Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 按广告分析
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="flow"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetAllAdDetail(FlowInfo flow)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (flow.AdId.HasValue)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and AdId = {0} ", flow.AdId);
            if (flow.FlowUserId.HasValue)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and FlowUserId = {0} ", flow.FlowUserId);
            if (flow.AdUserID.HasValue)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and AdUserId = {0} ", flow.AdUserID);

            string    cmd = string.Format(@"select time
,count(*) as pvcount
,count(distinct(clientid)) as uvcount
,count(distinct(clientip)) as ipcount  
,count(distinct(clientid)) /count(*) as useravg 
from  [AdBrowseHistory]
where time={0} {1}
group by time,AdId", flow.Time.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), sb);
            ChartPara cp  = new ChartPara();

            cp.CommandText = cmd;
            DataTable table = acc.GetTable(cp);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成当天的最大小时数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userid"></param>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetBrowseHour(FlowInfo flow)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (flow.AdId.HasValue)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and AdId = {0} ", flow.AdId);
            if (flow.FlowUserId.HasValue)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and FlowUserId = {0} ", flow.FlowUserId);
            if (flow.AdUserID.HasValue)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and AdUserId = {0} ", flow.AdUserID);

            ChartPara cp = new ChartPara();

            cp.CommandText = string.Format(@"select * from (
select count(*) as pvcount
,count(distinct(clientid)) as uvcount
,count(distinct(clientip)) as ipcount  
,count(distinct(clientid)) /count(*) as useravg
,left(convert(varchar(10), CreateDate, 108), 2) as time from [AdBrowseHistory]
where time = {0} {1}
group by left(convert(varchar(10), CreateDate, 108), 2)
) a order by a.time asc", flow.Time.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), sb);

            DataTable table = acc.GetTable(cp);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public DataTable GetTable(string cmd)
            ChartPara cp = new ChartPara();

            cp.CommandText = cmd;

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取某月的历史数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userid"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public EChartInfoJson GetAdBrowseDay(int userid)
            ChartPara cp = new ChartPara();

            cp.CommandText = string.Format(@"select * from (
select AdId, count(distinct(ClientIp)) as clickcount,  time as time from[dbo].[AdBrowseHistory]
where UserId={0}
group by AdId, time
) a order by a.time asc ", userid);

            var hours = CommonBLL.GetDayTable();
            DataTable table = acc.GetTable(cp);

            Entity.EChartInfoJson chart = new Entity.EChartInfoJson();
            chart.legend = new List <string>();
            chart.xAxis  = hours;
            chart.series = new List <Entity.serie>();

            var adlist = AdPageInfoBLL.Instance.GetModels(new AdPageInfoPara()
                UserId = userid

            chart.xAxis = hours;

            foreach (var item in adlist)

                Entity.serie data = new Entity.serie();
                data.name  = item.Title;
                data.data  = new List <string>();
                data.stack = "浏览量";
                data.type  = "line";

                foreach (var hour in hours)
                    var row = table.Select(string.Format("AdId={0} and time='{1}'", item.Id, hour));
                    if (row.Length == 0)


Exemplo n.º 5
        public override int InsertInto(ChartPara para)
            CodeCommand command = new CodeCommand();

            command.CommandText = para.CommandText;

            var rowcount = DbProxyFactory.Instance.Proxy.ExecuteNonQuery(command);

Exemplo n.º 6
        public override DataTable GetTable(ChartPara para)
            CodeCommand command = new CodeCommand();

            command.CommandText = para.CommandText;

            var table = DbProxyFactory.Instance.Proxy.ExecuteTable(command);

        /// <summary>
        /// 通用汇总,groupby必须填写
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="flow"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetAnalysis(QueryGroupInfo flow)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (flow.AdId.HasValue)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and AdId = {0} ", flow.AdId);
            if (flow.FlowUserId.HasValue)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and FlowUserId = {0} ", flow.FlowUserId);
            if (flow.AdUserID.HasValue)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and AdUserId = {0} ", flow.AdUserID);
            if (flow.Time.HasValue)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and time = {0} ", flow.Time.Value.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
            if (flow.TimeStart.HasValue)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and time >= {0} ", flow.TimeStart.Value.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
            if (flow.TimeEnd.HasValue)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and time <= {0} ", flow.TimeEnd.Value.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));

            string orderby = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(flow.OrderBy))
                orderby = " order by " + flow.OrderBy;

            string cmd = string.Format(@"
,count(*) as pvcount
,count(distinct(clientid)) as uvcount
,count(distinct(clientip)) as ipcount  
,count(distinct(clientid)) /count(*) as useravg 
from  [LogBrowseHistory]
where 1=1 {0}
group by {1} {2}", sb, flow.GroupBy, orderby);

            ChartPara cp = new ChartPara();

            cp.CommandText = cmd;
            DataTable table = acc.GetTable(cp);

Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// 分页面统计详情
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userid"></param>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetPagesAnalysis(int aduserid, DateTime time)
            string    cmd = string.Format(@"select adurl,count(*) as pvcount
,count(distinct(clientid)) as uvcount
,count(distinct(clientip)) as ipcount  
,count(distinct(clientid)) /count(*) as useravg
from AdBrowseHistory
where AdUserId={0}
and time={1}
group by adurl", aduserid, time.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
            ChartPara cp  = new ChartPara();

            cp.CommandText = cmd;
            DataTable table = acc.GetTable(cp);

Exemplo n.º 9
        public DataTable GetBrowseHour(int aduserid, DateTime time)
            ChartPara cp = new ChartPara();

            cp.CommandText = string.Format(@"select * from (
select count(*) as pvcount
,count(distinct(clientid)) as uvcount
,count(distinct(clientip)) as ipcount  
,count(distinct(clientid)) /count(*) as useravg
,left(convert(varchar(10), CreateDate, 108), 2) as time from [AdBrowseHistory]
where AdUserId={0} and time = {1}
group by left(convert(varchar(10), CreateDate, 108), 2)
) a order by a.time asc", aduserid, time.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));

            DataTable table = acc.GetTable(cp);

        /// <summary>
        /// 汇总相关数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        public void SummaryHistoryUserLogBrowse(DateTime time)
            string timeid = time.ToString("yyyyMMdd");

            string cmd = @"select  time,adid,aduserid,count(*) pvcount,count(distinct(clientid)) uvcount,count(distinct(clientip)) ipcount
                            from LogBrowseHistory 
                            where Time=$TIME$
                            group by time,adid,aduserid
                            order by adid";

            cmd = cmd.Replace("$TIME$", timeid);

            ChartPara cp = new ChartPara();

            cp.CommandText = cmd;
            DataTable table = m_acc.GetTable(cp);

            var list = AdPageInfoBLL.Instance.GetModels(new AdPageInfoPara());

            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                HistoryUserLogBrowseVO his = new HistoryUserLogBrowseVO();
                his.AdId         = int.Parse(table.Rows[i]["adid"].ToString());
                his.CreateUserId = 0;
                his.CreateDate   = DateTime.Now;
                his.IpCount      = int.Parse(table.Rows[i]["ipcount"].ToString());
                his.UvCount      = int.Parse(table.Rows[i]["uvcount"].ToString());
                his.PvCount      = int.Parse(table.Rows[i]["pvcount"].ToString());
                his.UserId       = int.Parse(table.Rows[i]["aduserid"].ToString());
                his.Time         = int.Parse(timeid);

                var adinfo = list.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == his.AdId);
                if (adinfo != null)
                    his.Price = adinfo.Money;
                    his.Money = his.Price * his.IpCount;

        /// <summary>
        /// 数据迁移功能
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="time">时间</param>
        public void TransferDay(DateTime time)
            if (time.ToString("yyyyMMdd") == DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))

            string    cmd = string.Format("insert into  LogBrowseHistory select [Url],[ClientIp],[BrowseType],[CreateDate],[AdId],[AdUserId],[FlowUserId],[AdUrl],[Money],[IsMoney],[Time],[ClientId],[IsMobile],[ReferrerUrl],[BrowseName],[BrowseVersion],[OsName],[Country],[Area],[Region],[City],[County],[Isp],[IpSource] from LogBrowse where Time={0}", time.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
            ChartPara cp  = new ChartPara();

            cp.CommandText = cmd;
            var rowscount = m_acc.InsertInto(cp);

            LogBrowseBLL.Instance.Delete(new LogBrowsePara()
                Time = int.Parse(time.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))

Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// 通用汇总,groupby必须填写
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="flow"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetAnalysis(QueryGroupInfo flow)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (flow.AdId.HasValue)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and AdId = {0} ", flow.AdId);
            if (flow.FlowUserId.HasValue)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and FlowUserId = {0} ", flow.FlowUserId);
            if (flow.AdUserID.HasValue)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and AdUserId = {0} ", flow.AdUserID);
            if (flow.Time.HasValue)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and time = {0} ", flow.Time.Value.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));

            string cmd = string.Format(@"
,count(*) as pvcount
,count(distinct(clientid)) as uvcount
,count(distinct(clientip)) as ipcount  
,count(distinct(clientid)) /count(*) as useravg 
from  [AdBrowse]
where 1=1 {0}
group by {1}", sb, flow.GroupBy);

            ChartPara cp = new ChartPara();

            cp.CommandText = cmd;
            DataTable table = acc.GetTable(cp);

Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// 分小时粒度汇总
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aduserid"></param>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetBrowseHour(QcodeQueryInfo flow)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (flow.AdId.HasValue)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and AdId = {0} ", flow.AdId);
            if (flow.AdUserId.HasValue)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and AdUserId = {0} ", flow.AdUserId);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(flow.Url))
                sb.AppendFormat(" and Url = '{0}' ", flow.Url);
            if (flow.Time.HasValue)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and time = {0} ", flow.Time.Value);

            ChartPara cp = new ChartPara();

            cp.CommandText = string.Format(@"select * from (
left(convert(varchar(10), CreateDate, 108), 2) as time 
,count(*) as pvcount
,count(distinct(clientid)) as uvcount
,count(distinct(clientip)) as ipcount  
from  [LogAdQcode]
where 1=1 {0}
group by left(convert(varchar(10), CreateDate, 108), 2)
) a order by a.time asc", sb);

            DataTable table = chartcacc.GetTable(cp);

Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取某月的历史数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userid"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public EChartInfoJson GetHistoryMonthDays(FlowInfo flow)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendFormat(" [Time] = {0} ", flow.Time.ToString("yyyyMM"));

            if (flow.FlowUserId.HasValue)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and FlowUserId={0} ", flow.FlowUserId);
            if (flow.AdId.HasValue)
                sb.AppendFormat(" and AdId={0} ", flow.AdId);

            ChartPara cp = new ChartPara();

            cp.CommandText = string.Format(@"select * from (
select AdId, count(distinct(ClientIp)) as clickcount,  time as time from [AdBrowseHistory]
where {0}
group by AdId, time
) a order by a.time asc ", sb);

            var hours = CommonBLL.GetDayTable(int.Parse(flow.Time.ToString("yyyyMM")));
            DataTable table = acc.GetTable(cp);

            Entity.EChartInfoJson chart = new Entity.EChartInfoJson();
            chart.legend = new List <string>();
            chart.xAxis  = hours;
            chart.series = new List <Entity.serie>();

            var adlist = AdUserPageBLL.Instance.GetModels(new AdUserPagePara()
                FlowUserId = flow.FlowUserId.Value

            chart.xAxis = hours;

            foreach (var item in adlist)
                string title = AdPageInfoBLL.Instance.GetTitleById(item.AdPageId);

                Entity.serie data = new Entity.serie();
                data.name  = title;
                data.data  = new List <string>();
                data.stack = "浏览量";
                data.type  = "line";

                foreach (var hour in hours)
                    var row = table.Select(string.Format("AdId={0} and time='{1}'", item.AdPageId, hour));
                    if (row.Length == 0)


Exemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>
 /// 执行SQL
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="para"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public abstract int InsertInto(ChartPara para);
Exemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取图形
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="para"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public abstract DataTable GetTable(ChartPara para);