Exemplo n.º 1
 void Start()
     checkLives = GameObject.Find("Lives").GetComponent <CheckpointLives>();         //Find and assign the Script associated with the game object
     char2D     = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <CharController2D>();       //Find and assign the Script associated with the game object
     invisWall  = GameObject.Find("BossWall").GetComponent <InvisWall>();            //Find and assign the Script associated with the game object
     bossScene1 = GameObject.Find("BossTrigger").GetComponent <BossScene1>();        //Find and assign the Script associated with the game object
     hitCount   = checkLives.lives;
Exemplo n.º 2
    public float timeCountDown = 0.0f;                                          //Stores the time from the start of the timer start in timer()

    void Start()
        checkpoint = GameObject.Find("Lives").GetComponent <CheckpointLives>();       //Find and assign the Script associated with the game object
Exemplo n.º 3
 void Start()
     checkpoint = GameObject.Find("Lives").GetComponent <CheckpointLives>();                 //"OBJECT NAME" <CLASS NMAE>