Exemplo n.º 1
    public static Character CreateCharacter(string charName, string className, int level, int xp, int move, int range, int hp, int mp, 
        CharacterInventory invent, int patk, int pdef, int matk, int mdef)
        var thisObj = CharOBJ.AddComponent<Character>();

        //calls Start() on the object and initializes it.
        thisObj._name = charName;

        thisObj._characterClass = new CharacterClass(className, level, xp);
        thisObj._moves = move;
        thisObj.attackRange = range;

        thisObj._maxHealth = hp;
        thisObj._currHealth = hp;

        thisObj._maxMagic = mp;
        thisObj._currMagic = mp;

        thisObj._characterInventory = invent;
        thisObj._physAttack = patk;
        thisObj._physDefense = pdef;
        thisObj._magicAttack = matk;
        thisObj._magicDefense = mdef;

        return thisObj;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void ArmorThatWasInInventoryIsNotDoubleCountedWhenEquippedTwice()
     var inventory = new CharacterInventory { _testArmor };
     inventory.EquippedArmor = _testArmor;
     inventory.EquippedArmor = _testArmor;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public Character()
     this._spellRanks = new CharacterSpellRanks(this);
     this._weaponRanks = new CharacterWeaponRanks(this);
     this._skillRanks = new CharacterSkillRanks(this);
     this._inventory = new CharacterInventory();
     this._languageRanks = new CharacterLanguageRanks(this);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public override void Pickup(CharacterInventory inventory)
     if (Application.isWebPlayer) {
         Application.ExternalEval ("window.open('" + Link + "','_blank')");
     } else {
         Application.OpenURL (Link);
     base.Pickup (inventory);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public virtual void Pickup(CharacterInventory inventory)
     if (inventory != null) {
         inventory.AddItemByIdemData (this, Quantity, NumTag, -1);
         if (SoundPickup) {
             AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint (SoundPickup, this.transform.position);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void PopulateEnemy(List<Personnages> list)
     List<Character> enemyTeam = new List<Character>();
     CharacterInventory invent = new CharacterInventory();
     Personnages p;
     for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
         p = list[i];
         enemyTeam.Add(Character.CreateCharacter(p.Nom, p.ClassName, p.Level, p.Moves, p.Range, p.Health, p.Magic,
             invent, p.PhysAtk, p.PhysDef, p.MagicAtk, p.MagicDef));
     _enemyTeam = enemyTeam;
Exemplo n.º 7
    public override void Pickup(CharacterInventory inventory)
        if (inventory != null && Items != null) {

            foreach (var item in Items) {
                if (item.Item != null) {
                    Debug.Log ("Pick up " + item.Item + "Num tag "+item.NumTag);
                    inventory.AddItemByIdemData (item.Item, item.Num,item.NumTag,-1);

Exemplo n.º 8
    public bool CheckNeeds(ItemCrafter Crafter, CharacterInventory inventory)
        if (Crafter == null || inventory == null)
            return false;

        for (int i=0; i<Crafter.ItemNeeds.Length; i++) {
            if (Crafter.ItemNeeds [i].Item) {
                if (inventory.GetItemNum (Crafter.ItemNeeds [i].Item) < Crafter.ItemNeeds [i].Num) {
                    return false;
        return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
    public bool Craft(CharacterInventory inventory)
        if (ItemSelected == null || inventory == null)
            return false;

        characterInventory = inventory;
        for (int i=0; i<ItemSelected.ItemNeeds.Length; i++) {
            if (ItemSelected.ItemNeeds [i].Item) {
                if (characterInventory.GetItemNum (ItemSelected.ItemNeeds [i].Item) < ItemSelected.ItemNeeds [i].Num) {
                    return false;
        crafting = true;
        timeTemp = Time.time;
        return true;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public void SetupAwake()
     DontDestroyOnLoad (this.gameObject);
     networkViewer = this.GetComponent<NetworkView> ();
     Motor = this.GetComponent<CharacterMotor> ();
     controller = this.GetComponent<CharacterController> ();
     Audiosource = this.GetComponent<AudioSource> ();
     animator = this.GetComponent<Animator> ();
     rayActive = this.GetComponent<FPSRayActive> ();
     inventory = this.GetComponent<CharacterInventory> ();
     spdMovAtkMult = 1;
    // Constuctor Definition:
    // A Special Method of the class which gets automatically invoked whenever an instance of the class is created. Like Methods, a Constructor
    // also contains the collection if instructions that are executed at the time of Object creation.

    // This doesnt make a hole lot of sense to me cause it is a Custom Class and we cannot simply create an instance of this class??
    // We manually create a new instance of this class whenever we create a new type of Character.

    // Self: When is a new Instance of this Class created? At Runtime When an gameObject(Character) in the active in the Scene holds this script!
    public CharacterStats()
        // We are accessing our charInv via the CharacterInventory'ies Singleton instance and
        // are assigning it to charInv!
        charInv = CharacterInventory.Instance;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public void ItemCanBeAddedToInventory()
     var testSubject = new CharacterInventory();
     var item = new Item("Fake item", 0);
Exemplo n.º 13
    void LoadUnitInfo(GameObject unit)
        CharacterStats     stats = unit.GetComponent <CharacterStats>();
        CharacterInventory items = unit.GetComponent <CharacterInventory>();

        strength.text  = stats.GetStrength().ToString();
        magic.text     = stats.GetMagic().ToString();
        agiliy.text    = stats.GetSpeed().ToString();
        dexterity.text = stats.GetDexterity().ToString();
        defense.text   = stats.GetDefense().ToString();
        faith.text     = stats.GetFaith().ToString();
        build.text     = stats.GetBuild().ToString();
        move.text      = stats.GetMovement().ToString();

        if (items.equippedWeapon != null)
            weapon.text = items.equippedWeapon.name;
            weapon.text = "None";
        if (items.equippedArmor != null)
            armor.text = items.equippedArmor.name;
            armor.text = "None";
        if (items.inventory[0] != null)
            itemOne.text = items.inventory[0].name;
            itemOne.text = "None";
        if (items.inventory[1] != null)
            itemTwo.text = items.inventory[1].name;
            itemTwo.text = "None";
        if (items.inventory[2] != null)
            itemThree.text = items.inventory[2].name;
            itemThree.text = "None";

        damage.text = stats.GetCombatAttack().ToString();
        if (items.equippedWeapon != null)
            damageType.text = items.equippedWeapon.damageType.ToString();
            damageType.text = "None";
        accuracy.text    = stats.GetAccuracy().ToString();
        critChance.text  = stats.GetCritDamage().ToString();
        combatSpeed.text = stats.GetCombatSpeed().ToString();
        if (items.equippedArmor != null)
            cutResist.text  = (stats.GetCombatDefense() + items.equippedArmor.cutBonus).ToString();
            stabResist.text = (stats.GetCombatDefense() + items.equippedArmor.stabBonus).ToString();
            bashResist.text = (stats.GetCombatDefense() + items.equippedArmor.bashBonus).ToString();
            cutResist.text  = stats.GetCombatDefense().ToString();
            stabResist.text = stats.GetCombatDefense().ToString();
            bashResist.text = stats.GetCombatDefense().ToString();
        critEvade.text = stats.GetCritDefense().ToString();
        evasion.text   = stats.GetCombatEvasion().ToString();
Exemplo n.º 14
    private void JsonToCharacter(int i)
        List <DayRoutine> sundayroutines    = new List <DayRoutine> ();
        List <DayRoutine> saturdayroutines  = new List <DayRoutine> ();
        List <DayRoutine> fridayroutines    = new List <DayRoutine> ();
        List <DayRoutine> thursdayroutines  = new List <DayRoutine> ();
        List <DayRoutine> wednesdayroutines = new List <DayRoutine> ();
        List <DayRoutine> tuesdayroutines   = new List <DayRoutine> ();
        List <DayRoutine> mondayroutines    = new List <DayRoutine> ();

        WeekRoutine weekroutine = new WeekRoutine(mondayroutines, tuesdayroutines, wednesdayroutines, thursdayroutines, fridayroutines, saturdayroutines, sundayroutines);

        CharacterInventory    inventory       = new CharacterInventory();
        List <RegularExpense> regularexpenses = new List <RegularExpense> ();
        List <RegularIncome>  regularincomes  = new List <RegularIncome> ();

        int      wealth   = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["wealth"];
        Property property = new Property(wealth, regularincomes, regularexpenses, inventory);

        int currentposition = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["currenttime"];
        int currenttime     = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["currentposition"];
        PhysicalTemporal physicaltemporal = new PhysicalTemporal(currentposition, currenttime);

        List <Relationship> relationshiplist = new List <Relationship> ();
        List <Reputation>   reputationlist   = new List <Reputation> ();

        List <MentalDisorder> mentalhealth = new List <MentalDisorder> ();
        Skills skills = new Skills();

        List <Event>      pastlifeevents      = new List <Event> ();
        List <Motivation> pastlifemotivations = new List <Motivation> ();
        List <Need>       pastlifeneeds       = new List <Need> ();
        List <Thought>    pastlifethoughts    = new List <Thought> ();

        List <Event>      pastyearevents      = new List <Event> ();
        List <Motivation> pastyearmotivations = new List <Motivation> ();
        List <Need>       pastyearneeds       = new List <Need> ();
        List <Thought>    pastyearthoughts    = new List <Thought> ();

        List <Event>      pastmonthevents      = new List <Event> ();
        List <Motivation> pastmonthmotivations = new List <Motivation> ();
        List <Need>       pastmonthneeds       = new List <Need> ();
        List <Thought>    pastmonththoughts    = new List <Thought> ();

        List <Event>      pastweekevents      = new List <Event> ();
        List <Motivation> pastweekmotivations = new List <Motivation> ();
        List <Need>       pastweekneeds       = new List <Need> ();
        List <Thought>    pastweekthoughts    = new List <Thought> ();

        List <Event>      pastdayevents      = new List <Event> ();
        List <Motivation> pastdaymotivations = new List <Motivation> ();
        List <Need>       pastdayneeds       = new List <Need> ();
        List <Thought>    pastdaythoughts    = new List <Thought> ();

        PastLifetimeEvent pastlife  = new PastLifetimeEvent(pastlifethoughts, pastlifeneeds, pastlifemotivations, pastlifeevents);
        PastYearEvent     pastyear  = new PastYearEvent(pastyearthoughts, pastyearneeds, pastyearmotivations, pastyearevents);
        PastMonthEvent    pastmonth = new PastMonthEvent(pastmonththoughts, pastmonthneeds, pastmonthmotivations, pastmonthevents);
        PastWeekEvent     pastweek  = new PastWeekEvent(pastweekthoughts, pastweekneeds, pastweekmotivations, pastweekevents);
        PastDayEvent      pastday   = new PastDayEvent(pastdaythoughts, pastdayneeds, pastdaymotivations, pastdayevents);
        Memory            memory    = new Memory(pastday, pastweek, pastmonth, pastyear, pastlife);

        int            currentvigilance  = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["currentvigilance"];
        int            currentecstasy    = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["currentecstasy"];
        int            currentadmiration = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["currentadmiration"];
        int            currentterror     = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["currentterror"];
        int            currentamazement  = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["currentamazement"];
        int            currentgrief      = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["currentgrief"];
        int            currentloathing   = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["currentloathing"];
        int            currentrage       = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["currentrage"];
        CurrentEmotion emotion           = new CurrentEmotion(currentrage, currentloathing, currentgrief, currentamazement, currentterror, currentadmiration, currentecstasy, currentvigilance);

        Cognition cognition = new Cognition();

        int extraversion      = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["extraversion"];
        int openness          = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["openness"];
        int neuroticism       = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["neuroticism"];
        int agreeableness     = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["agreeableness"];
        int conscientiousness = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["conscientiousness"];
        FundamentalPersonalityCharacteristics characteristics = new FundamentalPersonalityCharacteristics(conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, extraversion);
        Personality personality = new Personality(characteristics);

        int       air     = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["air"];
        int       shelter = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["shelter"];
        int       warmth  = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["warmth"];
        int       sleep   = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["sleep"];
        int       water   = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["water"];
        int       food    = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["food"];
        BodyNeeds needs   = new BodyNeeds(food, water, sleep, warmth, shelter, air);

        int  currentenergy  = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["currentenergy"];
        int  maxenergy      = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["maxenergy"];
        int  consciousstate = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["consciousstate"];
        bool deadoralive    = (bool)CurrentJsonData[i]["deadoralive"];

        BodyCondition bodycondition = new BodyCondition(deadoralive, consciousstate, maxenergy, currentenergy, needs);

        bool      rightarm  = (bool)CurrentJsonData[i]["rightarm"];
        bool      leftarm   = (bool)CurrentJsonData[i]["leftarm"];
        bool      rightleg  = (bool)CurrentJsonData[i]["rightleg"];
        bool      leftleg   = (bool)CurrentJsonData[i]["leftleg"];
        bool      smell     = (bool)CurrentJsonData[i]["smell"];
        bool      hearing   = (bool)CurrentJsonData[i]["hearing"];
        bool      sight     = (bool)CurrentJsonData[i]["sight"];
        BodyParts bodyparts = new BodyParts(sight, hearing, smell, leftleg, rightleg, leftarm, rightarm);

        int            bodytype  = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["bodytype"];
        int            sex       = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["sex"];
        int            height    = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["height"];
        int            age       = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["age"];
        int            race      = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["race"];
        BasicBodyStats bodystats = new BasicBodyStats(race, age, height, sex, bodytype);

        string firstname      = (string)CurrentJsonData[i]["firstname"].ToString();
        string lastname       = (string)CurrentJsonData[i]["lastname"].ToString();
        int    nametype       = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["nametype"];
        string commonnickname = (string)CurrentJsonData[i]["commonnickname"].ToString();

        string slug = (string)CurrentJsonData[i]["slug"].ToString();
        int    id   = (int)CurrentJsonData[i]["id"];

        CharacterName     charactername = new CharacterName(firstname, lastname, nametype, commonnickname);
        Body              body          = new Body(bodystats, bodyparts, bodycondition);
        Mind              mind          = new Mind(personality, cognition, emotion, memory, mentalhealth, skills);
        SocialCondition   social        = new SocialCondition(relationshiplist, reputationlist);
        PhysicalCondition physical      = new PhysicalCondition(physicaltemporal, property, weekroutine);
        CharacterSprites  sprites       = new CharacterSprites(slug);

        Character CurrentCharacter = new Character(charactername, id, body, mind, social, physical, sprites);

Exemplo n.º 15
 void Awake()
     instance = this;
 void Start()
     instance = this;
Exemplo n.º 17
    public void DisplayCharacterInventory(CharacterInventory characterInventory, GameObject slotItemPrefab)
        _slotItemPrefab = slotItemPrefab;

        GameObject RightHand = transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
        GameObject LeftHand  = transform.GetChild(1).gameObject;
        GameObject Equipment = transform.GetChild(2).gameObject;
        GameObject Inventory = transform.GetChild(3).gameObject;

        Debug.Assert(RightHand != null);
        Debug.Assert(LeftHand != null);
        Debug.Assert(Equipment != null);
        Debug.Assert(Inventory != null);

        GameObject Head  = Equipment.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
        GameObject Chest = Equipment.transform.GetChild(1).gameObject;
        GameObject Hands = Equipment.transform.GetChild(2).gameObject;
        GameObject Feet  = Equipment.transform.GetChild(3).gameObject;

        Debug.Assert(Head != null);
        Debug.Assert(Chest != null);
        Debug.Assert(Hands != null);
        Debug.Assert(Feet != null);

        // Destroy all the children so this function can be used to refresh the inventory.
        // Left hand right hand.
        for (int i = 0; i < RightHand.transform.childCount; ++i)
            if (RightHand.transform.GetChild(i).childCount != 0)
            if (LeftHand.transform.GetChild(i).childCount != 0)
        // Head Chest Hands Feet
        if (Head.transform.GetChild(0).transform.childCount != 0)
        if (Chest.transform.GetChild(0).transform.childCount != 0)
        if (Hands.transform.GetChild(0).transform.childCount != 0)
        if (Feet.transform.GetChild(0).transform.childCount != 0)
        // Inventory
        for (int i = 0; i < Inventory.transform.childCount; ++i)
            if (Inventory.transform.GetChild(i).childCount != 0)

        // Populate the UI.
        // Left and Right Hands.
        for (int i = 0; i < characterInventory.leftHand.Length - 1; ++i)
            if (characterInventory.rightHand[i] != null)
                GameObject newSlotItem = Instantiate(_slotItemPrefab, RightHand.transform.GetChild(i), false);
                newSlotItem.GetComponent <SlotObjectContainer> ().obj = characterInventory.rightHand[i];
                Component   objectDataComponent = characterInventory.rightHand[i].GetComponent(typeof(IObjectData));
                IObjectData objectData          = objectDataComponent as IObjectData;
                newSlotItem.GetComponent <Text> ().text = objectData.objectName();
                if (objectData.count() != 1)
                    newSlotItem.GetComponent <Text> ().text += " x" + objectData.count();
            if (characterInventory.leftHand[i] != null)
                GameObject newSlotItem = Instantiate(_slotItemPrefab, LeftHand.transform.GetChild(i), false);
                newSlotItem.GetComponent <SlotObjectContainer> ().obj = characterInventory.leftHand[i];
                Component   objectDataComponent = characterInventory.leftHand[i].GetComponent(typeof(IObjectData));
                IObjectData objectData          = objectDataComponent as IObjectData;
                newSlotItem.GetComponent <Text> ().text = objectData.objectName();
                if (objectData.count() != 1)
                    newSlotItem.GetComponent <Text> ().text += " x" + objectData.count();

        // Head
        if (characterInventory.head != null)
            GameObject newSlotItem = Instantiate(_slotItemPrefab, Head.transform.GetChild(0), false);
            newSlotItem.GetComponent <SlotObjectContainer> ().obj = characterInventory.head;
            Component   objectDataComponent = characterInventory.head.GetComponent(typeof(IObjectData));
            IObjectData objectData          = objectDataComponent as IObjectData;
            newSlotItem.GetComponent <Text> ().text = objectData.objectName();
            if (objectData.count() != 1)
                newSlotItem.GetComponent <Text> ().text += " x" + objectData.count();

        // Chest
        if (characterInventory.chest != null)
            GameObject newSlotItem = Instantiate(_slotItemPrefab, Chest.transform.GetChild(0), false);
            newSlotItem.GetComponent <SlotObjectContainer> ().obj = characterInventory.chest;
            Component   objectDataComponent = characterInventory.chest.GetComponent(typeof(IObjectData));
            IObjectData objectData          = objectDataComponent as IObjectData;
            newSlotItem.GetComponent <Text> ().text = objectData.objectName();
            if (objectData.count() != 1)
                newSlotItem.GetComponent <Text> ().text += " x" + objectData.count();

        // Hands
        if (characterInventory.hands != null)
            GameObject newSlotItem = Instantiate(_slotItemPrefab, Hands.transform.GetChild(0), false);
            newSlotItem.GetComponent <SlotObjectContainer> ().obj = characterInventory.hands;
            Component   objectDataComponent = characterInventory.hands.GetComponent(typeof(IObjectData));
            IObjectData objectData          = objectDataComponent as IObjectData;
            newSlotItem.GetComponent <Text> ().text = objectData.objectName();
            if (objectData.count() != 1)
                newSlotItem.GetComponent <Text> ().text += " x" + objectData.count();

        // Feet
        if (characterInventory.feet != null)
            GameObject newSlotItem = Instantiate(_slotItemPrefab, Feet.transform.GetChild(0), false);
            newSlotItem.GetComponent <SlotObjectContainer> ().obj = characterInventory.feet;
            Component   objectDataComponent = characterInventory.feet.GetComponent(typeof(IObjectData));
            IObjectData objectData          = objectDataComponent as IObjectData;
            newSlotItem.GetComponent <Text> ().text = objectData.objectName();
            if (objectData.count() != 1)
                newSlotItem.GetComponent <Text> ().text += " x" + objectData.count();

        // Inventory
        Debug.Assert(characterInventory.inventory.Count == 5);
        for (int i = 0; i < characterInventory.inventory.Count; ++i)
            if (characterInventory.inventory[i] != null)
                GameObject newSlotItem = Instantiate(_slotItemPrefab, Inventory.transform.GetChild(i), false);
                newSlotItem.GetComponent <SlotObjectContainer> ().obj = characterInventory.inventory[i];
                Component   objectDataComponent = characterInventory.inventory[i].GetComponent(typeof(IObjectData));
                IObjectData objectData          = objectDataComponent as IObjectData;
                newSlotItem.GetComponent <Text> ().text = objectData.objectName();
                if (objectData.count() != 1)
                    newSlotItem.GetComponent <Text> ().text += " x" + objectData.count();
Exemplo n.º 18
 public ItemPickUp()
     _inventory = CharacterInventory.instance;
Exemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="InventoryChangeTracker"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inventory">The <see cref="CharacterInventory"/> to track the changes for.</param>
 public InventoryChangeTracker(CharacterInventory inventory)
     _inventory = inventory;
Exemplo n.º 20
    public bool UnequipArmour(ItemPickUp armourPickup, CharacterInventory inventory)
        var previousArmourSame = false;

        switch (armourPickup.itemDefinition.ItemArmourSubType)
        case ItemArmourSubType.Head:
            if (headArmour != null)
                if (headArmour == armourPickup)
                    previousArmourSame = true;

                currentResistance -= armourPickup.itemDefinition.itemAmount;
                headArmour         = null;

        case ItemArmourSubType.Chest:
            if (chestArmour != null)
                if (chestArmour == armourPickup)
                    previousArmourSame = true;

                currentResistance -= armourPickup.itemDefinition.itemAmount;
                chestArmour        = null;

        case ItemArmourSubType.Hands:
            if (handArmour != null)
                if (handArmour == armourPickup)
                    previousArmourSame = true;
                currentResistance -= armourPickup.itemDefinition.itemAmount;
                handArmour         = null;

        case ItemArmourSubType.Legs:
            if (legArmour != null)
                if (legArmour == armourPickup)
                    previousArmourSame = true;
                currentResistance -= armourPickup.itemDefinition.itemAmount;
                legArmour          = null;

        case ItemArmourSubType.Feet:
            if (feetArmour != null)
                if (feetArmour == armourPickup)
                    previousArmourSame = true;
                currentResistance -= armourPickup.itemDefinition.itemAmount;
                feetArmour         = null;

Exemplo n.º 21
 public void EquipWeapon(ItemPickUp weaponPickUp, CharacterInventory charInventory, GameObject weaponSlot)
     weapon        = weaponPickUp;
     currentDamage = baseDamage + weapon.itemDefinition.itemAmount;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public CharacterStats()
     charInv = CharacterInventory.instance;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public void Start()
     _character          = this.GetComponent <Character>();
     _characterInventory = this.GetComponent <CharacterInventory>();
Exemplo n.º 24
 public virtual void Pickup(CharacterInventory inventory)
Exemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Character"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="world">World that the character belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="isPersistent">If the Character's state is persistent. If true, Load() MUST be called
        /// at some point during the Character's constructor!</param>
        protected Character(World world, bool isPersistent) : base(Vector2.Zero, Vector2.One)
            IsAlive = false;
            _skillCaster = new CharacterSkillCaster(this);

            _world = world;
            _isPersistent = isPersistent;

            if (IsPersistent)
                _statusEffects = new PersistentCharacterStatusEffects(this);
                _statusEffects = new NonPersistentCharacterStatusEffects(this);

            _statusEffects.Added -= StatusEffects_HandleOnAdd;
            _statusEffects.Added += StatusEffects_HandleOnAdd;
            _statusEffects.Removed -= StatusEffects_HandleOnRemove;
            _statusEffects.Removed += StatusEffects_HandleOnRemove;

            _baseStats = CreateStats(StatCollectionType.Base);
            _modStats = CreateStats(StatCollectionType.Modified);
            _spSync = CreateSPSynchronizer();
            _inventory = CreateInventory();
            _equipped = CreateEquipped();

            // Set up the listeners for when the stat collections change
            BaseStats.StatChanged -= BaseStatChangedHandler;
            BaseStats.StatChanged += BaseStatChangedHandler;
            ModStats.StatChanged -= ModStatChangedHandler;
            ModStats.StatChanged += ModStatChangedHandler;

            // Set up the listeners for when the equipped items change
            _equipped.Equipped -= EquippedHandler;
            _equipped.Equipped += EquippedHandler;
            _equipped.Unequipped -= UnequippedHandler;
            _equipped.Unequipped += UnequippedHandler;
Exemplo n.º 26
        public async Task StartCommand(CommandContext ctx)
            //Vérification de base
            if (dep.Entities.Characters.IsPresent(ctx.User.Id))
                await ctx.RespondAsync(dep.Dialog.GetString("errorAlreadyRegistered"));

            if (!dep.Entities.Guilds.IsPresent(ctx.Guild.Id))

            InteractivityModule interactivity = ctx.Client.GetInteractivityModule();

            //Créer Direct Channel (MP)
            DiscordDmChannel channel = await ctx.Member.CreateDmChannelAsync();

            //Création du Character
            Character c = new Character
                Id = ctx.User.Id

            //1 On récupère le truename puis on enregistre directement pour éviter les doublons
            DiscordEmbedBuilder embedTrueName = dep.Embed.CreateBasicEmbed(ctx.User, dep.Dialog.GetString("startIntroAskTruename"),
            await channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : embedTrueName);

            bool trueNameIsValid = false;

                MessageContext msgTrueName = await interactivity.WaitForMessageAsync(
                    xm => xm.Author.Id == ctx.User.Id && xm.ChannelId == channel.Id, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));

                if (msgTrueName != null)
                    if (msgTrueName.Message.Content.Length <= 50 &&
                        !dep.Entities.Characters.IsTrueNameTaken(msgTrueName.Message.Content) &&
                        msgTrueName.Message.Content.Length > 2)
                        c.TrueName = dep.Dialog.RemoveMarkdown(msgTrueName.Message.Content);

                        trueNameIsValid = true;
                        DiscordEmbedBuilder embedErrorTrueName = dep.Embed.CreateBasicEmbed(ctx.User, dep.Dialog.GetString("startIntroTrueTaken"));
                        await channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : embedErrorTrueName);
            } while (!trueNameIsValid);

            //2 On demande le nom
            DiscordEmbedBuilder embedName = dep.Embed.CreateBasicEmbed(ctx.User, dep.Dialog.GetString("startIntroAskName"),
            await channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : embedName);

            MessageContext msgName = await interactivity.WaitForMessageAsync(
                xm => xm.Author.Id == ctx.User.Id && xm.ChannelId == channel.Id, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));

            if (msgName != null)
                c.Name = dep.Dialog.RemoveMarkdown(msgName.Message.Content);

            //3 Puis finalement le sexe
            DiscordEmbedBuilder embedSex = dep.Embed.CreateBasicEmbed(ctx.User, dep.Dialog.GetString("startIntroAskGender"),
            await channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : embedSex);

            MessageContext msgSex = await interactivity.WaitForMessageAsync(xm => xm.Author.Id == ctx.User.Id &&
                                                                            (xm.Content.ToLower() == "male" ||
                                                                             xm.Content.ToLower() == "female" &&
                                                                             xm.ChannelId == channel.Id),

            if (msgSex != null)
                if (msgSex.Message.Content.ToLower() == "male")
                    c.Sex = Sex.Male;
                    c.Sex = Sex.Female;
                c.Sex = Sex.Male;

            //Si le nom a bien été rentré, on créer le personnage
            if (c.Name != null)
                DiscordEmbedBuilder embedFinal = dep.Embed.CreateBasicEmbed(ctx.User, dep.Dialog.GetString("startIntroConclude", c));
                await channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : embedFinal);

                c.Level     = 1;
                c.Energy    = 100;
                c.MaxEnergy = 100;
                c.Location  = dep.Entities.Guilds.GetGuildById(ctx.Guild.Id).SpawnLocation;
                c.Stats     = new CharacterStats
                    Endurance    = 1,
                    Strength     = 1,
                    Intelligence = 1,
                    Agility      = 1,
                    Dexterity    = 1,
                    Health       = 100,
                    MaxHealth    = 100,
                    UpgradePoint = 0

                CharacterInventory inv = new CharacterInventory
                    Id = c.Id
                inv.AddItem(new Wood(10));
                inv.AddItem(new Weapon()
                    Name         = "Awesome sword",
                    Quantity     = 1,
                    AttackDamage = 10,
                    CraftsmanId  = 100,
                    Hand         = 2

                c.Skills.Add(new LoggerSkill());


                c.OriginRegionName = dep.Entities.Map.GetRegionByLocation(dep.Entities.Guilds.GetGuildById(ctx.Guild.Id).SpawnLocation).Name;
                c.Profession       = Profession.Peasant;

            //Sinon on supprime celui qui avait commencé à être créer
Exemplo n.º 27
    public void PopulateCharacterInventory(ref CharacterInventory characterInventory)
        GameObject RightHand = transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
        GameObject LeftHand  = transform.GetChild(1).gameObject;
        GameObject Equipment = transform.GetChild(2).gameObject;
        GameObject Inventory = transform.GetChild(3).gameObject;

        Debug.Assert(RightHand != null);
        Debug.Assert(LeftHand != null);
        Debug.Assert(Equipment != null);
        Debug.Assert(Inventory != null);

        GameObject Head  = Equipment.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
        GameObject Chest = Equipment.transform.GetChild(1).gameObject;
        GameObject Hands = Equipment.transform.GetChild(2).gameObject;
        GameObject Feet  = Equipment.transform.GetChild(3).gameObject;

        Debug.Assert(Head != null);
        Debug.Assert(Chest != null);
        Debug.Assert(Hands != null);
        Debug.Assert(Feet != null);

        // Zero out the characterInventory.
        for (int i = 0; i < characterInventory.leftHand.Length - 1; ++i)
            characterInventory.leftHand[i]  = null;
            characterInventory.rightHand[i] = null;
            if (LeftHand.transform.GetChild(i).childCount != 0)
                characterInventory.leftHand[i] = LeftHand.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <SlotObjectContainer> ().obj;
            if (RightHand.transform.GetChild(i).childCount != 0)
                characterInventory.rightHand[i] = RightHand.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <SlotObjectContainer> ().obj;
        for (int i = 0; i < characterInventory.inventory.Count; ++i)
            characterInventory.inventory[i] = null;
            if (Inventory.transform.GetChild(i).childCount != 0)
                characterInventory.inventory[i] = Inventory.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <SlotObjectContainer> ().obj;

        characterInventory.head  = null;
        characterInventory.chest = null;
        characterInventory.hands = null;
        characterInventory.feet  = null;

        if (Head.transform.GetChild(0).childCount != 0)
            characterInventory.head = Head.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <SlotObjectContainer> ().obj;
        if (Chest.transform.GetChild(0).childCount != 0)
            characterInventory.chest = Chest.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <SlotObjectContainer> ().obj;
        if (Hands.transform.GetChild(0).childCount != 0)
            characterInventory.hands = Hands.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <SlotObjectContainer> ().obj;
        if (Feet.transform.GetChild(0).childCount != 0)
            characterInventory.feet = Feet.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <SlotObjectContainer> ().obj;
Exemplo n.º 28
 private void Start()
     _inventory          = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("InventoryGO").GetComponent <Inventory>();
     _characterInventory = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CharacterInfo").GetComponent <CharacterInventory>();
     _slotsPanel         = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SlotsPanel").GetComponent <Transform>();
Exemplo n.º 29
    public bool UnEquipArmor(ItemPickUp armorPickUp, CharacterInventory charInventory)
        bool previousArmorSame = false;

        switch (armorPickUp.itemDefinition.itemArmorSubType)
        case ItemArmorSubType.Head:
            if (headArmor != null)
                if (headArmor == armorPickUp)
                    previousArmorSame = true;
                //charInventory.inventoryDisplaySlots[3].sprite = null;
                currentResistance -= armorPickUp.itemDefinition.itemAmount;
                headArmor          = null;

        case ItemArmorSubType.Chest:
            if (chestArmor != null)
                if (chestArmor == armorPickUp)
                    previousArmorSame = true;
                //charInventory.inventoryDisplaySlots[4].sprite = null;
                currentResistance -= armorPickUp.itemDefinition.itemAmount;
                chestArmor         = null;

        case ItemArmorSubType.Hands:
            if (handArmor != null)
                if (handArmor == armorPickUp)
                    previousArmorSame = true;
                //charInventory.inventoryDisplaySlots[5].sprite = null;
                currentResistance -= armorPickUp.itemDefinition.itemAmount;
                handArmor          = null;

        case ItemArmorSubType.Legs:
            if (legArmor != null)
                if (legArmor == armorPickUp)
                    previousArmorSame = true;
                //charInventory.inventoryDisplaySlots[6].sprite = null;
                currentResistance -= armorPickUp.itemDefinition.itemAmount;
                legArmor           = null;

        case ItemArmorSubType.Boots:
            if (footArmor != null)
                if (footArmor == armorPickUp)
                    previousArmorSame = true;
                //charInventory.inventoryDisplaySlots[7].sprite = null;
                currentResistance -= armorPickUp.itemDefinition.itemAmount;
                footArmor          = null;

Exemplo n.º 30
        protected IEnumerator MakeTradeoverTime()
            Debug.Log("Starting to make trade");
            var loadStart = GUILoading.LoadStart(GUILoading.Mode.SmallInGame);

            while (loadStart.MoveNext())
                yield return(null);
            GUILoading.ActivityInfo = "Making Trade... " + CharacterGoods.Count.ToString() + " character goods going to player";
            //give stuff to player...
            foreach (BarterGoods good in CharacterGoods)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <WIStack, int> goodPair in good)
                    if (goodPair.Key.HasTopItem)
                        Debug.Log("Adding " + goodPair.Key.TopItem.FileName + " to player inventory...");
                    var addItem = PlayerInventory.AddItems(goodPair.Key, goodPair.Value);
                    while (addItem.MoveNext())
                        yield return(null);
                yield return(null);
            //wait a tick...
            yield return(null);

            //give stuff to character...
            foreach (BarterGoods good in PlayerGoods)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <WIStack, int> goodPair in good)
                    var enumerator = CharacterInventory.AddItems(goodPair.Key, goodPair.Value);
                    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        yield return(null);
            //TODO determine what counts as a 'successful use'


            MadeTradeThisSession = true;
            Player.Get.AvatarActions.ReceiveAction(AvatarAction.BarterMakeTrade, WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime);
            var loadFinish = GUILoading.LoadFinish();

            while (loadFinish.MoveNext())
                yield return(null);
            Debug.Log("Finished making trade");
            mMakingTrade = false;
            yield break;
Exemplo n.º 31
    // ====================================================================================================================
    #region pub
    public Character(string className, int level, int move,int range, int hp, int mp, CharacterInventory invent, int patk, int pdef, int matk, int mdef)
        _characterClass = new CharacterClass(className, level);
        this._moves = move;
        this._maxHealth = hp;
        this._maxMagic = mp;
        this.attackRange = range;

        this._currHealth = hp;
        this._currMagic = mp;
        this._isAlive = _currHealth > 0;

        this._characterInventory = invent;

        this._physAttack = patk;
        this._physDefense = pdef;
        this._magicAttack = matk;
        this._magicDefense = mdef;

        this._currPhysAttack = patk;
        this._currPhysDefense = pdef;
        this._currMagicAttack = matk;
        this._currMagicDefense = mdef;
Exemplo n.º 32
 private void Start()
     Instance = this;
Exemplo n.º 33
 public Character(string name)
     characterData = new CharacterData(name, GetRandomStats());
     inventory = CharacterInventory.Load(name);
Exemplo n.º 34
        private void LoadQuickSlotsFromJSON(CharacterQuickSlotManager self)
            CharacterInventory      charInvent = self.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterInventory>();
            CharacterSkillKnowledge charSkills = charInvent.SkillKnowledge;
            ItemManager             itemMan    = ItemManager.Instance;

            //Load Quickslots for Bar 1
            for (int i = 0; i < slotAmount; i++)
                if (dev)
                    Debug.Log("LOADING QUICK SLOT " + i + " FOR BAR 1");

                var itemID = qsm.currentCharacter["DefaultBarIDS"][i];
                if (itemID != 0)
                    if (dev)
                        Debug.Log("ID of slot " + i + " from JSON is : " + itemID);
                    var item = charSkills.GetItemFromItemID(itemID.AsInt);

                    //this isnt a skill
                    if (item == null)
                        item = charInvent.GetOwnedItems(itemID).First();

                    defaultSlotItems[i] = item;
                    if (dev)
                        Debug.Log("QUICK SLOT " + i + " Has No ID");

            for (int i = 0; i < slotAmount; i++)
                if (dev)
                    Debug.Log("LOADING QUICK SLOT " + i + " FOR BAR 2");
                var itemID = qsm.currentCharacter["SecondaryBarIDS"][i];
                if (itemID != 0)
                    if (dev)
                        Debug.Log("ID of slot " + i + " from JSON is : " + itemID);
                    var item = charSkills.GetItemFromItemID(itemID.AsInt);

                    //this isnt a skill
                    if (item == null)
                        item = charInvent.GetOwnedItems(itemID).First();

                    secondarySlotItems[i] = item;
                    if (dev)
                        Debug.Log("QUICK SLOT " + i + " Has No ID");
 private void UpdateCharacter()
     Inventory = ControlScript.ActiveCharacters[0].GetComponent <CharacterInventory>();
     Inventory.OnItemChangeCallback += UpdateInventory;
Exemplo n.º 36
    void Start()
        //setup Controllstates
        _KnightIDLE = new KnightIDLE();
        _KnightIDLEONFIRE = new KnightIDLEONFIRE();
        _KnightRUN = new KnightRUN();
        _KnightSLIDE = new KnightSLIDE();
        _KnightJUMP = new KnightJUMP();
        _KnightFALL = new KnightFALL();
        _KnightWAIT = new KnightWAIT();
        _KnightDIE = new KnightDIE();
        _KnightATTACK = new KnightATTACK();
        _KnightATTACKB = new KnightATTACKB();
        _KnightATTACKC = new KnightATTACKC();
        _KnightSIT = new KnightSIT();
        _KnightSTANDUP = new KnightSTANDUP();
        _KnightGETHIT = new KnightGETHIT();

        state = _KnightSIT;
        KnightInventory = gameObject.GetComponent<CharacterInventory>();
        KnightStats = stats;
        stats.healthMax = 5;
        stats.healthCurrent = 5;
        stats.enduranceMax = 100;
        stats.enduranceCurrent = 50;
Exemplo n.º 37
 public void ArmorThatIsUnequippedStaysInInventory()
     var inventory = new CharacterInventory { EquippedArmor = _testArmor };
     inventory.EquippedArmor = null;
Exemplo n.º 38
 private void CharacterInventory_TakeItem_1(On.CharacterInventory.orig_TakeItem_1 orig, CharacterInventory self, string _itemUID, bool _tryToEquip)
     orig(self, _itemUID, _tryToEquip);
Exemplo n.º 39
 public void InventoryCanReportTotalWeight()
     var testSubject = new CharacterInventory { new Item("Sandwich", 1), new Item("Shotgun", 5) };
Exemplo n.º 40
 private void CharacterInventory_TakeItem(On.CharacterInventory.orig_TakeItem orig, CharacterInventory self, string _itemUID)
     orig(self, _itemUID);
Exemplo n.º 41
	public void LoadNPCInventory(CharacterInventory inventory)
		Item item1 = LoadItem("huntingshotgun");
		Item item3 = LoadItem("lightarmor");

		Item item2 = LoadItem("44magnum");

		Item item8 = LoadItem("ammo12shot");

		inventory.Backpack.Add(new GridItemData(item8, 5, 5, GridItemOrient.Landscape, 30));
		inventory.SideArmSlot = item2;
		inventory.RifleSlot = item1;
		inventory.ArmorSlot = item3;
Exemplo n.º 42
        private void CharacterInventory_TakeItem_3(On.CharacterInventory.orig_TakeItem_3 orig, CharacterInventory self, Item takenItem, bool _tryToEquip)
            orig(self, takenItem, _tryToEquip);
                // Gatherable, ItemContainerStatic (only not player), MerchantPouch, ItemContainer
                if (takenItem.ParentContainer is MerchantPouch ||
                    (takenItem.ParentContainer is ItemContainerStatic /*&& (takenItem.ParentContainer as ItemContainerStatic).IsChildToPlayer*/) ||
                    (takenItem.OwnerCharacter != null && !takenItem.OwnerCharacter.IsDead))
                    return; // Only loot from dead enemies or when crafting
                if ((!takenItem.IsFood && !takenItem.IsIngredient) ||
                    takenItem.IsDrink ||
                    takenItem.IsEquippable || takenItem.IsDeployable)
                //(takenItem.IsFood || takenItem.IsIngredient) && !takenItem.IsDrink && !takenItem.IsEquippable && !takenItem.IsDeployable

                //string iName = takenItem.name.Substring(0, takenItem.name.LastIndexOf('_'));
                string iName = takenItem.name.Split(new char[] { '_' })[0];

                if (!m_recipes.ContainsKey(iName))

                // Only ingredients not so common (like salt)
                // Alternative : add skills to unlock some recipes

                // Only items that have no RecipeItem ?
                Dictionary <string, Recipe> allRecipes = (Dictionary <string, Recipe>)AccessTools.Field(typeof(RecipeManager), "m_recipes").GetValue(RecipeManager.Instance);
                List <Recipe> lstRecipes = allRecipes.Where(r =>
                                                            m_recipes[iName].Contains(r.Value.name) && !self.RecipeKnowledge.IsRecipeLearned(r.Key) // Ignore recipes already learned
                                                            ).Select(r => r.Value).ToList();
                foreach (var recipe in lstRecipes)
                    // Calculate chance of learning recipes based on item's value
                    int itemValue = recipe.Results[0].Item.Value;
                    //int recipeValue =
                    double chance = 100f;

                    /*switch (recipe.CraftingStationType)
                     * {
                     *  case Recipe.CraftingType.Alchemy: // Value between 0 and 60
                     *      chance = m_data.PercentMax - ((float)(m_data.PercentMax - m_data.PercentMin) / m_data.AlchemyValueMax) * itemValue;
                     *      break;
                     *  case Recipe.CraftingType.Cooking: // Value between 0 and 30
                     *      chance = m_data.PercentMax - ((float)(m_data.PercentMax - m_data.PercentMin) / m_data.CookingValueMax) * itemValue;
                     *      break;
                     *  case Recipe.CraftingType.Survival:  // Value between 0 and 100
                     *      chance = m_data.PercentMax - ((float)(m_data.PercentMax - m_data.PercentMin) / m_data.SurvivalValueMax) * itemValue;
                     *      break;
                     * }*/
                    //OLogger.Log($"{recipe.Name} ({Math.Round(chance, 0)} %)");
                    int r = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100);
                    if (r < chance)
                        //OLogger.Log($"{recipe.Name} ({r} < {Math.Round(chance, 2)} %)");
                        break; // only one recipe to add
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.Log($"[{m_modName}] CharacterInventory_TakeItem_3: {ex.Message}");
Exemplo n.º 43
    /// <summary>
    /// Instancie le joueur, ses personnages, son inventaire, etc
    /// </summary>
    private void GetPlayerInfo()
        CharacterInventory characterInvent = new CharacterInventory();
        PlayerInventory playerInvent = null;
        List<Potion> list = new List<Potion>();
        Potion uItem;
        EquipableItem eItem;

        GameManager._instance._enemySide = 2;
        PlayerManager._instance._playerSide = 1;
        //infos venant du serveur

         * */

        //on génère l'inventaire du joueur, peut être mis dans la DLL commune au serveur, pour recevoir l'inventaire complet plutôt
        //que de le génèrer du côté client
        //uItem = new Potion(1, "", "Potion de soins", "Guérit de 20 points de vie", 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20);
        //uItem = new Potion(2, "", "Potion d'attaque", "Augmente les capacités physiques", 3, 5, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0);

        //on crée l'inventaire de chaque personnage, encore içi, peut être mis dans la DLL commune au serveur, pour reçevoir les infos
        playerInvent = new PlayerInventory(list);
        //eItem = new EquipableItem(1, "Guerrier", "Épée de fer", "Une simple épée en fer", "WATK", 10, "Weapon", 1);

        //tout les personnages du joueur, pour le menu prinçipal
        PlayerManager._instance._characters.Add(Character.CreateCharacter("Bartoc", "Guerrier", 2, 3, 2, 100, 10, characterInvent, 20, 10, 0, 10));
        PlayerManager._instance._characters.Add(Character.CreateCharacter("Kodak", "Mage", 1, 2, 1, 50, 50, characterInvent, 10, 10, 10, 10));
        PlayerManager._instance._characters.Add(Character.CreateCharacter("Bubulle", "Archer", 1, 4, 10, 100, 10, characterInvent, 10, 10, 10, 10));
        PlayerManager._instance._characters.Add(Character.CreateCharacter("Mr Poire", "Prêtre", 1, 2, 1, 60, 40, characterInvent, 10, 10, 10, 10));

        //quand on choisit un personnage qui participera à la partie
        PlayerManager._instance._chosenTeam[0] = Character.CreateCharacter("Bartoc", "Guerrier", 2, 20, 1, 100, 10, characterInvent, 20, 10, 0, 10);
        PlayerManager._instance._chosenTeam[1] = Character.CreateCharacter("Kodak", "Mage", 1, 15, 1, 50, 50, characterInvent, 10, 10, 10, 10);
        PlayerManager._instance._chosenTeam[2] = Character.CreateCharacter("Bubulle", "Archer", 1, 15, 3, 100, 10, characterInvent, 10, 10, 10, 10);
        PlayerManager._instance._chosenTeam[3] = Character.CreateCharacter("Mr Poire", "Prêtre", 1, 15, 1, 60, 40, characterInvent, 10, 10, 10, 10);

        PlayerManager._instance._playerInventory = playerInvent;
Exemplo n.º 44
 protected Player()
     PlayerEquipInventory = InitializeCharacterInventory();
     PlayerItemInventory  = InitializePlayerInventory();
Exemplo n.º 45
 void Start()
     page = 0;
     inventory = this.GetComponent<CharacterInventory> ();
     crafterManager = (ItemCrafterManager)GameObject.FindObjectOfType (typeof(ItemCrafterManager));
     StyleManager Styles = (StyleManager)GameObject.FindObjectOfType (typeof(StyleManager));
     if(!Skin && Styles)
         Skin = Styles.GetSkin(0);
Exemplo n.º 46
 public CharacterInventory(CharacterInventory templateArg)