Exemplo n.º 1
    public bool IsSlotValidForItem(InventoryItemCard item, CharacterItemSlot slot)
        Debug.Log("InventoryController.IsSlotValidForItem() called for: " + item.myItemData.Name);

        // Head
        if (item.myItemData.itemType == ItemDataSO.ItemType.Head && slot.mySlotType == CharacterItemSlot.SlotType.Head)
            Debug.Log(item.myItemData.Name + " is a valid Head slot item, returning true...");

        // Chest
        else if (item.myItemData.itemType == ItemDataSO.ItemType.Chest && slot.mySlotType == CharacterItemSlot.SlotType.Chest)
            Debug.Log(item.myItemData.Name + " is a valid Chest slot item, returning true...");

        // Legs
        else if (item.myItemData.itemType == ItemDataSO.ItemType.Legs && slot.mySlotType == CharacterItemSlot.SlotType.Legs)
            Debug.Log(item.myItemData.Name + " is a valid Legs slot item, returning true...");

        // Main Hand
        else if (
            (item.myItemData.itemType == ItemDataSO.ItemType.MeleeOneHand && slot.mySlotType == CharacterItemSlot.SlotType.MainHand) ||
            (item.myItemData.itemType == ItemDataSO.ItemType.MeleeTwoHand && slot.mySlotType == CharacterItemSlot.SlotType.MainHand) ||
            (item.myItemData.itemType == ItemDataSO.ItemType.RangedTwoHand && slot.mySlotType == CharacterItemSlot.SlotType.MainHand)
            // TO DO!: after character data updated to hold info about items, make code here that checks the character data for a
            // main hand weapon. If they dont have a main hand weapon, they cannot put a weapon in the offhand slot

            Debug.Log(item.myItemData.Name + " is a valid Main Hand slot item, returning true...");

        // Off Hand
        else if (
            (item.myItemData.itemType == ItemDataSO.ItemType.MeleeOneHand ||
             item.myItemData.itemType == ItemDataSO.ItemType.Offhand ||
             item.myItemData.itemType == ItemDataSO.ItemType.Shield) &&
            slot.mySlotType == CharacterItemSlot.SlotType.OffHand)
            // TO DO!: after character data updated to hold info about items, make code here that checks the character data for a
            // main hand weapon. If they dont have a main hand weapon, they cannot put a weapon in the offhand slot

            Debug.Log(item.myItemData.Name + " is a valid Off Hand slot item, returning true...");
            Debug.Log(item.myItemData.Name + " is NOT valid in the " + slot.mySlotType.ToString() + " slot, returning false...");
            InvalidActionManager.Instance.ShowNewErrorMessage(item.myItemData.Name + " is not a valid item for the " + slot.mySlotType.ToString() + " slot.");
Exemplo n.º 2
    public void CreateAndAddItemDirectlyToCharacter(ItemDataSO itemAdded, CharacterItemSlot weaponSlot)
        // Method used to set characters up with default items. Will be used later again when character presets are set up
        Debug.Log("InventoryController.AddItemToInventory() called for " + itemAdded.Name);

        GameObject        newInventoryItem = Instantiate(PrefabHolder.Instance.InventoryItem, itemsParent.transform);
        InventoryItemCard itemCard         = newInventoryItem.GetComponent <InventoryItemCard>();

        itemCard.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);

        ItemManager.Instance.SetUpInventoryItemCardFromData(itemCard, itemAdded, inventoryItemCardSortingOrder);
        PlaceItemOnCharacterSlot(itemCard, weaponSlot);
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void PlaceItemOnCharacterSlot(InventoryItemCard itemCard, CharacterItemSlot characterSlot)
        Debug.Log("InventoryController.PlaceItemOnCharacterSlot() called, placing item " + itemCard.myItemData.Name +
                  " on character slot " + characterSlot.mySlotType.ToString());

        itemCard.transform.position   = characterSlot.transform.position;
        itemCard.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
        if (itemCard.myInventorySlot != null)
            itemCard.myInventorySlot.occupied   = false;
            itemCard.myInventorySlot.myItemCard = null;
            itemCard.myInventorySlot            = null;

        itemCard.equipted = true;
        characterSlot.myItem          = itemCard;
        itemCard.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);

        // Weapon specific set up
        if (characterSlot.mySlotType == CharacterItemSlot.SlotType.MainHand)
            characterSlot.myCharacterData.mainHandWeapon = itemCard.myItemData;
        else if (characterSlot.mySlotType == CharacterItemSlot.SlotType.OffHand)
            characterSlot.myCharacterData.offHandWeapon = itemCard.myItemData;

        // Check for weapon slot changes, then update weapon related abilities
        if (itemCard.myItemData.itemType == ItemDataSO.ItemType.MeleeOneHand ||
            itemCard.myItemData.itemType == ItemDataSO.ItemType.MeleeTwoHand ||
            itemCard.myItemData.itemType == ItemDataSO.ItemType.RangedTwoHand ||
            itemCard.myItemData.itemType == ItemDataSO.ItemType.Shield)

        // apply item view to char data model
        CharacterModelController.ApplyItemDataAppearanceToModel(itemCard.myItemData, characterSlot.myCharacterData.myCharacterModel, characterSlot.mySlotType);
        // apply to char data model ON BUTTON
        CharacterModelController.ApplyItemDataAppearanceToModel(itemCard.myItemData, characterSlot.myCharacterData.myModelOnButton, characterSlot.mySlotType);

Exemplo n.º 4
    public void TryPlaceItemOnCharacterSlot(InventoryItemCard itemCard, CharacterItemSlot characterSlot)
        Debug.Log("InventoryController.PlaceItemOnCharacterSlot() called, attempting to place " +
                  itemCard.myItemData.Name + " on the " + characterSlot.mySlotType.ToString() + " slot...");

        // Prevent player from mismatching items to slots
        if (IsSlotValidForItem(itemCard, characterSlot))
            // check if player is adding a 1h to the off hand slot while a 2h weapon is equipted, if so, prevent this
            if ((characterSlot.myCharacterData.mainHandSlot.myItem.myItemData.itemType == ItemDataSO.ItemType.MeleeTwoHand ||
                 characterSlot.myCharacterData.mainHandSlot.myItem.myItemData.itemType == ItemDataSO.ItemType.MeleeTwoHand) &&
                characterSlot.mySlotType == CharacterItemSlot.SlotType.OffHand
                Debug.Log("InventoryController.PlaceItemOnCharacterSlot() detected player attempting to place item in off hand slot while 2h weapon equipted," +
                          " cancelling item placement");

            // is the slot empty? If so, just add new item
            if (characterSlot.myItem == null)
                Debug.Log("Slot is not occupied");
                // Apply item to character slot
                PlaceItemOnCharacterSlot(itemCard, characterSlot);

                // Check if weapon being added is a 2h weapon. If it is, also remove the off hand weapon (cant duel wield 2h weapons)
                if (
                    (itemCard.myItemData.itemType == ItemDataSO.ItemType.MeleeTwoHand ||
                     itemCard.myItemData.itemType == ItemDataSO.ItemType.RangedTwoHand) &&
                    characterSlot.myCharacterData.offHandSlot.myItem != null
                    PlaceItemOnInventorySlot(characterSlot.myCharacterData.offHandSlot.myItem, GetNextAvailableSlot());

                    // Remove old item effects from character
                    ItemManager.Instance.ApplyAllItemEffectsToCharacterData(characterSlot.myCharacterData, characterSlot.myCharacterData.offHandSlot.myItem.myItemData, true);

                    // null off hand slot
                    characterSlot.myCharacterData.offHandSlot.myItem = null;

                // Apply item effects
                ItemManager.Instance.ApplyAllItemEffectsToCharacterData(characterSlot.myCharacterData, itemCard.myItemData);

            // does the slot already have an item in it? (if so, replace it)
            else if (characterSlot.myItem != null)
                Debug.Log("Slot is occupied, sending current slotted item back to inventory");

                // Send old item back to inventory
                PlaceItemOnInventorySlot(characterSlot.myItem, GetNextAvailableSlot());

                // Remove old item effects from character
                ItemManager.Instance.ApplyAllItemEffectsToCharacterData(characterSlot.myCharacterData, characterSlot.myItem.myItemData, true);

                // Check if weapon being added is a 2h weapon. If it is, also remove the off hand weapon (cant duel wield 2h weapons)
                if (
                    (itemCard.myItemData.itemType == ItemDataSO.ItemType.MeleeTwoHand ||
                     itemCard.myItemData.itemType == ItemDataSO.ItemType.RangedTwoHand) &&
                    characterSlot.myCharacterData.offHandSlot.myItem != null
                    PlaceItemOnInventorySlot(characterSlot.myCharacterData.offHandSlot.myItem, GetNextAvailableSlot());

                    // Remove old item effects from character
                    ItemManager.Instance.ApplyAllItemEffectsToCharacterData(characterSlot.myCharacterData, characterSlot.myCharacterData.offHandSlot.myItem.myItemData, true);

                    // remove offhand item view from uc model
                    characterSlot.myCharacterData.myCharacterModel.activeOffHandWeapon = null;

                    // null off hand slot
                    characterSlot.myCharacterData.offHandSlot.myItem = null;

                // Apply new item to character slot
                PlaceItemOnCharacterSlot(itemCard, characterSlot);

                // Apply item effects
                ItemManager.Instance.ApplyAllItemEffectsToCharacterData(characterSlot.myCharacterData, itemCard.myItemData);