public void Handle(CharSelected message)
            _account = message.Account;
            _socket  = Context.Sender;

            Context.Child("listhandler").Tell(new SetListData(_flplayerID, 0, _account.Rank, FLUtility.CreateID(_account.System), _account.CharName));
            //Sender is socket

            // Reset the player list. I'm not certain that this is necessary.
                byte[] omsg = { 0x52, 0x02 };
                FLMsgType.AddUInt32(ref omsg, 0);
                FLMsgType.AddUInt32(ref omsg, 0);
                FLMsgType.AddUInt8(ref omsg, 0);
                FLMsgType.AddUInt8(ref omsg, 0);

            //TODO: should we hide em sometime? Admins etc.
            Context.ActorSelection("../*/listhandler").Tell(new PlayerJoined(_account.CharName, message.FLPlayerID), Context.Child("listhandler"));
            //TODO: initiate ShipData and pass to ./ship
 public void Handle(EnterBaseData message)
     _baseID      = message.BaseID;
     _charAccount = message.Account;
     _shipData    = message.ShipData;
 public CharSelected(CharDB.Account acc, uint flpid)
     Account    = acc;
     FLPlayerID = flpid;
 public EnterBase(uint bid, CharDB.Account acc)
     BaseID  = bid;
     Account = acc;