Exemplo n.º 1
        static void _RunLexer()
            var digits = CharFA <string> .Repeat(
                CharFA <string> .Set("0123456789"),
                1, -1
                , "Digits");

            var word = CharFA <string> .Repeat(
                CharFA <string> .Set(new CharRange[] { new CharRange('A', 'Z'), new CharRange('a', 'z') }),
                1, -1
                , "Word");

            var whitespace = CharFA <string> .Repeat(
                CharFA <string> .Set(" \t\r\n\v\f"),
                1, -1
                , "Whitespace");

            var lexer = CharFA <string> .ToLexer(digits, word, whitespace);

            var lexerDfa = lexer.ToDfa();

            // we use a symbol table with the DFA state table to map ids back to strings
            var symbolTable = new string[] { "Digits", "Word", "Whitespace", "#ERROR" };
            // make sure to pass the symbol table if you're using one
            var dfaTable = lexer.ToDfaStateTable(symbolTable);
            var test     = "foo123_ _bar";

            Console.WriteLine("Lex using the NFA");
            // create a parse context over our test string
            var pc = ParseContext.Create(test);

            // while not end of input
            while (-1 != pc.Current)
                // clear the capture so that we don't keep appending the token data
                // lex the next token
                var acc = lexer.Lex(pc, "#ERROR");
                // write the result
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", acc, pc.GetCapture());
            Console.WriteLine("Lex using the DFA");
            // create a new parse context over our test string
            // because our old parse context is now past the end
            pc = ParseContext.Create(test);
            while (-1 != pc.Current)
                // lex using the DFA. This works exactly like
                // the previous Lex method except that it's
                // optimized for DFA traversal.
                // DO NOT use this with an NFA. It won't work
                // but won't error (can't check for perf reasons)
                var acc = lexerDfa.LexDfa(pc, "#ERROR");
                // write the result
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", acc, pc.GetCapture());
            Console.WriteLine("Lex using the DFA state table");
            pc = ParseContext.Create(test);
            while (-1 != pc.Current)
                // Lex using our DFA table. This is a little different
                // because it's a static method that takes CharDfaEntry[]
                // as its first parameter. It also uses symbol ids instead
                // of the actual symbol. You must map them back using the
                // symbol table you created earlier.
                var acc = CharFA <string> .LexDfa(dfaTable, pc, 3);

                // when we write this, we map our symbol id back to the
                // symbol using our symbol table
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", symbolTable[acc], pc.GetCapture());
            Console.WriteLine("Lex using our compiled lex method");
            pc = ParseContext.Create(test);
            while (-1 != pc.Current)
                // Lex using our compiledDFA. Like the table driven lex
                // this also uses symbol ids instead of the actual symbol.
                var acc = Lex(pc);
                // when we write this, we map our symbol id back to the
                // symbol using our symbol table
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", symbolTable[acc], pc.GetCapture());