Exemplo n.º 1
 protected static void SetMergeAndStyle(Aspose.Cells.Style style, Cells cls, int startRow, int startCol, int rowNumber, int colNumber)
     cls.Merge(startRow, startCol, rowNumber, colNumber);
     for (int i = 0; i < rowNumber; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < colNumber; j++)
             cls[startRow + i, startCol + j].Style = style;
 /// <summary>Add array of cells to document. (Scintilla feature 2002)</summary>
 public unsafe void AddStyledText(int length, Cells c)
     fixed (char* cPtr = c.Value)
         IntPtr res = Win32.SendMessage(scintilla, SciMsg.SCI_ADDSTYLEDTEXT, length, (IntPtr) cPtr);
        private void CreateTextBoxes(Matrix matrix, WrapPanel wp, ref TextBox[,] TextBoxDim, ref Cells[,] cellsDim)
            const double MARGIN = 1d;
            const double WIDTH = 40d;
            const double HEIGHT = 40d;
            int i = 0;
            wp.Width = matrix.columns * WIDTH + 2*MARGIN*matrix.columns;
            wp.Height = matrix.rows * HEIGHT + 2 * MARGIN * matrix.rows;
            foreach (Vector vector in matrix)
                for (int j = 0; j < vector.length; j++)
                    TextBoxDim[i,j] = new TextBox();
                    TextBoxDim[i,j].Width = WIDTH;
                    TextBoxDim[i,j].Height = HEIGHT;
                    TextBoxDim[i,j].Margin = new Thickness(MARGIN);
                    TextBoxDim[i,j].Text = vector[j].ToString();
                    TextBoxDim[i,j].SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, j);
                    TextBoxDim[i,j].SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, i);
                    wp.Children.Add(TextBoxDim[i, j]);

                    cellsDim[i, j] = new Cells();
                    cellsDim[i, j].Value = matrix[i, j];
                    Binding myBinding = new Binding("Value");
                    myBinding.Source = cellsDim[i,j];
                    myBinding.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;
                    TextBoxDim[i, j].SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, myBinding);
Exemplo n.º 4
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="pIncludeType">Type of cells to apply this style, a cell can also derived by this type. If null all type are included.</param>
		/// <param name="pExcludeType">Type of cells to exclude, a cell can also derived by this type. If null all the cells are used.</param>
		/// <param name="pIncludeEditorValueType">Applied if the cell has the specified Type as a Editor.ValueType.</param>
		/// <param name="pView"></param>
		public StyleCell(Type pIncludeType, Type pExcludeType, Type pIncludeEditorValueType, Cells.Views.IView pView)
			m_View = pView;
			m_IncludeType = pIncludeType;
			m_ExcludeType = pExcludeType;
			mIncludeEditorValueType = pIncludeEditorValueType;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public void ApplyStyle(Cells.ICellVirtual cell)
     for (int i = 0; i < m_StyleCells.Count; i++)
Exemplo n.º 6
		/// <summary>
		/// Adds the elements of an array to the end of this CellBaseCollection.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="items">
		/// The array whose elements are to be added to the end of this CellBaseCollection.
		/// </param>
		public virtual void AddRange(Cells.ICellVirtual[] items)
			foreach (Cells.ICellVirtual item in items)
        private static void Fill_In_Out_Yield_CT(DateTime mtdDate, DateTime wtdDate, DateTime dtdDate, DateTime endDate, string operationName, int startRow, int startCol, Cells cls, Styles styles)
            int dtdStartRow = startRow + 1;
            int wtdStartRow = startRow + 2;
            int mtdStartRow = startRow + 3;
            cmdIn_Out_Yield_CT.Parameters["END_DATE"].Value = endDate;
            cmdIn_Out_Yield_CT.Parameters["OPERATION_NAME"].Value = operationName;

            cmdIn_Out_Yield_CT.Parameters["START_DATE"].Value = dtdDate;
            using (OracleDataReader rd = cmdIn_Out_Yield_CT.ExecuteReader())
                while (rd.Read())
                    CellValueStyle(cls[dtdStartRow, 0], rd["productname"], styles["ColumnHeader"]);
                    CellValueStyle(cls[dtdStartRow, 1], "DTD", styles["ColumnHeader"]);
                    CellValueStyle(cls[dtdStartRow, startCol + 0], rd["InQty"], styles["Data"]);
                    CellValueStyle(cls[dtdStartRow, startCol + 1], rd["OutQty"], styles["Data"]);
                    cls[dtdStartRow, startCol + 3].R1C1Formula = "=1-" + rd["RejectQty"] + "/R[0]C[-3]";
                    cls[dtdStartRow, startCol + 3].Style = styles["Percent"];
                    CellValueStyle(cls[dtdStartRow, startCol + 4], rd["CycleTime"], styles["Data"]);
                    dtdStartRow += 3;

            cmdIn_Out_Yield_CT.Parameters["START_DATE"].Value = wtdDate;
            using (OracleDataReader rd = cmdIn_Out_Yield_CT.ExecuteReader())
                while (rd.Read())
                    CellValueStyle(cls[wtdStartRow, 0], rd["productname"], styles["ColumnHeader"]);
                    CellValueStyle(cls[wtdStartRow, 1], "WTD", styles["ColumnHeader"]);
                    CellValueStyle(cls[wtdStartRow, startCol + 0], rd["InQty"], styles["Data"]);
                    CellValueStyle(cls[wtdStartRow, startCol + 1], rd["OutQty"], styles["Data"]);
                    cls[wtdStartRow, startCol + 3].R1C1Formula = "=1-" + rd["RejectQty"] + "/R[0]C[-3]";
                    cls[wtdStartRow, startCol + 3].Style = styles["Percent"];
                    CellValueStyle(cls[wtdStartRow, startCol + 4], rd["CycleTime"], styles["Data"]);
                    wtdStartRow += 3;

            cmdIn_Out_Yield_CT.Parameters["START_DATE"].Value = mtdDate;
            using (OracleDataReader rd = cmdIn_Out_Yield_CT.ExecuteReader())
                while (rd.Read())
                    CellValueStyle(cls[mtdStartRow, 0], rd["productname"], styles["ColumnHeader"]);
                    CellValueStyle(cls[mtdStartRow, 1], "MTD", styles["ColumnHeader"]);
                    CellValueStyle(cls[mtdStartRow, startCol + 0], rd["InQty"], styles["Data"]);
                    CellValueStyle(cls[mtdStartRow, startCol + 1], rd["OutQty"], styles["Data"]);
                    cls[mtdStartRow, startCol + 3].R1C1Formula = "=1-" + rd["RejectQty"] + "/R[0]C[-3]";
                    cls[mtdStartRow, startCol + 3].Style = styles["Percent"];
                    CellValueStyle(cls[mtdStartRow, startCol + 4], rd["CycleTime"], styles["Data"]);
                    mtdStartRow += 3;
Exemplo n.º 8
		public void ApplyToCell(Cells.ICellVirtual cell)
			if (IncludeType == null || IncludeType.IsAssignableFrom(cell.GetType()))
				if (ExcludeType == null || ExcludeType.IsAssignableFrom(cell.GetType()) == false)
					if (IncludeEditorValueType == null || (cell.Editor != null && cell.Editor.ValueType == IncludeEditorValueType) )
						cell.View = View;
 public ClassBusyDateSource(Cells Cells, int Row)
     SchoolYear = ("" + Cells[Row, colSchoolYear].Value).Trim();
     Semester = ("" + Cells[Row, colSemester].Value).Trim();
     ClassName = ("" + Cells[Row, colClassName].Value).Trim();
     Weekday = ("" + Cells[Row, colWeekday].Value).Trim();
     Period = ("" + Cells[Row, colPeriod].Value).Trim();
     StartTime = ("" + Cells[Row, colStartTime].Value).Trim();
     EndTime = ("" + Cells[Row, colEndTime].Value).Trim();
     Desc = ("" + Cells[Row, colDesc].Value).Trim();
Exemplo n.º 10
    void AttackFriendly()
        UnitLocation = gameObject.GetComponentInParent<Cells>();

        for (int i = range; i > 0; i--)
            //Debug.Log(gameObject.name + ": Attacking " + i + " tiles ahead");
            if (transform.parent.GetComponent<Cells>().isEnd() == false | transform.parent.GetComponent<Owner_Script>().myOwner == UnitOwner.myOwner)

                if (UnitLocation.ForwardExists(i) == true)
                    Cells TilesInRange = UnitLocation.GetForward(i).GetComponent<Cells>();
                    if (TilesInRange.isOccupied == true)
                        GameObject enemyObject = TilesInRange.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;

                        InRangeOwner = enemyObject.GetComponent<Owner_Script>();
                        if (InRangeOwner.myOwner != UnitOwner.myOwner)
                            //Debug.Log("hi ian: " + InRangeOwner.myOwner + ", " + UnitOwner.myOwner);
                            //Debug.Log(gameObject + " - has delt damage to - " + enemyObject);
                            EnemyHealth = enemyObject.GetComponent<Health_Script>();


                InRangeOwner = transform.parent.GetComponent<Owner_Script>();
                if (InRangeOwner && InRangeOwner.myOwner != UnitOwner.myOwner)
                    InRangeOwner = transform.parent.GetComponent<Owner_Script>();
                    if (InRangeOwner.myOwner != UnitOwner.myOwner)
                        //Debug.Log(gameObject.name + " has reached the end!");
                        EnemyHealth = InRangeOwner.myOwner.GetComponent<Health_Script>();
                        i = 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public CalendarSource(Cells Cells,int Row)
     SchoolYear = ("" + Cells[Row, colSchoolYear].Value).Trim();
     Semester = ("" + Cells[Row, colSemester].Value).Trim();
     ClassYear = ("" + Cells[Row, colClassYear].Value).Trim();
     Subject = ("" + Cells[Row, colSubject].Value).Trim();
     SubjectLevel = ("" + Cells[Row, colSubjectLevel].Value).Trim();
     SubjectAlias = ("" + Cells[Row, colSubjectAlias].Value).Trim();
     TeacherName = ("" + Cells[Row, colTeacherName1].Value).Trim();
     TeacherCode = ("" + Cells[Row, colTeacherCode1].Value).Trim();
     ClassName = ("" + Cells[Row, colClass].Value).Trim();
     ClassroomName = ("" + Cells[Row, colClassroom].Value).Trim();
     Weekday = ("" + Cells[Row, colWeekday].Value).Trim();
     Period = ("" + Cells[Row, colPeriod].Value).Trim();
     StartTime = ("" + Cells[Row, colStartTime].Value).Trim();
     EndTime = ("" + Cells[Row, colEndTime].Value).Trim();
     Lock = ("" + Cells[Row, colLock].Value).Trim();
     Comment = ("" + Cells[Row, colComment].Value).Trim();
Exemplo n.º 12
 public override void PaintBitmap(Bitmap bmp, Cells cells, Point ptOffset, List<Color> colors)
     BitmapData data = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
         byte* ptr = (byte*)data.Scan0;
         for (int row = 0; row < cells.Rows; row++)
             for (int col = 0; col < cells.Columns; col++)
                 var pt = cells.GetXyCoordinates(col, row);
                 if (pt.X + 2 < cells.Columns * 2)
                     PaintCell(ptr, ptOffset.X + pt.X, ptOffset.Y + pt.Y, data.Stride, colors[cells[col, row]]);
                     PaintHalfCell(ptr, ptOffset.X + pt.X, ptOffset.Y + pt.Y, data.Stride, colors[cells[col, row]]);
                     PaintHalfCell(ptr, ptOffset.X, ptOffset.Y + pt.Y, data.Stride, colors[cells[col, row]]);
        public ExcelHelper(string fileName)
            _FileName = fileName;
            _Report = new Workbook();
            _Report.Open(new MemoryStream(Properties.Resources.中投區積分比序_Template));
            _OutSheet = _Report.Worksheets[Global.Title];

            // 先儲存Style

            _OutCells = _OutSheet.Cells;
            _DetailCells = null;

            if (Global.IsDebug == true)
                _DetailSheet = _Report.Worksheets[_Report.Worksheets.Add()];
                _DetailSheet.Name = "Detail Sheet";

                _DetailCells = _DetailSheet.Cells;
                _DetailRowIndex = 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void BuildMdmCodeSet(string excelPath, string sheetName, string dbConnName)
            Workbook workbook = null;

            IList <code_set_excel_entity> codesystemCels = new List <code_set_excel_entity>();

            IList <code_set_excel_entity> codesetexcels1 = new List <code_set_excel_entity>();

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(excelPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                workbook = new Workbook(fs);

            //新版MDMExcel 的说明

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sheetName))
                sheetName = "代码系统";
            Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[sheetName];
            var       cells = sheet.Cells;

            #region 加载代码系统,包含代码集的代码系统
            for (int i = 1; i <= cells.MaxDataRow; i++)
                var row = cells.CheckRow(i);
                if (row == null || row.FirstCell == null)
                else if (row.GetCellOrNull(CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("A")) == null)
                else if (row.GetCellOrNull(CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("A")).StringValue.Contains("代码"))
                    var hasCodeSet = row.GetCellOrNull(CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("P")).StringValue;
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hasCodeSet))

                    var aaa = new code_set_excel_entity();
                    aaa.code_sys_code = row.GetCellOrNull(CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("G")).StringValue;
                    aaa.code_sys_name = row.GetCellOrNull(CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("H")).StringValue;

                    var ser = row.GetCellOrNull(CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("P"));
                    aaa.memo = sheet.Hyperlinks.FirstOrDefault(p => (p.Area.StartRow == ser.Row && p.Area.StartColumn == ser.Column)).Address;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(aaa.memo))
                        aaa.show_name = aaa.memo.Split('!')[0];//存放对应的sheet的名称

            #region 循环处理所有的代码系统,并提取代码集
            foreach (var item in codesystemCels) //所有的代码系统
                string sheetNameCodeSet = item.code_sys_code;

                Cells codeSetCells = workbook.Worksheets[item.show_name]?.Cells;
                if (codeSetCells != null)
                {                                                      //读取worksheet codeset
                    for (int k = 3; k <= codeSetCells.MaxDataRow; k++) //单个codeset 从第二行开始
                        var row = codeSetCells.CheckRow(k);
                        if (row == null || row.FirstCell == null)
                        else if (row.GetCellOrNull(0).StringValue.StartsWith("代码", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            var aaa = new code_set_excel_entity();
                            aaa.code_sys_code = item.code_sys_code;
                            aaa.code_sys_name = item.code_sys_name;
                            aaa.code          = row.GetCellOrNull(CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("A")).StringValue; //第一列
                            aaa.name          = row.GetCellOrNull(CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("B")).StringValue; //第二列
                            aaa.show_name     = row.GetCellOrNull(CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("C")).StringValue; //第三列


            #region 插入数据
            var connstr = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[dbConnName].ConnectionString;
            using (NpgsqlConnection conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connstr))
                foreach (var item in codesystemCels)
                    var code_sys_id_list = conn.Query <int>($"select code_sys_id from mdm.code_system where code_sys_code = '{item.code_sys_code}' ").ToList();
                    int code_sys_id      = -1;
                    if (code_sys_id_list == null || code_sys_id_list.Count == 0)
                        code_sys_id = code_sys_id_list.FirstOrDefault();

                    var codesets = codesetexcels1.Where(p => p.code_sys_code == item.code_sys_code);
                    int sortno   = 0;
                    foreach (var codeset in codesets)
                        var codeistm = new code_set_entity
                            //code_id = "879 ",
                            code          = codeset.code,
                            name          = codeset.name,
                            show_name     = codeset.show_name,
                            spell_code    = "",
                            wb_code       = "",
                            code_sys_id   = code_sys_id,
                            is_std        = true,
                            std_class_id  = 0,
                            unit_id       = 0,
                            unit_name     = null,
                            value_type    = 0,
                            range         = null,
                            range_low     = null,
                            range_high    = null,
                            note          = item.show_name,
                            quote_code_id = 0,
                            state         = 1,
                            sort_no       = ++sortno,
                            oper_id       = 3,
                            oper_time     = DateTime.Now,
                            etl_time      = DateTime.Now,
                            tenant_id     = 0,
                            is_valid      = true
                        conn.Insert <code_set_entity>(codeistm);

                #region 拼音码、五笔码
                conn.Execute("update mdm.code_set set spell_code = substring(get_pym_pg(name) from 0 for 20) ,wb_code = substring(get_wbm(name) from 0 for 20) ", commandTimeout: 300);
                conn.Execute("update mdm.code_domain set spell_code = substring(get_pym_pg(domain_name) from 0 for 20) ,wb_code = substring(get_wbm(domain_name) from 0 for 20)", commandTimeout: 300);
                conn.Execute("update mdm.code_system set spell_code = substring(get_pym_pg(code_sys_name) from 0 for 20),wb_code = substring(get_wbm(code_sys_name) from 0 for 20) ", commandTimeout: 300);


Exemplo n.º 15
 public List <BaseCellObject> AllCells()
     return(Cells.SelectMany(x => x).ToList());
Exemplo n.º 16
 public bool IsComplete()
     return(Cells.All((cell) => cell.Value > 0));
Exemplo n.º 17
 private int CalculateCurrentCumulativeWidth()
     return(Cells.Sum(c => c.Width));
Exemplo n.º 18
		/// <summary>
		/// Inserts an element into the CellBaseCollection at the specified index
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="index">
		/// The index at which the Cells.ICellVirtual is to be inserted.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="value">
		/// The Cells.ICellVirtual to insert.
		/// </param>
		public virtual void Insert(int index, Cells.ICellVirtual value)
			this.List.Insert(index, value);
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// 导出数据到Excel中
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">文件路径名称。</param>
        /// <param name="dt">数据表对象。</param>
        public static void ExportToExcel(string filePath, DataTable dt)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
            if (dt == null)
            XlsDocument xls   = new XlsDocument();
            Worksheet   sheet = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(dt.TableName);

            sheet.SheetType = WorksheetTypes.Worksheet;

            Cells cells = sheet.Cells;

            #region 设置Excel数据列标题的格式
            XF xfDataHead = xls.NewXF();
            xfDataHead.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Left;
            xfDataHead.Font.FontName       = "Tahoma";
            xfDataHead.Font.Bold           = true;
            xfDataHead.UseBorder           = true;
            xfDataHead.BottomLineStyle     = 1;
            xfDataHead.TopLineStyle        = 1;
            xfDataHead.LeftLineStyle       = 1;
            xfDataHead.RightLineStyle      = 1;
            xfDataHead.CellLocked          = false;
            xfDataHead.UseProtection       = false;
            xfDataHead.UseNumber           = true;
            for (int i = 1; i <= dt.Columns.Count; i++)
                ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet);
                colInfo.ColumnIndexStart = (ushort)(i - 1);
                colInfo.ColumnIndexEnd   = (ushort)i;
                colInfo.Width            = 15 * 256;
                cells.Add(1, i, dt.Columns[i - 1].Caption, xfDataHead);
            #region 设置各数据列的格式
            XF xfData = xls.NewXF();
            xfData.UseBorder           = true;
            xfData.CellLocked          = false;
            xfData.BottomLineStyle     = 1;
            xfData.TopLineStyle        = 1;
            xfData.LeftLineStyle       = 1;
            xfData.RightLineStyle      = 1;
            xfData.UseProtection       = false;
            xfData.UseMisc             = true;
            xfData.UseNumber           = true;
            xfData.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Left;
            int iRow = 2;
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                for (int iCol = 1; iCol <= dt.Columns.Count; iCol++)
                    DataColumn dc = dt.Columns[iCol - 1];
                    if (dr[iCol - 1] != DBNull.Value)
                        if (dc.DataType == typeof(DateTime))
                            DateTime dtValue = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[iCol - 1]);
                            cells.Add(iRow, iCol, dtValue.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), xfData);
                            cells.Add(iRow, iCol, dr[iCol - 1], xfData);
                        cells.Add(iRow, iCol, string.Empty, xfData);
            xls.FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filePath);
            string fileWay = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath);
            xls.Save(fileWay, true);
Exemplo n.º 20
 protected PermissionCheckGridRow()
Exemplo n.º 21
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="row"></param>
		/// <param name="col"></param>
		/// <param name="p_cell">except this cell</param>
		private void EnsureDestinationSpannedAreaIsEmptyExceptOriginalCell(int row, int col, Cells.ICell p_cell)
			if (AllowOverlappingCells)
			EnsureNoSpannedCellsExist(row, col, p_cell);
			EnsureNoOtherCellsExist(row, col, p_cell);
			for (int y = row; y < row + p_cell.RowSpan; y++)
				for (int x = col; x < col + p_cell.ColumnSpan; x++)
					if (x == col && y == row)
					Cells.ICell existingSpannedCell = this[y, x];
					if (existingSpannedCell != null)
						if (existingSpannedCell != p_cell)
							throw new OverlappingCellException(string.Format(
								"Given cell at position ({0}, {1}), " +
								"intersects with another cell " +
								"at position ({2}, {3}) '{4}'",
								row, col,
Exemplo n.º 22
 public int CandidateCountBySquare(int square, List <int> locations)
     return(Cells.Count(c => c.Square == square && locations.Contains(c.SquareIndex)));
Exemplo n.º 23
 public List <GridCell> SquareCells(int square)
     return(Cells.Where(c => c.Square == square).ToList());
Exemplo n.º 24
        public GridCell CellBySquareIndex(int square, int squareIndex)
            var cell = Cells.Where(c => c.Square == square && c.SquareIndex == squareIndex).FirstOrDefault();

Exemplo n.º 25
 public CapabilityRow(Capability capability)
     Capability = capability;
     Cells.AddRange(cellCheck, cellItem, cellImage);
        /// <summary>
        /// 批量导入excel数据
        /// </summary>
        public ActionResult Upexcel(FormCollection from)
            HttpPostedFileBase file   = Request.Files["upload"];
            string             result = string.Empty;

            if (file == null || file.ContentLength <= 0)
                    Workbook  workbook = new Workbook(file.InputStream);
                    Cells     cells    = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells;
                    DataTable tab      = cells.ExportDataTable(0, 0, cells.Rows.Count, cells.MaxDisplayRange.ColumnCount);
                    int       rowsnum  = tab.Rows.Count;
                    if (rowsnum == 0)
                        result = "Excel表为空!请重新导入!"; //当Excel表为空时,对用户进行提示
                    DataRow[] dr = tab.Select();
                    for (int i = 1; i < dr.Length; i++)
                        T_WageCost WageCostRecord = new T_WageCost();
                        WageCostRecord.W_GUID         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        WageCostRecord.C_GUID         = Session["CurrentCompany"].ToString();
                        WageCostRecord.Date           = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[i][1].ToString());
                        WageCostRecord.Employee       = dr[i][0].ToString();;
                        WageCostRecord.Cash           = Convert.ToDecimal(dr[i][2].ToString());
                        WageCostRecord.PersonalTaxes  = Convert.ToDecimal(dr[i][3].ToString());
                        WageCostRecord.SocialSecurity = Convert.ToDecimal(dr[i][4].ToString());
                        WageCostRecord.Total          = Convert.ToDecimal(dr[i][2].ToString()) + Convert.ToDecimal(dr[i][3].ToString()) + Convert.ToDecimal(dr[i][4].ToString());;
                        new IESvc().UpdWageCost(WageCostRecord);
                        string rper = "b73f1802-4ba4-4873-b423-86ea3d9b723f";

                        T_IERecord record = new T_IERecord();
                        record.IE_GUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        record.RPer    = rper;

                        DateTime           dt;
                        DateTimeFormatInfo dtFormat = new DateTimeFormatInfo();
                        dtFormat.ShortDatePattern = "yyyy/MM/dd";
                        dt = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[i][1].ToString(), dtFormat);
                        record.AffirmDate     = dt;
                        record.Date           = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[i][1].ToString());
                        record.State          = "应付";
                        record.SumAmount      = Convert.ToDecimal(dr[i][2].ToString()) + Convert.ToDecimal(dr[i][3].ToString()) + Convert.ToDecimal(dr[i][4].ToString());
                        record.C_GUID         = Session["CurrentCompany"].ToString();
                        record.Creator        = base.userData.LoginFullName;
                        record.CreateDate     = DateTime.Now;
                        record.Currency       = dr[i][6].ToString();
                        record.InvType        = dr[i][7].ToString();
                        record.IEGroup        = "1544d862-b1ab-42b8-9e97-9c2e1704665c";
                        record.Remark         = dr[i][0].ToString();
                        record.TaxationAmount = 0;
                        record.TaxationType   = "";
                        bool TorF = new IESvc().UpdExpenseRecord(record);
                        if (TorF)
                            result = "导入成功!";
                            result = "导入失败!";
                catch (Exception)
                    result = "导入失败,请检查EXCEL格式是否错误!";
            JsonResult json = new JsonResult();

            json.Data = result;
Exemplo n.º 27
		/// <summary>
		/// Set the specified cell int he specified position. This method calls SetCell(int p_iRow, int p_iCol, Cells.ICellVirtual p_Cell)
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="p_Position"></param>
		/// <param name="p_Cell"></param>
		public void SetCell(Position p_Position, Cells.ICellVirtual p_Cell)
			SetCell(p_Position.Row, p_Position.Column, p_Cell);
Exemplo n.º 28
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = Path.GetFullPath("../../../Data/");

            // Create directory if it is not already present.
            bool IsExists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(dataDir);

            if (!IsExists)

            //Instantiate a new Workbook.
            Workbook excelbook = new Workbook();

            //Get the first worksheet.
            Worksheet worksheet = excelbook.Worksheets[0];

            //Get the worksheet cells.
            Cells cells = worksheet.Cells;

            //Input a string value into A1 cell.
            cells["A1"].PutValue("Select Value:");

            //Set the font color of the cell.
            cells["A1"].GetStyle().Font.Color = Color.Red;

            //Set the font text bold.
            cells["A1"].GetStyle().Font.IsBold = true;

            //Input value into A2 cell.

            //Set the shading color to black with solid background.
            cells["A2"].GetStyle().ForegroundColor = Color.Black;
            cells["A2"].GetStyle().Pattern         = BackgroundType.Solid;

            //Set the font color of the cell.
            cells["A2"].GetStyle().Font.Color = Color.White;

            //set the font text bold.
            cells["A2"].GetStyle().Font.IsBold = true;

            //Add a spinner control.
            Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Spinner spinner = excelbook.Worksheets[0].Shapes.AddSpinner(1, 0, 1, 0, 20, 18);

            //Set the placement type of the spinner.
            spinner.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating;

            //Set the linked cell for the control.
            spinner.LinkedCell = "A2";

            //Set the maximum value.
            spinner.Max = 10;

            //Set the minimum value.
            spinner.Min = 0;

            //Set the incr. change for the control.
            spinner.IncrementalChange = 2;

            //Set it 3-D shading.
            spinner.Shadow = true;

            //Save the excel file.
            excelbook.Save(dataDir + "book1.xls");
Exemplo n.º 29
		private void EnsureNoSpannedCellsExist(int row, int col, Cells.ICell p_cell)
			var spanRange = new Range(row, col, row + p_cell.RowSpan - 1, col + p_cell.ColumnSpan - 1);
			var ranges = spannedCellReferences.SpannedRangesCollection.GetRanges(
			if (ranges.Count == 0)
			var start = new Position(row, col);
			foreach (var range in ranges)
				if (start.Equals(range.Start) == true)
				Cells.ICell existingSpannedCell = this[range.Start];
				if (existingSpannedCell == null)
					throw new ArgumentException("internal error. please report this bug to developers");
				throw new OverlappingCellException(string.Format(
					"Given cell at position ({0}, {1}), " +
					"intersects with another cell " +
					"at position ({2}, {3}) '{4}'",
					row, col,
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:1
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);

            // Create directory if it is not already present.
            bool IsExists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(dataDir);

            if (!IsExists)

            // Instantiate a new workbook
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
            // Get the cells in the first(default) worksheet
            Cells cells = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells;

            // Get the A1 cell
            Aspose.Cells.Cell p = cells["A1"];
            // Enter a value
            // Get the A10 cell
            Aspose.Cells.Cell A = cells["A10"];
            // Enter a value.
            // Get the H15 cell
            Aspose.Cells.Cell D = cells["H15"];
            // Enter a value
            // Add a new worksheet to the workbook
            // Get the cells in the second sheet
            cells = workbook.Worksheets[1].Cells;
            // Get the B10 cell in the second sheet
            Aspose.Cells.Cell B = cells["B10"];
            // Enter a value
            // Add a new worksheet to the workbook
            // Get the cells in the third sheet
            cells = workbook.Worksheets[2].Cells;
            // Get the C10 cell in the third sheet
            Aspose.Cells.Cell C = cells["C10"];
            // Enter a value

            // Create a main PDF Bookmark entry object
            Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfBookmarkEntry pbeRoot = new Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfBookmarkEntry();
            // Specify its text
            pbeRoot.Text = "Sections";
            // Set the destination cell/location
            pbeRoot.Destination = p;

            // Set its sub entry array list
            pbeRoot.SubEntry = new ArrayList();

            // Create a sub PDF Bookmark entry object
            Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfBookmarkEntry subPbe1 = new Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfBookmarkEntry();
            // Specify its text
            subPbe1.Text = "Section 1";
            // Set its destination cell
            subPbe1.Destination = A;
            // Define/Create a sub Bookmark entry object of "Section A"
            Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfBookmarkEntry ssubPbe = new Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfBookmarkEntry();
            // Specify its text
            ssubPbe.Text = "Section 1.1";
            // Set its destination
            ssubPbe.Destination = D;
            // Create/Set its sub entry array list object
            subPbe1.SubEntry = new ArrayList();
            // Add the object to "Section 1"
            // Add the object to the main PDF root object

            // Create a sub PDF Bookmark entry object
            Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfBookmarkEntry subPbe2 = new Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfBookmarkEntry();
            // Specify its text
            subPbe2.Text = "Section 2";
            // Set its destination
            subPbe2.Destination = B;
            // Add the object to the main PDF root object

            // Create a sub PDF Bookmark entry object
            Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfBookmarkEntry subPbe3 = new Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfBookmarkEntry();
            // Specify its text
            subPbe3.Text = "Section 3";
            // Set its destination
            subPbe3.Destination = C;
            // Add the object to the main PDF root object

            // Create an instance of PdfSaveOptions
            Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions pdfSaveOptions = new Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions();

            // Set the PDF Bookmark root object
            pdfSaveOptions.Bookmark = pbeRoot;

            dataDir = dataDir + "PDFBookmarks_test.out.pdf";
            // Save the pdf file
            workbook.Save(dataDir, pdfSaveOptions);
            // ExEnd:1
            Console.WriteLine("\nProcess completed successfully.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);
Exemplo n.º 31
 public IEnumerable <T> SelectIf <T>()
     return(Cells.Cast <IBaseCell>().Where(cell => cell is T).Cast <T>());
Exemplo n.º 32
 protected PreCheckGridRow()
Exemplo n.º 33
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the CellBaseCollection class, containing elements
		/// copied from an array.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="items">
		/// The array whose elements are to be added to the new CellBaseCollection.
		/// </param>
		public CellCollection(Cells.ICellVirtual[] items)
Exemplo n.º 34
        private DataGridViewCell createAndInitCell(CustomDataGridViewColumnDescriptor <T> columnDescriptor)
            DataGridViewCell cell = getCellByType(columnDescriptor.Type);

            if (columnDescriptor.Type == DataGridViewColumnType.CheckBox)
                DataGridViewCheckBoxCell typedCell = (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)cell;
                typedCell.FalseValue = false;
                typedCell.TrueValue  = true;

            if (columnDescriptor.Type == DataGridViewColumnType.Image)
                DataGridViewImageCell typedCell = (DataGridViewImageCell)cell;
                typedCell.ImageLayout     = DataGridViewImageCellLayout.Zoom;
                typedCell.Style.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;

            if (columnDescriptor.Type == DataGridViewColumnType.ImageButton)
                DataGridViewImageButtonCell typedCell = (DataGridViewImageButtonCell)cell;
                typedCell.Image        = columnDescriptor.ButtonImage;
                typedCell.ImagePadding = columnDescriptor.ButtonImagePadding;

            if (columnDescriptor.Type == DataGridViewColumnType.SmallIcon)
                DataGridViewSmallIconCell typedCell = (DataGridViewSmallIconCell)cell;
                typedCell.IconShown   = columnDescriptor.IconShown;
                typedCell.IconColor   = columnDescriptor.IconColor;
                typedCell.IconType    = columnDescriptor.IconType;
                typedCell.IconPadding = columnDescriptor.IconPadding;

            if (columnDescriptor.Type == DataGridViewColumnType.Button)
                cell.Value = columnDescriptor.ButtonText;

            if (columnDescriptor.Type == DataGridViewColumnType.DisableButton)
                cell.Value = columnDescriptor.ButtonText;

            if (columnDescriptor.Type == DataGridViewColumnType.ComboBox)
                DataGridViewComboBoxCell typedCell = (DataGridViewComboBoxCell)cell;
                typedCell.DisplayStyle  = DataGridViewComboBoxDisplayStyle.DropDownButton;
                typedCell.ValueMember   = "Value";
                typedCell.DisplayMember = "Label";
                typedCell.Items.AddRange(columnDescriptor.DropDownPopulatorMethod?.Invoke(item, cell));


            if (columnDescriptor.Type == DataGridViewColumnType.TextBox)
                cell.ReadOnly = !columnDescriptor.TextEditable;

            if (columnDescriptor.Type == DataGridViewColumnType.SmallIcon)
                cell.ReadOnly = true;

            columnDescriptor.InitializerMethod?.Invoke(item, cell);
            columnDescriptor.UpdaterMethod?.Invoke(item, cell);

Exemplo n.º 35
        public void Rebuild(LevelConstructSet lcSet, GameObjectsSet mSet, GameMode gMode)
            Debug.Log("rebuild ");

            this.lcSet = lcSet;
            vertSize   = lcSet.VertSize;
            horSize    = lcSet.HorSize;

            float deltaX = lcSet.DistX;
            float deltaY = lcSet.DistY;
            float scale  = lcSet.Scale;

            parent.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale);

            this.goSet = mSet;
            List <CellData> featCells = lcSet.featuredCells;

            Cells.ForEach((c) => { c.DestroyGridObjects(); });

            List <GridCell> tempCells = Cells;

            Cells = new List <GridCell>(vertSize * horSize + horSize);
            Rows  = new List <Row <GridCell> >(vertSize);

            xStep = (cellSize.x + deltaX);
            yStep = (cellSize.y + deltaY);

            cOffset = (1 - horSize) * xStep / 2.0f; // offset from center by x-axe
            yStart  = (vertSize - 1) * yStep / 2.0f;

            // create rows
            GridCell       cell;
            Row <GridCell> row;
            int            cellCounter = 0;
            int            ri          = 0;
            Sprite         sRE         = mSet.gridCellEven.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>()?.sprite;
            Sprite         sRO         = mSet.gridCellOdd.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite;

            for (int i = 0; i < vertSize; i++)
                bool isEvenRow = (i % 2 == 0);
                row = new Row <GridCell>(horSize);

                for (int j = 0; j < row.Length; j++)
                    bool    isEvenColumn = (j % 2 == 0);
                    Vector3 pos          = new Vector3(j * xStep + cOffset, yStart - i * yStep, 0);

                    if (tempCells != null && cellCounter < tempCells.Count)
                        cell = tempCells[cellCounter];
                        cell.transform.localPosition = pos;
                        SpriteRenderer sR = cell.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
                        if (sR)
                            if (isEvenRow)
                                sR.sprite = (!isEvenColumn) ? sRO : sRE;
                                sR.sprite = (isEvenColumn) ? sRO : sRE;
                        if (isEvenRow)
                            cell = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate((!isEvenColumn) ? mSet.gridCellOdd : mSet.gridCellEven).GetComponent <GridCell>();
                            cell = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate((isEvenColumn) ? mSet.gridCellOdd : mSet.gridCellEven).GetComponent <GridCell>();
                        cell.transform.parent        = parent;
                        cell.transform.localPosition = pos;
                        cell.transform.localScale    = Vector3.one;

                    row[j] = cell;

            // destroy not used cells
            if (cellCounter < tempCells.Count)
                for (int i = cellCounter; i < tempCells.Count; i++)

            // cache columns
            Columns = new List <Column <GridCell> >(horSize);
            Column <GridCell> column;

            for (int c = 0; c < horSize; c++)
                column = new Column <GridCell>(Rows.Count);
                for (int r = 0; r < Rows.Count; r++)
                    column[r] = Rows[r][c];

            for (int r = 0; r < Rows.Count; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < horSize; c++)
                    Rows[r][c].Init(r, c, Columns[c], Rows[r], gMode);
            SetObjectsData(lcSet, gMode);

            Debug.Log("rebuild cells: " + Cells.Count);
Exemplo n.º 36
		private void PopulateCell(int p_GridRow, int p_GridCol, System.Reflection.PropertyInfo p_PropInfo, Cells.Editors.EditorBase p_Editor, object p_Object)
			grid[p_GridRow, p_GridCol] = new Cells.Cell(p_PropInfo.GetValue(p_Object,null));
			grid[p_GridRow, p_GridCol].Editor = p_Editor;

			Cells.Controllers.BindProperty l_Bind = new Cells.Controllers.BindProperty(p_PropInfo, p_Object);
			grid[p_GridRow, p_GridCol].AddController(l_Bind);

			Cells.Controllers.CustomEvents l_CustomEvents = new Cells.Controllers.CustomEvents();
			l_CustomEvents.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(Grid_ValueChanged);
			grid[p_GridRow, p_GridCol].AddController(l_CustomEvents);
Exemplo n.º 37
        /// <summary>
        /// 将listview的信息存储到excel中
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view">需要存储的listview名</param>
        /// <param name="outname">输出的名字</param>
        /// <param name="HaveTime">是否需要在最前面加上时间</param>
        /// <param name="action">是否替换excel名字中不允许的字符</param>
        /// <returns>成功返回“成功保存”,失败返回文件名</returns>
        public static string ListViewSaveExcel(ListView view, string outname, bool HaveTime = false, bool action = false)
            if (File.Exists(outname))
            if (HaveTime)
                string time = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd HHmmss ");
                outname = time + outname;
            ListView  listview  = view;
            Workbook  workbook  = new Workbook();
            Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
            Cells     cells     = worksheet.Cells;

            if (view.InvokeRequired)
                Action <string> an = x =>
                    for (int t = 0; t < listview.Columns.Count; t++)
                        cells[0, t].PutValue(listview.Columns[t].Text);
                    for (int i = 0; i < listview.Items.Count; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < listview.Items[i].SubItems.Count; j++)
                            cells[i + 1, j].PutValue(listview.Items[i].SubItems[j].Text);
                view.Invoke(an, "");
                for (int t = 0; t < listview.Columns.Count; t++)
                    cells[0, t].PutValue(listview.Columns[t].Text);
                for (int i = 0; i < listview.Items.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < listview.Items[i].SubItems.Count; j++)
                        cells[i + 1, j].PutValue(listview.Items[i].SubItems[j].Text);

            if (action)
                outname = Regex.Replace(outname, "\\|/|:|\\*|\\?|\"|<|>|\\|", "_");

Exemplo n.º 38
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the image and the displaystring of the specified cell.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p_Cell">The cell.</param>
        /// <param name="p_CellPosition">The cell position.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Paint arguments</param>
        /// <param name="p_ClientRectangle">Rectangle position where draw the current cell, relative to the current view,</param>
        /// <param name="p_Status">Cell status</param>
        protected override void DrawCell_ImageAndText(Cells.ICellVirtual p_Cell, Position p_CellPosition, System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e, System.Drawing.Rectangle p_ClientRectangle, DrawCellStatus p_Status)
            base.DrawCell_ImageAndText(p_Cell, p_CellPosition, e, p_ClientRectangle, p_Status);

              RectangleBorder l_Border = Border;
              Color l_ForeColor = ForeColor;
              if (p_Status == DrawCellStatus.Focus)
            l_Border = FocusBorder;
            l_ForeColor = FocusForeColor;
              else if (p_Status == DrawCellStatus.Selected)
            l_Border = SelectionBorder;
            l_ForeColor = SelectionForeColor;

              for (int i = 0; i < positionedImages.Count; i++)
            if (positionedImages[i] != null)
            null, // not used
            null, // not used
            false, // not used
            null,//not used
Exemplo n.º 39
        /// <summary>
        /// 导出CH的excel通用方法
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myData">导出的数据</param>
        private void ExportExcel(List <ExcelData> myData)
            ushort[] colWidth = new ushort[] { 16, 16, 16, 14, 14, 16, 28, 14, 16,
                                               28, 28, 16, 16, 32, 14, 18, 24, 12, 18,
                                               18, 18, 16, 16, 24, 24, 12, 24, 18,
                                               18, 18, 18, 18 };

            string[] colName = new string[] { "审核结果", "流水号", "下单日期", "制单人", "产品类别", "客户编码", "客户名称", "营业员", "营业员电话",
                                              "备注", "收货单位", "ATTN", "收货电话", "收货地址", "产品代码", "产品名称", "规格型号", "单位", "订单数量",
                                              "申请数量", "实出数量", "客户P/O", "客户P/N", "行备注", "订单号", "订单行号", "出库单号", "出库日期",
                                              "快递单号", "叉板数", "件数", "周期" };

            XlsDocument xls = new XlsDocument();

            xls.FileName = string.Format("出货申请单_{0}.xls", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
            Worksheet sheet = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("出货信息列表");


            XF boldXF = xls.NewXF();

            boldXF.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;
            boldXF.Font.Height         = 12 * 20;
            boldXF.Font.FontName       = "宋体";
            boldXF.Font.Bold           = true;

            ColumnInfo col;

            for (ushort i = 0; i < colWidth.Length; i++)
                col = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet);
                col.ColumnIndexStart = i;
                col.ColumnIndexEnd   = i;
                col.Width            = (ushort)(colWidth[i] * 256);

            Cells cells    = sheet.Cells;
            int   rowIndex = 1;
            int   colIndex = 1;

            foreach (var name in colName)
                cells.Add(rowIndex, colIndex++, name, boldXF);
            foreach (var d in myData)
                colIndex = 1;
                cells.Add(++rowIndex, colIndex, d.auditStatus);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.sys_no);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, ((DateTime)d.h.bill_date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.User.real_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.product_type);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.customer_no);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.customer_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.clerk_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.clerk_phone);

                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.comment);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.delivery_unit);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.delivery_attn);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.delivery_phone);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.delivery_addr);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.item_no);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.item_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.item_model);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.unit_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.order_qty);

                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.apply_qty);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.real_qty);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.customer_po);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.customer_pn);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.comment);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.order_no);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.order_entry_no);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.k3_stock_no);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.k3_audit2_date == null ? "" : ((DateTime)d.h.k3_audit2_date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.delivery_num);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.cardboard_num);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.packs);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.cycle);

Exemplo n.º 40
        /// <summary>
        /// 解析excel生成实体
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="excelPath"></param>
        /// <param name="sheetName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IList <mdmExcelRawEntity> ParseExcelToEntity(string excelPath, string sheetName)
            Workbook workbook = null;

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(excelPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                workbook = new Workbook(fs);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sheetName))
                sheetName = "代码系统";

            Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[sheetName];

            Cells cells = worksheet.Cells;

            IList <mdmExcelRawEntity> codsyslist = new List <mdmExcelRawEntity>();

            #region excel解析
            for (int i = 0; i <= cells.MaxDataRow; i++)
                var row = cells.CheckRow(i);
                if (row == null || row.FirstCell == null)

                Cell cel = row[CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("A")];
                if (cel == null || cel.Value == null)

                if (cel.IsMerged)
                    if (cel.GetStringValue(CellValueFormatStrategy.None) == "一级域代码")
                        mdmExcelRawEntity aa = new mdmExcelRawEntity();

                        aa.一级域代码  = row[CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("A")].GetStringValue(CellValueFormatStrategy.None); //	一级域代码
                        aa.一级域    = row[CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("B")].GetStringValue(CellValueFormatStrategy.None); //一级域
                        aa.二级域代码  = row[CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("C")].GetStringValue(CellValueFormatStrategy.None); //二级域代码
                        aa.二级域    = row[CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("D")].GetStringValue(CellValueFormatStrategy.None); //二级域
                        aa.级域代码   = row[CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("E")].GetStringValue(CellValueFormatStrategy.None); //三级域代码
                        aa.级域     = row[CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("F")].GetStringValue(CellValueFormatStrategy.None); //三级域
                        aa.代码系统   = row[CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("G")].GetStringValue(CellValueFormatStrategy.None); //代码系统
                        aa.代码系统名称 = row[CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("H")].GetStringValue(CellValueFormatStrategy.None); //代码系统名称
                        aa.标准来源   = row[CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("I")].GetStringValue(CellValueFormatStrategy.None); //标准来源
                        aa.标准级别   = row[CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("J")].GetStringValue(CellValueFormatStrategy.None); //标准级别
                        aa.标准完整性  = row[CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("K")].GetStringValue(CellValueFormatStrategy.None); //标准完整性
                        aa.值集合    = row[CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("L")].GetStringValue(CellValueFormatStrategy.None); //"值集合"
                        aa.ETL转换  = row[CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("M")].GetStringValue(CellValueFormatStrategy.None); //"ETL转换"
                        aa.应用转换   = row[CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("N")].GetStringValue(CellValueFormatStrategy.None); //"应用转换"
                        aa.示例数据   = row[CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("O")].GetStringValue(CellValueFormatStrategy.None); //示例数据

Exemplo n.º 41
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     test = gameObject.GetComponent<Cells>();
Exemplo n.º 42
        public void ExportStockTeamExcel(string sysNo, string stockNo, string orderNo, string customer, string model, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, int userId)
            var datas = GetStockTeamReport(sysNo, stockNo, orderNo, customer, model, fromDate, toDate, userId);

            ushort[] colWidth = new ushort[] { 26, 24, 24, 16, 16, 20, 32, 12, 10, 12, 10,
                                               18, 18, 24, 18, 18, 24, 48, 18, 18 };

            string[] colName = new string[] { "销售订单号", "K3出库单号", "客户名称", "客户P/O", "客户P/N", "产品名称", "规格型号", "出货数量", "单位", "叉板数", "件数",
                                              "快递单号", "周期", "装箱规格尺寸/MM", "总毛重/KG", "备注", "收货单位", "送货地址", "收件人", "收件人电话" };

            XlsDocument xls = new XlsDocument();

            xls.FileName = string.Format("出货报表_{0}.xls", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
            Worksheet sheet = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("出货报表信息");


            XF boldXF = xls.NewXF();

            boldXF.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;
            boldXF.Font.Height         = 12 * 20;
            boldXF.Font.FontName       = "宋体";
            boldXF.Font.Bold           = true;

            ColumnInfo col;

            for (ushort i = 0; i < colWidth.Length; i++)
                col = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet);
                col.ColumnIndexStart = i;
                col.ColumnIndexEnd   = i;
                col.Width            = (ushort)(colWidth[i] * 256);

            Cells cells    = sheet.Cells;
            int   rowIndex = 1;
            int   colIndex = 1;

            foreach (var name in colName)
                cells.Add(rowIndex, colIndex++, name, boldXF);
            foreach (var d in datas)
                colIndex = 1;
                cells.Add(++rowIndex, colIndex, d.orderNo);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.k3StockNo);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.customerName);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.customerPO);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.customerPN);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.itemName);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.itemModel);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.applyQty);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.unitName);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.cardboardNum);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.packs);

                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.deliveryNumber);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.cycle);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.boxSize);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.totalGrossWeight);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.itemComment);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.deliveryUnit);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.deliveryAddr);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.contact);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.contactPhone);

 private static void Fill_WIPQty(string operationName, int startRow, int startCol, Cells cls, Styles styles)
     cmdWIPQty.Parameters["OPERATION_NAME"].Value = operationName;
     using (OracleDataReader rdWIPQty = cmdWIPQty.ExecuteReader())
         while (rdWIPQty.Read())
             CellValueStyle(cls[startRow + 0, 0], rdWIPQty["productname"], styles["ColumnHeader"]);
             CellValueStyle(cls[startRow + 0, 1], "DTD", styles["ColumnHeader"]);
             CellValueStyle(cls[startRow + 0, startCol + 2], rdWIPQty["WipQty"], styles["Data"]);
             CellValueStyle(cls[startRow + 1, 0], rdWIPQty["productname"], styles["ColumnHeader"]);
             CellValueStyle(cls[startRow + 1, 1], "WTD", styles["ColumnHeader"]);
             CellValueStyle(cls[startRow + 1, startCol + 2], rdWIPQty["WipQty"], styles["Data"]);
             CellValueStyle(cls[startRow + 2, 0], rdWIPQty["productname"], styles["ColumnHeader"]);
             CellValueStyle(cls[startRow + 2, 1], "MTD", styles["ColumnHeader"]);
             CellValueStyle(cls[startRow + 2, startCol + 2], rdWIPQty["WipQty"], styles["Data"]);
             startRow += 3;
Exemplo n.º 44
    public void SaveExcel()
        DateTime now = DateTime.Today;

        string pathTemp = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/files/templete/StockTransfer.xls").ToLower();

        string file = string.Format(@"StockTransfer for {0:dd} {0:MMMM} {0:yyyy}.xls", now).ToLower();
        string path = MapPath("~/files/excel/");

        if (!Directory.Exists(path))
        string pathUrl  = string.Format("~/files/excel/{0}", file);
        string pathOpen = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(pathUrl).ToLower();

        using (FileStream input = File.OpenRead(pathTemp), output = File.OpenWrite(pathOpen))
            int    read   = -1;
            byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
            while (read != 0)
                read = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                output.Write(buffer, 0, read);

        License lic = new License();

        Workbook workbook = new Workbook();


        Worksheet sheet0 = workbook.Worksheets[0];
        Cells     c1     = sheet0.Cells;

        int r = 1;

        c1[r, 2].PutValue(txt_LotNo.Text);
        c1[r, 4].PutValue(txt_HblNo.Text);
        c1[r, 7].PutValue(txt_ContNo.Text);
        c1[r, 10].PutValue(txt_SKULine_Product.Text);
        r = 3;
        c1[r, 2].PutValue(SafeValue.SafeString(cmb_WareHouse.Value));
        c1[r, 4].PutValue(txt_Location.Text);
        c1[r, 7].PutValue(txt_CustName.Text);
        r = 5;
        c1[r, 2].PutValue(txt_from.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
        c1[r, 4].PutValue(txt_end.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

        //set style
        Aspose.Cells.Style style0 = workbook.Styles[workbook.Styles.Add()];
        //style0.ForegroundColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#B09067");
        //style0.ForegroundColor = Color.FromName("#B09067");
        style0.ForegroundColor = Color.Yellow;
        style0.Pattern         = BackgroundType.Solid;
        //c1[t, 2].SetStyle(style0);

        Aspose.Cells.Style style1 = workbook.Styles[workbook.Styles.Add()];
        style1.Font.IsBold         = false;
        style1.Font.Size           = 12;
        style1.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center;
        style1.Borders[BorderType.TopBorder].LineStyle    = CellBorderType.Thin;
        style1.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin;
        style1.Borders[BorderType.RightBorder].LineStyle  = CellBorderType.Thin;
        style1.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].LineStyle   = CellBorderType.Thin;

        //Select Data
        int cnt = 0;

        r = 10;
        #region Data

        DataTable dt            = GetData(sql);
        int       Colnum        = dt.Columns.Count; //Cell Colnum number
        int       Rownum        = dt.Rows.Count;    //Cell Row number
        DataRow   dr            = null;
        DateTime  today         = DateTime.Now;
        int       n             = 0;
        decimal   handQty       = 0;
        decimal   skuQty        = 0;
        string    jobNo         = "";
        string    lastContNo    = "";
        string    lastBookingNo = "";
        string    lastSkuCode   = "";
        string    lastHblNo     = "";

        decimal inQty  = 0;
        decimal outQty = 0;
        decimal skuIn  = 0;
        decimal skuOut = 0;

        decimal inWeight  = 0;
        decimal outWeight = 0;
        decimal inVolume  = 0;
        decimal outVolume = 0;

        decimal handWeight = 0;
        decimal handVolume = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
            int    no         = SafeValue.SafeInt(dt.Rows[i]["No"], 0);
            string type       = SafeValue.SafeString(dt.Rows[i]["CargoType"]);
            string bookingNo  = SafeValue.SafeString(dt.Rows[i]["BookingNo"]);
            string transferNo = SafeValue.SafeString(dt.Rows[i]["TransferNo"]);
            string refNo      = SafeValue.SafeString(dt.Rows[i]["RefNo"]);
            string hblNo      = SafeValue.SafeString(dt.Rows[i]["HblNo"]);
            string skuCode    = SafeValue.SafeString(dt.Rows[i]["SkuCode"]);
            if (type == "IN")
                inQty    = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["QtyOrig"]);
                skuIn    = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["PackQty"]);
                inWeight = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["WeightOrig"]);
                inVolume = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["VolumeOrig"]);
                outQty    = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["QtyOrig"]);
                skuOut    = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["PackQty"]);
                outWeight = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["WeightOrig"]);
                outVolume = SafeValue.SafeDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["VolumeOrig"]);
            string contNo = SafeValue.SafeString(dt.Rows[i]["ContNo"]);

            if (refNo == jobNo && bookingNo == lastBookingNo && skuCode == lastSkuCode && hblNo == lastHblNo)
                if (n == 0)
                    handQty    = inQty - outQty;
                    skuQty     = skuIn - skuOut;
                    handWeight = inWeight - outWeight;
                    handVolume = inVolume - outVolume;
                    handQty    = handQty - outQty;
                    skuQty     = skuQty - skuOut;
                    handWeight = handWeight - outWeight;
                    handVolume = handVolume - outVolume;
                c1[r, 0].PutValue(R.Text(i + 1));
                c1[r, 1].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["JobNo"]));
                c1[r, 2].PutValue(R.Text(Helper.Safe.SafeDateStr(dt.Rows[i]["JobDate"])));
                c1[r, 3].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["TransferNo"]));
                c1[r, 4].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["RefNo"]));
                c1[r, 5].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["ClientId"]));
                c1[r, 6].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["WareHouseCode"]));
                c1[r, 7].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["Location"]));
                c1[r, 8].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["BookingNo"]));
                c1[r, 9].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["HblNo"]));
                c1[r, 10].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["ContNo"]));
                c1[r, 11].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["OpsType"]));
                c1[r, 12].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["SkuCode"]));

                c1[r, 13].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["QtyOrig"]));
                c1[r, 14].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["PackTypeOrig"]));
                c1[r, 15].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["WeightOrig"]));
                c1[r, 16].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["VolumeOrig"]));
                c1[r, 17].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["PackQty"]));
                c1[r, 18].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["PackUom"]));
                c1[r, 19].PutValue(R.Text(handQty));
                c1[r, 20].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["PackTypeOrig"]));
                c1[r, 21].PutValue(R.Text(handWeight));
                c1[r, 22].PutValue(R.Text(handVolume));
                c1[r, 23].PutValue(R.Text(skuQty));
                c1[r, 24].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["PackUom"]));
                c1[r, 25].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["Marking1"]));
                c1[r, 26].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["Marking2"]));
                c1[r, 27].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["Remark1"]));
                n     = 0;
                jobNo = SafeValue.SafeString(dt.Rows[i]["JobNo"]);
                c1[r, 0].PutValue(R.Text(i + 1));
                c1[r, 1].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["JobNo"]));
                c1[r, 2].PutValue(R.Text(Helper.Safe.SafeDateStr(dt.Rows[i]["JobDate"])));
                c1[r, 3].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["TransferNo"]));
                c1[r, 4].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["RefNo"]));
                c1[r, 5].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["ClientId"]));
                c1[r, 6].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["WareHouseCode"]));
                c1[r, 7].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["Location"]));
                c1[r, 8].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["BookingNo"]));
                c1[r, 9].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["HblNo"]));
                c1[r, 10].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["ContNo"]));
                c1[r, 11].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["OpsType"]));
                c1[r, 12].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["SkuCode"]));

                c1[r, 13].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["QtyOrig"]));
                c1[r, 14].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["PackTypeOrig"]));
                c1[r, 15].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["WeightOrig"]));
                c1[r, 16].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["VolumeOrig"]));
                c1[r, 17].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["PackQty"]));
                c1[r, 18].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["PackUom"]));

                c1[r, 19].PutValue(R.Text(inQty));
                c1[r, 20].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["PackTypeOrig"]));
                c1[r, 21].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["WeightOrig"]));
                c1[r, 22].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["VolumeOrig"]));
                c1[r, 23].PutValue(R.Text(skuIn));
                c1[r, 24].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["PackUom"]));

                c1[r, 25].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["Marking1"]));
                c1[r, 26].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["Marking2"]));
                c1[r, 27].PutValue(R.Text(dt.Rows[i]["Remark1"]));
            lastContNo    = contNo;
            lastBookingNo = bookingNo;
            lastHblNo     = hblNo;
            lastSkuCode   = skuCode;
            dr            = dt.Rows[i];

            for (int j = 0; j <= 25; j++)
                c1[r, j].SetStyle(style1);
            cnt = i + 1;
            c1.SetRowHeight(r, 20);


        workbook.Save(pathOpen, FileFormatType.Excel2003);

        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
        workbook.Save(ms, FileFormatType.Excel2003);

        byte[] bt = ms.GetBuffer();

            Response.Buffer      = true;
            Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel";
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", bt.Length.ToString());
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + file);
        catch (Exception exc)
            throw new Exception(exc.Message + "/" + exc.StackTrace);
Exemplo n.º 45
		/// <summary>
		/// Set the specified cell int he specified position. Abstract method of the GridVirtual control
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="p_iRow"></param>
		/// <param name="p_iCol"></param>
		/// <param name="p_Cell"></param>
		public virtual void SetCell(int p_iRow, int p_iCol, Cells.ICellVirtual p_Cell)
			if (p_Cell is Cells.ICell)
				InsertCell(p_iRow, p_iCol, (Cells.ICell)p_Cell);
			else if (p_Cell == null)
				InsertCell(p_iRow, p_iCol, null);
				throw new SourceGridException("Expected ICell class");
Exemplo n.º 46
        /// <summary>
        /// 动态生产简化模板,用于动态导出列表信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="columns">模板中的列信息描述</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public byte[] CreateTemplate(IList <ColumnInfo> columns, string excelKey, string title)
            var workbook = new Workbook();
            var sheet    = (Worksheet)workbook.Worksheets[0];

            Cells cells = sheet.Cells;

            sheet.FreezePanes(2, 1, 2, 0);//冻结第一行
            //sheet.Name = jsonObject.sheetName;//接受前台的Excel工作表名

            var styleTitle = workbook.Styles[workbook.Styles.Add()];   //新增样式

            styleTitle.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center; //文字居中
            styleTitle.Font.Name           = "宋体";                     //文字字体
            styleTitle.Font.Size           = 18;                       //文字大小
            styleTitle.Font.IsBold         = true;                     //粗体

            var styleHeader = workbook.Styles[workbook.Styles.Add()];   //新增样式

            styleHeader.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center; //文字居中
            styleHeader.Font.Name           = "宋体";                     //文字字体
            styleHeader.Font.Size           = 14;                       //文字大小
            styleHeader.Font.IsBold         = true;                     //粗体
            styleHeader.IsTextWrapped       = true;                     //单元格内容自动换行
            styleHeader.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].LineStyle   = CellBorderType.Thin;
            styleHeader.Borders[BorderType.RightBorder].LineStyle  = CellBorderType.Thin;
            styleHeader.Borders[BorderType.TopBorder].LineStyle    = CellBorderType.Thin;
            styleHeader.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin;

            var styleContent = workbook.Styles[workbook.Styles.Add()];   //新增样式

            styleContent.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center; //文字居中
            styleContent.Font.Name           = "宋体";                     //文字字体
            styleContent.Font.Size           = 12;                       //文字大小
            styleContent.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].LineStyle   = CellBorderType.Thin;
            styleContent.Borders[BorderType.RightBorder].LineStyle  = CellBorderType.Thin;
            styleContent.Borders[BorderType.TopBorder].LineStyle    = CellBorderType.Thin;
            styleContent.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin;

            var columnCount = columns.Count;

            //生成行1 标题行   
            cells.Merge(0, 0, 1, columnCount); //合并单元格
            cells[0, 0].PutValue(title);       //填写内容
            cells[0, 0].SetStyle(styleTitle);
            cells.SetRowHeight(0, 25);

            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++)
                cells[1, i].PutValue(columns[i].ChineseName);
                cells[1, i].SetStyle(styleHeader);
            cells.SetRowHeight(1, 23);

            //生成内容行,第三行起始。变量绑定表达式 &=[Data Source].[Field Name] 或者 &=DataSource.FieldName
            for (int k = 0; k < columnCount; k++)
                // 变量绑定表达式 &=[Data Source].[Field Name] 或者 &=DataSource.FieldName
                var exp = string.Format("&=[{0}].[{1}]", columns[k].TableName, columns[k].FieldName);
                cells[2, k].PutValue(exp);

                // 设置时间单元格格式
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(columns[k].DateFormat))
                    styleContent.Number = 14;
                    cells[2, k].SetStyle(styleContent);
                    styleContent.Number = 0;
                    cells[2, k].SetStyle(styleContent);
            cells.SetRowHeight(2, 22);

            //cells[2 + rowCount, columnCount - 1].PutValue("制表日期:" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());

            // 设置唯一Key,用于校验模板是否被修改过
            //workbook.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Comments = string.Join(",", columns.Select(c => c.FieldName).ToArray());
            //workbook.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Version = int.Parse(DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString());

            // 是否生产临时文件供跟踪测试
            // workbook.Save(@"D:/Tmpl.xls");

            // 将报表内容保存为文件流(字节数组)
            var excelStream = new MemoryStream();

            workbook.Save(excelStream, SaveFormat.Excel97To2003);
            var buffer = excelStream.ToArray();


            // 写入模板的元数据
            //new DefaultExcelMetadataStorage().AddMetadata(excelKey, buffer, string.Join(",", columns.Select(c => c.FieldName).ToArray()));

Exemplo n.º 47
		private void DirectSetCell(Position position, Cells.ICell cell)
			if (OptimizeMode == CellOptimizeMode.ForRows)
				GridRow row = Rows[position.Row];
				if (position.Column >= Columns.Count)
					throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
						"Grid has only {0} columns, you tried to insert cell into position {1}." +
						"You should probably call Redim on grid to increase it's column size",
						Columns.Count, position.ToString()));

				row[Columns[position.Column] as GridColumn] = cell;
			else if (OptimizeMode == CellOptimizeMode.ForColumns)
				GridColumn col = Columns[position.Column] as GridColumn;

				col[Rows[position.Row]] = cell;
				throw new SourceGridException("Invalid OptimizeMode");
Exemplo n.º 48
		/// <summary>
		/// Adds an instance of type Cells.ICellVirtual to the end of this CellBaseCollection.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="value">
		/// The Cells.ICellVirtual to be added to the end of this CellBaseCollection.
		/// </param>
		public virtual void Add(Cells.ICellVirtual value)
Exemplo n.º 49
		/// <summary>
		/// Check
		/// </summary>
		private void EnsureNoOtherCellsExist(int row, int col, Cells.ICell p_cell)
			for (int y = row; y < row + p_cell.RowSpan; y++)
				for (int x = col; x < col + p_cell.ColumnSpan; x++)
					if (x == col && y == row)
					Cells.ICell existingSpannedCell = this.DirectGetCell(y, x);
					if (existingSpannedCell != null)
						if (existingSpannedCell != p_cell)
							throw new OverlappingCellException(string.Format(
								"Given cell at position ({0}, {1}), " +
								"intersects with another cell " +
								"at position ({2}, {3}) '{4}'",
								row, col,
Exemplo n.º 50
 public HistoryRow(PolicyAlert alert)
     Alert = alert;
     Cells.AddRange(_expand, _result, _dateTime, _description);
Exemplo n.º 51
		/// <summary>
		/// Force a redraw of the specified cell
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="p_Cell"></param>
		public virtual void InvalidateCell(Cells.ICell p_Cell)
			if (p_Cell!=null)
Exemplo n.º 52
 private static void putValue(Cells cell, object value, int row, int column, Style st)
     cell[row, column].PutValue(value);
     cell[row, column].SetStyle(st);
Exemplo n.º 53
		/// <summary>
		/// Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a specific value
		/// in this CellBaseCollection
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="value">
		/// The Cells.ICellVirtual value to locate in the CellBaseCollection.
		/// </param>
		/// <returns>
		/// The zero-based index of the first occurrence of the _ELEMENT value if found;
		/// -1 otherwise.
		/// </returns>
		public virtual int IndexOf(Cells.ICellVirtual value)
			return this.List.IndexOf(value);
Exemplo n.º 54
    protected void btn_saveExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //btn_Refresh_Click(null, null);
        //gridExport1.WriteXlsToResponse("Driver", true);
        License lic = new License();


        Workbook workbook = new Workbook();

        string    sql_driver = string.Format(@"select Code from CTM_Driver");
        DataTable tab_driver = ConnectSql.GetTab(sql_driver);

        for (int i = 0; i < tab_driver.Rows.Count; i++)
            string code = SafeValue.SafeString(tab_driver.Rows[i]["Code"]);
            if (date_searchDate.Date < new DateTime(1900, 1, 1))
                date_searchDate.Date = DateTime.Now;
            string    sql         = string.Format(@"select det2.ContainerNo,det1.ContainerType,det2.ChessisCode,det2.FromCode,det2.ToCode,det2.FromTime,det2.Incentive1,det2.Incentive2,det2.Incentive3,det2.Statuscode 
from CTM_JobDet2 as det2 
left outer join CTM_JobDet1 as det1 on det2.JobNo=det1.JobNo and det2.ContainerNo=det1.ContainerNo
left outer join CTM_Job as job on det2.JobNo=job.JobNo
where datediff(d,'{1}',det2.FromDate)=0 and det2.DriverCode='{0}' and job.StatusCode<>'CNL'
order by (case det2.Statuscode when 's' then 0 when 'c' then 1 else 2 end) ,det2.Id", code, date_searchDate.Date);//(select top(1) * from {0}) UNION (select * from {0} where rownum == (select count(*) from {0}))  select top(10) * from {0} where rownum=1
            DataTable dtTableName = ConnectSql.GetTab(sql);
            //throw  new Exception(dtTableName.Rows.Count.ToString());
            Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];;
            if (i != 0)
                worksheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add(code);
            worksheet.Name = code;

            Cells cells = worksheet.Cells;
            Aspose.Cells.Style style  = workbook.Styles[workbook.Styles.Add()];
            Aspose.Cells.Style style1 = workbook.Styles[workbook.Styles.Add()];
            Aspose.Cells.Style style2 = workbook.Styles[workbook.Styles.Add()];
            style.Font.Name   = "Arial"; //文字字体 ,宋体
            style.Font.Size   = 10;      //文字大小
            style.Font.IsBold = true;    //粗体
            style.Borders[BorderType.TopBorder].Color        = Color.Black;
            style.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].Color     = Color.Black;
            style.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].Color       = Color.Black;
            style.Borders[BorderType.RightBorder].Color      = Color.Black;
            style.Borders[BorderType.TopBorder].LineStyle    = CellBorderType.Thin;
            style.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin;
            style.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].LineStyle   = CellBorderType.Thin;
            style.Borders[BorderType.RightBorder].LineStyle  = CellBorderType.Thin;
            style.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center; //文字居中

            style1.Font.Name   = "Arial";                         //文字字体 ,宋体
            style1.Font.Size   = 10;                              //文字大小
            style1.Font.IsBold = false;                           //粗体
            style1.Borders[BorderType.TopBorder].Color        = Color.Black;
            style1.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].Color     = Color.Black;
            style1.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].Color       = Color.Black;
            style1.Borders[BorderType.RightBorder].Color      = Color.Black;
            style1.Borders[BorderType.TopBorder].LineStyle    = CellBorderType.Thin;
            style1.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin;
            style1.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].LineStyle   = CellBorderType.Thin;
            style1.Borders[BorderType.RightBorder].LineStyle  = CellBorderType.Thin;
            style1.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center;//文字居中
            style1.BackgroundColor     = Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0xff, 0x00);

            style2.Font.Name   = "Arial"; //文字字体 ,宋体
            style2.Font.Size   = 10;      //文字大小
            style2.Font.IsBold = false;   //粗体
            style2.Borders[BorderType.TopBorder].Color        = Color.Black;
            style2.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].Color     = Color.Black;
            style2.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].Color       = Color.Black;
            style2.Borders[BorderType.RightBorder].Color      = Color.Black;
            style2.Borders[BorderType.TopBorder].LineStyle    = CellBorderType.Thin;
            style2.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin;
            style2.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].LineStyle   = CellBorderType.Thin;
            style2.Borders[BorderType.RightBorder].LineStyle  = CellBorderType.Thin;
            style2.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Left;//文字居中

            cells[0, 0].PutValue("S/N");
            cells[0, 1].PutValue("ContainerNo");
            cells[0, 2].PutValue("ContainerType");
            cells[0, 3].PutValue("Trailer");
            cells[0, 4].PutValue("From");
            cells[0, 5].PutValue("To");
            cells[0, 6].PutValue("Time");
            cells[0, 7].PutValue("Incentive");
            cells[0, 8].PutValue("Overtime");
            cells[0, 9].PutValue("Standby");
            cells[0, 10].PutValue("Status");

            cells[0, 0].SetStyle(style);
            cells[0, 1].SetStyle(style);
            cells[0, 2].SetStyle(style);
            cells[0, 3].SetStyle(style);
            cells[0, 4].SetStyle(style);
            cells[0, 5].SetStyle(style);
            cells[0, 6].SetStyle(style);
            cells[0, 7].SetStyle(style);
            cells[0, 8].SetStyle(style);
            cells[0, 9].SetStyle(style);
            cells[0, 10].SetStyle(style);

            cells.SetColumnWidth(0, 5);
            cells.SetColumnWidth(1, 20);
            cells.SetColumnWidth(2, 20);
            cells.SetColumnWidth(3, 20);
            cells.SetColumnWidth(4, 20);
            cells.SetColumnWidth(5, 20);
            cells.SetColumnWidth(6, 10);
            cells.SetColumnWidth(7, 10);
            cells.SetColumnWidth(8, 10);
            cells.SetColumnWidth(9, 10);
            cells.SetColumnWidth(10, 5);

            for (int n = 0; n < dtTableName.Rows.Count; n++)
                cells[n + 1, 0].PutValue(n + 1);
                cells[n + 1, 1].PutValue(SafeValue.SafeString(dtTableName.Rows[n]["ContainerNo"]));
                cells[n + 1, 2].PutValue(SafeValue.SafeString(dtTableName.Rows[n]["ContainerType"]));
                cells[n + 1, 3].PutValue(SafeValue.SafeString(dtTableName.Rows[n]["ChessisCode"]));
                cells[n + 1, 4].PutValue(SafeValue.SafeString(dtTableName.Rows[n]["FromCode"]));
                cells[n + 1, 5].PutValue(SafeValue.SafeString(dtTableName.Rows[n]["ToCode"]));
                cells[n + 1, 6].PutValue(SafeValue.SafeString(dtTableName.Rows[n]["FromTime"]));
                cells[n + 1, 7].PutValue(SafeValue.SafeString(dtTableName.Rows[n]["Incentive1"]));
                cells[n + 1, 8].PutValue(SafeValue.SafeString(dtTableName.Rows[n]["Incentive2"]));
                cells[n + 1, 9].PutValue(SafeValue.SafeString(dtTableName.Rows[n]["Incentive3"]));
                cells[n + 1, 10].PutValue(SafeValue.SafeString(dtTableName.Rows[n]["Statuscode"]));

                cells[n + 1, 0].SetStyle(style1);
                cells[n + 1, 1].SetStyle(style2);
                cells[n + 1, 2].SetStyle(style2);
                cells[n + 1, 3].SetStyle(style2);
                cells[n + 1, 4].SetStyle(style2);
                cells[n + 1, 5].SetStyle(style2);
                cells[n + 1, 6].SetStyle(style2);
                cells[n + 1, 7].SetStyle(style2);
                cells[n + 1, 8].SetStyle(style2);
                cells[n + 1, 9].SetStyle(style2);
                cells[n + 1, 10].SetStyle(style2);
        string path0 = string.Format("~/Excel/Driver_Trip_{0:yyyyMMdd}.xlsx",
                                     DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss") ?? "01-01-2014"); //Request.QueryString["d"]
        string path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(path0);                                //POD_RECORD

        System.IO.MemoryStream ms = workbook.SaveToStream(); //生成数据流
        byte[] bt = ms.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 55
		/// <summary>
		/// Removes the first occurrence of a specific Cells.ICellVirtual from this CellBaseCollection.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="value">
		/// The Cells.ICellVirtual value to remove from this CellBaseCollection.
		/// </param>
		public virtual void Remove(Cells.ICellVirtual value)
Exemplo n.º 56
 public void DocDuLieu(string filePath)
         for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                 Workbook workbook = new Workbook(filePath);
                 Cells    cells    = workbook.Worksheets[j].Cells;
                     int lastrow = cells.EndCellInColumn((short)0).Row;
                     for (int i = 0; i <= lastrow; i++)
                             int   lostColumn = cells.EndCellInRow(i).Column;
                             Email email      = new Email();
                             email.STT = (danhSachTaiKhoanTatCa.Count + 1).ToString();
                                 email.UID = cells[i, CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("B")].Value.ToString();
                             catch { }
                                 email.Name = cells[i, CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("C")].Value.ToString();
                             catch { }
                                 email.Mail = cells[i, CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("G")].Value.ToString();
                             catch { }
                                 email.SoBan = int.Parse(cells[i, CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("Q")].Value.ToString());
                             catch { }
                                 email.QuocGia = (cells[i, CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex("I")].Value.ToString());
                             catch { }
                             if (email.SoBan != -1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(email.Mail) && !email.Mail.Contains(".vn"))
                                 List <string> regex = email.Mail.Split(new[] { ".com" }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList();
                                 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(regex[regex.Count - 1]))
         MessageBox.Show("File excel lỗi!!", "Thông báo", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
     ReLoadData(cbLoaiMail.SelectedItem as LoaiMail, cbQuocGia.SelectedItem as QuocGia);
     MessageBox.Show("Load xong!", "Thông báo", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
Exemplo n.º 57
    public static void Export(DataTable dtSource, string strHeaderText, string strFileName)
        XlsDocument xls = new XlsDocument();

        xls.FileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssffff", System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
        xls.SummaryInformation.Author = "yongfa365";                     //填加xls文件作者信息
        xls.SummaryInformation.NameOfCreatingApplication = "liu yongfa"; //填加xls文件创建程序信息
        xls.SummaryInformation.LastSavedBy     = "LastSavedBy";          //填加xls文件最后保存者信息
        xls.SummaryInformation.Comments        = "Comments";             //填加xls文件作者信息
        xls.SummaryInformation.Title           = "title";                //填加xls文件标题信息
        xls.SummaryInformation.Subject         = "Subject";              //填加文件主题信息
        xls.DocumentSummaryInformation.Company = "company";              //填加文件公司信息

        Worksheet sheet = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");//状态栏标题名称
        Cells     cells = sheet.Cells;

        foreach (DataColumn col in dtSource.Columns)
            Cell cell = cells.Add(1, col.Ordinal + 1, col.ColumnName);
            cell.Font.FontFamily = FontFamilies.Roman; //字体
            cell.Font.Bold       = true;               //字体为粗体
        #region 填充内容
        XF dateStyle = xls.NewXF();
        dateStyle.Format = "yyyy-mm-dd";

        for (int i = 0; i < dtSource.Rows.Count; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < dtSource.Columns.Count; j++)
                int    rowIndex = i + 2;
                int    colIndex = j + 1;
                string drValue  = dtSource.Rows[i][j].ToString();

                switch (dtSource.Rows[i][j].GetType().ToString())
                case "System.String":    //字符串类型
                    cells.Add(rowIndex, colIndex, drValue);

                case "System.DateTime":    //日期类型
                    DateTime dateV;
                    DateTime.TryParse(drValue, out dateV);
                    cells.Add(rowIndex, colIndex, dateV, dateStyle);

                case "System.Boolean":    //布尔型
                    bool boolV = false;
                    bool.TryParse(drValue, out boolV);
                    cells.Add(rowIndex, colIndex, boolV);

                case "System.Int16":    //整型
                case "System.Int32":
                case "System.Int64":
                case "System.Byte":
                    int intV = 0;
                    int.TryParse(drValue, out intV);
                    cells.Add(rowIndex, colIndex, intV);

                case "System.Decimal":    //浮点型
                case "System.Double":
                    double doubV = 0;
                    double.TryParse(drValue, out doubV);
                    cells.Add(rowIndex, colIndex, doubV);

                case "System.DBNull":    //空值处理
                    cells.Add(rowIndex, colIndex, null);

                    cells.Add(rowIndex, colIndex, null);


        //foreach (DataRow row in dtSource.Rows)
        //    rowIndex++;
        //    colIndex = 0;
        //    foreach (DataColumn col in dtSource.Columns)
        //    {
        //        colIndex++;
        //        cells.Add(rowIndex, colIndex, row[col.ColumnName].ToString());//全都当文本型处理
        //    }
        xls.FileName = strFileName;
Exemplo n.º 58
        /// <summary>
        /// DataTable生成Excel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dtList">DataTable</param>
        /// <param name="fileName">文件名</param>
        /// <returns>返回文件名(包含扩展名)</returns>
        public static string ExportToExcel(DataTable dtList, string fileName)
            string pathToFiles = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(ExportFilesPath);
            string etsName     = ".xls";
            string    path = pathToFiles + fileName + etsName;
            Workbook  wb   = new Workbook();
            Worksheet ws   = wb.Worksheets[0];
            Cells     cell = ws.Cells;
            //cell.SetRowHeight(0, 20);   //设置行高

            Style stHeadLeft = wb.Styles[wb.Styles.Add()];

            stHeadLeft.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Left;       //文字居中
            stHeadLeft.Font.Name           = "宋体";
            stHeadLeft.Font.IsBold         = true;                         //设置粗体
            stHeadLeft.Font.Size           = 14;                           //设置字体大小
            Style stHeadRight = wb.Styles[wb.Styles.Add()];

            stHeadRight.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Right;       //文字居中
            stHeadRight.Font.Name           = "宋体";
            stHeadRight.Font.IsBold         = true;                          //设置粗体
            stHeadRight.Font.Size           = 14;                            //设置字体大小

            Style stContentLeft = wb.Styles[wb.Styles.Add()];

            stContentLeft.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Left;
            stContentLeft.Font.Size           = 10;
            Style stContentRight = wb.Styles[wb.Styles.Add()];

            stContentRight.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Right;
            stContentRight.Font.Size           = 10;

            for (int col = 0; col < dtList.Columns.Count; col++)
                Style stHead    = null;
                Style stContent = null;
                string columnType = dtList.Columns[col].DataType.ToString();
                switch (columnType.ToLower())
                case "system.string":
                    stHead    = stHeadLeft;
                    stContent = stContentLeft;

                    stHead    = stHeadRight;
                    stContent = stContentRight;
                cell[0, col].PutValue(dtList.Columns[col].ColumnName);
                cell[0, col].SetStyle(stHead);

                for (int row = 0; row < dtList.Rows.Count; row++)
                    object _value = dtList.Rows[row][col];
                    if (_value != Convert.DBNull)
                        switch (columnType.ToLower())
                        case "system.int32":
                            cell[row + 1, col].PutValue(Convert.ToInt32(_value));

                        case "system.int64":
                            cell[row + 1, col].PutValue(Convert.ToInt64(_value));

                        case "system.datetime":
                            cell[row + 1, col].PutValue(Convert.ToDateTime(_value).ToString("yyyy/M/d HH:mm"));

                        case "system.boolean":
                            cell[row + 1, col].PutValue(Convert.ToBoolean(_value));

                            cell[row + 1, col].PutValue(_value.ToString());
                    cell[row + 1, col].SetStyle(stContent);

            return(ExportFilesPath + fileName + etsName);
Exemplo n.º 59
		/// <summary>
		/// Determines whether a specfic Cells.ICellVirtual value is in this CellBaseCollection.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="value">
		/// The Cells.ICellVirtual value to locate in this CellBaseCollection.
		/// </param>
		/// <returns>
		/// true if value is found in this CellBaseCollection;
		/// false otherwise.
		/// </returns>
		public virtual bool Contains(Cells.ICellVirtual value)
			return this.List.Contains(value);
Exemplo n.º 60
 public bool IsBlank()
     return(Cells.All(c => string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Value)));