Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ReadUnReleasedSectionWithJustAddedReturnsAddedSectionOnly(string version)
            const string changeLog = @"# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

Please ADD ALL Changes to the UNRELEASED SECTION and not a specific release

## [Unreleased]
### Added
- Something was added.
### Fixed
### Changed
### Removed
### Deployment Changes

Releases that have at least been deployed to staging, BUT NOT necessarily released to live.  Changes should be moved from [Unreleased] into here as they are merged into the appropriate release branch
## [0.0.0] - Project created

            string result = ChangeLogReader.ExtractReleaseNotes(changeLog: changeLog, version: version);
            const string expected = @"### Added
- Something was added.";

            Assert.Equal(expected: expected, actual: result);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void ReadASpecificReleaseReturnsThatReleaseOnlyIgnoringZeroVersionParts(string version)
            string result = ChangeLogReader.ExtractReleaseNotes(changeLog: MULTI_RELEASE_CHANGE_LOG, version: version);
            const string expected = @"### Added
- This is release 1.0.0.";
            Assert.Equal(expected: expected, actual: result);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void ReadASpecificReleaseReturnsThatReleaseOnly(string version)
            string result = ChangeLogReader.ExtractReleaseNotes(changeLog: MULTI_RELEASE_CHANGE_LOG, version: version);
            const string expected = @"### Added
- Something was added here.";
            Assert.Equal(expected: expected, actual: result);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void ReadASpecificReleaseAtEndOfFile(string version)
            string result = ChangeLogReader.ExtractReleaseNotes(changeLog: MULTI_RELEASE_CHANGE_LOG, version: version);

            const string expected = @"### Added
- Initial version";
            Assert.Equal(expected: expected, actual: result);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Test1()
            // Create a new collection and remember its ID.
            Collection collection = new Collection(store, "CS_TestCollection", store.DefaultDomain);

                // Commit the collection.

                // Create a change log reader.
                ChangeLogReader logReader = new ChangeLogReader(collection);

                // Get a cookie to track the event changes that we've seen.
                EventContext eventCookie = logReader.GetEventContext();

                // Now start creating a bunch of collection events.
                Node[] nodeList = new Node[100];
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
                    nodeList[i] = new Node("CS_TestNode-" + i);

                // Commit the changes.

                // Now get the events that have been generated.
                ArrayList changeList;
                bool      moreData = logReader.GetEvents(eventCookie, out changeList);

                foreach (ChangeLogRecord rec in changeList)
                    Console.WriteLine("Found change: Record ID: {0}, TimeStamp: {1}, Operation: {2}, Node ID: {3}", rec.RecordID, rec.Epoch, rec.Operation, rec.EventID);

                // Delete all of the node objects.

                // Get the delete events.
                moreData = logReader.GetEvents(eventCookie, out changeList);

                foreach (ChangeLogRecord rec in changeList)
                    Console.WriteLine("Found change: Record ID: {0}, TimeStamp: {1}, Operation: {2}, Node ID: {3}", rec.RecordID, rec.Epoch, rec.Operation, rec.EventID);
                // Delete the collection.
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void ReadEmptyChangeLogReturnsEmpty(string version)
     string result = ChangeLogReader.ExtractReleaseNotes(changeLog: string.Empty, version: version);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void ReadNonExistentVersion(string version)
            string result = ChangeLogReader.ExtractReleaseNotes(changeLog: MULTI_RELEASE_CHANGE_LOG, version: version);

            Assert.Equal(expected: string.Empty, actual: result);