Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor... creates new Trie with given properrties
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="children">Children tries in tree</param>
        /// <param name="containsEmptyString">Boolean if it is a word</param>
        /// <param name="map">Map of Chars to Indices and vice versa to use</param>
        public ImmutableTrie(ImmutableTrie[] children, bool containsEmptyString, CharMap map)
            _containsEmptyString = containsEmptyString;
            _map = map;

            _children = (ImmutableTrie[])children.Clone();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public BitmapLabel(ImageSource source, CharMap c, string value)
            this.Container = new Canvas();

            this.Source = source;
            this.CharMap = c;
            this.Text = value;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Consturcts a new Key
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chars">Chars in the word</param>
        /// <param name="charMap">Charmap mapping the chars to indices</param>
        public Key(Queue<char> chars, CharMap charMap)
            _charmap = charMap;

            foreach (char c in chars)
                char dequeued = chars.Dequeue();


            // Use polynomial hashing to compute the hash code.
            foreach (char c in chars)
                    _hashCode *= 35;
                    _hashCode += _amountOccurances[charMap.GetLocation(c)];
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static CharMap CreateMap(string intcode)
            var map = new CharMap();
            var pos = Point.From(0, 0);

            new Engine()
            .OnOutput(engine =>
                var ch = (char)engine.Output.Take();
                if (ch == '\n')
                    pos = Point.From(0, pos.Y + 1);
                    map[pos] = ch;
                    pos      = pos.Right;
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected AbstractFile(GenericCharMap charmap, FFTTextFactory.FileInfo layout, IList <IList <string> > strings, string fileComments, IList <string> sectionComments, bool compressible)
            : this(charmap, layout, fileComments, sectionComments, compressible)
            List <IList <string> > sections = new List <IList <string> >(NumberOfSections);

            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfSections; i++)
                string[] thisSection = new string[strings[i].Count];
                strings[i].CopyTo(thisSection, 0);
                for (int j = 0; j < thisSection.Length; j++)
                    if (!CharMap.ValidateString(thisSection[j], layout.AllowedTerminators[0]))
                        throw new InvalidStringException(layout.Guid.ToString(), i, j, thisSection[j]);

            this.Sections = sections.AsReadOnly();

Exemplo n.º 6
        protected override int Part1(string[] input)
            var map = CharMap.FromArray(input, '.');

            var(_, p2) = map.MinMax();
            var p = Pose.From(p2.X / 2, p2.Y / 2, Direction.Up);

            var infections = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                // If the current node is infected, it turns to its right. Otherwise, it turns to its left. (Turning is done in-place; the current node does not change.)
                // If the current node is clean, it becomes infected. Otherwise, it becomes cleaned. (This is done after the node is considered for the purposes of changing direction.)
                // The virus carrier moves forward one node in the direction it is facing.
                if (map[p.Point] == '#')
                if (map[p.Point] == '.')
                    map[p.Point] = '#';
                    map[p.Point] = '.';

Exemplo n.º 7
        private bool ExecuteRound(ref CharMap map)
            CharMap result         = new CharMap(map);
            bool    wasSeatChanged = false;

            foreach ((int x, int y, char c) in map)
                int neighborCount = _countNeighbors(map, x, y);

                if (c == Seat && neighborCount == 0)
                    result[x, y]   = Person;
                    wasSeatChanged = true;
                else if (c == Person && neighborCount >= _neighborLimit)
                    result[x, y]   = Seat;
                    wasSeatChanged = true;

            map = result;
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected override int Part2(string[] input)
            var map   = new CharMap();
            var lines = input;

            for (var y = 0; y < lines.Length; y++)
                var line = lines[y];
                for (var x = 0; x < line.Length; x++)
                    map[x][y] = line[x];

            var width  = 5;
            var height = 5;
            var levels = new List <CharMap>

            var center = Point.From(2, 2);

            for (var t = 0; t < 200; t++)
                if (levels.First().AllPoints(c => c == '#').Any(p => p.X == 0 || p.Y == 0 || p.X == width - 1 || p.Y == height - 1))
                    var outer = new CharMap('.');
                    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
                            outer[x][y] = '.';
                    levels.Insert(0, outer);
                var lowestlevel = levels.Last();
                if (center.LookAround().Any(p => lowestlevel[p] == '#'))
                    var inner = new CharMap('.');
                    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
                            inner[x][y] = '.';

                // Now go to work, one outer and its inner at a time
                var nextlevels = new List <CharMap>();
                for (var i = 0; i < levels.Count(); i++)
                    var outer     = i > 0 ? levels[i - 1] : null;
                    var level     = levels[i];
                    var inner     = i < levels.Count() - 1 ? levels[i + 1] : null;
                    var innerBugs = inner?.AllPoints(c => c == '#').ToArray();
                    var nextmap   = new CharMap();
                    foreach (var pos in level.AllPoints().Where(p => p != center))                     // ToArray should not be needed?
                        var n       = DirectionExtensions.LookAroundDirection().Select(d => BugsInDirection(outer, level, innerBugs, pos, d)).Sum();
                        var isOnBug = level[pos] == '#';
                        nextmap[pos] = isOnBug
                                                        ? n == 1 ? '#' : '.'
                                                        : n == 1 || n == 2 ? '#' : '.';
                levels = nextlevels;

                //Console.WriteLine($"After {t} minutes");
                //var leveldepth = lowest;
                //foreach (var l in levels)
                //	Console.WriteLine($"Depth {leveldepth++}:");
                //	l.ConsoleWrite(false);
                //	Console.WriteLine();
                //Console.WriteLine($"{levels.Count} levels, lowest={lowest}");

            var bugs = levels.Sum(l => l.AllPoints(c => c == '#').Count());


            int BugsInDirection(CharMap outer, CharMap level, Point[] innerBugs, Point pos0, Direction direction)
                var pos = pos0.Move(direction);

                if (pos.X < 0)
                    return(outer?[center.Left] == '#' ? 1 : 0);
                if (pos.X >= width)
                    return(outer?[center.Right] == '#' ? 1 : 0);
                if (pos.Y < 0)
                    return(outer?[center.Up] == '#' ? 1 : 0);
                if (pos.Y >= height)
                    return(outer?[center.Down] == '#' ? 1 : 0);
                if (pos == center)
                    switch (direction)
                    case Direction.Down: return(innerBugs?.Count(p => p.Y == 0) ?? 0);

                    case Direction.Left: return(innerBugs?.Count(p => p.X == width - 1) ?? 0);

                    case Direction.Up: return(innerBugs?.Count(p => p.Y == height - 1) ?? 0);

                    case Direction.Right: return(innerBugs?.Count(p => p.X == 0) ?? 0);
                return(level[pos] == '#' ? 1 : 0);

            //IEnumerable<CharMap> PaddedLevels(IEnumerable<CharMap> maps)
            //	yield return new CharMap('.');
            //	foreach (var m in maps)
            //	{
            //		yield return m;
            //	}
            //	yield return new CharMap('.');

            //Console.WriteLine($"Day 24 Puzzle 2: {}");
            //Debug.Assert(beampoints == 141);
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Battle Constructor, created once a unit engages an enemy in battle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="m">The player's unit</param>
        /// <param name="e">The enemy's unit</param>
        /// <param name="fregion">The region where the battle was engaged</param>
        /// <param name="fgoal">The region's condition for victory</param>
        public Battle(Unit m, Unit e, Region fregion, Objective fgoal)
            MainWindow.BackgroundImage = Content.Graphics.Instance.Images.background.bg_smallMenu;

            orgls = new List<String>();

            region = fregion;
            goal = fgoal;
            ally = m;
            enemy = e;
            tm=new Tilemap("battle");

            cmap = new CharMap(tm);
            cmap.ShowMisc = true;

            map = new Map(tm);
            map.ArrowEnabled = true;
            map.SelectionEnabled = false;
            map.changeCurp = changeCurp;
            map.curSelection = sel;
            map.focus(5, 6);

            lbl_actions = new Label("Actions");
            lbl_actions.LabelFun = ColorTheme.LabelColorTheme.LabelFunction.BOLD;
            lbl_actions.Position = new Vector2(280, 390);
            lbl_actions.Visible = false;

            menu_actions = new Menu(5);
            menu_actions.Position = new Vector2(280, 390);
            menu_actions.Visible = false;
            menu_actions.Enabled = false;
            menu_actions.ArrowEnabled = false;

            lbl_moved = new Label("MOVED");
            lbl_moved.LabelFun = ColorTheme.LabelColorTheme.LabelFunction.SPECIAL;
            lbl_moved.Position = new Vector2(520, 414);
            lbl_moved.Visible = false;

            lbl_enemyTurn = new Label("DAMAGE");
            lbl_enemyTurn.Color = Color.Red;
            lbl_enemyTurn.Position = new Vector2(50, 50/*420*/);
            lbl_enemyTurn.Visible = false;

            lbl_name = new Label("Name");
            lbl_name.LabelFun = ColorTheme.LabelColorTheme.LabelFunction.BOLD;
            lbl_name.Position = new Vector2(50, 390);

            lbl_charName = new Label("Derp");
            lbl_charName.Position = new Vector2(110, 390);

            lbl_lvl = new Label("Level");
            lbl_lvl.LabelFun = ColorTheme.LabelColorTheme.LabelFunction.BOLD;
            lbl_lvl.Position = new Vector2(50, 420);

            lbl_charLvl = new Label("20");
            lbl_charLvl.Position = new Vector2(110, 420);

            lbl_exp = new Label("Exp");
            lbl_exp.LabelFun = ColorTheme.LabelColorTheme.LabelFunction.BOLD;
            lbl_exp.Position = new Vector2(150, 420);

            lbl_charExp = new Label("42");
            lbl_charExp.Position = new Vector2(200, 420);

            lbl_hp = new Label("HP");
            lbl_hp.LabelFun = ColorTheme.LabelColorTheme.LabelFunction.BOLD;
            lbl_hp.Position = new Vector2(50, 450);

            lbl_curHp = new Label("100");
            lbl_curHp.Position = new Vector2(90, 450);

            lbl_hpSlash = new Label("/");
            lbl_hpSlash.LabelFun = ColorTheme.LabelColorTheme.LabelFunction.BOLD;
            lbl_hpSlash.Position = new Vector2(140, 450);

            lbl_maxHp = new Label("100");
            lbl_maxHp.Position = new Vector2(160, 450);

            lbl_mp = new Label("MP");
            lbl_mp.LabelFun = ColorTheme.LabelColorTheme.LabelFunction.BOLD;
            lbl_mp.Position = new Vector2(50, 480);

            lbl_curMp = new Label("50");
            lbl_curMp.Position = new Vector2(90, 480);

            lbl_mpSlash = new Label("/");
            lbl_mpSlash.LabelFun = ColorTheme.LabelColorTheme.LabelFunction.BOLD;
            lbl_mpSlash.Position = new Vector2(140, 480);

            lbl_maxMp = new Label("50");
            lbl_maxMp.Position = new Vector2(160, 480);

            lbl_moveLeft = new Label("Move Left");
            lbl_moveLeft.LabelFun = ColorTheme.LabelColorTheme.LabelFunction.BOLD;
            lbl_moveLeft.Position = new Vector2(50, 510);

            lbl_move = new Label("");
            lbl_move.Position = new Vector2(150, 510);

            lbl_enter = new Label("ENTER");
            lbl_enter.LabelFun = ColorTheme.LabelColorTheme.LabelFunction.CONTROL;
            lbl_enter.Position = new Vector2(520, 462);

            lbl_enterAction = new Label("Select Unit");
            lbl_enterAction.Position = new Vector2(600, 462);

            lbl_v = new Label("V");
            lbl_v.LabelFun = ColorTheme.LabelColorTheme.LabelFunction.CONTROL;
            lbl_v.Position = new Vector2(520, 438);

            lbl_vAction = new Label("View Character");
            lbl_vAction.Position = new Vector2(550, 438);

            lbl_esc = new Label("ESC");
            lbl_esc.LabelFun = ColorTheme.LabelColorTheme.LabelFunction.CONTROL;
            lbl_esc.Position = new Vector2(520, 486);
            lbl_esc.Visible = false;

            lbl_escAction = new Label("Cancel Movement");
            lbl_escAction.Position = new Vector2(570, 486);
            lbl_escAction.Visible = false;

            lbl_e = new Label("E");
            lbl_e.LabelFun = ColorTheme.LabelColorTheme.LabelFunction.CONTROL;
            lbl_e.Position = new Vector2(520, 510);

            lbl_eAction = new Label("End Turn");
            lbl_eAction.Position = new Vector2(550, 510);

            lbl_turnCount = new Label("Turn: " + turnCount + " / 10");
            lbl_turnCount.LabelFun = ColorTheme.LabelColorTheme.LabelFunction.BOLD;
            lbl_turnCount.Position = new Vector2(520, 390);

            lbl_dmg = new Label("");
            lbl_dmg.Color = Color.Red;
            lbl_dmg.Position = new Vector2(0, 0);
            lbl_dmg.Visible = false;

            lbl_actionTaken = new Label("");
            lbl_actionTaken.Color = Color.Black;
            lbl_actionTaken.Position = new Vector2(250, 30);
            lbl_actionTaken.Font = Content.Graphics.Instance.ActionFont;
            lbl_actionTaken.Visible = false;

            lbl_armyTurn = new Label("TO BATTLE, COMRADES!");
            lbl_armyTurn.Font = Content.Graphics.Instance.TurnFont;
            lbl_armyTurn.doneShowing = armyTurnDone;

            lbl_battleOutcome = new Label("VICTORY!");
            lbl_battleOutcome.Font = Content.Graphics.Instance.TurnFont;
            lbl_battleOutcome.doneShowing = endOfBattle;
            lbl_battleOutcome.Visible = false;

            deploy(m, true);
            deploy(e, false);


            freemode = true;
            actionMode = false;
            targetMode = false;
            spellMode = false;
            itemMode = false;

            changeCurp(null, new EventArgObject(new Point(5, 6)));
            scp = new Point(5, 6);
            endTurnP = new Point(5, 6);


            ai = new AI();
            ai.set(map, tm, cmap);
            ai.done = ai_done;

            MainWindow.InputEnabled = false;
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static Point derpnearest(CharMap cmap, Point src, String org)
            if (isOrgPresent(cmap, new Point(src.X, src.Y - 1), org))
                return new Point(src.X, src.Y - 1);

            if (isOrgPresent(cmap, new Point(src.X + 1, src.Y), org))
                return new Point(src.X + 1, src.Y);

            if (isOrgPresent(cmap, new Point(src.X, src.Y + 1), org))
                return new Point(src.X, src.Y + 1);

            if (isOrgPresent(cmap, new Point(src.X - 1, src.Y), org))
                return new Point(src.X - 1, src.Y);

            if (isOrgPresent(cmap, new Point(src.X - 1, src.Y - 1), org))
                return new Point(src.X - 1, src.Y - 1);

            if (isOrgPresent(cmap, new Point(src.X + 1, src.Y - 1), org))
                return new Point(src.X + 1, src.Y - 1);

            if (isOrgPresent(cmap, new Point(src.X - 1, src.Y + 1), org))
                return new Point(src.X - 1, src.Y + 1);

            if (isOrgPresent(cmap, new Point(src.X + 1, src.Y + 1), org))
                return new Point(src.X + 1, src.Y + 1);

            //inner cercle checked

            //very inefficient

            int mr = Gen.max(cmap.NumX, cmap.NumY);

            for (int r = 2; r < mr + 1; r++)
                for (int i = -r; i < r + 1; i++)
                    for (int e = -r; e < r + 1; e++)
                        if (i != -r && i != r && e != -r && e != r)

                        if (isOrgPresent(cmap, new Point(src.X + i, src.Y + e), org))
                            return new Point(src.X + i, src.Y + e);

            return new Point(-1, -1);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public int GetCharacterCount() => CharMap.Sum(list => list.Value);
 public int getChar(char c)
     return(CharMap.ContainsKey(c) ? CharMap[c] : SPACE_WIDTH);
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected override int Part2(string[] input)
            var inputMap = CharMap.FromArray(input);

            // Use a 2D array for fastest storage (faster than CharMap/sparse array
            // or Dictionary). Trials show that x,y stray <300 steps from origin so
            // that'll do with a bit of margin. Shift all x,y coordinates into positive
            // numbers by xyOffset so x,y can index the char[,]-map directly.
            var xyOffset = 500;
            var map      = new char[xyOffset * 2, xyOffset *2];

            // Populate the map with all known infections
            foreach (var(p, ch) in inputMap.All(c => c == '#'))
                map[p.X + xyOffset, p.Y + xyOffset] = '#';

            // Initial x,y is at the centre of the map
            var(_, size) = inputMap.MinMax();
            var x = (uint)size.X / 2 + xyOffset;
            var y = (uint)size.Y / 2 + xyOffset;

            // Setup fast lookups for determining dx/dy-movements and turns,
            // using the current direction as index.
            // This is faster than a switch or PointWithDirection.
            var(up, right, down, left) = (0, 1, 2, 3);
            var dx         = new [] { 0, 1, 0, -1 };
            var dy         = new [] { -1, 0, 1, 0 };
            var turnleft   = new [] { left, up, right, down };
            var turnright  = new [] { right, down, left, up };
            var turnaround = new [] { down, left, up, right };

            int dir        = up;
            var infections = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < 10_000_000; i++)
                // Clean nodes become weakened.
                // Weakened nodes become infected.
                // Infected nodes become flagged.
                // Flagged nodes become clean.
                // Decide which way to turn based on the current node:
                //   If it is clean, it turns left.
                //   If it is weakened, it does not turn, and will continue moving in the same direction.
                //   If it is infected, it turns right.
                //   If it is flagged, it reverses direction, and will go back the way it came.
                // Modify the state of the current node, as described above.
                // The virus carrier moves forward one node in the direction it is facing.
                switch (map[x, y])
                case '\0': map[x, y] = 'w'; dir = turnleft[dir]; break;

                case 'w': map[x, y] = '#'; infections++; break;

                case '#': map[x, y] = 'f'; dir = turnright[dir]; break;

                case 'f': map[x, y] = '\0'; dir = turnaround[dir]; break;
                x += dx[dir];
                y += dy[dir];

Exemplo n.º 14
        private static Point pathFindFallBack(CharMap cmap, Tilemap tm, Point src, Point dest, String org)
            Dictionary<Point, int> map = new Dictionary<Point, int>();
            Queue<PointCounter> main = new Queue<PointCounter>();
            Queue<PointCounter> temp = new Queue<PointCounter>();
            PointCounter cur;
            PointCounter tcur;

            main.Enqueue(new PointCounter(dest, 0));
            map[dest] = 0;

            int cc;
            bool f = false;

            while (main.Count > 0)
                cur = main.Dequeue();

                if (cur.p == src)
                    f = true;

                cc = cur.c + 1;

                temp.Enqueue(new PointCounter(cur.p.X, cur.p.Y - 1, cc));
                temp.Enqueue(new PointCounter(cur.p.X + 1, cur.p.Y, cc));
                temp.Enqueue(new PointCounter(cur.p.X, cur.p.Y + 1, cc));
                temp.Enqueue(new PointCounter(cur.p.X - 1, cur.p.Y, cc));

                while (temp.Count > 0)
                    tcur = temp.Dequeue();

                    if (tcur.p != src)
                        if (!inMap(tm, tcur.p) || !canMove(tm, tcur.p, org))

                        if (map.ContainsKey(tcur.p) && map[tcur.p] <= tcur.c)

                    map[tcur.p] = tcur.c;

            if (!f)
                return src;

            Point ret = src;
            cc = map[src];


            temp.Enqueue(new PointCounter(src.X, src.Y - 1, 0));
            temp.Enqueue(new PointCounter(src.X + 1, src.Y, 0));
            temp.Enqueue(new PointCounter(src.X, src.Y + 1, 0));
            temp.Enqueue(new PointCounter(src.X - 1, src.Y, 0));

            while (temp.Count > 0)
                tcur = temp.Dequeue();

                if (map.ContainsKey(tcur.p) && map[tcur.p] < cc)
                    cc = map[tcur.p];
                    ret = tcur.p;

            if (!canMove(cmap, tm, ret))
                return src;

            return ret;
Exemplo n.º 15
        private static (CharMap, int) BuildMapAndFindOxygen(string intcode)
            var map = new CharMap();

            var movements = new MoveGenerator();

            map[movements.Current.Position] = MapSpace;

            var stepsToOxygen = 0;
            var debug         = false;

            var engine2 = new Engine()
                          .OnInput(engine =>
                var movement = movements.NextProposal(map);
                if (movement == MoveNone)
                    engine.Halt = true;
                if (debug)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Moves: {movements}");
                    foreach (var line in map.Render(MapOverlay))
                          .OnOutput(engine =>
                var status = engine.Output.Take();
                switch (status)
                case StatusHitTheWall:
                    map[movements.ProposedPosition] = MapWall;

                case StatusMoved:
                    map[movements.Current.Position] = MapSpace;

                case StatusFoundOxygen:
                    map[movements.Current.Position] = MapOxygen;
                    stepsToOxygen = movements.Moves;

            return(map, stepsToOxygen);

            // Draw Droid on top of map
            char MapOverlay(Point p, char val)
                var droid = movements.Current?.Position;

                return(p == droid ? MapDroid : val);
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a Find event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void uxFind_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _dictionary = new Dictionary<Key, ImmutableTrie>();

            if (uxInput.Text == "")
                uxNumber.Text = "0";
                    _map = new CharMap(uxInput.Text.ToLower().ToCharArray());
                    ImmutableTrie results = FindAnagrams(trie, GetQueue(uxInput.Text.ToLower().ToCharArray()));
                    if (results != null)
                    uxNumber.Text = uxAnagrams.Items.Count.ToString();
                catch (ArgumentException ae)
                    MessageBox.Show("Text can only be lower case letters. " + ae.Message);
Exemplo n.º 17
                /// <summary>
                /// Generates a TileMap with the given CharMap and Character (and Tilemap and Organization)
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="cmap">The CharMap to use</param>
                /// <param name="c">The Character to base the map on</param>
                /// <param name="tm">Tilemap (not the pathfind one)</param>
                /// <param name="org">Organization to base the map from (determins who is ally and who is enemy)</param>
                /// <returns>a PathFind.TileMap</returns>
                public static TileMap gen(CharMap cmap, Tilemap tm, String org, Character c)
                    TileMap ptm = new TileMap(tm.NumX, tm.NumY);

                    for (int i = 0; i < tm.NumX; i++)
                        for (int e = 0; e < tm.NumY; e++)
                            if (!c.canMove(tm.get(i, e).Type))
                                ptm.set(i, e, Tile_Type.BLOCK_TERRAIN);
                            else if (!cmap.canMove(i, e))
                                ptm.set(i, e, Tile_Type.BLOCK_UNIT);
                                ptm.set(i, e, Tile_Type.NOTHING);

                    return ptm;
Exemplo n.º 18
        private static bool isOrgPresent(CharMap cmap, Point p, String org)
            if (p.X < 0 || p.Y < 0 || p.X >= cmap.NumX || p.Y >= cmap.NumY)
                return false;

            if (!cmap.isChar(p.X, p.Y))
                return false;

            return cmap.get(p.X, p.Y).Organization == org;
Exemplo n.º 19
        public PortalMaze(CharMap map)
            : base(map)
            var portalinfo    = Map.AllPoints(char.IsUpper).OrderBy(p => p.Y).ThenBy(p => p.X);
            var portalsByName = new Dictionary <string, List <Tuple <Point, Point> > >();

            // Map all entry-portals
            foreach (var p in portalinfo)
                if (Map[p.Down] == '.')
                    //       X
                    // p ->  Y  <- exit
                    //       .  <- arrival
                    AddPortal(p.Up, p, p, p.Down);
                else if (Map[p.Up] == '.')
                    //       .  <- arrival
                    // p ->  X  <- exit
                    //       Y
                    AddPortal(p, p.Down, p, p.Up);

                //// Next find the portal exits and match with their entry
                //foreach (var p in portalinfo)
                else if (Map[p.Right] == '.')
                    // exit vv arrival
                    //     XY.
                    //      ^ p
                    AddPortal(p.Left, p, p, p.Right);
                else if (Map[p.Left] == '.')
                    // arrival vv exit
                    //         .XY
                    //          ^ p
                    AddPortal(p, p.Right, p, p.Left);

            // Link up portals
            Entry = portalsByName["AA"].First().Item2;
            Exit  = portalsByName["ZZ"].First().Item2;
            Map[portalsByName["AA"].First().Item1] = '#';
            Map[portalsByName["ZZ"].First().Item1] = '#';
            ExternalMapPoints = new Point[] { Exit };

            Portals = new SparseMap <Portal>();
            var area = Map.MinMax();

            foreach (var pair in portalsByName.Where(p => p.Key != "AA" && p.Key != "ZZ"))
                var p1 = pair.Value[0];
                var p2 = pair.Value[1];
                Portals[p1.Item1] = new Portal
                    Name       = pair.Key,
                    Pos        = p2.Item2,
                    IsDownward = !IsOuterPortal(p1.Item1)
                Portals[p2.Item1] = new Portal
                    Name       = pair.Key,
                    Pos        = p1.Item2,
                    IsDownward = !IsOuterPortal(p2.Item1)

            bool IsOuterPortal(Point p) => p.X <4 || p.X> area.Item2.X - 4 || p.Y <4 || p.Y> area.Item2.Y - 4;

            void AddPortal(Point pos1, Point pos2, Point departure, Point arrival)
                var name = new string(new char[] { Map[pos1], Map[pos2] });

                if (!portalsByName.TryGetValue(name, out var pn))
                    portalsByName[name] = new List <Tuple <Point, Point> >();
                portalsByName[name].Add(new Tuple <Point, Point>(departure, arrival));
Exemplo n.º 20
 public PortalMaze(string[] lines)
     : this(CharMap.FromArray(lines))
Exemplo n.º 21
        private static Point targetCharacter(Character c, Point p, CharMap cmap)
            bool targetable = false;
            bool castable = false;
            List<Point> targetableChar = new List<Point>();
            Point target = new Point(-1, -1);

            if (c is Fighter || c is Scout)
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X - 1, p.Y) && cmap.get(p.X - 1, p.Y).Organization == "main")
                    targetable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X - 1, p.Y));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X, p.Y - 1) && cmap.get(p.X, p.Y - 1).Organization == "main")
                    targetable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X, p.Y - 1));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X + 1, p.Y) && cmap.get(p.X + 1, p.Y).Organization == "main")
                    targetable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X + 1, p.Y));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X, p.Y + 1) && cmap.get(p.X, p.Y + 1).Organization == "main")
                    targetable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X, p.Y + 1));
            else if (c is Archer)
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X - 1, p.Y + 1) && cmap.get(p.X - 1, p.Y + 1).Organization == "main")
                    targetable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X - 1, p.Y + 1));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X - 1, p.Y - 1) && cmap.get(p.X - 1, p.Y - 1).Organization == "main")
                    targetable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X - 1, p.Y - 1));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X + 1, p.Y + 1) && cmap.get(p.X + 1, p.Y + 1).Organization == "main")
                    targetable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X + 1, p.Y + 1));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X + 1, p.Y - 1) && cmap.get(p.X + 1, p.Y - 1).Organization == "main")
                    targetable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X + 1, p.Y - 1));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X - 2, p.Y) && cmap.get(p.X - 2, p.Y).Organization == "main")
                    targetable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X - 2, p.Y));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X, p.Y - 2) && cmap.get(p.X, p.Y - 2).Organization == "main")
                    targetable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X, p.Y - 2));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X + 2, p.Y) && cmap.get(p.X + 2, p.Y).Organization == "main")
                    targetable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X + 2, p.Y));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X, p.Y + 2) && cmap.get(p.X, p.Y + 2).Organization == "main")
                    targetable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X, p.Y + 2));
            else if (c is Healer)
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X - 1, p.Y) && cmap.get(p.X - 1, p.Y).Organization == "ennemy")
                    castable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X - 1, p.Y));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X, p.Y - 1) && cmap.get(p.X, p.Y - 1).Organization == "ennemy")
                    castable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X, p.Y - 1));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X + 1, p.Y) && cmap.get(p.X + 1, p.Y).Organization == "ennemy")
                    castable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X + 1, p.Y));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X, p.Y + 1) && cmap.get(p.X, p.Y + 1).Organization == "ennemy")
                    castable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X, p.Y + 1));
            else if (c is Caster)
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X - 1, p.Y) && cmap.get(p.X - 1, p.Y).Organization == "main")
                    castable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X - 1, p.Y));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X, p.Y - 1) && cmap.get(p.X, p.Y - 1).Organization == "main")
                    castable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X, p.Y - 1));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X + 1, p.Y) && cmap.get(p.X + 1, p.Y).Organization == "main")
                    castable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X + 1, p.Y));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X, p.Y + 1) && cmap.get(p.X, p.Y + 1).Organization == "main")
                    castable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X, p.Y + 1));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X - 1, p.Y + 1) && cmap.get(p.X - 1, p.Y + 1).Organization == "main")
                    castable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X - 1, p.Y + 1));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X - 1, p.Y - 1) && cmap.get(p.X - 1, p.Y - 1).Organization == "main")
                    castable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X - 1, p.Y - 1));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X + 1, p.Y + 1) && cmap.get(p.X + 1, p.Y + 1).Organization == "main")
                    castable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X + 1, p.Y + 1));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X + 1, p.Y - 1) && cmap.get(p.X + 1, p.Y - 1).Organization == "main")
                    castable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X + 1, p.Y - 1));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X - 2, p.Y) && cmap.get(p.X - 2, p.Y).Organization == "main")
                    castable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X - 2, p.Y));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X, p.Y - 2) && cmap.get(p.X, p.Y - 2).Organization == "main")
                    castable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X, p.Y - 2));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X + 2, p.Y) && cmap.get(p.X + 2, p.Y).Organization == "main")
                    castable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X + 2, p.Y));
                if (cmap.isChar(p.X, p.Y + 2) && cmap.get(p.X, p.Y + 2).Organization == "main")
                    castable = true;
                    targetableChar.Add(new Point(p.X, p.Y + 2));

            if (targetable)
                foreach (Point pt in targetableChar)
                    if (target == new Point(-1, -1) || cmap.get(pt.X, pt.Y).stats.hp < cmap.get(target.X, target.Y).stats.hp)
                        target = pt;

            if (castable)
                foreach (Point pt in targetableChar)
                    if (target == new Point(-1, -1) || cmap.get(pt.X, pt.Y).stats.hp < cmap.get(target.X, target.Y).stats.hp)
                        target = pt;

            return target;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public int getChar(char a)
     return(CharMap.ContainsKey(a) ? CharMap[a] : SPACE_WIDTH);
Exemplo n.º 23
        private static bool canMove(CharMap cmap, Tilemap tm, Point dest)
            if (tm.get(dest.X, dest.Y).Type == Tile.TileType.MOUNTAIN || tm.get(dest.X, dest.Y).Type == Tile.TileType.WATER)
                return false;

            return cmap.canMove(dest.X, dest.Y);
Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup map info
        /// </summary>
        public void set(Map fmap, Tilemap ftm, CharMap fcmap)
            set(fmap, ftm);

            cmap = fcmap;
Exemplo n.º 25
        private static Point nearest(CharMap cmap, Point src, String org)
            int mr = Gen.max(cmap.NumX, cmap.NumY);

            for (int r = 1; r <= mr; r++)
                for (int i = -r; i <= r; i++)
                    for (int e = -r; e <= r; e++)
                        if (Math.Abs(i) + Math.Abs(e) != r)

                        if (isOrgPresent(cmap, new Point(src.X + i, src.Y + e), org))
                            return new Point(src.X + i, src.Y + e);
            return new Point(-1, -1);
Exemplo n.º 26
 public Challenge()
     _map = new CharMap(inputList.ToArray());
Exemplo n.º 27
        public static Boolean battle(CharMap cmap, Tilemap tm, String org, Map map, Unit ally, Unit enemy, Label dmg, Label action, ref Boolean gameOver, ref Boolean defeat, GameTime gameTime)
            Character c = cmap.get(map.CursorPosition.X, map.CursorPosition.Y);
            Character m;
            Point p;
            Point ne;

            if (c != null && c.Organization == org && c.stats.movement != 0)
                if(c is Healer)
                    ne = nearest(cmap, map.CursorPosition, "ennemy");
                    ne = nearest(cmap, map.CursorPosition, "main");

                if (isAdj(map.CursorPosition, ne))
                    c.stats.movement = 0;
                    p = map.CursorPosition;
                    //finds path to nearest ennemy
                    p = pathFind(cmap, tm, map.CursorPosition, nearest(cmap, map.CursorPosition, "main"), org);
                    if (c.stats.movement > 0)
                            cmap.move(map.CursorPosition.X, map.CursorPosition.Y, p.X, p.Y);
                            map.changeCursor(new Point(p.X, p.Y));

                if (c.stats.movement == 0)
                    Point tar = targetCharacter(c, p, cmap);

                    if (tar != new Point(-1, -1))
                        m = cmap.get(tar.X, tar.Y);
                        map.CurLs.Add(tar, Content.Graphics.Instance.Images.gui.cursorRed);

                        if (c is Fighter)
                            dmg.Text = ((Fighter)c).attack(m);
                        else if (c is Archer)
                            dmg.Text = ((Archer)c).attack(m);
                        else if (c is Scout)
                            dmg.Text = ((Scout)c).attack(m);
                        else if (c is Healer)
                            dmg.Text = ((Healer)c).heal(m).ToString();
                            action.Text = "Heal";
                        else if (c is Caster)
                            dmg.Text = ((Caster)c).attack(m, new Spell("DerpCast", 1, 5, 1, 5));
                            action.Text = "DerpCast";
                            dmg.Text = "Cant";

                        if (action.Text == "")
                            action.Text = "Attack";

                        dmg.Position = new Vector2(tar.X * 64 - map.getTlc.X * 64, tar.Y * 64 - map.getTlc.Y * 64 + 20);

                        if (dmg.Text != "miss" || dmg.Text != "Cant")
                            enemy.set(c.Position.X, c.Position.Y, c);
                            ally.set(m.Position.X, m.Position.Y, m);
                            if (m.stats.hp <= 0)
                                if (m.isMainChar())
                                    gameOver = true;

                                ally.delete(m.Position.X, m.Position.Y);
                                cmap.set(tar.X, tar.Y, null);

                                if (ally.Characters.Count <= 0)
                                    defeat = true;
                return false;
                for (int e = cmap.NumY - 1; e >= 0; e--)
                    for (int i = cmap.NumX - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (cmap.isChar(i, e) && cmap.get(i, e).stats.movement != 0 && cmap.get(i, e).Organization == org)
                            if (map.CursorPosition != new Point(i, e))
                                dmg.Visible = false;
                                action.Visible = false;
                                action.Text = "";
                                map.changeCursor(new Point(i, e));
                                return false;

            return true;