Exemplo n.º 1
        //When a client wants to enter the game world, we need to send them a bunch of information to set up their game world before they can enter
        public static void HandleEnterWorldRequest(int ClientID, ref NetworkPacket Packet)
            CommunicationLog.LogIn(ClientID + " enter world request");

            //Read the characters name the player is going to use, use it to fetch the rest of the characters data from the database
            string        CharacterName = Packet.ReadString();
            CharacterData CharacterData = CharactersDatabase.GetCharacterData(CharacterName);

            //Fetch this ClientConnection and make sure they were able to be found
            ClientConnection Client = ConnectionManager.GetClient(ClientID);

            if (Client == null)
                MessageLog.Print("ERROR: Client not found, unable to handle enter world request.");

            //Store the character data in the client
            Client.Character = CharacterData;

            //Send the clients lists of other players, AI entities, item pickups, inventory contents, equipped items and socketed actionbar abilities
            GameWorldStatePacketSender.SendInventoryContents(ClientID, CharacterName);
            GameWorldStatePacketSender.SendEquippedItems(ClientID, CharacterName);
            GameWorldStatePacketSender.SendSocketedAbilities(ClientID, CharacterName);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void TryRevivePlayer(string[] Input)
            string CharacterName = Input[1];

            if (!CharactersDatabase.DoesCharacterExist(CharacterName))
                MessageLog.Print("That character doesnt exist, cant revive them.");
            ClientConnection Client = ClientSubsetFinder.GetClientUsingCharacter(CharacterName);

            if (Client == null)
                MessageLog.Print("That character is not ingame right now, cant revive them.");
            if (Client.Character.IsAlive)
                MessageLog.Print("That character is not dead, cant revive them.");
            MessageLog.Print("Reviving " + CharacterName + "...");
            Client.Character.IsAlive = true;
            CombatPacketSenders.SendLocalPlayerRespawn(Client.ClientID, Client.Character);
            foreach (ClientConnection OtherClient in ClientSubsetFinder.GetInGameClientsExceptFor(Client.ClientID))
                CombatPacketSenders.SendRemotePlayerRespawn(OtherClient.ClientID, Client.Character);
Exemplo n.º 3
        //Tries using the command arguments for killing one of the player characters
        private void TryKillPlayer(string[] Input)
            string CharacterName = Input[1];

            if (!CharactersDatabase.DoesCharacterExist(CharacterName))
                MessageLog.Print("That character doesnt exist, cant kill them.");
            ClientConnection Client = ClientSubsetFinder.GetClientUsingCharacter(CharacterName);

            if (Client == null)
                MessageLog.Print("That character is not ingame right now, cant kill them.");
            //Make sure the character is still alive
            if (!Client.Character.IsAlive)
                MessageLog.Print("That character is already dead, cant kill them.");
            MessageLog.Print("Killing " + CharacterName + "...");
            Client.Character.IsAlive = false;
            foreach (ClientConnection OtherClient in ClientSubsetFinder.GetInGameClientsExceptFor(Client.ClientID))
                CombatPacketSenders.SendRemotePlayerDead(OtherClient.ClientID, Client.Character.Name);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public string ThirdCharacterName  = ""; //Name of the third character

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a new CharacterData object containing all of that characters data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CharacterNumber">The character slot to get data from (1,2 or 3)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CharacterData GetCharactersData(int CharacterNumber)
            //Make sure the character who's data is being requested exists
            if (CharacterNumber == 1 && FirstCharacterName == "")
                MessageLog.Print("ERROR: This account doesnt have a 1st character, so its data cannot be provded.");
            if (CharacterNumber == 2 && SecondCharacterName == "")
                MessageLog.Print("ERROR: This account doesnt have a 2nd character, so its data cannot be provided.");
            if (CharacterNumber == 3 && ThirdCharacterName == "")
                MessageLog.Print("ERROR: This account doesnt have a 3rd character, so its data cannot be provided.");

            //Fetch the characters data and return it
                       CharacterNumber == 1 ? FirstCharacterName :
                       CharacterNumber == 2 ? SecondCharacterName :
Exemplo n.º 5
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()

        if (GUILayout.Button("Update Character List"))
            CharactersDatabase characters = (CharactersDatabase)target;
Exemplo n.º 6
        //Tries using the command arguments for performing a setallcharactersrotations
        private void TrySetAllCharactersRotations(string[] Input)
            //Seperate the command arguments
            Quaternion Rotation = new Quaternion(float.Parse(Input[1]), float.Parse(Input[2]), float.Parse(Input[3]), float.Parse(Input[4]));

            //Log what is happening here
            MessageLog.Print("Setting the rotation of all characters in the database to " + Rotation.ToString());

            //Apply the new rotation to all characters in the database
Exemplo n.º 7
        //Tries using the command arguments for performing a setallcharacterspositions
        private void TrySetAllCharactersPositions(string[] Input)
            //Seperate the command arguments
            Vector3 Position = new Vector3(float.Parse(Input[1]), float.Parse(Input[2]), float.Parse(Input[3]));

            //Log what is happening here
            MessageLog.Print("Setting the position of all characters in the database to " + Position.ToString());

            //Apply the new position to all characters in the database
Exemplo n.º 8
        //Tries using the command arguments for performing a database purge
        private void TryPurgeDatabase(string[] Input)
            //Log what is happening here
            MessageLog.Print("Purging all entries from all databases.");

            //Purge all the databases
Exemplo n.º 9
        //Tries using the command arguments for performing a setallcharactersintegervalue
        private void TrySetAllCharactersIntegerValue(string[] Input)
            //Seperate the command arguments
            string IntegerName  = Input[1];
            int    IntegerValue = int.Parse(Input[2]);

            //Log what is happening here
            MessageLog.Print("Setting the value of the " + IntegerName + " integer to " + IntegerValue.ToString() + " in all character tables in the characters database.");

            //Use the arguments to apply the new value to the character tables in the database
            CharactersDatabase.SetAllIntegerValue(IntegerName, IntegerValue);
Exemplo n.º 10
        //Tries using the command arguments for performing a setallcharacterscameras
        private void TrySetAllCharactersCameras(string[] Input)
            //Seperate the command arguments
            float Zoom = float.Parse(Input[1]);
            float XRot = float.Parse(Input[2]);
            float YRot = float.Parse(Input[3]);

            //Log what is happening here
            MessageLog.Print("Setting the camera of all characters in the database to Zoom:" + Zoom + ", XRot:" + XRot + ", YRot:" + YRot + ".");

            //Apply the new camera settings to all characters in the database
            CharactersDatabase.SetAllCameras(Zoom, XRot, YRot);
Exemplo n.º 11
 //Cleans up any dead connections, removing their character from the world, and telling other clients to do the same on their end
 public static void CleanDeadClients(Simulation World)
     foreach (ClientConnection DeadClient in ClientSubsetFinder.GetDeadClients())
         //Backup / Remove from World and alert other clients about any ingame dead clients
         if (DeadClient.Character.InGame)
             foreach (ClientConnection LivingClient in ClientSubsetFinder.GetInGameLivingClientsExceptFor(DeadClient.ClientID))
                 PlayerManagementPacketSender.SendRemoveRemotePlayer(LivingClient.ClientID, DeadClient.Character.Name, DeadClient.Character.IsAlive);
Exemplo n.º 12
        //Tries using the command arguments for performing a character info search
        private void TryCharacterInfoSearch(string[] Input)
            //Get the characters name
            string CharacterName = Input[1];

            //Make sure the character exists
            if (!CharactersDatabase.DoesCharacterExist(CharacterName))
                //Say the character doesnt exist and exit the function
                MessageLog.Print("No character named " + CharacterName + " exists, couldnt look up their info.");

            //Characters Data will be stored here once we acquire it
            Server.Data.CharacterData Data;

            //Find the client currently controlling this character
            ClientConnection Client = ClientSubsetFinder.GetClientUsingCharacter(CharacterName);

            //If no client was found then we want to get the characters info from the database
            if (Client == null)
                Data = CharactersDatabase.GetCharacterData(CharacterName);
            //Otherwise we get the currently live data from the client who is currently using the character
                Data = Client.Character;

            //Define some nicely formatted strings containing all the characters data
            string CharacterInfo     = CharacterName + " level " + Data.Level + (Data.IsMale ? " male." : "female.") + " with " + Data.CurrentHealth + "/" + Data.MaxHealth + " HP.";
            string CharacterPosition = "Position: " + "(" + Data.Position.X + "," + Data.Position.Y + "," + Data.Position.Z + ").";
            string CharacterRotation = "Rotation: (" + Data.Rotation.X + "," + Data.Rotation.Y + "," + Data.Rotation.Z + "," + Data.Rotation.W + ").";
            string CharacterCamera   = "Camera: Zoom:" + Data.CameraZoom + " XRot:" + Data.CameraXRotation + " YRot:" + Data.CameraYRotation + ".";

            //Display all the information to the message window
Exemplo n.º 13
        //Tries using the command arguments for performing a server shutdown
        private void TryServerShutdown(string[] Input)
            //Log what is happening here
            MessageLog.Print("Server shutting down...");

            //Get a list of all ingame clients who are logged in and playing right now
            List <ClientConnection> ActiveClients = ClientSubsetFinder.GetInGameClients();

            //Loop through all the active players and backup their data
            foreach (ClientConnection ActiveClient in ActiveClients)

            //Close and save the current log file

            //Close the application
Exemplo n.º 14
        //Handles a users character creation request
        public static void HandleCreateCharacterRequest(int ClientID, ref NetworkPacket Packet)
            //Log what we are doing here
            CommunicationLog.LogIn(ClientID + " Character Creation Request.");

            //Fetch the name that has been provided for the new character
            string CharacterName = Packet.ReadString();

            //Make sure we are still connected to this client
            ClientConnection Client = ConnectionManager.GetClient(ClientID);

            if (Client == null)
                //Ignore the request if the connection could not be found
                MessageLog.Print("ERROR: " + ClientID + " network connection could not be found, ignoring their character creation request.");

            //Make sure they provided a valid character name
            if (!ValidInputCheckers.IsValidCharacterName(CharacterName))
                //Reject the request if the provided character name contained any banned character
                AccountManagementPacketSenders.SendCreateCharacterReply(ClientID, false, "Character name provided contained banned characters.");

            //Make sure the character name isnt already taken
            if (!CharactersDatabase.IsCharacterNameAvailable(CharacterName))
                //Reject the request if the name is already taken
                AccountManagementPacketSenders.SendCreateCharacterReply(ClientID, false, "That character name is already taken.");

            //Register the new character into the database and then reload this clients account information from the database
            CharactersDatabase.SaveNewCharacter(Client.Account.Username, CharacterName);
            Client.Account = AccountsDatabase.GetAccountData(Client.Account.Username);

            //Tell the client their character creation request has been a success
            AccountManagementPacketSenders.SendCreateCharacterReply(ClientID, true, "Character Created.");
Exemplo n.º 15
        //Tries using the command arguments for performing a player kick
        private void TryKickPlayer(string[] Input)
            //Get the characters name
            string CharacterName = Input[1];

            //Make sure the character exists
            if (!CharactersDatabase.DoesCharacterExist(CharacterName))
                MessageLog.Print("That character doesnt exist, cant kick them.");

            //Get the client who this character belongs to
            ClientConnection Client = ClientSubsetFinder.GetClientUsingCharacter(CharacterName);

            //If the client couldnt be found then the character isnt logged in currently
            if (Client == null)
                MessageLog.Print("That character is not in the game right now, cant kick them.");

            //Show that the player is being kicked
            MessageLog.Print("Kicking " + CharacterName + " from the game...");

            //Tell the client that they have been kicked from the game and mark them to be cleaned up from the game
            Client.ConnectionDead = true;

            //Tell everyone else to remove the client from their games
            List <ClientConnection> OtherClients = ClientSubsetFinder.GetInGameClientsExceptFor(Client.ClientID);

            foreach (ClientConnection OtherClient in OtherClients)
                PlayerManagementPacketSender.SendRemoveRemotePlayer(OtherClient.ClientID, Client.Character.Name, Client.Character.IsAlive);
Exemplo n.º 16
 public void OnEnable()
     comp = (CharactersDatabase)target;