/// <summary>
    /// Checks that two colours are within a certain distance from each other -similarity
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="c1"></param>
    /// <param name="c2"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static float CheckSimilarColour(ChromosomeComposition c1, ChromosomeComposition c2)
        // Get colour for 1
        var colourOne = c1.GetColour();
        // Get colour from 2
        var colourTwo = c2.GetColour();

                   (colourOne.r * colourTwo.r) -
                   (colourOne.g * colourTwo.g) -
                   (colourOne.b * colourTwo.g)));
Exemplo n.º 2
 // Setup root
 private void RootSetup()
     Root = (TypeOfCreature == "Herbiverous")
         ? GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere)
         : GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
     //root = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
     Root.name                  = "root";
     Root.transform.parent      = _t;
     Root.transform.position    = _t.position;
     Root.transform.eulerAngles = _t.eulerAngles;
     Root.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();
     RootScript = Root.AddComponent <Root>();
     Root.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().angularDrag =
     Root.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().drag = _settingsReader.CreatureDrag;
Exemplo n.º 3
    private void Update()

        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            RaycastHit hit;
            Ray        ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 60))
                if (hit.collider.transform.root.GetComponent <Creature>())
                    GameObject crt = hit.collider.transform.root.gameObject;

                    Creature crtScript             = crt.GetComponent <Creature>();
                    ChromosomeComposition csScript = crtScript.ChromosomeComposition;

                    crtName.text     = "Name: " + crt.name;
                    crtType.text     = "Type: " + crtScript.TypeOfCreature;
                    crtState.text    = "State: " + crtScript.State;
                    crtAge.text      = "Age: " + crtScript.Age;
                    crtEnergy.text   = "Energy: " + crtScript.Energy;
                    crtGenetics.text = "Chromosome: " + "\n" +
                                       "\t Colour: " + csScript.GetColour() + "\n" +
                                       "\t Branches: " + csScript.GetBranchCount() + "\n" +
                                       "\t Limbs: " + csScript.NumRecurrences.Length;
                    canvas.active = true;
                    canvas.active = false;
                canvas.active = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Construct a new creeature from the two parent creatures.
    /// Really it is just a randomly chosen value from either creature which is mutated slightly to make it more unique.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="c1"></param>
    /// <param name="c2"></param>
    /// <param name="rate"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static ChromosomeComposition Crossover(ChromosomeComposition c1, ChromosomeComposition c2, double rate)
        var newChromsome = new ChromosomeComposition();

        // Crossover colour
        var chromosome1Colour = c1.GetColour();
        var chromosome2Colour = c2.GetColour();

        var r = .5F * chromosome1Colour.r + .5F * chromosome2Colour.r;
        var g = .5F * chromosome1Colour.g + .5F * chromosome2Colour.g;
        var b = .5F * chromosome1Colour.b + .5F * chromosome2Colour.b;

        newChromsome.SetColour(r, g, b);

        var chromosome1LimbColour = c1.GetLimbColour();
        var chromosome2LimbColour = c2.GetLimbColour();

        r = .5F *
            chromosome1LimbColour.r +
            .5F *

        g = .5F *
            chromosome1LimbColour.g +
            .5F *

        b = .5F *
            chromosome1LimbColour.b +
            .5F *

        // Assign new colour
        newChromsome.SetLimbColour(r, g, b);

        // Crossover limbs
        var       chromome1Branches   = c1.Branches;
        var       chromosome2Branches = c2.Branches;
        ArrayList newBranches;

        // Select the parent from which the child will take its limb structure
        var       randomSelect = Random.Range(0, 2); // 1 or the other
        ArrayList chosenParentBranches;

        if (randomSelect == 0)
            newBranches          = chromome1Branches;
            chosenParentBranches = chromosome2Branches;
            newBranches          = chromosome2Branches;
            chosenParentBranches = chromome1Branches;

        randomSelect = Random.Range(0, 2);
        // If 0 select parent 1 branch scale, if 1 select parent 2 branch scale
        newChromsome.SetRootScale(randomSelect == 0 ? c1.GetRootScale() : c2.GetRootScale());

        // Select attributes from the selected parents limbs to assign to child limbs

        newChromsome.NumRecurrences = new int[newBranches.Count];
        for (var i = 0; i < newBranches.Count; i++)
            var parentLimbs = (ArrayList)newBranches[i];
            newChromsome.NumRecurrences[i] = parentLimbs.Count;

            for (var j = 1; j < parentLimbs.Count; j++)
                var parentAttributes = (ArrayList)parentLimbs[j];

                // Select random segment from parent creature
                var index            = Random.Range(0, chosenParentBranches.Count);
                var otherParentLimbs = (ArrayList)chosenParentBranches[index];

                index = Random.Range(0, otherParentLimbs.Count);
                var otherParentAttributes = (ArrayList)otherParentLimbs[index];

                // Get parent scale
                var parentScale      = (Vector3)parentAttributes[1];
                var otherParentScale = (Vector3)otherParentAttributes[1];
                for (var s = 0; s < 3; s++)
                    _rand = Rnd.NextDouble();
                    if (_rand < rate)
                        parentScale[s] = otherParentScale[s];

                // Select random  segment from other creature
                otherParentLimbs      = (ArrayList)chosenParentBranches[Random.Range(0, chosenParentBranches.Count)];
                otherParentAttributes = (ArrayList)otherParentLimbs[Random.Range(0, otherParentLimbs.Count)];

                var parentPosition      = (Vector3)parentAttributes[0];
                var otherParentPosition = (Vector3)otherParentAttributes[0];
                for (var p = 0; p < 3; p++)
                    _rand = Rnd.NextDouble();
                    if (_rand < rate)
                        parentPosition[p] = otherParentPosition[p];

            newBranches[i]           = parentLimbs;
            newChromsome.NumBranches = newBranches.Count;

        // Crossover frequency and amplitude
        newChromsome.JointAmplitude = c1.JointAmplitude;
        newChromsome.JointFrequency = c1.JointFrequency;
        newChromsome.JointPhase     = c1.JointPhase;

        _rand = Rnd.NextDouble();
        if (_rand < 0.5f)
            newChromsome.JointAmplitude = c2.JointAmplitude;

        _rand = Rnd.NextDouble();
        if (_rand < 0.5f)
            newChromsome.JointFrequency = c2.JointFrequency;

        _rand = Rnd.NextDouble();
        if (_rand < 0.5f)
            newChromsome.JointPhase = c2.JointPhase;

        _rand = Rnd.NextDouble();
        // New creature hunger point is one of either the two parents hunger points
        newChromsome.HungerPoint = _rand < 0.5f ? c2.HungerPoint : c1.HungerPoint;

        // Assign new branches

    public static ChromosomeComposition Mutate(ChromosomeComposition currentCreatureComposition, double mutationRate, float mutationFactor)
        // Mutate colour
        var newColour     = new float[3];                           // new 3 bit colour, r, g, and b
        var currentColour = currentCreatureComposition.GetColour(); // get the current colour of the creature

        // map current colours rgb values to the new colour
        newColour[0] = currentColour.r;
        newColour[1] = currentColour.g;
        newColour[2] = currentColour.b;

        for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            _rand = Rnd.NextDouble();
            if (_rand < mutationRate)
                newColour[i] += RandomiseThisGene(mutationFactor);

        // Assign new colour to this creature
        currentCreatureComposition.SetColour(newColour[0], newColour[1], newColour[2]);

        // Mutate root scale
        var currentRootScale = currentCreatureComposition.GetRootScale();

        // Check that the current scale (of x, y and z) is currently greater than 1
        if (currentRootScale.x > 1F && currentRootScale.y > 1F && currentRootScale.z > 1F)
        {// Create new 3 bit root scale (x,y, and z)
            var newRootScale = new float[3];
            newRootScale[0] = currentRootScale.x;
            newRootScale[1] = currentRootScale.y;
            newRootScale[2] = currentRootScale.z;

            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                _rand = Rnd.NextDouble();
                if (_rand < mutationRate)
                    // Randomise scale
                    newRootScale[i] += RandomiseThisGene(mutationFactor);

            // Assign new root scale to creature
            var rootScale = new Vector3(newRootScale[0], newRootScale[1], newRootScale[2]);

        // Mutate limbs colour
        currentColour = currentCreatureComposition.GetLimbColour();
        newColour[0]  = currentColour.r;
        newColour[1]  = currentColour.g;
        newColour[2]  = currentColour.b;
        for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            _rand = Rnd.NextDouble();
            if (_rand < mutationRate)
                newColour[i] += RandomiseThisGene(mutationFactor);

        // Assign new colour to creature
        currentCreatureComposition.SetLimbColour(newColour[0], newColour[1], newColour[2]);

        var currentBranches = currentCreatureComposition.Branches;

        foreach (var branch in currentBranches)
        {// get a list of limbs
            var currentLimbs = (ArrayList)branch;
            foreach (var limb in currentLimbs)
                var limbs = (ArrayList)limb;
                var v     = (Vector3)limbs[1];
                for (var k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                    _rand = Rnd.NextDouble();
                    if (_rand < mutationRate)
                        v[k] += RandomiseThisGene(mutationFactor);

        // mutate base frequency and amplitude
        _rand = Rnd.NextDouble();
        if (_rand < mutationRate)
            currentCreatureComposition.JointAmplitude += RandomiseThisGene(mutationFactor);

        _rand = Rnd.NextDouble();
        if (_rand < mutationRate)
            currentCreatureComposition.JointFrequency += RandomiseThisGene(mutationFactor);

        _rand = Rnd.NextDouble();
        if (_rand < mutationRate)
            currentCreatureComposition.JointPhase += RandomiseThisGene(mutationFactor);

        _rand = Rnd.NextDouble();
        if (_rand < mutationRate)
            currentCreatureComposition.HungerPoint += RandomiseThisGene(mutationFactor);
