Exemplo n.º 1
        static void testdecrypt()
            //byte[] encryptedArr = {145, 110, 51, 179, 147, 38, 228, 145, 55, 179, 143, 45, 179, 239, 28, 251, 127, 202, 47, 73, 49, 31, 36, 232, 81, 219, 2, 180, 16, 104, 203, 148, 207, 36, 110, 184, 225, 133, 190, 185, 22, 75, 49, 69, 129, 101, 161, 215, 102, 66, 218, 127, 193, 201, 222, 181, 187, 251, 221, 205, 103, 188, 5, 77, 94, 236, 43, 121, 182, 233, 109, 123, 64, 93, 61, 61, 204, 157, 23, 17, 220, 187, 150, 187, 29, 230, 91, 89, 241, 27, 34, 18, 21, 195, 220, 231, 237, 47, 123, 247, 128, 107, 169, 115, 84, 103, 129, 126, 99, 231, 2, 23, 152, 183, 136, 70, 64, 116, 125, 198, 240, 128, 129, 133, 5, 144, 179, 255, 10, 14, 148, 216, 164, 78, 253, 190, 231, 153, 157, 64, 212, 78, 212, 191, 230, 120, 58, 223, 147, 241, 222, 191, 22, 99, 80, 126, 212, 172, 14, 43, 135, 43, 117, 47, 172, 161, 38, 67, 125, 205, 186, 91, 35, 89, 110, 243, 184, 200, 158, 220, 161, 222, 172, 53, 211, 90, 55, 126, 190, 183, 71, 101, 215, 218, 90, 68, 122, 226, 237, 119, 139, 176, 51, 129, 7, 71, 154, 196, 52, 16, 136, 104, 4, 108, 136, 112, 25, 45, 88, 232, 94, 159, 199, 221, 152, 88, 156, 73, 183, 158, 241, 10, 102, 50, 166, 183, 86, 252, 102, 4, 190, 144, 149, 136, 255, 115, 163, 177, 88, 67, 88, 85, 247, 0, 30, 159};

            string encryptedStr = "";

            encryptedStr = "YrOiK4Efq2oM4Ny0YW7VFnOtkWHpcFg1zHHfxpdEX1k/wbjbMHyBYn6Uo1qB6fcRNmokO1L48fQGfpeyErgWSt/D1pBlffV+QkGNLtApXIShPdOj8uqElP0T8skNTZCUNqsaB5MPwFsUDiuynimqikM6tBNdLss+z81LbxARUlao/yN112GoxQQ4wpnaDk/eOA51J+5aZb2jMssHwAFx3M3K8AJmUv4qBN8lOAnahd3QnDgaxk7gNydjKyVi1eRGHYxwQVNwMsV1we7EFDMBICG97i4GmWrP2BkrXs8J09osP2O++TIVZrxYpEGwwrRmtno1bBCfySWLNuxd33jwcg==";
            encryptedStr = "SnGp1BBb0fU7poFpM5Z0oD0YtfYZizU97GxUF9pn58yGEhpTdJ2vWy/NrhYMPflf4yym77zUyNVhDaOZ+1Q2H4imkiXa5q9DsBRN+dl5dVvosEse3OSyOTEbxn4AcrreWGhKTJ+/3mEhRotUE/rUuWskXKzSA+WQ0nSGUxSG/Rw0yaCeWsa1MU3UM0ugxxxd2gExY+K39+4nXUzNMv+H4XniTvmmUI7k8TEGAsZujwDsU9Oh+MbMtH8nlTu+yvfS++/dDTX9bFmpbkkH7FgbVvKcoICXsI5UfTATfRL4LkzdipO8VJNiPKT8TkgZyIJC/m1daLGAmIs+fM98rWm9yg==";
            Chilkat.PrivateKey privkey1 = new Chilkat.PrivateKey();
            bool success = privkey1.LoadPem(mykey);

            Chilkat.Rsa rsa4 = new Chilkat.Rsa();
            success = rsa4.UnlockComponent("HAFSJORSA_K36nxU3n1Yui");

            rsa4.EncodingMode = "base64";
            rsa4.Charset      = "ANSI";
            rsa4.LittleEndian = true;
            rsa4.OaepPadding  = false;
            success           = rsa4.ImportPrivateKey(privkey1.GetXml());
            bool usePrivateKey = true;

            //byte[] decryptedArr = rsa4.DecryptBytes(encryptedArr, usePrivateKey);
            string decryptedStr = rsa4.DecryptStringENC(encryptedStr, usePrivateKey);
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="StrToDecrypt"></param>
 /// <param name="EncodingMode"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override string Decrypt(string StrToDecrypt, string EncodingMode, string RSAPrivateKey)
         //  Now decrypt:
         Chilkat.Rsa rsaDecryptor = new Chilkat.Rsa();
         /// bool for success
         bool success;
         /// unlock component
         success = rsaDecryptor.UnlockComponent("VIENTORSA_TbpfVVr01Or6");
         /// we encode in 64 base bits
         rsaDecryptor.EncodingMode = EncodingMode;
         ///rsa import private
         /// decrypted string
         string decryptedStr;
         ///we now decript the string
         decryptedStr = rsaDecryptor.DecryptStringENC(StrToDecrypt, true);
         /// return the string
         return decryptedStr;
         return null;
        private string DecryptWithApplicationCertPrivateKey(string encryptedkey)
            var rsaDecryptor = new Chilkat.Rsa {
                EncodingMode = "hex"


            var applicationKey = rsaDecryptor.DecryptStringENC(encryptedkey, true);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public string GetSymmetricKeyForUser(string userReference)
            var userKeys = GetUserKeyPair(userReference);

            var rsaDecryptor = new Chilkat.Rsa {
                EncodingMode = EncodingMode

            var symmetricKey = rsaDecryptor.DecryptStringENC(userKeys.EncryptedSymetricKey, false);

Exemplo n.º 5
        public void EncryptApplicationKeyFromCryptoServiceCert()
            X509Certificate2 theCert = null;

            var store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);


            foreach (var certificate in store.Certificates)

                if (certificate.FriendlyName == "CryptoServiceCert")
                    theCert = certificate;

            var privateKey = theCert?.PrivateKey?.ToXmlString(true);
            var publicKey  = theCert?.PrivateKey?.ToXmlString(true);

            var sampleText = "+oPDU29Bv2hfUZ8fZozMGAVYUZjp1wdwDs42JY213tA=";

            var rsaEncryptor = new Chilkat.Rsa {
                EncodingMode = "hex"

            var encryptedText = rsaEncryptor.EncryptStringENC(sampleText, false);

            Console.WriteLine($"Encrypted Value: [{encryptedText}]");

            var rsaDecryptor = new Chilkat.Rsa {
                EncodingMode = "hex"


            var decryptedText = rsaDecryptor.DecryptStringENC(encryptedText, true);
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Decrypt using a Given Private Key
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="StringToDecrypt">w to Decrypt</param>
 /// <param name="PrivateKey"></param>
 /// <param name="EncodingMode">base64, hex</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string Decrypt(string StrToDecrypt, string PrivateKey, string EncodingMode)
         /// First we get the RSA Public Key
         string RSAPrivateKey = PrivateKey;
         /// rsa object
         Chilkat.Rsa rsa = new Chilkat.Rsa();
         /// bool for success
         bool success;
         /// unlock component
         success = rsa.UnlockComponent("VIENTORSA_TbpfVVr01Or6");
         /// private key
         string privateKey;
         ///we now export the private key
         privateKey = rsa.ExportPrivateKey();
         //  Now decrypt:
         Chilkat.Rsa rsaDecryptor = new Chilkat.Rsa();
         /// we encode in 64 base bits
         rsaDecryptor.EncodingMode = EncodingMode;
         ///rsa import private
         /// decrypted string
         string decryptedStr;
         ///we now decript the string
         decryptedStr = rsaDecryptor.DecryptStringENC(StrToDecrypt, true);
         /// return the string
         return decryptedStr;
         return null;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public VerificationResult <string> VerifySignature(DigitalSignature <string> signature)
            var verificationResults = new VerificationResult <string>();
            var hashManager         = new HashManager();

            var envelope = DecryptSignedContent <string>(signature.SignedContent, signature.SignatoryReference);

            if (envelope == null)
                verificationResults.SignatoryMatchedToSignature = false;

            var hashCurrentBody = hashManager.HashContent(envelope.Body);
            var publicKey       = KeyStoreAdapter.GetPublicKeyForUser(signature.SignatoryReference);

            // Decrypt hash with public key to ensure there is no tampering and content is still the same
            var rsaDecryptor = new Chilkat.Rsa {
                EncodingMode = EncodingMode

            var decryptedoriginalHash = rsaDecryptor.DecryptStringENC(envelope.Header.EncryptedBodyHashSignature, false);

            var signitureMatch = hashCurrentBody == decryptedoriginalHash;

            verificationResults.IpAddress                       = envelope.Body?.IpAddress;
            verificationResults.SignatoryEmailAddress           = envelope.Body?.EmailAddress;
            verificationResults.SignatoryMatchedToSignature     = true;
            verificationResults.SignedContentMatchesToSignature = signitureMatch;

            verificationResults.ExpectedContent = signature.OriginalContent;
            verificationResults.SignedContent   = envelope?.Body?.Content;

Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void performRSA(string text)
            Chilkat.Rsa rsa = new Chilkat.Rsa();

            bool success = rsa.UnlockComponent("Anything for 30-day trial");

            if (success != true)
                Console.WriteLine("RSA component unlock failed");

//  This example also generates the public and private
//  keys to be used in the RSA encryption.
//  Normally, you would generate a key pair once,
//  and distribute the public key to your partner.
//  Anything encrypted with the public key can be
//  decrypted with the private key.  The reverse is
//  also true: anything encrypted using the private
//  key can be decrypted using the public key.

//  Generate a 1024-bit key.  Chilkat RSA supports
//  key sizes ranging from 512 bits to 4096 bits.
            success = rsa.GenerateKey(1024);
            if (success != true)

//  Keys are exported in XML format:
            string publicKey  = rsa.ExportPublicKey();
            string privateKey = rsa.ExportPrivateKey();

            string plainText = "Encrypting and decrypting should be easy!";

            plainText = text;
//  Start with a new RSA object to demonstrate that all we
//  need are the keys previously exported:
            Chilkat.Rsa rsaEncryptor = new Chilkat.Rsa();

//  Encrypted output is always binary.  In this case, we want
//  to encode the encrypted bytes in a printable string.
//  Our choices are "hex", "base64", "url", "quoted-printable".
            rsaEncryptor.EncodingMode = "hex";

//  We'll encrypt with the public key and decrypt with the private
//  key.  It's also possible to do the reverse.
            success = rsaEncryptor.ImportPublicKey(publicKey);

            bool   usePrivateKey = false;
            string encryptedStr  = rsaEncryptor.EncryptStringENC(plainText, usePrivateKey);


//  Now decrypt:
            Chilkat.Rsa rsaDecryptor = new Chilkat.Rsa();

            rsaDecryptor.EncodingMode = "hex";
            success = rsaDecryptor.ImportPrivateKey(privateKey);

            usePrivateKey = true;
            string decryptedStr = rsaDecryptor.DecryptStringENC(encryptedStr, usePrivateKey);
