Exemplo n.º 1
        public void SideChainTransferMultipleSteps()
            var owner = KeyPair.Generate();

            var simulator = new ChainSimulator(owner, 1234);
            var nexus     = simulator.Nexus;

            var sourceChain = nexus.RootChain;
            var appsChain   = nexus.FindChainByName("apps");

            var symbol = Nexus.FuelTokenSymbol;
            var token  = nexus.GetTokenInfo(symbol);

            var sender   = KeyPair.Generate();
            var receiver = KeyPair.Generate();

            var originalAmount = UnitConversion.ToBigInteger(10, token.Decimals);
            var sideAmount     = originalAmount / 2;

            Assert.IsTrue(sideAmount > 0);

            var newChainName = "testing";

            // Send from Genesis address to "sender" user
            simulator.GenerateTransfer(owner, sender.Address, nexus.RootChain, symbol, originalAmount);
            simulator.GenerateChain(owner, appsChain, newChainName);

            var targetChain = nexus.FindChainByName(newChainName);

            // verify test user balance
            var balance = nexus.RootChain.GetTokenBalance(symbol, sender.Address);

            Assert.IsTrue(balance == originalAmount);

            // do a side chain send using test user balance from root to apps chain
            var txA    = simulator.GenerateSideChainSend(sender, symbol, sourceChain, sender.Address, appsChain, sideAmount, 0);
            var blockA = simulator.EndBlock().FirstOrDefault();

            // finish the chain transfer
            var txB = simulator.GenerateSideChainSettlement(sender, nexus.RootChain, appsChain, blockA.Hash);


            // we cant transfer the full side amount due to fees
            // TODO  calculate the proper fee values instead of this
            sideAmount /= 2;
            var extraFree = UnitConversion.ToBigInteger(0.01m, token.Decimals);

            // do another side chain send using test user balance from apps to target chain
            var txC    = simulator.GenerateSideChainSend(sender, symbol, appsChain, receiver.Address, targetChain, sideAmount, extraFree);
            var blockC = simulator.EndBlock().FirstOrDefault();

            // finish the chain transfer
            var txD = simulator.GenerateSideChainSettlement(sender, appsChain, targetChain, blockC.Hash);


            // TODO  verify balances