Exemplo n.º 1
    void connect()
        if (robot != null)

        robot = CelluloTrakingScript.getUnassociatedCellulo();
        CelluloTrakingScript.AssociateGOToRobot(this.gameObject, robot);

        this.celluloLessDebug = false;

        Debug.Log("Robot connection to pool tried " + "\n" + "New value is :" + robot);
        initialCelluloTheta = robot.getTheta();
        initialCelluloTheta = 0;
        if (!robot.hapticOn)
            robot.setHapticBackdriveAssist(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f);
            robot.hapticOn = true;
            print("haptic assist is ON");
Exemplo n.º 2
    void Update()
        if (MasterInfo == null)
            MasterInfo           = GameObject.Find("SimMasterInfo");
            CelluloTrakingScript = MasterInfo.GetComponent <CelluloTracker>();
        if (TestGO == null)
            TestGO = GameObject.Find("Test GO");

        celluloTheta = 0f;
        celluloInput = Vector3.zero;
        if (robot != null)
            currentRobotPos.Set(robot.getX(), robot.getY(), 10.0f);
            celluloTheta = robot.getTheta() - initialCelluloTheta; //get the orientation of the robot - onConnect orientation
//           Debug.Log("Pos value for Cellulo :"+robot.getID()+" is :"+currentRobotPos);
            float now = Time.time;

            convertCoord     = this.gameObject.GetComponent <LibDotsMapping>();
            celluloInput     = convertCoord.libDotsConvertion(currentRobotPos[0], currentRobotPos[1], (int)MappingMode);
            DebugInputLog    = celluloInput;
            DebugInputLog[2] = celluloTheta;

            GizmoOn = false;
            if (k > 1) //soften load on Unity Editor; not needed anymore
                k = 0;
                if (CelluloTrakingScript.unAssociatedRobotsCount() >= 1)
                    //Debug.Log("Remaining robots < 1"+ "\n Robots in pool ="+Cellulo.totalRobots());

        GameObject cam3p               = GameObject.Find("3rdPersonCamera");
        Transform  camTransform        = cam3p.transform;
        Vector3    CamXAngleCorrection = Vector3.zero;

        CamXAngleCorrection.Set(-camTransform.eulerAngles[0], 0, 0);
        //transform.Translate(mSpeed*Input.GetAxis("Horizontal")*Time.deltaTime,0,mSpeed*Input.GetAxis("Depth")*Time.deltaTime, relativeTo);
        //transform.Translate(mSpeed*Input.GetAxis("Horizontal")*Time.deltaTime,mSpeed*Input.GetAxis("Vertical")*Time.deltaTime,mSpeed*Input.GetAxis("Depth")*Time.deltaTime, camTransform);

        //Cellulo input controls

        if (celluloLessDebug)
            celluloInput[0] = debugCelluloX;
            celluloInput[1] = debugCelluloY;
            celluloTheta    = debugCelluloTheta;
        if (robot != null)
            //If controlled by cellulo ; Filter

            MasterInfo.GetComponent <GameScript2>().sliderX.value = celluloInput[0];
            MasterInfo.GetComponent <GameScript2>().sliderY.value = celluloInput[1];

        //Z Orientation Correction
        if (MoveMode == ControlMode.orientationControl && MappingMode == Mode.Mono)
            //Intuitive Joystick Input Swap
            celluloInput = swapInput(celluloInput); //Rotations around X axis means changes in YZ plane and Z=0 so in Y direction

            //Rotation modifier for turning faster in horizontal plane
            celluloInput[1] *= horizontalToVerticalRotationAssistRatio;

            celluloInput[0] = -celluloInput[0]; //positive X is down (left handed axis in Unity)

            //If Idle in X rotation, slowly go back to horizontal plane movement
            int XrotInput = 0;
            if (Mathf.Abs(celluloInput[XrotInput]) < 0.2f && transform.eulerAngles[0] > 0.1)
                celluloInput[XrotInput] = Mathf.Sign(transform.eulerAngles[0] - 180) * 0.45f; // Rotation around X (side) back to 0 slowly if idle
                if (transform.eulerAngles[0] < 1)
                    transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, transform.eulerAngles[1], transform.eulerAngles[2]);

            //rotation applied to individual in swarm from cellulo input (0 if no cellulo and no debug active)
            float rotCoefToApply = (robot != null || celluloLessDebug)?globalFlock.CelluloRotationSpeed:globalFlock.AutorotationSpeed;
            this.transform.Rotate(celluloInput * rotCoefToApply * Time.deltaTime);

            transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(ClampAngle(transform.eulerAngles[0], -60, 60), transform.eulerAngles[1], transform.eulerAngles[2]);            //clamp rotation to [-90;90]
            if (robot != null || celluloLessDebug)
                this.GetComponent <IndiFlock>().CelluoInputQuat = this.transform.rotation;
        if (MoveMode == ControlMode.SpeedPhiTheta && MappingMode == Mode.Mono)
            /*Controlls are :   X : speed variation : max at 0 (velocity control)
             *                  Y : Create Rotation around X (side) axis (angular velocity control)
             *                  Theta : Set fish Theta (angle control)
            this.gameObject.GetComponent <IndiFlock>().forwardSpeedModfier = 1f - (0.9f * Mathf.Abs(celluloInput[0]));
            celluloInput[1] *= -1; //Inverse Y controlls

            //On Low Cellulo[1], restore rotX to 0 slowly
//ToDO : modify : does not go back slowly if Y angle >90° tested : errors in this mode
            int XrotInput = 1;

/*             if (Mathf.Abs(celluloInput[XrotInput])<0.3f && transform.eulerAngles[0]>0.1)
 *          {
 *              int sign=(ClampAngle(transform.eulerAngles[0],-60,60)>180)?1:-1;
 *              //Modify this :
 *              celluloInput[XrotInput]=-sign*0.45f; // Rotation around X (side) back to 0 slowly if idle
 *              if(amIcontrolled){
 *                  print(transform.eulerAngles[0]+ "           DEBUG\n " +sign);
 *              }
 *              if (transform.eulerAngles[0]<1)
 *                  transform.eulerAngles=new Vector3(0, transform.eulerAngles[1], transform.eulerAngles[2]);
 *          } */
            Vector3 Xrotation   = Vector3.zero;
            float   sensitivity = 30f;
            Xrotation[0] = celluloInput[1] * sensitivity;

            Quaternion XQuat = Quaternion.identity;

            XQuat = Quaternion.AngleAxis(celluloInput[1] * sensitivity, Vector3.right);

            XQuat.SetLookRotation(XQuat * Vector3.forward);

            Quaternion celluloThetaRot = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, celluloTheta, 0));
            if (amIcontrolled)
                Debug.DrawLine(this.transform.position, this.transform.position + celluloThetaRot * Vector3.forward * 5f, Color.green);

            if (robot != null || celluloLessDebug)
                this.GetComponent <IndiFlock>().CelluoInputQuat = celluloThetaRot * XQuat;
        if (MoveMode == ControlMode.ThetaSpeedPhi && amIcontrolled)
            //Y axis is speed control
            this.gameObject.GetComponent <IndiFlock>().forwardSpeedModfier = (1f + celluloInput[1]) / 2;

            //X axis : Control of theta ; Rotation around the Y axis

            Vector3 Yrotation   = Vector3.zero;
            float   sensitivity = 1f; //speed control not position ; sensitivity needed much lower
            Yrotation[0] = celluloInput[0] * sensitivity;

            Quaternion YQuat = Quaternion.identity;

            YQuat = this.transform.rotation;

            YQuat *= Quaternion.AngleAxis(celluloInput[0] * sensitivity, Vector3.up);    //Rotate around Up Axis
            Quaternion YQuatOG = TestGO.transform.rotation * Quaternion.AngleAxis(celluloInput[0] * sensitivity, Vector3.up);
            YQuat.SetLookRotation(YQuat * Vector3.forward);

            //Theta : controll altitude : on angle changes

            float AngleDiff = ShortestAngleDistance(prevTheta, celluloTheta);

            if (Mathf.Abs(AngleDiff) < 2f)
                AngleDiff = 0;
            StartCoroutine(PrevThetaDelayer(1.5f, celluloTheta));
            AngleDiff = Mathf.Clamp(AngleDiff, -120, 120);
            Quaternion XQuat = Quaternion.AngleAxis(AngleDiff * 0.5f * sensitivity, Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(this.transform.right, Vector3.up));//TestGO.transform.right);

            //if(amIcontrolled) Debug.DrawLine(TestGO.transform.position,TestGO.transform.position+XQuat2*TestGO.transform.forward*8f,Color.white);
            //if(amIcontrolled) TestGO.transform.Rotate(0,1,0);

            /* if (AngleDiff==0)
             *  XQuat.SetLookRotation(Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(TestGO.transform.forward,Vector3.up)); */
            Quaternion QuatTotal     = Quaternion.identity;
            Quaternion QuatYrotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(celluloInput[0] * sensitivity, Vector3.up) * this.transform.rotation;
            Transform  Test          = this.transform;
            Test.rotation = QuatYrotation;

            QuatTotal = Quaternion.AngleAxis(AngleDiff * 0.5f * sensitivity, Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(Test.right, Vector3.up));
            QuatTotal.SetLookRotation(QuatTotal * Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(this.transform.forward, Vector3.up));

            Debug.DrawLine(TestGO.transform.position + Vector3.down * 5f, TestGO.transform.position + Vector3.down * 5f + QuatTotal * TestGO.transform.forward * 8f, Color.white);
            Debug.DrawLine(this.transform.position, this.transform.position + XQuat * Vector3.forward * 5f, Color.green);

            if (robot != null || celluloLessDebug)
                this.GetComponent <IndiFlock>().CelluoInputQuat = QuatTotal;

        void realignZOrientation()
            if (Mathf.Abs(transform.eulerAngles[2]) > 0.5)
                celluloInput[2] = Mathf.Sign(transform.eulerAngles[2] - 180) * Mathf.Max(10f, 1f / (0.001f + 0.0002f * Mathf.Abs(transform.eulerAngles[2] - 180)));
                transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(transform.eulerAngles[0], transform.eulerAngles[1], 0);