setRootScale() public method

public setRootScale ( Vector3 rs ) : void
rs Vector3
return void
Exemplo n.º 1
    void Start()
        spw = Spawner.getInstance();
        settings = Settings.getInstance();
        eth = Ether.getInstance();

        max_root_scale 		= new Vector3();
        max_root_scale.x 	= float.Parse( settings.contents["creature"]["root"]["max_root_scale"]["x"].ToString() );
        max_root_scale.y 	= float.Parse( settings.contents["creature"]["root"]["max_root_scale"]["y"].ToString() );
        max_root_scale.z 	= float.Parse( settings.contents["creature"]["root"]["max_root_scale"]["z"].ToString() );

        min_root_scale 		= new Vector3();
        min_root_scale.x 	= float.Parse( settings.contents["creature"]["root"]["min_root_scale"]["x"].ToString() );
        min_root_scale.y 	= float.Parse( settings.contents["creature"]["root"]["min_root_scale"]["y"].ToString() );
        min_root_scale.z 	= float.Parse( settings.contents["creature"]["root"]["min_root_scale"]["z"].ToString() );

        max_limb_scale		= new Vector3();
        max_limb_scale.x 	= float.Parse( settings.contents["creature"]["limb"]["max_limb_scale"]["x"].ToString() );
        max_limb_scale.y 	= float.Parse( settings.contents["creature"]["limb"]["max_limb_scale"]["y"].ToString() );
        max_limb_scale.z 	= float.Parse( settings.contents["creature"]["limb"]["max_limb_scale"]["z"].ToString() );

        min_limb_scale 		= new Vector3();
        min_limb_scale.x 	= float.Parse( settings.contents["creature"]["limb"]["min_limb_scale"]["x"].ToString() );
        min_limb_scale.y 	= float.Parse( settings.contents["creature"]["limb"]["min_limb_scale"]["y"].ToString() );
        min_limb_scale.z 	= float.Parse( settings.contents["creature"]["limb"]["min_limb_scale"]["z"].ToString() );

        starting_creatures	= (int) 			settings.contents["ether"]["starting_creatures"];
        creature_spread		= float.Parse(		settings.contents["ether"]["creature_spread"].ToString() );
        double creature_init_energy	= (double) 	settings.contents["creature"]["init_energy"];
        int branch_limit 	= (int)				settings.contents["creature"]["branch_limit"];
        int recurrence_limit = (int)			settings.contents["creature"]["recurrence_limit"];

         * For each new creature, generate random genes and spawn the bugger
        for (int i=0; i<starting_creatures; i++) {
            chromosome = new Chromosome();

            // random colours
            Color col = new Color( (float)Random.Range(0.0F,1.0F),
            chromosome.setColour(col.r, col.g, col.b);
            chromosome.setLimbColour(col.r, col.g, col.b);

            chromosome.hunger_threshold = float.Parse(settings.contents["creature"]["hunger_threshold"].ToString());

            // random root scale
            Vector3 rootScale = new Vector3((float) Random.Range(min_root_scale.x,max_root_scale.x),
                                            (float) Random.Range(min_root_scale.y,max_root_scale.y),
                                            (float) Random.Range(min_root_scale.z,max_root_scale.z)

            // random initial limbs
            int bs = Random.Range (1,branch_limit+1);
            ArrayList branches = new ArrayList();

            for (int j=0; j<bs; j++) {
                ArrayList limbs = new ArrayList();

                int recurrences = Random.Range(0,recurrence_limit);
                chromosome.num_recurrences[j] = recurrences;
                for (int k=0; k<=recurrences; k++) {

                    Vector3 scale = new Vector3 ((float) Random.Range(min_limb_scale.x,max_limb_scale.x),
                                         (float) Random.Range(min_limb_scale.y,max_limb_scale.y),
                                         (float) Random.Range(min_limb_scale.z,max_limb_scale.z)

                    Vector3 position = Utility.RandomPointInsideCube(rootScale);

                    ArrayList limb = new ArrayList();
                    limb.Add  (position);
                    limb.Add  (scale);
                    limbs.Add (limb);

            chromosome.setBaseFequency (Random.Range (3,20));
            chromosome.setBaseAmplitude (Random.Range (3,6));
            chromosome.setBasePhase (Random.Range (0,360));

            if (eth.enoughEnergy(creature_init_energy)) {
                spw.spawn(Utility.RandomVec(-creature_spread,creature_spread,creature_spread), Utility.RandomRotVec(), creature_init_energy, chromosome);
Exemplo n.º 2
    void LoadCreatures()
        string[] fs;
        creature_files = Directory.GetDirectories(creatures_folder);
        foreach (var s in creature_files)
            fs = Directory.GetFiles(s, "*.json");
            foreach (var f in fs)
                Chromosome chromosome = new Chromosome();

                sr           = new StreamReader(f);
                raw_contents = sr.ReadToEnd();
                contents     = JsonMapper.ToObject(raw_contents);

                string name = contents["name"].ToString();

                Color root_col = new Color();
                root_col.r = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["colour"]["r"].ToString());
                root_col.g = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["colour"]["g"].ToString());
                root_col.b = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["colour"]["b"].ToString());
                root_col.a = 1;

                Color limb_col = new Color();
                limb_col.r = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["limb_colour"]["r"].ToString());
                limb_col.g = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["limb_colour"]["g"].ToString());
                limb_col.b = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["limb_colour"]["b"].ToString());
                limb_col.a = 1;

                Vector3 root_scale = new Vector3();
                root_scale.x = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["root_scale"]["x"].ToString());
                root_scale.y = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["root_scale"]["y"].ToString());
                root_scale.z = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["root_scale"]["z"].ToString());

                float bjf = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["base_joint_frequency"].ToString());
                float bja = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["base_joint_amplitude"].ToString());
                float bjp = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["base_joint_phase"].ToString());
                float ht  = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["hunger_threshold"].ToString());

                ArrayList branches     = new ArrayList();
                int       num_branches = (int)contents["attributes"]["branches"];
                chromosome.num_recurrences = new int[num_branches];
                for (int j = 0; j < num_branches; j++)
                    ArrayList limbs       = new ArrayList();
                    int       recurrences = (int)contents["attributes"]["recurrences"][j];
                    chromosome.num_recurrences[j] = recurrences;
                    for (int k = 0; k < recurrences; ++k)
                        float   x        = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["limbs"][j.ToString()][k]["position"]["x"].ToString());
                        float   y        = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["limbs"][j.ToString()][k]["position"]["y"].ToString());
                        float   z        = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["limbs"][j.ToString()][k]["position"]["z"].ToString());
                        Vector3 position = new Vector3(x, y, z);

                        x = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["limbs"][j.ToString()][k]["scale"]["x"].ToString());
                        y = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["limbs"][j.ToString()][k]["scale"]["y"].ToString());
                        z = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["limbs"][j.ToString()][k]["scale"]["z"].ToString());
                        Vector3 scale = new Vector3(x, y, z);

                        ArrayList limb = new ArrayList();

                chromosome.colour           = root_col;
                chromosome.limb_colour      = limb_col;
                chromosome.hunger_threshold = ht;

                creatures.Add(name, chromosome);
Exemplo n.º 3
    public static Chromosome crossover(Chromosome c1, Chromosome c2, double rate)
        Chromosome c = new Chromosome();

        // Crossover colour
        Color c1_col = c1.getColour();
        Color c2_col = c2.getColour();
        float r = (.5F * c1_col.r) + (.5F * c2_col.r);
        float g = (.5F * c1_col.g) + (.5F * c2_col.g);
        float b = (.5F * c1_col.b) + (.5F * c2_col.b);

        Color c1_limb_col = c1.getLimbColour();
        Color c2_limb_col = c2.getLimbColour();
        r = (.5F * c1_limb_col.r) + (.5F * c2_limb_col.r);
        g = (.5F * c1_limb_col.g) + (.5F * c2_limb_col.g);
        b = (.5F * c1_limb_col.b) + (.5F * c2_limb_col.b);

        // Crossover limbs
        ArrayList c1_branches = c1.branches;
        ArrayList c2_branches = c2.branches;
        ArrayList c_branches;

        // Randomly select the parent from which the child will derive its limb structure
        int select = Random.Range(0,2);
        ArrayList other_crt_branches;
        if (select == 0)
            c_branches = c1_branches;
            other_crt_branches = c2_branches;
            c_branches = c2_branches;
            other_crt_branches = c1_branches;

        select = Random.Range(0,2);
        if (select == 0)

        // Randomly select attributes from the selected creature's limbs to
        //	assign to child creature's limbs

        c.num_recurrences = new int[c_branches.Count];
        for (int i=0; i<c_branches.Count; i++)
            ArrayList c_limbs = (ArrayList) c_branches[i];
            c.num_recurrences[i] = c_limbs.Count;

            for (int j=1; j<c_limbs.Count; j++)
                ArrayList c_attributes = (ArrayList) c_limbs[j];

                //select random limb segment from other creature
                ArrayList other_crt_limbs = (ArrayList) other_crt_branches[Random.Range (0,other_crt_branches.Count)];
                ArrayList other_crt_attributes = (ArrayList) other_crt_limbs[Random.Range(0,other_crt_limbs.Count)];

                Vector3 c_scale = (Vector3) c_attributes[1];
                Vector3 other_crt_scale = (Vector3) other_crt_attributes[1];
                for (int s=0; s<3; s++)
                    rand = rnd.NextDouble();
                    if (rand < rate) {
                        c_scale[s] = other_crt_scale[s];

                //select random limb segment from other creature
                other_crt_limbs = (ArrayList) other_crt_branches[Random.Range (0,other_crt_branches.Count)];
                other_crt_attributes = (ArrayList) other_crt_limbs[Random.Range(0,other_crt_limbs.Count)];

                Vector3 c_pos = (Vector3) c_attributes[0];
                Vector3 other_crt_pos = (Vector3) other_crt_attributes[0];
                for (int p=0; p<3; p++)
                    rand = rnd.NextDouble();
                    if (rand < rate)
                        c_pos[p] = other_crt_pos[p];
            c_branches[i] = c_limbs;
            c.num_branches = c_branches.Count;

        // Crossover frequency and amplitude
        c.base_joint_amplitude = c1.base_joint_amplitude;
        c.base_joint_frequency = c1.base_joint_frequency;
        c.base_joint_phase	   = c1.base_joint_phase;

        rand = rnd.NextDouble();
        if (rand < 0.5f)
            c.base_joint_amplitude = c2.base_joint_amplitude;

        rand = rnd.NextDouble();
        if (rand < 0.5f)
            c.base_joint_frequency = c2.base_joint_frequency;

        rand = rnd.NextDouble();
        if (rand < 0.5f)
            c.base_joint_phase = c2.base_joint_phase;

        rand = rnd.NextDouble();
        if (rand < 0.5f)
            c.hunger_threshold = c2.hunger_threshold;
            c.hunger_threshold = c1.hunger_threshold;


        return (c);
Exemplo n.º 4
    public static Chromosome mutate(Chromosome c, double rate, float factor)
        // Mutate colour
        float[] cs = new float[3];
        Color cc = c.getColour();
        cs[0] = cc.r;
        cs[1] = cc.g;
        cs[2] = cc.b;
        for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
            rand = rnd.NextDouble();
            if (rand < rate)
                cs[i] += randomiseGene(factor);
        c.setColour(cs[0], cs[1], cs[2]);

        // Mutate root scale
        Vector3 rc = c.getRootScale();

        if (rc.x > 1F && rc.y > 1F && rc.z > 1F)
            float[] rs = new float[3];
            rs[0] = rc.x;
            rs[1] = rc.y;
            rs[2] = rc.z;
            for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
                rand = rnd.NextDouble();
                if (rand < rate)
                    rs[i] += randomiseGene(factor);
            Vector3 rootScale = new Vector3 (rs[0], rs[1], rs[2]);

        // mutate limbs
        cc = c.getLimbColour();
        cs[0] = cc.r;
        cs[1] = cc.g;
        cs[2] = cc.b;
        for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
            rand = rnd.NextDouble();
            if (rand < rate)
                cs[i] += randomiseGene(factor);
        c.setLimbColour(cs[0], cs[1], cs[2]);

        ArrayList branches = c.branches;
        for (int b=0; b<branches.Count; b++)
            ArrayList limbs = (ArrayList) branches[b];
            for (int i=0; i<limbs.Count; i++)
                ArrayList limb = (ArrayList) limbs[i];
                Vector3 v = (Vector3) limb[1];
                for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
                    rand = rnd.NextDouble();
                    if(rand < rate)
                        v[k] += randomiseGene(factor);


        // mutate base frequency and amplitude
        rand = rnd.NextDouble();
        if(rand < rate)
            c.base_joint_amplitude += randomiseGene(factor);

        rand = rnd.NextDouble();
        if(rand < rate)
            c.base_joint_frequency += randomiseGene(factor);

        rand = rnd.NextDouble();
        if(rand < rate)
            c.base_joint_phase += randomiseGene(factor);

        rand = rnd.NextDouble();
        if(rand < rate)
            c.hunger_threshold += randomiseGene(factor);

        return c;
Exemplo n.º 5
    public static Chromosome mutate(Chromosome c, double rate, float factor)
        // Mutate colour
        float[] cs = new float[3];
        Color   cc = c.getColour();

        cs[0] = cc.r;
        cs[1] = cc.g;
        cs[2] = cc.b;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            rand = rnd.NextDouble();
            if (rand < rate)
                cs[i] += randomiseGene(factor);
        c.setColour(cs[0], cs[1], cs[2]);

        // Mutate root scale
        Vector3 rc = c.getRootScale();

        if (rc.x > 1F && rc.y > 1F && rc.z > 1F)
            float[] rs = new float[3];
            rs[0] = rc.x;
            rs[1] = rc.y;
            rs[2] = rc.z;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                rand = rnd.NextDouble();
                if (rand < rate)
                    rs[i] += randomiseGene(factor);
            Vector3 rootScale = new Vector3(rs[0], rs[1], rs[2]);

        // mutate limbs
        cc    = c.getLimbColour();
        cs[0] = cc.r;
        cs[1] = cc.g;
        cs[2] = cc.b;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            rand = rnd.NextDouble();
            if (rand < rate)
                cs[i] += randomiseGene(factor);
        c.setLimbColour(cs[0], cs[1], cs[2]);

        ArrayList branches = c.branches;

        for (int b = 0; b < branches.Count; b++)
            ArrayList limbs = (ArrayList)branches[b];
            for (int i = 0; i < limbs.Count; i++)
                ArrayList limb = (ArrayList)limbs[i];
                Vector3   v    = (Vector3)limb[1];
                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                    rand = rnd.NextDouble();
                    if (rand < rate)
                        v[k] += randomiseGene(factor);

        // mutate base frequency and amplitude
        rand = rnd.NextDouble();
        if (rand < rate)
            c.base_joint_amplitude += randomiseGene(factor);

        rand = rnd.NextDouble();
        if (rand < rate)
            c.base_joint_frequency += randomiseGene(factor);

        rand = rnd.NextDouble();
        if (rand < rate)
            c.base_joint_phase += randomiseGene(factor);

        rand = rnd.NextDouble();
        if (rand < rate)
            c.hunger_threshold += randomiseGene(factor);

Exemplo n.º 6
    public static Chromosome crossover(Chromosome c1, Chromosome c2, double rate)
        Chromosome c = new Chromosome();

        // Crossover colour
        Color c1_col = c1.getColour();
        Color c2_col = c2.getColour();
        float r      = (.5F * c1_col.r) + (.5F * c2_col.r);
        float g      = (.5F * c1_col.g) + (.5F * c2_col.g);
        float b      = (.5F * c1_col.b) + (.5F * c2_col.b);

        c.setColour(r, g, b);

        Color c1_limb_col = c1.getLimbColour();
        Color c2_limb_col = c2.getLimbColour();

        r = (.5F * c1_limb_col.r) + (.5F * c2_limb_col.r);
        g = (.5F * c1_limb_col.g) + (.5F * c2_limb_col.g);
        b = (.5F * c1_limb_col.b) + (.5F * c2_limb_col.b);
        c.setLimbColour(r, g, b);

        // Crossover limbs
        ArrayList c1_branches = c1.branches;
        ArrayList c2_branches = c2.branches;
        ArrayList c_branches;

        // Randomly select the parent from which the child will derive its limb structure
        int       select = Random.Range(0, 2);
        ArrayList other_crt_branches;

        if (select == 0)
            c_branches         = c1_branches;
            other_crt_branches = c2_branches;
            c_branches         = c2_branches;
            other_crt_branches = c1_branches;

        select = Random.Range(0, 2);
        if (select == 0)

        // Randomly select attributes from the selected creature's limbs to
        //	assign to child creature's limbs

        c.num_recurrences = new int[c_branches.Count];
        for (int i = 0; i < c_branches.Count; i++)
            ArrayList c_limbs = (ArrayList)c_branches[i];
            c.num_recurrences[i] = c_limbs.Count;

            for (int j = 1; j < c_limbs.Count; j++)
                ArrayList c_attributes = (ArrayList)c_limbs[j];

                //select random limb segment from other creature
                ArrayList other_crt_limbs      = (ArrayList)other_crt_branches[Random.Range(0, other_crt_branches.Count)];
                ArrayList other_crt_attributes = (ArrayList)other_crt_limbs[Random.Range(0, other_crt_limbs.Count)];

                Vector3 c_scale         = (Vector3)c_attributes[1];
                Vector3 other_crt_scale = (Vector3)other_crt_attributes[1];
                for (int s = 0; s < 3; s++)
                    rand = rnd.NextDouble();
                    if (rand < rate)
                        c_scale[s] = other_crt_scale[s];

                //select random limb segment from other creature
                other_crt_limbs      = (ArrayList)other_crt_branches[Random.Range(0, other_crt_branches.Count)];
                other_crt_attributes = (ArrayList)other_crt_limbs[Random.Range(0, other_crt_limbs.Count)];

                Vector3 c_pos         = (Vector3)c_attributes[0];
                Vector3 other_crt_pos = (Vector3)other_crt_attributes[0];
                for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++)
                    rand = rnd.NextDouble();
                    if (rand < rate)
                        c_pos[p] = other_crt_pos[p];
            c_branches[i]  = c_limbs;
            c.num_branches = c_branches.Count;

        // Crossover frequency and amplitude
        c.base_joint_amplitude = c1.base_joint_amplitude;
        c.base_joint_frequency = c1.base_joint_frequency;
        c.base_joint_phase     = c1.base_joint_phase;

        rand = rnd.NextDouble();
        if (rand < 0.5f)
            c.base_joint_amplitude = c2.base_joint_amplitude;

        rand = rnd.NextDouble();
        if (rand < 0.5f)
            c.base_joint_frequency = c2.base_joint_frequency;

        rand = rnd.NextDouble();
        if (rand < 0.5f)
            c.base_joint_phase = c2.base_joint_phase;

        rand = rnd.NextDouble();
        if (rand < 0.5f)
            c.hunger_threshold = c2.hunger_threshold;
            c.hunger_threshold = c1.hunger_threshold;


Exemplo n.º 7
    void Start()
        spw      = Spawner.getInstance();
        settings = Settings.getInstance();
        eth      = Ether.getInstance();

        max_root_scale   = new Vector3();
        max_root_scale.x = float.Parse(settings.contents["creature"]["root"]["max_root_scale"]["x"].ToString());
        max_root_scale.y = float.Parse(settings.contents["creature"]["root"]["max_root_scale"]["y"].ToString());
        max_root_scale.z = float.Parse(settings.contents["creature"]["root"]["max_root_scale"]["z"].ToString());

        min_root_scale   = new Vector3();
        min_root_scale.x = float.Parse(settings.contents["creature"]["root"]["min_root_scale"]["x"].ToString());
        min_root_scale.y = float.Parse(settings.contents["creature"]["root"]["min_root_scale"]["y"].ToString());
        min_root_scale.z = float.Parse(settings.contents["creature"]["root"]["min_root_scale"]["z"].ToString());

        max_limb_scale   = new Vector3();
        max_limb_scale.x = float.Parse(settings.contents["creature"]["limb"]["max_limb_scale"]["x"].ToString());
        max_limb_scale.y = float.Parse(settings.contents["creature"]["limb"]["max_limb_scale"]["y"].ToString());
        max_limb_scale.z = float.Parse(settings.contents["creature"]["limb"]["max_limb_scale"]["z"].ToString());

        min_limb_scale   = new Vector3();
        min_limb_scale.x = float.Parse(settings.contents["creature"]["limb"]["min_limb_scale"]["x"].ToString());
        min_limb_scale.y = float.Parse(settings.contents["creature"]["limb"]["min_limb_scale"]["y"].ToString());
        min_limb_scale.z = float.Parse(settings.contents["creature"]["limb"]["min_limb_scale"]["z"].ToString());

        starting_creatures = (int)settings.contents["ether"]["starting_creatures"];
        creature_spread    = float.Parse(settings.contents["ether"]["creature_spread"].ToString());
        double creature_init_energy = (double)settings.contents["creature"]["init_energy"];
        int    branch_limit         = (int)settings.contents["creature"]["branch_limit"];
        int    recurrence_limit     = (int)settings.contents["creature"]["recurrence_limit"];

         * For each new creature, generate random genes and spawn the bugger
        for (int i = 0; i < starting_creatures; i++)
            chromosome = new Chromosome();

            // random colours
            Color col = new Color((float)Random.Range(0.0F, 1.0F),
                                  (float)Random.Range(0.0F, 1.0F),
                                  (float)Random.Range(0.0F, 1.0F)
            chromosome.setColour(col.r, col.g, col.b);
            chromosome.setLimbColour(col.r, col.g, col.b);

            chromosome.hunger_threshold = float.Parse(settings.contents["creature"]["hunger_threshold"].ToString());

            // random root scale
            Vector3 rootScale = new Vector3((float)Random.Range(min_root_scale.x, max_root_scale.x),
                                            (float)Random.Range(min_root_scale.y, max_root_scale.y),
                                            (float)Random.Range(min_root_scale.z, max_root_scale.z)

            // random initial limbs
            int bs = Random.Range(1, branch_limit + 1);
            ArrayList branches = new ArrayList();

            for (int j = 0; j < bs; j++)
                ArrayList limbs = new ArrayList();

                int recurrences = Random.Range(0, recurrence_limit);
                chromosome.num_recurrences[j] = recurrences;
                for (int k = 0; k <= recurrences; k++)
                    Vector3 scale = new Vector3((float)Random.Range(min_limb_scale.x, max_limb_scale.x),
                                                (float)Random.Range(min_limb_scale.y, max_limb_scale.y),
                                                (float)Random.Range(min_limb_scale.z, max_limb_scale.z)

                    Vector3 position = Utility.RandomPointInsideCube(rootScale);

                    ArrayList limb = new ArrayList();

            chromosome.setBaseFequency(Random.Range(3, 20));
            chromosome.setBaseAmplitude(Random.Range(3, 6));
            chromosome.setBasePhase(Random.Range(0, 360));

            if (eth.enoughEnergy(creature_init_energy))
                spw.spawn(Utility.RandomVec(-creature_spread, creature_spread, creature_spread), Utility.RandomRotVec(), creature_init_energy, chromosome);
Exemplo n.º 8
    void LoadCreatures()
        string[] fs;
        creature_files = Directory.GetDirectories(creatures_folder);
        foreach (var s in creature_files)
            fs = Directory.GetFiles(s, "*.json");
            foreach (var f in fs)
                Chromosome chromosome = new Chromosome();

                sr = new StreamReader(f);
                raw_contents = sr.ReadToEnd();
                contents = JsonMapper.ToObject(raw_contents);

                string name = contents["name"].ToString();

                Color root_col = new Color();
                root_col.r = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["colour"]["r"].ToString());
                root_col.g = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["colour"]["g"].ToString());
                root_col.b = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["colour"]["b"].ToString());
                root_col.a = 1;

                Color limb_col = new Color();
                limb_col.r = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["limb_colour"]["r"].ToString());
                limb_col.g = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["limb_colour"]["g"].ToString());
                limb_col.b = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["limb_colour"]["b"].ToString());
                limb_col.a = 1;

                Vector3 root_scale = new Vector3();
                root_scale.x = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["root_scale"]["x"].ToString());
                root_scale.y = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["root_scale"]["y"].ToString());
                root_scale.z = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["root_scale"]["z"].ToString());

                float bjf = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["base_joint_frequency"].ToString());
                float bja = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["base_joint_amplitude"].ToString());
                float bjp = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["base_joint_phase"].ToString());
                float ht =  float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["hunger_threshold"].ToString());

                ArrayList branches =  new ArrayList();
                int num_branches = (int)contents["attributes"]["branches"];
                chromosome.num_recurrences = new int[num_branches];
                for (int j = 0; j < num_branches ; j++)
                    ArrayList limbs = new ArrayList();
                    int recurrences = (int)contents["attributes"]["recurrences"][j];
                    chromosome.num_recurrences[j] = recurrences;
                    for (int k = 0; k < recurrences; ++k)
                        float x = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["limbs"][j.ToString()][k]["position"]["x"].ToString());
                        float y = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["limbs"][j.ToString()][k]["position"]["y"].ToString());
                        float z = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["limbs"][j.ToString()][k]["position"]["z"].ToString());
                        Vector3 position = new Vector3(x,y,z);

                        x = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["limbs"][j.ToString()][k]["scale"]["x"].ToString());
                        y = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["limbs"][j.ToString()][k]["scale"]["y"].ToString());
                        z = float.Parse(contents["attributes"]["limbs"][j.ToString()][k]["scale"]["z"].ToString());
                        Vector3 scale = new Vector3(x,y,z);

                        ArrayList limb = new ArrayList();

                chromosome.colour = root_col;
                chromosome.limb_colour = limb_col;
                chromosome.hunger_threshold = ht;

                creatures.Add(name, chromosome);