Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void Resolve(ResolveParams rp)
            Map map = BaseGen.globalSettings.map;

            CellRect.CellRectIterator iterator = rp.rect.GetIterator();
            while (!iterator.Done())
                List <Thing> thingList = iterator.Current.GetThingList(map);
                for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++)
                    if (thingList[i].def.IsTable && !SymbolResolver_PlaceChairsNearTables.tables.Contains(thingList[i]))
            for (int j = 0; j < SymbolResolver_PlaceChairsNearTables.tables.Count; j++)
                CellRect cellRect = SymbolResolver_PlaceChairsNearTables.tables[j].OccupiedRect().ExpandedBy(1);
                bool     flag     = false;
                foreach (IntVec3 item in cellRect.EdgeCells.InRandomOrder(null))
                    IntVec3 current = item;
                    if (!cellRect.IsCorner(current) && rp.rect.Contains(current) && current.Standable(map) && current.GetEdifice(map) == null && (!flag || !Rand.Bool))
                        Rot4          value         = (current.x != cellRect.minX) ? ((current.x != cellRect.maxX) ? ((current.z != cellRect.minZ) ? Rot4.South : Rot4.North) : Rot4.West) : Rot4.East;
                        ResolveParams resolveParams = rp;
                        resolveParams.rect             = CellRect.SingleCell(current);
                        resolveParams.singleThingDef   = ThingDefOf.DiningChair;
                        resolveParams.singleThingStuff = (rp.singleThingStuff ?? ThingDefOf.WoodLog);
                        resolveParams.thingRot         = value;
                        BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("thing", resolveParams);
                        flag = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
 private IEnumerable <Pair <IntVec3, Rot4> > GetPossibleDrapeCells(IntVec3 throneCell, CellRect rect)
     for (int d = 0; d < 4; d++)
         foreach (IntVec3 edgeCell in rect.GetEdgeCells(new Rot4(d)))
             bool flag = true;
             foreach (IntVec3 item in GenAdj.OccupiedRect(edgeCell, new Rot4(d), ThingDefOf.Drape.size))
                 if (item == throneCell || rect.IsCorner(item) || BaseGenUtility.AnyDoorAdjacentCardinalTo(item, BaseGen.globalSettings.map))
                     flag = false;
             if (flag)
                 yield return(new Pair <IntVec3, Rot4>(edgeCell, new Rot4(d)));
        public override void Resolve(ResolveParams rp)
            Map map = BaseGen.globalSettings.map;

            foreach (IntVec3 item in rp.rect)
                List <Thing> thingList = item.GetThingList(map);
                for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++)
                    if (thingList[i].def.IsTable && !tables.Contains(thingList[i]))
            for (int j = 0; j < tables.Count; j++)
                CellRect cellRect = tables[j].OccupiedRect().ExpandedBy(1);
                bool     flag     = false;
                foreach (IntVec3 item2 in cellRect.EdgeCells.InRandomOrder())
                    if (!cellRect.IsCorner(item2) && rp.rect.Contains(item2) && item2.Standable(map) && item2.GetEdifice(map) == null && (!flag || !Rand.Bool))
                        Rot4          value         = ((item2.x == cellRect.minX) ? Rot4.East : ((item2.x == cellRect.maxX) ? Rot4.West : ((item2.z != cellRect.minZ) ? Rot4.South : Rot4.North)));
                        ResolveParams resolveParams = rp;
                        resolveParams.rect             = CellRect.SingleCell(item2);
                        resolveParams.singleThingDef   = ThingDefOf.DiningChair;
                        resolveParams.singleThingStuff = rp.singleThingStuff ?? ThingDefOf.WoodLog;
                        resolveParams.thingRot         = value;
                        BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("thing", resolveParams);
                        flag = true;
        public static CellRect CreateStartingArea(Faction pawnFaction, Map map, IntVec3 pawnPosition, CellRect rect)
            RESettings.DM("Create Starting Area");

            RESettings.DM("Generate Bedrooms");
            RESettings.DM("Variable Test:");

            CreateWallsAt(rect.CenterCell.x + -11, rect.CenterCell.z + 5, 16, false, map, ThingDefOf.Plasteel, pawnFaction, true, 13);
            SpawnBuildingAt(ThingDefOf.StandingLamp, rect.CenterCell.x - 10, rect.CenterCell.z + 6, map, pawnFaction, Rot4.North);
            SpawnBuildingAt(ThingDefOf.StandingLamp, rect.CenterCell.x + 4, rect.CenterCell.z + 6, map, pawnFaction, Rot4.North);

            RESettings.DM("Generate Beds");

            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                if (i % 2 != 0)
                SpawnBuildingAt(ThingDefOf.Bed, rect.CenterCell.x - 9 + i, rect.CenterCell.z + 9, map, pawnFaction, Rot4.South, ThingDefOf.Steel);

            RESettings.DM("Generate Fab Room");

            //Fabrication room
            CreateWallsAt(rect.CenterCell.x + 5, rect.CenterCell.z + 10, 16, true, map, ThingDefOf.Plasteel, pawnFaction, true, 14);
            SpawnBuildingAt(ThingDef.Named("FabricationBench"), rect.CenterCell.x + 8, rect.CenterCell.z + 6, map, pawnFaction, Rot4.West, out Thing fabBench);
            SpawnBuildingAt(ThingDefOf.StandingLamp, rect.CenterCell.x + 6, rect.CenterCell.z + 0, map, pawnFaction, Rot4.South);
            GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("Stool"), ThingDefOf.Steel), fabBench.InteractionCell, map, fabBench.Rotation.Opposite);

            RESettings.DM("Generate Research Room");

            //Research Room
            CreateWallsAt(rect.CenterCell.x - 5, rect.CenterCell.z - 6, 16, false, map, ThingDefOf.Plasteel, pawnFaction, true, 1);
            SpawnBuildingAt(ThingDef.Named("HiTechResearchBench"), rect.CenterCell.x + 5, rect.CenterCell.z - 9, map, pawnFaction, Rot4.South, out Thing resBench, ThingDefOf.Plasteel);
            GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("Stool"), ThingDefOf.Steel), resBench.InteractionCell, map, resBench.Rotation.Opposite);

            RESettings.DM("Generate Dining Room");

            //Dining room
            CreateWallsAt(rect.CenterCell.x - 6, rect.CenterCell.z + 4, 16, true, map, ThingDefOf.Plasteel, pawnFaction, true, 1);
            SpawnBuildingAt(ThingDefOf.Table2x2c, rect.CenterCell.x - 10, rect.CenterCell.z - 3, map, pawnFaction, Rot4.North, out Thing spawnedTable, ThingDef.Named("BlocksMarble"));

            RESettings.DM("Generate Tables and Stools");

            ////Spawn a table and stools
            CellRect tableRect  = spawnedTable.OccupiedRect().ExpandedBy(1);
            bool     randomFlag = false;

            foreach (IntVec3 stoolSpot in tableRect.EdgeCells.InRandomOrder())
                Thing spawnedStool = null;
                if (!tableRect.IsCorner(stoolSpot) && stoolSpot.Standable(map) && stoolSpot.GetEdifice(map) == null && (!randomFlag || !Rand.Bool)
                    Thing stool = ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("Stool"), ThingDefOf.Steel);
                    GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(stool, stoolSpot, map, ThingPlaceMode.Direct, out spawnedStool);
                    if (spawnedStool != null)
                        spawnedStool.Rotation =
                            (stoolSpot.x == tableRect.minX) ?
                            ((stoolSpot.x == tableRect.maxX) ?
                             Rot4.West :
                             ((stoolSpot.z != tableRect.minZ) ?
                              Rot4.South : Rot4.North));

            RESettings.DM("Generate Crematorium");

            //For erasing some zombies ^^
            SpawnBuildingAt(ThingDef.Named("ElectricCrematorium"), rect.CenterCell.x - 8, rect.CenterCell.z - 8, map, pawnFaction, Rot4.East, ThingDefOf.Plasteel);

            RESettings.DM("Generate Geothermal Generator");

            //Geothermal Generator
            SpawnBuildingAt(ThingDefOf.GeothermalGenerator, rect.CenterCell.x - 1, rect.CenterCell.z - 1, map, pawnFaction, Rot4.North);

            RESettings.DM("Spawn Steel");

            //Steel, for making power cables
            var steelLoc = CellFinder.FindNoWipeSpawnLocNear(rect.RandomCell, map, ThingDefOf.Steel, Rot4.South);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                Thing steelPiece = ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.Steel, null);
                steelPiece.stackCount = Rand.Range(15, 50);
                GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(steelPiece, steelLoc, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near);

            RESettings.DM("Spawn Empty Syringes");

            //Empty syringes
            var   syringesLoc  = CellFinder.FindNoWipeSpawnLocNear(rect.RandomCell, map, ThingDefOf.Steel, Rot4.South);
            Thing syringePiece = ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("RE_Syringe"), null);

            syringePiece.stackCount = Rand.Range(4, 6);
            GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(syringePiece, syringesLoc, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near);

            RESettings.DM("Spawn Food");

            var foodStartPoint = CellFinder.FindNoWipeSpawnLocNear(rect.RandomCell, map, ThingDefOf.MealSurvivalPack, Rot4.South);

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                Thing foodToEat = ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.MealSurvivalPack);
                if (GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(foodToEat, foodStartPoint, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out Thing foodSpawned))
                    foodSpawned.stackCount = 10;

            RESettings.DM("Spawn Herbs");

            //Some green herbs
            var greenHerbStartPoint = CellFinder.FindNoWipeSpawnLocNear(rect.RandomCell, map, ThingDefOf.MealSurvivalPack, Rot4.South);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                Plant herb = (Plant)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("RE_Plant_ResidentEvilHerbGreen"));
                if (GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(herb, greenHerbStartPoint, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out Thing herbSpawned))
                    var plantHerb = (Plant)herbSpawned;
                    plantHerb.Growth = 1.0f;

            RESettings.DM("Spawn Other Herbs");

            //Some other herbs.
            var otherHerbStartPoint = CellFinder.FindNoWipeSpawnLocNear(rect.RandomCell, map, ThingDefOf.MealSurvivalPack, Rot4.South);

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                Plant herb = (Plant)ThingMaker.MakeThing(Rand.Value > 0.5f ? ThingDef.Named("RE_Plant_ResidentEvilHerbBlue") : ThingDef.Named("RE_Plant_ResidentEvilHerbRed"));
                if (GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(herb, otherHerbStartPoint, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out Thing herbSpawned))
                    var plantHerb = (Plant)herbSpawned;
                    plantHerb.Growth = 1.0f;
            HarmonyPatches.calcWealthFloors = false;


            Traverse.Create(map.fogGrid).Method("SetAllFogged", new object[] { }).GetValue();

            RESettings.DM("Place pawns in area");

            //Bring in the boys
            foreach (var pawn in Find.GameInitData.startingAndOptionalPawns)
                if (pawn.Spawned)
                    IntVec3 loc = CellFinder.RandomSpawnCellForPawnNear(rect.CenterCell, map);
                    //CellFinder.TryFindBestPawnStandCell(pawn, out loc);

                    var flag = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < GenRadial.RadialPattern.Length; i++)
                        IntVec3 intVec = loc + GenRadial.RadialPattern[i];
                        if (!PawnCanOccupy(intVec, map, pawn))
                        flag          = true;
                        pawn.Position = intVec;
                        GenSpawn.Spawn(pawn, intVec, map);
                    if (!flag)
                        GenSpawn.Spawn(pawn, loc, map);

                    //GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(pawn, map.Center, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near);

                    pawn.playerSettings.hostilityResponse = HostilityResponseMode.Attack;

                    FloodFillerFog.FloodUnfog(pawn.Position, map);

Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void CreateOutpost(Faction fac, IntVec3 pos, Map map)
            //Place a table
            Thing spawnedTable = null;
            Thing table        = ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.Table2x2c, ThingDefOf.WoodLog);
            var   tableLoc     = CellFinder.FindNoWipeSpawnLocNear(pos.GetRegion(map).RandomCell, map, ThingDefOf.Table2x2c, Rot4.South);

            if (GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(table, tableLoc, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out spawnedTable))

            //Spawn a table and stools
            CellRect tableRect  = spawnedTable.OccupiedRect().ExpandedBy(1);
            bool     randomFlag = false;

            foreach (IntVec3 stoolSpot in tableRect.EdgeCells.InRandomOrder())
                Thing spawnedStool = null;
                if (!tableRect.IsCorner(stoolSpot) && stoolSpot.Standable(map) && stoolSpot.GetEdifice(map) == null && (!randomFlag || !Rand.Bool)
                    Thing stool = ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("Stool"), ThingDefOf.WoodLog);
                    GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(stool, stoolSpot, map, ThingPlaceMode.Direct, out spawnedStool);
                    if (spawnedStool != null)
                        spawnedStool.Rotation =
                            (stoolSpot.x == tableRect.minX) ?
                            ((stoolSpot.x == tableRect.maxX) ?
                             Rot4.West :
                             ((stoolSpot.z != tableRect.minZ) ?
                              Rot4.South : Rot4.North));

            Thing campfire = ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.Campfire);

            var campfireLoc = CellFinder.FindNoWipeSpawnLocNear(pos.GetRegion(map).RandomCell, map, ThingDefOf.Campfire, Rot4.South);

            GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(campfire, campfireLoc, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near);

            var foodStartPoint = CellFinder.FindNoWipeSpawnLocNear(pos.GetRegion(map).RandomCell, map, ThingDefOf.MealSurvivalPack, Rot4.South);

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                Thing foodToEat = ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.MealSurvivalPack);
                if (GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(foodToEat, foodStartPoint, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out Thing foodSpawned))
                    foodSpawned.stackCount = 10;

            //Some green herbs
            var greenHerbStartPoint = CellFinder.FindNoWipeSpawnLocNear(pos.GetRegion(map).RandomCell, map, ThingDefOf.MealSurvivalPack, Rot4.South);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                Plant herb = (Plant)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("RE_Plant_ResidentEvilHerbGreen"));
                if (GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(herb, greenHerbStartPoint, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out Thing herbSpawned))
                    var plantHerb = (Plant)herbSpawned;
                    plantHerb.Growth = 1.0f;

            //Some other herbs.
            var otherHerbStartPoint = CellFinder.FindNoWipeSpawnLocNear(pos.GetRegion(map).RandomCell, map, ThingDefOf.MealSurvivalPack, Rot4.South);

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                Plant herb = (Plant)ThingMaker.MakeThing(Rand.Value > 0.5f ? ThingDef.Named("RE_Plant_ResidentEvilHerbBlue") : ThingDef.Named("RE_Plant_ResidentEvilHerbRed"));
                if (GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(herb, otherHerbStartPoint, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out Thing herbSpawned))
                    var plantHerb = (Plant)herbSpawned;
                    plantHerb.Growth = 1.0f;

            //Bring in the boys
            foreach (var pawn in Find.GameInitData.startingAndOptionalPawns)
                if (pawn.Spawned)
                    var loc = pawn.Position;
                    GenSpawn.Spawn(pawn, loc, map);
                    //GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(pawn, map.Center, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near);
            //Current.Game.CurrentMap = map;