public void TestParse()
            CensusProteinItem item =
                    "P	YDR050C	0.98	0.27	0.99	530	624	YDR050C TPI1 SGDID:S000002457, Chr IV from 556470-555724, reverse complement, Verified ORF, \"Triose phosphate isomerase, abundant glycolytic enzyme; mRNA half-life is regulated by iron availability; transcription is controlled by activators Reb1p, Gcr1p, and Rap1p through binding sites in the 5' non-coding region\"");


            Assert.AreEqual("YDR050C", item.Locus);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.98, item.AverageRatio, 0.01);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.27, item.StandardDeviation, 0.01);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.99, item.WeightedAverage, 0.01);

            Assert.AreEqual(530, item.PeptideNumber);

            Assert.AreEqual(624, item.SpectraCount);

                "YDR050C TPI1 SGDID:S000002457, Chr IV from 556470-555724, reverse complement, Verified ORF, \"Triose phosphate isomerase, abundant glycolytic enzyme; mRNA half-life is regulated by iron availability; transcription is controlled by activators Reb1p, Gcr1p, and Rap1p through binding sites in the 5' non-coding region\"",
 public void TestException()