Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// compiles a cell mask from all cells with a specific color and their direct neighbors
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridData">
        /// the grid that this mask will be associated with
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ColoredCellsSorted">
        /// a list of all cells sorted by color
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentColor">
        /// the color which is associated with the Cell Mask
        /// </param>
        /// /// <param name="J">
        /// the number of locally updated cells
        /// </param>
        internal CellMask CellsOneColor(IGridData gridData, List <int[]> ColoredCellsSorted, int CurrentColor, int J, bool FindNeighbours = true)
            int[]    CellIDCurrentColor = FindCellIDs(ColoredCellsSorted, CurrentColor);
            BitArray ColoredCells       = new BitArray(J);

            for (int i = 0; i < CellIDCurrentColor.Length; i++)
                if (CellIDCurrentColor[i] < J)
                    ColoredCells[CellIDCurrentColor[i]] = true;
            CellMask ColoredCellMask = new CellMask(gridData, ColoredCells);

            if (FindNeighbours)
                CellMask ColoredCellMaskNeighbour = ColoredCellMask.AllNeighbourCells();
                ColoredCellMask = ColoredCellMask.Union(ColoredCellMaskNeighbour);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the new level set field at time <paramref name="Phystime"/> + <paramref name="dt"/>.
        /// This is a 'driver function' which provides a universal interface to the various level set evolution algorithms.
        /// It also acts as a callback to the time stepper (see <see cref="m_BDF_Timestepper"/> resp. <see cref="m_RK_Timestepper"/>),
        /// i.e. it matches the signature of
        /// <see cref="BoSSS.Solution.XdgTimestepping.DelUpdateLevelset"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Phystime"></param>
        /// <param name="dt"></param>
        /// <param name="CurrentState">
        /// The current solution (velocity and pressure), since the complete solution is provided by the time stepper,
        /// only the velocity components(supposed to be at the beginning) are used.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="underrelax">
        /// </param>
        public double DelUpdateLevelSet(DGField[] CurrentState, double Phystime, double dt, double underrelax, bool incremental)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                //dt *= underrelax;
                int       D           = base.Grid.SpatialDimension;
                int       iTimestep   = hack_TimestepIndex;
                DGField[] EvoVelocity = CurrentState.GetSubVector(0, D);

                // ========================================================
                // Backup old level-set, in order to compute the residual
                // ========================================================

                SinglePhaseField LsBkUp = new SinglePhaseField(this.LevSet.Basis);
                LsBkUp.Acc(1.0, this.LevSet);
                CellMask oldCC = LsTrk.Regions.GetCutCellMask();

                // ====================================================
                // set evolution velocity, but only on the CUT-cells
                // ====================================================

                #region Calculate density averaged Velocity for each cell

                ConventionalDGField[] meanVelocity = GetMeanVelocityFromXDGField(EvoVelocity);


                // ===================================================================
                // backup interface properties (mass conservation, surface changerate)
                // ===================================================================

                #region backup interface props

                double oldSurfVolume  = 0.0;
                double oldSurfLength  = 0.0;
                double SurfChangerate = 0.0;
                if (this.Control.CheckInterfaceProps)
                    oldSurfVolume  = XNSEUtils.GetSpeciesArea(this.LsTrk, LsTrk.GetSpeciesId("A"));
                    oldSurfLength  = XNSEUtils.GetInterfaceLength(this.LsTrk);
                    SurfChangerate = EnergyUtils.GetSurfaceChangerate(this.LsTrk, meanVelocity, this.m_HMForder);


                // ====================================================
                // perform level-set evolution
                // ====================================================

                #region level-set evolution

                // set up for Strang splitting
                SinglePhaseField DGLevSet_old;
                if (incremental)
                    DGLevSet_old = this.DGLevSet.Current.CloneAs();
                    DGLevSet_old = this.DGLevSet[0].CloneAs();

                // set up for underrelaxation
                SinglePhaseField DGLevSet_oldIter = this.DGLevSet.Current.CloneAs();

                //PlotCurrentState(hack_Phystime, new TimestepNumber(new int[] { hack_TimestepIndex, 0 }), 2);

                // actual evolution
                switch (this.Control.Option_LevelSetEvolution)
                case LevelSetEvolution.None:
                    throw new ArgumentException("illegal call");

                case LevelSetEvolution.FastMarching: {
                        dt, this.LsTrk, DGLevSet_old, this.DGLevSet.Current, this.DGLevSetGradient,
                        meanVelocity, this.ExtensionVelocity.Current.ToArray(),      //new DGField[] { LevSetSrc },
                        this.m_HMForder, iTimestep);

                    //FastMarchReinitSolver = new FastMarchReinit(DGLevSet.Current.Basis);
                    //CellMask Accepted = LsTrk.Regions.GetCutCellMask();
                    //CellMask ActiveField = LsTrk.Regions.GetNearFieldMask(1);
                    //CellMask NegativeField = LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesMask("A");
                    //FastMarchReinitSolver.FirstOrderReinit(DGLevSet.Current, Accepted, NegativeField, ActiveField);


                case LevelSetEvolution.Fourier: {
                    Fourier_Timestepper.moveLevelSet(dt, meanVelocity);
                    if (incremental)
                    Fourier_LevSet.ProjectToDGLevelSet(this.DGLevSet.Current, this.LsTrk);

                case LevelSetEvolution.Prescribed: {
                    this.DGLevSet.Current.ProjectField(1.0, this.Control.Phi.Vectorize(Phystime + dt));

                case LevelSetEvolution.ScalarConvection: {
                    var LSM = new LevelSetMover(EvoVelocity,

                    int check1 = this.ExtensionVelocity.PushCount;
                    int check2 = this.DGLevSet.PushCount;

                    this.DGLevSet[1].Acc(1.0, DGLevSet_old);

                    if (check1 != this.ExtensionVelocity.PushCount)
                        throw new ApplicationException();
                    if (check2 != this.DGLevSet.PushCount)
                        throw new ApplicationException();


                case LevelSetEvolution.ExtensionVelocity: {
                    DGLevSetGradient.Gradient(1.0, DGLevSet.Current);


                    // Fast Marching: Specify the Domains first
                    // Perform Fast Marching only on the Far Field
                    if (this.Control.AdaptiveMeshRefinement)
                        int      NoCells = ((GridData)this.GridData).Cells.Count;
                        BitArray Refined = new BitArray(NoCells);
                        for (int j = 0; j < NoCells; j++)
                            if (((GridData)this.GridData).Cells.GetCell(j).RefinementLevel > 0)
                                Refined[j] = true;
                        CellMask Accepted      = new CellMask(this.GridData, Refined);
                        CellMask AcceptedNeigh = Accepted.AllNeighbourCells();

                        Accepted = Accepted.Union(AcceptedNeigh);
                        CellMask ActiveField   = Accepted.Complement();
                        CellMask NegativeField = LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesMask("A");
                        FastMarchReinitSolver.FirstOrderReinit(DGLevSet.Current, Accepted, NegativeField, ActiveField);
                        CellMask Accepted      = LsTrk.Regions.GetNearFieldMask(1);
                        CellMask ActiveField   = Accepted.Complement();
                        CellMask NegativeField = LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesMask("A");
                        FastMarchReinitSolver.FirstOrderReinit(DGLevSet.Current, Accepted, NegativeField, ActiveField);
                    //SubGrid AcceptedGrid = new SubGrid(Accepted);
                    //ReInitPDE.ReInitialize(Restriction: AcceptedGrid);

                    //CellMask ActiveField = Accepted.Complement();
                    //CellMask NegativeField = LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesMask("A");
                    //FastMarchReinitSolver.FirstOrderReinit(DGLevSet.Current, Accepted, NegativeField, ActiveField);



                    throw new ApplicationException();

                // performing underrelaxation
                if (underrelax < 1.0)
                    this.DGLevSet.Current.Acc((1.0 - underrelax), DGLevSet_oldIter);

                //PlotCurrentState(hack_Phystime, new TimestepNumber(new int[] { hack_TimestepIndex, 1 }), 2);


                // ======================
                // postprocessing
                // =======================

                if (this.Control.ReInitPeriod > 0 && hack_TimestepIndex % this.Control.ReInitPeriod == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Filtering DG-LevSet");
                    SinglePhaseField FiltLevSet = new SinglePhaseField(DGLevSet.Current.Basis);
                    FiltLevSet.AccLaidBack(1.0, DGLevSet.Current);
                    Filter(FiltLevSet, 2, oldCC);
                    DGLevSet.Current.Acc(1.0, FiltLevSet);

                    Console.WriteLine("FastMarchReInit performing FirstOrderReInit");
                    FastMarchReinitSolver = new FastMarchReinit(DGLevSet.Current.Basis);
                    CellMask Accepted      = LsTrk.Regions.GetCutCellMask();
                    CellMask ActiveField   = LsTrk.Regions.GetNearFieldMask(1);
                    CellMask NegativeField = LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesMask("A");
                    FastMarchReinitSolver.FirstOrderReinit(DGLevSet.Current, Accepted, NegativeField, ActiveField);

                #region ensure continuity

                // make level set continuous
                CellMask CC    = LsTrk.Regions.GetCutCellMask4LevSet(0);
                CellMask Near1 = LsTrk.Regions.GetNearMask4LevSet(0, 1);
                CellMask PosFF = LsTrk.Regions.GetLevelSetWing(0, +1).VolumeMask;
                ContinuityEnforcer.MakeContinuous(this.DGLevSet.Current, this.LevSet, Near1, PosFF);

                if (this.Control.Option_LevelSetEvolution == LevelSetEvolution.FastMarching)
                    CellMask Nearband = Near1.Union(CC);
                    this.DGLevSet.Current.AccLaidBack(1.0, this.LevSet, Nearband);
                    //ContinuityEnforcer.SetFarField(this.DGLevSet.Current, Near1, PosFF);

                //PlotCurrentState(hack_Phystime, new TimestepNumber(new int[] { hack_TimestepIndex, 2 }), 2);


                for (int d = 0; d < D; d++)
                    this.XDGvelocity.Velocity[d].UpdateBehaviour = BehaveUnder_LevSetMoovement.AutoExtrapolate;

                // ===============
                // tracker update
                // ===============

                this.LsTrk.UpdateTracker(Phystime + dt, incremental: true);

                // update near field (in case of adaptive mesh refinement)
                if (this.Control.AdaptiveMeshRefinement && this.Control.Option_LevelSetEvolution == LevelSetEvolution.FastMarching)
                    Near1 = LsTrk.Regions.GetNearMask4LevSet(0, 1);
                    PosFF = LsTrk.Regions.GetLevelSetWing(0, +1).VolumeMask;
                    ContinuityEnforcer.SetFarField(this.DGLevSet.Current, Near1, PosFF);
                    ContinuityEnforcer.SetFarField(this.LevSet, Near1, PosFF);

                // ==================================================================
                // check interface properties (mass conservation, surface changerate)
                // ==================================================================

                if (this.Control.CheckInterfaceProps)
                    double currentSurfVolume = XNSEUtils.GetSpeciesArea(this.LsTrk, LsTrk.GetSpeciesId("A"));
                    double massChange        = ((currentSurfVolume - oldSurfVolume) / oldSurfVolume) * 100;
                    Console.WriteLine("Change of mass = {0}%", massChange);

                    double currentSurfLength    = XNSEUtils.GetInterfaceLength(this.LsTrk);
                    double actualSurfChangerate = (currentSurfLength - oldSurfLength) / dt;
                    Console.WriteLine("Interface divergence = {0}", SurfChangerate);
                    Console.WriteLine("actual surface changerate = {0}", actualSurfChangerate);

                // ==================
                // compute residual
                // ==================

                var newCC = LsTrk.Regions.GetCutCellMask();
                LsBkUp.Acc(-1.0, this.LevSet);
                double LevSetResidual = LsBkUp.L2Norm(newCC.Union(oldCC));

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Reinit on un-cut cells.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Phi">The level set</param>
        /// <param name="ReInitSpecies">Cell mask wich is to be reinitialized</param>
        /// <param name="sign">Sign of the level set for this <paramref name="ReInitSpecies"/></param>
        /// <param name="_Accepted">CellMask which is taken as boundray values</param>
        /// <param name="GradPhi">LEvel Set gradient</param>
        /// <param name="callBack">A delegate, which might be called after the execution of the reinitialization</param>
        public void Reinitialize(SinglePhaseField Phi, CellMask ReInitSpecies, double sign,
                                 CellMask _Accepted,
                                                                                                //ConventionalDGField[] ExtProperty, double[][] ExtPropertyMin, double[][] ExtPropertyMax,
                                 VectorField <SinglePhaseField> GradPhi, Action <int> callBack) //
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                Tracer.InstrumentationSwitch = false; // lots of tracing on calls acting on singe cells causes massive overhead (up to 5x slower).

                SinglePhaseField DiffusionCoeff = new SinglePhaseField(new Basis(this.GridDat, 1), "DiffusionCoeff");

                // check args and init
                // ===================

                 * ExtVelSolver extVelSlv = null;
                 * if(ExtProperty != null) {
                 *  if(ExtProperty.Length != ExtPropertyMin.Length)
                 *      throw new ArgumentException();
                 *  if(ExtProperty.Length != ExtPropertyMax.Length)
                 *      throw new ArgumentException();
                 *  extVelSlv = new ExtVelSolver(ExtProperty[0].Basis);
                 * }

                BitArray Acceped_Mutuable   = _Accepted.GetBitMask().CloneAs();
                BitArray Trial_Mutuable     = ((_Accepted.AllNeighbourCells().Intersect(ReInitSpecies)).Except(_Accepted)).GetBitMask().CloneAs();
                BitArray Recalc_Mutuable    = Trial_Mutuable.CloneAs();
                BitArray PosSpecies_Bitmask = ReInitSpecies.GetBitMask();

                int J = this.GridDat.Cells.NoOfCells;
                int D = this.GridDat.SpatialDimension;
                int N = this.LevelSetBasis.Length;

                double   _sign  = sign >= 0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
                double[] PhiAvg = m_PhiAvg;
                if (PhiAvg == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException();

                foreach (int jCell in _Accepted.ItemEnum)
                    PhiAvg[jCell] = Phi.GetMeanValue(jCell);

                int NoOfNew;
                    var Neu = ReInitSpecies.Except(_Accepted);
                    NoOfNew = Neu.NoOfItemsLocally;
                    Phi.AccConstant(_sign, Neu);

                    foreach (int jCell in Neu.ItemEnum)
                        PhiAvg[jCell] = 1.0e10;

                if (this.GridDat.MpiSize > 1)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Currently not MPI parallel.");

                for (int d = 0; d < this.GridDat.SpatialDimension; d++)
                    if (!GradPhi[d].Basis.Equals(Phi.Basis))
                        throw new ArgumentException("Level-set and level-set gradient field should have the same DG basis."); // ein grad niedriger wrürde auch genügen...

                // perform marching...
                // ===================

                // update gradient for cut-cells
                GradPhi.Gradient(1.0, Phi, _Accepted);

                // marching loop../
                int cnt = 0;
                while (true)

                    CellMask Recalc   = new CellMask(this.GridDat, Recalc_Mutuable);
                    CellMask Accepted = new CellMask(this.GridDat, Acceped_Mutuable);
                    CellMask Trial    = new CellMask(this.GridDat, Trial_Mutuable);

                    int NoOfTrial = Trial.NoOfItemsLocally;
                    int NoOfAccpt = Accepted.NoOfItemsLocally;
                    int NoOfRcalc = Recalc.NoOfItemsLocally;

                    if (Trial.NoOfItemsLocally <= 0)
                        //Ploti(Recalc, Accepted, Trial, Phi, Phi_gradient, optEikonalOut, cnt);

                    // Local solver for all 'Recalc'-cells
                    // --------------------------------------

                    if (Recalc.NoOfItemsLocally > 0)
                        this.LocalSolve(Accepted, Recalc, Phi, GradPhi, _sign, DiffusionCoeff);

                    // find the next cell to accept
                    // ----------------------------

                    // get mean value in all cells
                    foreach (int jCell in Recalc.ItemEnum)
                        PhiAvg[jCell]          = Phi.GetMeanValue(jCell);
                        Recalc_Mutuable[jCell] = false;

                    //Ploti(Recalc, Accepted, Trial, Phi, Phi_gradient, optEikonalOut, cnt);

                    // find trial-cell with minimum average value
                    // this should be done with heap-sort (see fast-marching algorithm)
                    int    jCellAccpt = int.MaxValue;
                    double TrialMin   = double.MaxValue;
                    foreach (int jCell in Trial.ItemEnum)
                        if (PhiAvg[jCell] * _sign < TrialMin)
                            TrialMin   = PhiAvg[jCell] * _sign;
                            jCellAccpt = jCell;

                    if (callBack != null)

                     * // update the gradient
                     * // -------------------
                     * this.Stpw_gradientEval.Start();
                     * gradModule.GradientUpdate(jCellAccpt, Acceped_Mutuable, Phi, GradPhi);
                     * this.Stpw_gradientEval.Stop();
                     * /*
                     * // solve for the extension properties
                     * // ----------------------------------
                     * if(ExtProperty != null) {
                     *  int[] Neight, dummy33;
                     *  GridDat.Cells.GetCellNeighbours(jCellAccpt, GridData.CellData.GetCellNeighbours_Mode.ViaEdges, out Neight, out dummy33);
                     *  for(int iComp = 0; iComp < ExtProperty.Length; iComp++) {
                     *      ExtPropertyMax[iComp][jCellAccpt] = -double.MaxValue;
                     *      ExtPropertyMin[iComp][jCellAccpt] = double.MaxValue;
                     *      foreach(int jNeig in Neight) {
                     *          if(Acceped_Mutuable[jNeig]) {
                     *              ExtPropertyMax[iComp][jCellAccpt] = Math.Max(ExtPropertyMax[iComp][jCellAccpt], ExtPropertyMax[iComp][jNeig]);
                     *              ExtPropertyMin[iComp][jCellAccpt] = Math.Min(ExtPropertyMin[iComp][jCellAccpt], ExtPropertyMin[iComp][jNeig]);
                     *          }
                     *      }
                     *      this.Stpw_extVelSolver.Start();
                     *      extVelSlv.ExtVelSolve_Far(Phi, GradPhi, ExtProperty[iComp], ref ExtPropertyMin[iComp][jCellAccpt], ref ExtPropertyMax[iComp][jCellAccpt], jCellAccpt, Accepted, _sign);
                     *      this.Stpw_extVelSolver.Stop();
                     *  }
                     * }
                     * /*
                     * {
                     *  int[] Neight, dummy33;
                     *  GridDat.Cells.GetCellNeighbours(jCellAccpt, GridData.CellData.GetCellNeighbours_Mode.ViaEdges, out Neight, out dummy33);
                     *  foreach(int jNeig in Neight) {
                     *      if(Acceped_Mutuable[jNeig]) {
                     *          plotDependencyArrow(cnt, jCellAccpt, jNeig);
                     *      }
                     *  }
                     * }

                    // the mimium is moved to accepted
                    // -------------------------------
                    Acceped_Mutuable[jCellAccpt] = true;
                    Trial_Mutuable[jCellAccpt]   = false;
                    Recalc_Mutuable[jCellAccpt]  = false;

                    // recalc on all neighbours
                    // ------------------------
                    int[] Neighs, dummy;
                    this.GridDat.GetCellNeighbours(jCellAccpt, GetCellNeighbours_Mode.ViaEdges, out Neighs, out dummy);
                    foreach (int jNeig in Neighs)
                        if (!Acceped_Mutuable[jNeig] && PosSpecies_Bitmask[jNeig])
                            Trial_Mutuable[jNeig]  = true;
                            Recalc_Mutuable[jNeig] = true;

                if (NoOfNew > 0)
                    throw new ArithmeticException("Unable to perform reinitialization for all requested cells - maybe they are not reachable from the initialy 'accepted' domain?");


                Tracer.InstrumentationSwitch = true;