/// <summary>
        /// Method which processes the checkout order of a user.
        /// Loads both the price and promotion catalogues when called.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A string which represents the receipt of the customers order.</returns>
        public string Checkout()
            //// Load price catalogue and promotional resources
            // Parse from JSON to respective Model (PriceCatalogue, PromotionCatalogue)
            var priceCatalogue     = _checkoutService.GetPriceCatalogue(PriceCatalogueRelativePath);
            var promotionCatalogue = _checkoutService.GetPromotionCatalogue(PromotionsRelativePath);

            // Read items from cart.json
            var shoppingCart = _checkoutService.GetShoppingCart(ShoppingCartRelativePath);
            var receipt      = new Receipt();

            foreach (var item in shoppingCart)
                // Item is already in receipt.
                if (receipt.CheckedOutItems.Any(x => x.Name == item))
                    // Update quantity.
                    receipt.CheckedOutItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == item).Quantity++;
                // New Item to add to receipt.
                    // Search for item in price catalogue.
                    var itemFromPriceCatalogue = priceCatalogue.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == item);
                    // Matching item was found in price catalogue.
                    if (itemFromPriceCatalogue != null)
                        // Create new checked out item to be placed in receipt.
                        var checkedOutItem = new CheckedOutItem
                            Name     = item.ToLower(),
                            Price    = itemFromPriceCatalogue.Price,
                            Quantity = 1

                        // Search for item in promotion catalogue.
                        var itemFromPromotionCatalogue = promotionCatalogue.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == item);
                        // Matching item was found in promotion catalogue.
                        if (itemFromPromotionCatalogue != null)
                            // Add Sale Price to CheckedOutItem.
                            checkedOutItem.SalePrice = itemFromPromotionCatalogue.SalePrice;

                        // Add item to Receipt

        public void CheckoutControllerCheckoutMethodTest()
            // arrange
            var expected = new Receipt
                CheckedOutItems = new List <CheckedOutItem>
                    new CheckedOutItem
                        Name      = "item1",
                        Quantity  = 1,
                        Price     = .75,
                        SalePrice = .50,
                    new CheckedOutItem
                        Name     = "item2",
                        Quantity = 2,
                        Price    = 2.00

            var promotionCatalogue = new PromotionCatalogue
                Items = new List <Item>
                    new Item
                        Name      = "item1",
                        SalePrice = .50

            var priceCatalogue = new PriceCatalogue
                Items = new List <Item>
                    new Item
                        Name  = "item1",
                        Price = .75
                    new Item
                        Name  = "item2",
                        Price = 2.00

            var shoppingCart = new Queue <string>();

            var actual = new Receipt();

            // act
            foreach (var item in shoppingCart)
                // Item is already in receipt.
                if (actual.CheckedOutItems.Any(x => x.Name == item))
                    actual.CheckedOutItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == item).Quantity++;
                // New Item to add to receipt.
                    // Search for item in price catalogue.
                    var itemFromPriceCatalogue = priceCatalogue.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == item);
                    // Matching item was found in price catalogue.
                    if (itemFromPriceCatalogue != null)
                        // Create new checked out item to be placed in receipt.
                        var checkedOutItem = new CheckedOutItem
                            Name     = item.ToLower(),
                            Price    = itemFromPriceCatalogue.Price,
                            Quantity = 1

                        // Search for item in promotion catalgoue.
                        var itemFromPromotionCatalogue = promotionCatalogue.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == item);
                        // Matching item was found in promotion catalogue.
                        if (itemFromPromotionCatalogue != null)
                            // Add Sale Price to CheckedOutItem.
                            checkedOutItem.SalePrice = itemFromPromotionCatalogue.SalePrice;

                        // Add item to the receipt.

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.TotalPrice, actual.TotalPrice);