStart = int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value);
                oldLines = match.Groups[2].Success ? int.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value) : 0;
                in_add   = newStart = int.Parse(match.Groups[3].Value);
                newLines = match.Groups[4].Success ? int.Parse(match.Groups[4].Value) : 0;
                ChunkRangeInfo rangeInfo = new ChunkRangeInfo(
                    new ChunkRange(oldStart, oldLines),
                    new ChunkRange(newStart, newLines)

                current = new Chunk(line, rangeInfo);

            ParserAction del = (line, match) => {
                string content = DiffLineHelper.GetContent(line);
                current.Changes.Add(new LineDiff(type: LineChangeType.Delete, index: in_del++, content: content));

            ParserAction add = (line, m) => {
                string content = DiffLineHelper.GetContent(line);
                current.Changes.Add(new LineDiff(type: LineChangeType.Add, index: in_add++, content: content));

            const string noeol = "\\ No newline at end of file";

            Action <string> normal = line => {
                if (file == null)

                string content = DiffLineHelper.GetContent(line);
                current.Changes.Add(new LineDiff(
                                        oldIndex: line == noeol ? 0 : in_del++,
                                        newIndex: line == noeol ? 0 : in_add++,
                                        content: content));

            var schema = new Dictionary <Regex, ParserAction>
                { new Regex(@"^diff\s"), start },
                { new Regex(@"^new file mode \d+$"), new_file },
                { new Regex(@"^deleted file mode \d+$"), deleted_file },
                { new Regex(@"^index\s[\da-zA-Z]+\.\.[\da-zA-Z]+(\s(\d+))?$"), index },
                { new Regex(@"^---\s"), from_file },
                { new Regex(@"^\+\+\+\s"), to_file },
                { new Regex(@"^@@\s+\-(\d+),?(\d+)?\s+\+(\d+),?(\d+)?\s@@"), chunk },
                { new Regex(@"^-"), del },
                { new Regex(@"^\+"), add }

            Func <string, bool> parse = line => {
                foreach (var p in schema)
                    var m = p.Key.Match(line);
                    if (m.Success)
                        p.Value(line, m);


            foreach (var line in lines)
                if (!parse(line))
