Exemplo n.º 1
            internal CharacterSet/*!*/ Union(CharacterSet/*!*/ set) {
                if (IsEmpty) {
                    return set;
                } else if (set.IsEmpty) {
                    return this;

                if (_negated) {
                    if (set._negated) {
                        // ^A or ^B == ^(A and B)
                        return Complement().Intersect(set.Complement()).Complement();
                    } else {
                        // ^A or B == ^(A \ B)
                        return Complement().Subtract(set).Complement();
                } else if (set._negated) {
                    // A or ^B == ^(B \ A)
                    return set.Complement().Subtract(this).Complement();

                // (a \ B) or (c \ D) == (a or c) \ ((D \ a) or (B \ c) or (B and D))
                // Proof: 
                // (a \ B) or (c \ D) == 
                // (a and ^B) or (c and ^D) == 
                // (a or c) and (a or ^D) and (^B or c) and (^B or ^D) ==
                // (a or c) \ (^(a or ^D) or ^(^B or c) or ^(^B or ^D)) ==
                // (a or c) \ ((D \ a) or (B \ c) or (B and D))                QED
                return new CharacterSet(_include + set._include,
Exemplo n.º 2
            internal CharacterSet/*!*/ Intersect(CharacterSet/*!*/ set) {
                if (IsEmpty || set.IsEmpty) {
                    return Empty;

                if (_negated) {
                    if (set._negated) {
                        // ^A and ^B == ^(A or B)
                        return Complement().Union(set.Complement()).Complement();
                    } else {
                        // ^A and B = B \ A
                        return set.Subtract(Complement());
                } else if (set._negated) {
                    // A and ^B = A \ B
                    return Subtract(set.Complement());

                // (a \ B) and (c \ D) == a \ ^(c \ (B or D))
                // Proof:
                // (a \ B) and (c \ D) == 
                // (a and ^B) and (c and ^D) ==
                // a \ ^(c and ^B and ^D) ==
                // a \ ^(c \ (B or D))          QED
                return new CharacterSet(_include, new CharacterSet(true, set._include, _exclude.Union(set._exclude)));
Exemplo n.º 3
            internal CharacterSet/*!*/ Subtract(CharacterSet/*!*/ set) {
                if (IsEmpty || set.IsEmpty) {
                    return this;

                if (_negated) {
                    if (set._negated) {
                        // (^A) \ (^B) = ^A and B = B \ A
                        return set.Complement().Subtract(Complement());
                    } else {
                        // (^A) \ B == ^(A or B)
                        return Complement().Union(set).Complement();
                } else if (set._negated) {
                    // A \ ^(B) == A and B
                    return Intersect(set.Complement());

                // (a \ B) \ C == a \ (B or C)
                return new CharacterSet(_include, _exclude.Union(set));