Exemplo n.º 1
        public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
            UIDocument uidoc            = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument;
            Document   doc              = uidoc.Document;
            ICollection <ElementId> ids = uidoc.Selection.GetElementIds();

            foreach (ElementId eid in ids)
                Element         elem  = doc.GetElement(eid);
                CeilingAndFloor slab  = elem as CeilingAndFloor;
                Floor           floor = elem as Floor;
                if (slab != null)
                    MessageBox.Show("slab is ceiling and floor!");
                if (floor != null)
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    MessageBox.Show("slab is floor!");
                    SlabShapeEditor      sbe     = floor.SlabShapeEditor;
                    SlabShapeVertexArray sbArray = sbe.SlabShapeVertices;
                    foreach (SlabShapeVertex vertex in sbArray)

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the boundary loops of the given slab
        /// top face, which is assumed to be horizontal.
        /// </summary>
        Polygons GetBoundaryLoops(CeilingAndFloor slab)
            int      n;
            Polygons polys = null;
            Document doc   = slab.Document;

            Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application app = doc.Application;

            Options opt = app.Create.NewGeometryOptions();

            GeometryElement geo = slab.get_Geometry(opt);

            foreach (GeometryObject obj in geo)
                Solid solid = obj as Solid;
                if (null != solid)
                    foreach (Face face in solid.Faces)
                        PlanarFace pf = face as PlanarFace;
                        if (null != pf &&
                            EdgeArrayArray loops = pf.EdgeLoops;

                            n     = loops.Size;
                            polys = new Polygons(n);

                            foreach (EdgeArray loop in loops)
                                n = loop.Size;
                                Polygon poly = new Polygon(n);

                                foreach (Edge edge in loop)
                                    IList <XYZ> pts = edge.Tessellate();

                                    n = pts.Count;

                                    foreach (XYZ p in pts)
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Exports a CeilingAndFloor element to IFC.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exporterIFC">The ExporterIFC object.</param>
        /// <param name="floor">The floor element.</param>
        /// <param name="geometryElement">The geometry element.</param>
        /// <param name="productWrapper">The ProductWrapper.</param>
        public static void ExportCeilingAndFloorElement(ExporterIFC exporterIFC, CeilingAndFloor floorElement, GeometryElement geometryElement,
                                                        ProductWrapper productWrapper)
            if (geometryElement == null)

            // export parts or not
            bool exportParts = PartExporter.CanExportParts(floorElement);

            if (exportParts && !PartExporter.CanExportElementInPartExport(floorElement, floorElement.LevelId, false))

            IFCFile file = exporterIFC.GetFile();

            string        ifcEnumType;
            IFCExportType exportType = ExporterUtil.GetExportType(exporterIFC, floorElement, out ifcEnumType);

            using (IFCTransaction tr = new IFCTransaction(file))
                bool canExportAsContainerOrWithExtrusionAnalyzer = (!exportParts && (floorElement is Floor));

                IList <IFCAnyHandle> slabHnds        = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();
                IList <IFCAnyHandle> brepSlabHnds    = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();
                IList <IFCAnyHandle> nonBrepSlabHnds = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();

                using (IFCTransformSetter transformSetter = IFCTransformSetter.Create())
                    using (PlacementSetter placementSetter = PlacementSetter.Create(exporterIFC, floorElement))
                        IFCAnyHandle localPlacement = placementSetter.LocalPlacement;
                        IFCAnyHandle ownerHistory   = ExporterCacheManager.OwnerHistoryHandle;

                        // The routine ExportExtrudedSlabOpenings is called if exportedAsInternalExtrusion is true, and it requires having a valid level association.
                        // Disable calling ExportSlabAsExtrusion if we can't handle potential openings.
                        bool canExportAsInternalExtrusion = placementSetter.LevelInfo != null;
                        bool exportedAsInternalExtrusion  = false;

                        ElementId catId = CategoryUtil.GetSafeCategoryId(floorElement);

                        IList <IFCAnyHandle>             prodReps        = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();
                        IList <ShapeRepresentationType>  repTypes        = new List <ShapeRepresentationType>();
                        IList <IList <CurveLoop> >       extrusionLoops  = new List <IList <CurveLoop> >();
                        IList <IFCExtrusionCreationData> loopExtraParams = new List <IFCExtrusionCreationData>();
                        Plane floorPlane = GeometryUtil.CreateDefaultPlane();

                        IList <IFCAnyHandle> localPlacements = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();

                        if (canExportAsContainerOrWithExtrusionAnalyzer)
                            Floor floor = floorElement as Floor;

                            // First, try to use the ExtrusionAnalyzer for the limited cases it handles - 1 solid, no openings, end clippings only.
                            // Also limited to cases with line and arc boundaries.
                            SolidMeshGeometryInfo solidMeshInfo = GeometryUtil.GetSplitSolidMeshGeometry(geometryElement);
                            IList <Solid>         solids        = solidMeshInfo.GetSolids();
                            IList <Mesh>          meshes        = solidMeshInfo.GetMeshes();

                            if (solids.Count == 1 && meshes.Count == 0)
                                bool completelyClipped;
                                // floorExtrusionDirection is set to (0, 0, -1) because extrusionAnalyzerFloorPlane is computed from the top face of the floor
                                XYZ floorExtrusionDirection = new XYZ(0, 0, -1);
                                XYZ modelOrigin             = XYZ.Zero;

                                XYZ floorOrigin = floor.GetVerticalProjectionPoint(modelOrigin, FloorFace.Top);
                                if (floorOrigin == null)
                                    // GetVerticalProjectionPoint may return null if FloorFace.Top is an edited face that doesn't
                                    // go thruough te Revit model orgigin.  We'll try the midpoint of the bounding box instead.
                                    BoundingBoxXYZ boundingBox = floorElement.get_BoundingBox(null);
                                    modelOrigin = (boundingBox.Min + boundingBox.Max) / 2.0;
                                    floorOrigin = floor.GetVerticalProjectionPoint(modelOrigin, FloorFace.Top);

                                if (floorOrigin != null)
                                    XYZ   floorDir = floor.GetNormalAtVerticalProjectionPoint(floorOrigin, FloorFace.Top);
                                    Plane extrusionAnalyzerFloorPlane = new Plane(floorDir, floorOrigin);

                                    HandleAndData floorAndProperties =
                                        ExtrusionExporter.CreateExtrusionWithClippingAndProperties(exporterIFC, floorElement,
                                                                                                   catId, solids[0], extrusionAnalyzerFloorPlane, floorExtrusionDirection, null, out completelyClipped);
                                    if (completelyClipped)
                                    if (floorAndProperties.Handle != null)
                                        IList <IFCAnyHandle> representations = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();
                                        IFCAnyHandle prodRep = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateProductDefinitionShape(file, null, null, representations);

                                        if (floorAndProperties.Data != null)

                        // Use internal routine as backup that handles openings.
                        if (prodReps.Count == 0 && canExportAsInternalExtrusion)
                            exportedAsInternalExtrusion = ExporterIFCUtils.ExportSlabAsExtrusion(exporterIFC, floorElement,
                                                                                                 geometryElement, transformSetter, localPlacement, out localPlacements, out prodReps,
                                                                                                 out extrusionLoops, out loopExtraParams, floorPlane);
                            for (int ii = 0; ii < prodReps.Count; ii++)
                                // all are extrusions

                        if (prodReps.Count == 0)
                            using (IFCExtrusionCreationData ecData = new IFCExtrusionCreationData())
                                BodyExporterOptions bodyExporterOptions = new BodyExporterOptions(true, ExportOptionsCache.ExportTessellationLevel.Medium);
                                BodyData            bodyData;
                                IFCAnyHandle        prodDefHnd = RepresentationUtil.CreateAppropriateProductDefinitionShape(exporterIFC,
                                                                                                                            floorElement, catId, geometryElement, bodyExporterOptions, null, ecData, out bodyData);
                                if (IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(prodDefHnd))


                        // Create the slab from either the extrusion or the BRep information.
                        string ifcGUID = GUIDUtil.CreateGUID(floorElement);

                        int numReps = exportParts ? 1 : prodReps.Count;

                        string entityType = null;

                        switch (exportType)
                        case IFCExportType.IfcFooting:
                            if (ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.ExportAs4)
                                entityType = IFCValidateEntry.GetValidIFCType <Revit.IFC.Export.Toolkit.IFC4.IFCFootingType>(floorElement, ifcEnumType, null);
                                entityType = IFCValidateEntry.GetValidIFCType <IFCFootingType>(floorElement, ifcEnumType, null);

                        case IFCExportType.IfcCovering:
                            entityType = IFCValidateEntry.GetValidIFCType <IFCCoveringType>(floorElement, ifcEnumType, "FLOORING");

                        case IFCExportType.IfcRamp:
                            if (ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.ExportAs4)
                                entityType = IFCValidateEntry.GetValidIFCType <Revit.IFC.Export.Toolkit.IFC4.IFCRampType>(floorElement, ifcEnumType, null);
                                entityType = IFCValidateEntry.GetValidIFCType <IFCRampType>(floorElement, ifcEnumType, null);

                            bool            isBaseSlab      = false;
                            AnalyticalModel analyticalModel = floorElement.GetAnalyticalModel();
                            if (analyticalModel != null)
                                AnalyzeAs slabFoundationType = analyticalModel.GetAnalyzeAs();
                                isBaseSlab = (slabFoundationType == AnalyzeAs.SlabOnGrade) || (slabFoundationType == AnalyzeAs.Mat);
                            entityType = IFCValidateEntry.GetValidIFCType <IFCSlabType>(floorElement, ifcEnumType, isBaseSlab ? "BASESLAB" : "FLOOR");

                        for (int ii = 0; ii < numReps; ii++)
                            string ifcName        = NamingUtil.GetNameOverride(floorElement, NamingUtil.GetIFCNamePlusIndex(floorElement, ii == 0 ? -1 : ii + 1));
                            string ifcDescription = NamingUtil.GetDescriptionOverride(floorElement, null);
                            string ifcObjectType  = NamingUtil.GetObjectTypeOverride(floorElement, exporterIFC.GetFamilyName());
                            string ifcTag         = NamingUtil.GetTagOverride(floorElement, NamingUtil.CreateIFCElementId(floorElement));

                            string       currentGUID       = (ii == 0) ? ifcGUID : GUIDUtil.CreateGUID();
                            IFCAnyHandle localPlacementHnd = exportedAsInternalExtrusion ? localPlacements[ii] : localPlacement;

                            IFCAnyHandle slabHnd = null;

                            // TODO: replace with CreateGenericBuildingElement.
                            switch (exportType)
                            case IFCExportType.IfcFooting:
                                slabHnd = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateFooting(file, currentGUID, ownerHistory, ifcName,
                                                                            ifcDescription, ifcObjectType, localPlacementHnd, exportParts ? null : prodReps[ii],
                                                                            ifcTag, entityType);

                            case IFCExportType.IfcCovering:
                                slabHnd = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateCovering(file, currentGUID, ownerHistory, ifcName,
                                                                             ifcDescription, ifcObjectType, localPlacementHnd, exportParts ? null : prodReps[ii],
                                                                             ifcTag, entityType);

                            case IFCExportType.IfcRamp:
                                slabHnd = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateRamp(file, currentGUID, ownerHistory, ifcName,
                                                                         ifcDescription, ifcObjectType, localPlacementHnd, exportParts ? null : prodReps[ii],
                                                                         ifcTag, entityType);

                                slabHnd = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateSlab(file, currentGUID, ownerHistory, ifcName,
                                                                         ifcDescription, ifcObjectType, localPlacementHnd, exportParts ? null : prodReps[ii],
                                                                         ifcTag, entityType);

                            if (IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(slabHnd))

                            if (exportParts)
                                PartExporter.ExportHostPart(exporterIFC, floorElement, slabHnd, productWrapper, placementSetter, localPlacementHnd, null);


                            if (!exportParts)
                                if (repTypes[ii] == ShapeRepresentationType.Brep)

                        for (int ii = 0; ii < numReps; ii++)
                            IFCExtrusionCreationData loopExtraParam = ii < loopExtraParams.Count ? loopExtraParams[ii] : null;
                            productWrapper.AddElement(floorElement, slabHnds[ii], placementSetter, loopExtraParam, true);

                        // This call to the native function appears to create Brep opening also when appropriate. But the creation of the IFC instances is not
                        //   controllable from the managed code. Therefore in some cases BRep geometry for Opening will still be exported even in the Reference View
                        if (exportedAsInternalExtrusion)
                            ExporterIFCUtils.ExportExtrudedSlabOpenings(exporterIFC, floorElement, placementSetter.LevelInfo,
                                                                        localPlacements[0], slabHnds, extrusionLoops, floorPlane, productWrapper.ToNative());

                    if (!exportParts)
                        if (nonBrepSlabHnds.Count > 0)
                            HostObjectExporter.ExportHostObjectMaterials(exporterIFC, floorElement, nonBrepSlabHnds,
                                                                         geometryElement, productWrapper, ElementId.InvalidElementId, Toolkit.IFCLayerSetDirection.Axis3, false);
                        if (brepSlabHnds.Count > 0)
                            HostObjectExporter.ExportHostObjectMaterials(exporterIFC, floorElement, brepSlabHnds,
                                                                         geometryElement, productWrapper, ElementId.InvalidElementId, Toolkit.IFCLayerSetDirection.Axis3, true);

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Exports a CeilingAndFloor element to IFC.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exporterIFC">The ExporterIFC object.</param>
        /// <param name="floor">The floor element.</param>
        /// <param name="geometryElement">The geometry element.</param>
        /// <param name="productWrapper">The ProductWrapper.</param>
        public static void ExportCeilingAndFloorElement(ExporterIFC exporterIFC, CeilingAndFloor floorElement, GeometryElement geometryElement,
                                                        ProductWrapper productWrapper)
            if (geometryElement == null)

            // export parts or not
            bool exportParts = PartExporter.CanExportParts(floorElement);

            if (exportParts && !PartExporter.CanExportElementInPartExport(floorElement, floorElement.LevelId, false))

            IFCFile file = exporterIFC.GetFile();

            string               ifcEnumType;
            IFCExportInfoPair    exportType   = ExporterUtil.GetExportType(exporterIFC, floorElement, out ifcEnumType);
            IFCAnyHandle         type         = null;
            MaterialLayerSetInfo layersetInfo = null;

            if (!ElementFilteringUtil.IsElementVisible(floorElement))

            // Check the intended IFC entity or type name is in the exclude list specified in the UI
            Common.Enums.IFCEntityType elementClassTypeEnum;
            if (Enum.TryParse <Common.Enums.IFCEntityType>(exportType.ExportInstance.ToString(), out elementClassTypeEnum) ||
                Enum.TryParse <Common.Enums.IFCEntityType>(exportType.ExportType.ToString(), out elementClassTypeEnum))
                if (ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.IsElementInExcludeList(elementClassTypeEnum))

            Document doc = floorElement.Document;

            using (SubTransaction tempPartTransaction = new SubTransaction(doc))
                // For IFC4RV export, Floor will be split into its parts(temporarily) in order to export the floor by its parts
                bool exportByComponents = ExporterUtil.ShouldExportByComponents(floorElement, exportParts);

                using (IFCTransaction tr = new IFCTransaction(file))
                    bool canExportAsContainerOrWithExtrusionAnalyzer = (!exportParts && (floorElement is Floor));

                    if (canExportAsContainerOrWithExtrusionAnalyzer)
                        // Try to export the Floor slab as a container.  If that succeeds, we are done.
                        // If we do export the floor as a container, it will take care of the local placement and transform there, so we need to leave
                        // this out of the IFCTransformSetter and PlacementSetter scopes below, or else we'll get double transforms.
                        IFCAnyHandle floorHnd = RoofExporter.ExportRoofOrFloorAsContainer(exporterIFC, floorElement, geometryElement, productWrapper);
                        if (!IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(floorHnd))

                    IList <IFCAnyHandle> slabHnds        = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();
                    IList <IFCAnyHandle> brepSlabHnds    = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();
                    IList <IFCAnyHandle> nonBrepSlabHnds = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();

                    IFCAnyHandle ownerHistory = ExporterCacheManager.OwnerHistoryHandle;

                    using (IFCTransformSetter transformSetter = IFCTransformSetter.Create())
                        // Check for containment override
                        IFCAnyHandle overrideContainerHnd = null;
                        ElementId    overrideContainerId  = ParameterUtil.OverrideContainmentParameter(exporterIFC, floorElement, out overrideContainerHnd);

                        using (PlacementSetter placementSetter = PlacementSetter.Create(exporterIFC, floorElement, null, null, overrideContainerId, overrideContainerHnd))
                            IFCAnyHandle localPlacement = placementSetter.LocalPlacement;

                            // The routine ExportExtrudedSlabOpenings is called if exportedAsInternalExtrusion is true, and it requires having a valid level association.
                            // Disable calling ExportSlabAsExtrusion if we can't handle potential openings.
                            bool canExportAsInternalExtrusion = placementSetter.LevelInfo != null;
                            bool exportedAsInternalExtrusion  = false;

                            ElementId catId = CategoryUtil.GetSafeCategoryId(floorElement);

                            IList <IFCAnyHandle>             prodReps        = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();
                            IList <ShapeRepresentationType>  repTypes        = new List <ShapeRepresentationType>();
                            IList <IList <CurveLoop> >       extrusionLoops  = new List <IList <CurveLoop> >();
                            IList <IFCExtrusionCreationData> loopExtraParams = new List <IFCExtrusionCreationData>();
                            Plane floorPlane = GeometryUtil.CreateDefaultPlane();

                            IList <IFCAnyHandle> localPlacements = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();

                            if (canExportAsContainerOrWithExtrusionAnalyzer)
                                Floor floor = floorElement as Floor;

                                // Next, try to use the ExtrusionAnalyzer for the limited cases it handles - 1 solid, no openings, end clippings only.
                                // Also limited to cases with line and arc boundaries.
                                SolidMeshGeometryInfo  solidMeshInfo = GeometryUtil.GetSplitSolidMeshGeometry(geometryElement);
                                IList <Solid>          solids        = solidMeshInfo.GetSolids();
                                IList <Mesh>           meshes        = solidMeshInfo.GetMeshes();
                                IList <GeometryObject> gObjs         = FamilyExporterUtil.RemoveInvisibleSolidsAndMeshes(floorElement.Document, exporterIFC, ref solids, ref meshes);

                                if (solids.Count == 1 && meshes.Count == 0)
                                    bool completelyClipped;
                                    // floorExtrusionDirection is set to (0, 0, -1) because extrusionAnalyzerFloorPlane is computed from the top face of the floor
                                    XYZ floorExtrusionDirection = new XYZ(0, 0, -1);
                                    XYZ modelOrigin             = XYZ.Zero;

                                    XYZ floorOrigin = floor.GetVerticalProjectionPoint(modelOrigin, FloorFace.Top);
                                    if (floorOrigin == null)
                                        // GetVerticalProjectionPoint may return null if FloorFace.Top is an edited face that doesn't
                                        // go through the Revit model origin.  We'll try the midpoint of the bounding box instead.
                                        BoundingBoxXYZ boundingBox = floorElement.get_BoundingBox(null);
                                        modelOrigin = (boundingBox.Min + boundingBox.Max) / 2.0;
                                        floorOrigin = floor.GetVerticalProjectionPoint(modelOrigin, FloorFace.Top);

                                    if (floorOrigin != null)
                                        XYZ   floorDir = floor.GetNormalAtVerticalProjectionPoint(floorOrigin, FloorFace.Top);
                                        Plane extrusionAnalyzerFloorBasePlane = GeometryUtil.CreatePlaneByNormalAtOrigin(floorDir);

                                        GenerateAdditionalInfo additionalInfo = GenerateAdditionalInfo.GenerateBody;
                                        additionalInfo |= ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.ExportAs4 ?
                                                          GenerateAdditionalInfo.GenerateFootprint : GenerateAdditionalInfo.None;

                                        // Skip generate body item for IFC4RV. It will be handled later in PartExporter.ExportHostPartAsShapeAspects()
                                        if (exportByComponents)
                                            additionalInfo &= ~GenerateAdditionalInfo.GenerateBody;

                                        HandleAndData floorAndProperties =
                                            ExtrusionExporter.CreateExtrusionWithClippingAndProperties(exporterIFC, floorElement,
                                                                                                       catId, solids[0], extrusionAnalyzerFloorBasePlane, floorOrigin, floorExtrusionDirection, null, out completelyClipped,
                                                                                                       addInfo: additionalInfo);
                                        if (completelyClipped)

                                        IList <IFCAnyHandle> representations = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();
                                        if (floorAndProperties.Handle != null)

                                        // Footprint representation will only be exported in export to IFC4
                                        if (((additionalInfo & GenerateAdditionalInfo.GenerateFootprint) != 0) && (floorAndProperties.FootprintInfo != null))
                                            IFCAnyHandle footprintShapeRep = floorAndProperties.FootprintInfo.CreateFootprintShapeRepresentation(exporterIFC);

                                        if (exportByComponents)
                                            IFCAnyHandle prodRep = RepresentationUtil.CreateProductDefinitionShapeWithoutBodyRep(exporterIFC, floorElement, catId, geometryElement, representations);
                                        else if (representations.Count > 0 && floorAndProperties.Handle != null) // Only when at least the body rep exists will come here
                                            IFCAnyHandle prodRep = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateProductDefinitionShape(file, null, null, representations);

                                        if (floorAndProperties.Data != null)

                            // Use internal routine as backup that handles openings.
                            if (prodReps.Count == 0 && canExportAsInternalExtrusion && !exportByComponents)
                                exportedAsInternalExtrusion = ExporterIFCUtils.ExportSlabAsExtrusion(exporterIFC, floorElement,
                                                                                                     geometryElement, transformSetter, localPlacement, out localPlacements, out prodReps,
                                                                                                     out extrusionLoops, out loopExtraParams, floorPlane);
                                PotentiallyFixPresentationLayerAssignment(floorElement, prodReps);
                                for (int ii = 0; ii < prodReps.Count; ii++)
                                    // all are extrusions

                                    // Footprint representation will only be exported in export to IFC4
                                    if (ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.ExportAs4)
                                        if (extrusionLoops.Count > ii)
                                            if (extrusionLoops[ii].Count > 0)
                                                // Get the extrusion footprint using the first Curveloop. Transform needs to be obtained from the returned local placement
                                                Transform    lcs = ExporterIFCUtils.GetUnscaledTransform(exporterIFC, localPlacements[ii]);
                                                IFCAnyHandle footprintGeomRepItem = GeometryUtil.CreateIFCCurveFromCurveLoop(exporterIFC, extrusionLoops[ii][0], lcs, floorPlane.Normal);

                                                IFCAnyHandle        contextOfItemsFootprint = exporterIFC.Get3DContextHandle("FootPrint");
                                                ISet <IFCAnyHandle> repItem = new HashSet <IFCAnyHandle>();
                                                IFCAnyHandle         footprintShapeRepresentation = RepresentationUtil.CreateBaseShapeRepresentation(exporterIFC, contextOfItemsFootprint, "FootPrint", "Curve2D", repItem);
                                                IList <IFCAnyHandle> reps = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();
                                                IFCAnyHandleUtil.AddRepresentations(prodReps[ii], reps);

                            IFCAnyHandle prodDefHnd;
                            if (prodReps.Count == 0)
                                if (exportByComponents)
                                    prodDefHnd = RepresentationUtil.CreateProductDefinitionShapeWithoutBodyRep(exporterIFC, floorElement, catId, geometryElement, null);
                                    using (IFCExtrusionCreationData ecData = new IFCExtrusionCreationData())
                                        // Brep representation using tesellation after ExportSlabAsExtrusion does not return prodReps
                                        BodyExporterOptions bodyExporterOptions = new BodyExporterOptions(true, ExportOptionsCache.ExportTessellationLevel.Medium);
                                        BodyData            bodyData;
                                        prodDefHnd = RepresentationUtil.CreateAppropriateProductDefinitionShape(exporterIFC,
                                                                                                                floorElement, catId, geometryElement, bodyExporterOptions, null, ecData, out bodyData);
                                        if (IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(prodDefHnd))


                            // Create the slab from either the extrusion or the BRep information.
                            string ifcGUID = GUIDUtil.CreateGUID(floorElement);

                            int numReps = exportParts ? 1 : prodReps.Count;

                            // Deal with a couple of cases that have non-standard defaults.
                            switch (exportType.ExportInstance)
                            case IFCEntityType.IfcCovering:
                                exportType.ValidatedPredefinedType = IFCValidateEntry.GetValidIFCType <IFCCoveringType>(floorElement, ifcEnumType, "FLOORING");

                            case IFCEntityType.IfcSlab:
                                bool            isBaseSlab      = false;
                                AnalyticalModel analyticalModel = floorElement.GetAnalyticalModel();
                                if (analyticalModel != null)
                                    AnalyzeAs slabFoundationType = analyticalModel.GetAnalyzeAs();
                                    isBaseSlab = (slabFoundationType == AnalyzeAs.SlabOnGrade) || (slabFoundationType == AnalyzeAs.Mat);
                                exportType.ValidatedPredefinedType = IFCValidateEntry.GetValidIFCType <IFCSlabType>(floorElement, ifcEnumType, isBaseSlab ? "BASESLAB" : "FLOOR");

                            for (int ii = 0; ii < numReps; ii++)
                                string ifcName = NamingUtil.GetNameOverride(floorElement, NamingUtil.GetIFCNamePlusIndex(floorElement, ii == 0 ? -1 : ii + 1));

                                string       currentGUID       = (ii == 0) ? ifcGUID : GUIDUtil.CreateGUID();
                                IFCAnyHandle localPlacementHnd = exportedAsInternalExtrusion ? localPlacements[ii] : localPlacement;

                                IFCAnyHandle slabHnd = null;
                                slabHnd = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateGenericIFCEntity(exportType, exporterIFC, floorElement, currentGUID, ownerHistory,
                                                                                     localPlacementHnd, exportParts ? null : prodReps[ii]);
                                if (IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(slabHnd))

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ifcName))
                                    IFCAnyHandleUtil.OverrideNameAttribute(slabHnd, ifcName);

                                // Pre IFC4 Slab does not have PredefinedType
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exportType.ValidatedPredefinedType) && !ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.ExportAsOlderThanIFC4)
                                    IFCAnyHandleUtil.SetAttribute(slabHnd, "PredefinedType", exportType.ValidatedPredefinedType, true);
                                if (exportParts && !ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.ExportAs4ReferenceView)
                                    PartExporter.ExportHostPart(exporterIFC, floorElement, slabHnd, productWrapper, placementSetter, localPlacementHnd, null);
                                else if (exportByComponents)
                                    IFCExtrusionCreationData partECData            = new IFCExtrusionCreationData();
                                    IFCAnyHandle             hostShapeRepFromParts = PartExporter.ExportHostPartAsShapeAspects(exporterIFC, floorElement, prodReps[ii],
                                                                                                                               productWrapper, placementSetter, localPlacement, ElementId.InvalidElementId, out layersetInfo, partECData);


                                // For IFC4RV, export of the geometry is already handled in PartExporter.ExportHostPartAsShapeAspects()
                                if (!exportParts && !exportByComponents)
                                    if (repTypes[ii] == ShapeRepresentationType.Brep || repTypes[ii] == ShapeRepresentationType.Tessellation)

                            for (int ii = 0; ii < numReps; ii++)
                                IFCExtrusionCreationData loopExtraParam = ii < loopExtraParams.Count ? loopExtraParams[ii] : null;
                                productWrapper.AddElement(floorElement, slabHnds[ii], placementSetter, loopExtraParam, true, exportType);

                                type = ExporterUtil.CreateGenericTypeFromElement(floorElement, exportType, file, ownerHistory, exportType.ValidatedPredefinedType, productWrapper);
                                ExporterCacheManager.TypeRelationsCache.Add(type, slabHnds[ii]);

                                ExporterUtil.AddIntoComplexPropertyCache(slabHnds[ii], layersetInfo);

                            // This call to the native function appears to create Brep opening also when appropriate. But the creation of the IFC instances is not
                            //   controllable from the managed code. Therefore in some cases BRep geometry for Opening will still be exported even in the Reference View
                            if (exportedAsInternalExtrusion)
                                ISet <IFCAnyHandle> oldCreatedObjects = productWrapper.GetAllObjects();
                                ExporterIFCUtils.ExportExtrudedSlabOpenings(exporterIFC, floorElement, placementSetter.LevelInfo,
                                                                            localPlacements[0], slabHnds, extrusionLoops, floorPlane, productWrapper.ToNative());
                                ISet <IFCAnyHandle> newCreatedObjects = productWrapper.GetAllObjects();
                                PotentiallyFixPresentationLayerAssignment(floorElement, newCreatedObjects);

                        if (!exportParts)
                            if (ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.ExportAs4ReferenceView)
                                HostObjectExporter.ExportHostObjectMaterials(exporterIFC, floorElement, productWrapper.GetAnElement(),
                                                                             geometryElement, productWrapper, ElementId.InvalidElementId, Toolkit.IFCLayerSetDirection.Axis3, false, type);
                                if (nonBrepSlabHnds.Count > 0)
                                    HostObjectExporter.ExportHostObjectMaterials(exporterIFC, floorElement, nonBrepSlabHnds,
                                                                                 geometryElement, productWrapper, ElementId.InvalidElementId, Toolkit.IFCLayerSetDirection.Axis3, false, type);

                                if (brepSlabHnds.Count > 0)
                                    HostObjectExporter.ExportHostObjectMaterials(exporterIFC, floorElement, brepSlabHnds,
                                                                                 geometryElement, productWrapper, ElementId.InvalidElementId, Toolkit.IFCLayerSetDirection.Axis3, true, type);

Exemplo n.º 5
        public List <CurveArray> Execute(
            Floor boundary,
            Floor eave)
            List <CurveArray> Results = new List <CurveArray>();

            Document    doc = boundary.Document;
            Application app = doc.Application;

            // Two slabs to intersect.

            CeilingAndFloor[] slab
                = new CeilingAndFloor[2] {
                eave, boundary

            // Retrieve the two slabs' boundary loops

            Polygons subj = GetBoundaryLoops(slab[0]);
            Polygons clip = GetBoundaryLoops(slab[1]);

            // Calculate the intersection

            Polygons intersection = new Polygons();

            Clipper c = new Clipper();

            c.AddPaths(subj, PolyType.ptSubject, true);
            c.AddPaths(clip, PolyType.ptClip, true);

            c.Execute(ClipType.ctIntersection, intersection,
                      PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd, PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd);

            // Check for a valid intersection

            if (0 < intersection.Count)
                foreach (Polygon poly in intersection)
                    CurveArray curves = app.Create.NewCurveArray();
                    IntPoint?  p0     = null; // first
                    IntPoint?  p      = null; // previous

                    foreach (IntPoint q in poly)
                        if (null == p0)
                            p0 = q;
                        if (null != p)
                        p = q;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void Stream( ArrayList data, CeilingAndFloor ceilFloor )
            data.Add( new Snoop.Data.ClassSeparator( typeof( CeilingAndFloor ) ) );

              // Nothing at this level yet!

              Floor floor = ceilFloor as Floor;
              if( floor != null )
            Stream( data, floor );
        /// <summary>
        /// Exports a CeilingAndFloor element to IFC.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exporterIFC">The ExporterIFC object.</param>
        /// <param name="floor">The floor element.</param>
        /// <param name="geometryElement">The geometry element.</param>
        /// <param name="productWrapper">The ProductWrapper.</param>
        public static void ExportCeilingAndFloorElement(ExporterIFC exporterIFC, CeilingAndFloor floorElement, GeometryElement geometryElement, 
            ProductWrapper productWrapper)
            if (geometryElement == null)

            // export parts or not
            bool exportParts = PartExporter.CanExportParts(floorElement);
            if (exportParts && !PartExporter.CanExportElementInPartExport(floorElement, floorElement.LevelId, false))

            string ifcEnumType;
            IFCExportType exportType = ExporterUtil.GetExportType(exporterIFC, floorElement, out ifcEnumType);

            IFCFile file = exporterIFC.GetFile();
            IList<IFCAnyHandle> slabHnds = new List<IFCAnyHandle>();
            IList<IFCAnyHandle> brepSlabHnds = new List<IFCAnyHandle>();
            IList<IFCAnyHandle> nonBrepSlabHnds = new List<IFCAnyHandle>();
            using (IFCTransaction tr = new IFCTransaction(file))
                using (IFCTransformSetter transformSetter = IFCTransformSetter.Create())
                    using (PlacementSetter placementSetter = PlacementSetter.Create(exporterIFC, floorElement))
                        IFCAnyHandle localPlacement = placementSetter.LocalPlacement;
                        IFCAnyHandle ownerHistory = exporterIFC.GetOwnerHistoryHandle();
                        bool exportedAsInternalExtrusion = false;

                        ElementId catId = CategoryUtil.GetSafeCategoryId(floorElement);

                        IList<IFCAnyHandle> prodReps = new List<IFCAnyHandle>();
                        IList<ShapeRepresentationType> repTypes = new List<ShapeRepresentationType>();
                        IList<IList<CurveLoop>> extrusionLoops = new List<IList<CurveLoop>>();
                        IList<IFCExtrusionCreationData> loopExtraParams = new List<IFCExtrusionCreationData>();
                        Plane floorPlane = GeometryUtil.CreateDefaultPlane();

                        IList<IFCAnyHandle> localPlacements = new List<IFCAnyHandle>();

                        if (!exportParts && (floorElement is Floor))
                            Floor floor = floorElement as Floor;

                            // Try to use the ExtrusionAnalyzer for the limited cases it handles - 1 solid, no openings, end clippings only.
                            // Also limited to cases with line and arc boundaries.
                            SolidMeshGeometryInfo solidMeshInfo = GeometryUtil.GetSplitSolidMeshGeometry(geometryElement);
                            IList<Solid> solids = solidMeshInfo.GetSolids();
                            IList<Mesh> meshes = solidMeshInfo.GetMeshes();

                            if (solids.Count == 1 && meshes.Count == 0)
                                bool completelyClipped;
                                XYZ floorExtrusionDirection = new XYZ(0, 0, -1);
                                XYZ modelOrigin = XYZ.Zero;

                                XYZ floorOrigin = floor.GetVerticalProjectionPoint(modelOrigin, FloorFace.Top);
                                if (floorOrigin == null)
                                    // GetVerticalProjectionPoint may return null if FloorFace.Top is an edited face that doesn't 
                                    // go thruough te Revit model orgigin.  We'll try the midpoint of the bounding box instead.
                                    BoundingBoxXYZ boundingBox = floorElement.get_BoundingBox(null);
                                    modelOrigin = (boundingBox.Min + boundingBox.Max) / 2.0;
                                    floorOrigin = floor.GetVerticalProjectionPoint(modelOrigin, FloorFace.Top);

                                if (floorOrigin != null)
                                    XYZ floorDir = floor.GetNormalAtVerticalProjectionPoint(floorOrigin, FloorFace.Top);
                                    Plane extrusionAnalyzerFloorPlane = new Plane(floorDir, floorOrigin);

                                    HandleAndData floorAndProperties =
                                        ExtrusionExporter.CreateExtrusionWithClippingAndProperties(exporterIFC, floorElement,
                                        catId, solids[0], extrusionAnalyzerFloorPlane, floorExtrusionDirection, null, out completelyClipped);
                                    if (completelyClipped)
                                    if (floorAndProperties.Handle != null)
                                        IList<IFCAnyHandle> representations = new List<IFCAnyHandle>();
                                        IFCAnyHandle prodRep = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateProductDefinitionShape(file, null, null, representations);

                                        if (floorAndProperties.Data != null)
                        // Use internal routine as backup that handles openings.
                        if (prodReps.Count == 0)
                            exportedAsInternalExtrusion = ExporterIFCUtils.ExportSlabAsExtrusion(exporterIFC, floorElement,
                                geometryElement, transformSetter, localPlacement, out localPlacements, out prodReps,
                                out extrusionLoops, out loopExtraParams, floorPlane);
                            for (int ii = 0; ii < prodReps.Count; ii++)
                                // all are extrusions

                        if (prodReps.Count == 0)
                            using (IFCExtrusionCreationData ecData = new IFCExtrusionCreationData())
                                BodyExporterOptions bodyExporterOptions = new BodyExporterOptions(true);
                                bodyExporterOptions.TessellationLevel = BodyExporter.GetTessellationLevel();
                                BodyData bodyData;
                                IFCAnyHandle prodDefHnd = RepresentationUtil.CreateAppropriateProductDefinitionShape(exporterIFC,
                                    floorElement, catId, geometryElement, bodyExporterOptions, null, ecData, out bodyData);
                                if (IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(prodDefHnd))

                        // Create the slab from either the extrusion or the BRep information.
                        string ifcGUID = GUIDUtil.CreateGUID(floorElement);

                        int numReps = exportParts ? 1 : prodReps.Count;

                        string entityType = null;

                        switch (exportType)
                            case IFCExportType.IfcFooting:
                                if (ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.ExportAs4)
                                    entityType = IFCValidateEntry.GetValidIFCType<Revit.IFC.Export.Toolkit.IFC4.IFCFootingType>(floorElement, ifcEnumType, null);
                                    entityType = IFCValidateEntry.GetValidIFCType<IFCFootingType>(floorElement, ifcEnumType, null);
                            case IFCExportType.IfcCovering:
                                entityType = IFCValidateEntry.GetValidIFCType<IFCCoveringType>(floorElement, ifcEnumType, "FLOORING");
                            case IFCExportType.IfcRamp:
                                if (ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.ExportAs4)
                                    entityType = IFCValidateEntry.GetValidIFCType<Revit.IFC.Export.Toolkit.IFC4.IFCRampType>(floorElement, ifcEnumType, null);
                                    entityType = IFCValidateEntry.GetValidIFCType<IFCRampType>(floorElement, ifcEnumType, null);
                                bool isBaseSlab = false;
                                AnalyticalModel analyticalModel = floorElement.GetAnalyticalModel();
                                if (analyticalModel != null)
                                    AnalyzeAs slabFoundationType = analyticalModel.GetAnalyzeAs();
                                    isBaseSlab = (slabFoundationType == AnalyzeAs.SlabOnGrade) || (slabFoundationType == AnalyzeAs.Mat);
                                entityType = IFCValidateEntry.GetValidIFCType<IFCSlabType>(floorElement, ifcEnumType, isBaseSlab ? "BASESLAB" : "FLOOR");
                        for (int ii = 0; ii < numReps; ii++)
                            string ifcName = NamingUtil.GetNameOverride(floorElement, NamingUtil.GetIFCNamePlusIndex(floorElement, ii == 0 ? -1 : ii + 1));
                            string ifcDescription = NamingUtil.GetDescriptionOverride(floorElement, null);
                            string ifcObjectType = NamingUtil.GetObjectTypeOverride(floorElement, exporterIFC.GetFamilyName());
                            string ifcTag = NamingUtil.GetTagOverride(floorElement, NamingUtil.CreateIFCElementId(floorElement));

                            string currentGUID = (ii == 0) ? ifcGUID : GUIDUtil.CreateGUID();
                            IFCAnyHandle localPlacementHnd = exportedAsInternalExtrusion ? localPlacements[ii] : localPlacement;

                            IFCAnyHandle slabHnd = null;

                            // TODO: replace with CreateGenericBuildingElement.
                            switch (exportType)
                                case IFCExportType.IfcFooting:
                                    slabHnd = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateFooting(file, currentGUID, ownerHistory, ifcName,
                                        ifcDescription, ifcObjectType, localPlacementHnd, exportParts ? null : prodReps[ii],
                                        ifcTag, entityType);
                                case IFCExportType.IfcCovering:
                                    slabHnd = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateCovering(file, currentGUID, ownerHistory, ifcName,
                                        ifcDescription, ifcObjectType, localPlacementHnd, exportParts ? null : prodReps[ii],
                                        ifcTag, entityType); 
                                case IFCExportType.IfcRamp:
                                    slabHnd = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateRamp(file, currentGUID, ownerHistory, ifcName,
                                        ifcDescription, ifcObjectType, localPlacementHnd, exportParts ? null : prodReps[ii],
                                        ifcTag, entityType);
                                    slabHnd = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateSlab(file, currentGUID, ownerHistory, ifcName,
                                        ifcDescription, ifcObjectType, localPlacementHnd, exportParts ? null : prodReps[ii],
                                        ifcTag, entityType);

                            if (IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(slabHnd))

                            if (exportParts)
                                PartExporter.ExportHostPart(exporterIFC, floorElement, slabHnd, productWrapper, placementSetter, localPlacementHnd, null);


                            if (!exportParts)
                                if (repTypes[ii] == ShapeRepresentationType.Brep)

                        for (int ii = 0; ii < numReps; ii++)
                            IFCExtrusionCreationData loopExtraParam = ii < loopExtraParams.Count ? loopExtraParams[ii] : null;
                            productWrapper.AddElement(floorElement, slabHnds[ii], placementSetter, loopExtraParam, true);

                        // This call to the native function appears to create Brep opening also when appropriate. But the creation of the IFC instances is not
                        //   controllable from the managed code. Therefore in some cases BRep geometry for Opening will still be exported even in the Reference View
                        if (exportedAsInternalExtrusion)
                            ExporterIFCUtils.ExportExtrudedSlabOpenings(exporterIFC, floorElement, placementSetter.LevelInfo,
                               localPlacements[0], slabHnds, extrusionLoops, floorPlane, productWrapper.ToNative());

                    if (!exportParts)
                        if (nonBrepSlabHnds.Count > 0)
                            HostObjectExporter.ExportHostObjectMaterials(exporterIFC, floorElement, nonBrepSlabHnds,
                                geometryElement, productWrapper, ElementId.InvalidElementId, Toolkit.IFCLayerSetDirection.Axis3, false);
                        if (brepSlabHnds.Count > 0)
                            HostObjectExporter.ExportHostObjectMaterials(exporterIFC, floorElement, brepSlabHnds,
                                geometryElement, productWrapper, ElementId.InvalidElementId, Toolkit.IFCLayerSetDirection.Axis3, true);

Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Exports a CeilingAndFloor element to IFC.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exporterIFC">The ExporterIFC object.</param>
        /// <param name="floor">The floor element.</param>
        /// <param name="geometryElement">The geometry element.</param>
        /// <param name="productWrapper">The ProductWrapper.</param>
        public static void ExportCeilingAndFloorElement(ExporterIFC exporterIFC, CeilingAndFloor floorElement, GeometryElement geometryElement,
                                                        ProductWrapper productWrapper)
            if (geometryElement == null)

            // export parts or not
            bool exportParts = PartExporter.CanExportParts(floorElement);

            if (exportParts && !PartExporter.CanExportElementInPartExport(floorElement, floorElement.LevelId, false))

            IFCFile file = exporterIFC.GetFile();

            string        ifcEnumType;
            IFCExportType exportType = ExporterUtil.GetExportType(exporterIFC, floorElement, out ifcEnumType);

            // Check the intended IFC entity or type name is in the exclude list specified in the UI
            Common.Enums.IFCEntityType elementClassTypeEnum;
            if (Enum.TryParse <Common.Enums.IFCEntityType>(exportType.ToString(), out elementClassTypeEnum))
                if (ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.IsElementInExcludeList(elementClassTypeEnum))

            using (IFCTransaction tr = new IFCTransaction(file))
                bool canExportAsContainerOrWithExtrusionAnalyzer = (!exportParts && (floorElement is Floor));

                if (canExportAsContainerOrWithExtrusionAnalyzer)
                    // Try to export the Floor slab as a container.  If that succeeds, we are done.
                    // If we do export the floor as a container, it will take care of the local placement and transform there, so we need to leave
                    // this out of the IFCTransformSetter and PlacementSetter scopes below, or else we'll get double transforms.
                    IFCAnyHandle floorHnd = RoofExporter.ExportRoofOrFloorAsContainer(exporterIFC, ifcEnumType, floorElement, geometryElement, productWrapper);
                    if (!IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(floorHnd))

                IList <IFCAnyHandle> slabHnds        = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();
                IList <IFCAnyHandle> brepSlabHnds    = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();
                IList <IFCAnyHandle> nonBrepSlabHnds = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();

                using (IFCTransformSetter transformSetter = IFCTransformSetter.Create())
                    using (PlacementSetter placementSetter = PlacementSetter.Create(exporterIFC, floorElement))
                        IFCAnyHandle localPlacement = placementSetter.LocalPlacement;
                        IFCAnyHandle ownerHistory   = ExporterCacheManager.OwnerHistoryHandle;

                        // The routine ExportExtrudedSlabOpenings is called if exportedAsInternalExtrusion is true, and it requires having a valid level association.
                        // Disable calling ExportSlabAsExtrusion if we can't handle potential openings.
                        bool canExportAsInternalExtrusion = placementSetter.LevelInfo != null;
                        bool exportedAsInternalExtrusion  = false;

                        ElementId catId = CategoryUtil.GetSafeCategoryId(floorElement);

                        IList <IFCAnyHandle>             prodReps        = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();
                        IList <ShapeRepresentationType>  repTypes        = new List <ShapeRepresentationType>();
                        IList <IList <CurveLoop> >       extrusionLoops  = new List <IList <CurveLoop> >();
                        IList <IFCExtrusionCreationData> loopExtraParams = new List <IFCExtrusionCreationData>();
                        Plane floorPlane = GeometryUtil.CreateDefaultPlane();

                        IList <IFCAnyHandle> localPlacements = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();

                        if (canExportAsContainerOrWithExtrusionAnalyzer)
                            Floor floor = floorElement as Floor;

                            // Next, try to use the ExtrusionAnalyzer for the limited cases it handles - 1 solid, no openings, end clippings only.
                            // Also limited to cases with line and arc boundaries.
                            SolidMeshGeometryInfo solidMeshInfo = GeometryUtil.GetSplitSolidMeshGeometry(geometryElement);
                            IList <Solid>         solids        = solidMeshInfo.GetSolids();
                            IList <Mesh>          meshes        = solidMeshInfo.GetMeshes();

                            if (solids.Count == 1 && meshes.Count == 0)
                                bool completelyClipped;
                                // floorExtrusionDirection is set to (0, 0, -1) because extrusionAnalyzerFloorPlane is computed from the top face of the floor
                                XYZ floorExtrusionDirection = new XYZ(0, 0, -1);
                                XYZ modelOrigin             = XYZ.Zero;

                                XYZ floorOrigin = floor.GetVerticalProjectionPoint(modelOrigin, FloorFace.Top);
                                if (floorOrigin == null)
                                    // GetVerticalProjectionPoint may return null if FloorFace.Top is an edited face that doesn't
                                    // go through the Revit model origin.  We'll try the midpoint of the bounding box instead.
                                    BoundingBoxXYZ boundingBox = floorElement.get_BoundingBox(null);
                                    modelOrigin = (boundingBox.Min + boundingBox.Max) / 2.0;
                                    floorOrigin = floor.GetVerticalProjectionPoint(modelOrigin, FloorFace.Top);

                                if (floorOrigin != null)
                                    XYZ   floorDir = floor.GetNormalAtVerticalProjectionPoint(floorOrigin, FloorFace.Top);
                                    Plane extrusionAnalyzerFloorBasePlane = GeometryUtil.CreatePlaneByNormalAtOrigin(floorDir);

                                    GenerateAdditionalInfo additionalInfo     = ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.ExportAs4 ? GenerateAdditionalInfo.GenerateFootprint : GenerateAdditionalInfo.None;
                                    HandleAndData          floorAndProperties =
                                        ExtrusionExporter.CreateExtrusionWithClippingAndProperties(exporterIFC, floorElement,
                                                                                                   catId, solids[0], extrusionAnalyzerFloorBasePlane, floorOrigin, floorExtrusionDirection, null, out completelyClipped,
                                                                                                   addInfo: additionalInfo);
                                    if (completelyClipped)
                                    if (floorAndProperties.Handle != null)
                                        IList <IFCAnyHandle> representations = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();

                                        // Footprint representation will only be exported in export to IFC4
                                        if (((additionalInfo & GenerateAdditionalInfo.GenerateFootprint) != 0) && (floorAndProperties.FootprintInfo != null))
                                            if (!(IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(floorAndProperties.FootprintInfo.FootPrintHandle)))

                                        IFCAnyHandle prodRep = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateProductDefinitionShape(file, null, null, representations);

                                        if (floorAndProperties.Data != null)

                        // Use internal routine as backup that handles openings.
                        if (prodReps.Count == 0 && canExportAsInternalExtrusion)
                            //IList<IFCAnyHandle> prodRepsTmp = new List<IFCAnyHandle>();
                            exportedAsInternalExtrusion = ExporterIFCUtils.ExportSlabAsExtrusion(exporterIFC, floorElement,
                                                                                                 geometryElement, transformSetter, localPlacement, out localPlacements, out prodReps,
                                                                                                 out extrusionLoops, out loopExtraParams, floorPlane);
                            for (int ii = 0; ii < prodReps.Count; ii++)
                                // all are extrusions

                                // Footprint representation will only be exported in export to IFC4
                                if (ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.ExportAs4)
                                    // Get back the representations, we need to add the Footprint to it
                                    //IList<IFCAnyHandle> representations = IFCAnyHandleUtil.GetRepresentations(prodRepsTmp[ii]);

                                    if (extrusionLoops.Count > ii)
                                        if (extrusionLoops[ii].Count > 0)
                                            // Get the extrusion footprint using the first Curveloop. Transform needs to be obtained from the returned local placement
                                            Transform    lcs = ExporterIFCUtils.GetUnscaledTransform(exporterIFC, localPlacements[ii]);
                                            IFCAnyHandle footprintGeomRepItem = GeometryUtil.CreateIFCCurveFromCurveLoop(exporterIFC, extrusionLoops[ii][0], lcs, floorPlane.Normal);

                                            IFCAnyHandle        contextOfItemsFootprint = exporterIFC.Get3DContextHandle("FootPrint");
                                            ISet <IFCAnyHandle> repItem = new HashSet <IFCAnyHandle>();
                                            IFCAnyHandle footprintShapeRepresentation = RepresentationUtil.CreateBaseShapeRepresentation(exporterIFC, contextOfItemsFootprint, "FootPrint", "Curve2D", repItem);
                                            IList <IFCAnyHandle> reps = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();
                                            IFCAnyHandleUtil.AddRepresentations(prodReps[ii], reps);
                                    //IFCAnyHandle prodRep = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateProductDefinitionShape(file, null, null, representations);

                                // We do not need the prodRepsTmp anymore, delete the handle:

                        if (prodReps.Count == 0)
                            using (IFCExtrusionCreationData ecData = new IFCExtrusionCreationData())
                                // Brep representation using tesellation after ExportSlabAsExtrusion does not return prodReps
                                BodyExporterOptions bodyExporterOptions = new BodyExporterOptions(true, ExportOptionsCache.ExportTessellationLevel.Medium);
                                BodyData            bodyData;
                                IFCAnyHandle        prodDefHnd = RepresentationUtil.CreateAppropriateProductDefinitionShape(exporterIFC,
                                                                                                                            floorElement, catId, geometryElement, bodyExporterOptions, null, ecData, out bodyData);
                                if (IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(prodDefHnd))


                        // Create the slab from either the extrusion or the BRep information.
                        string ifcGUID = GUIDUtil.CreateGUID(floorElement);

                        int numReps = exportParts ? 1 : prodReps.Count;

                        string entityType = null;

                        switch (exportType)
                        case IFCExportType.IfcFooting:
                            if (ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.ExportAs4)
                                entityType = IFCValidateEntry.GetValidIFCType <Revit.IFC.Export.Toolkit.IFC4.IFCFootingType>(floorElement, ifcEnumType, null);
                                entityType = IFCValidateEntry.GetValidIFCType <IFCFootingType>(floorElement, ifcEnumType, null);

                        case IFCExportType.IfcCovering:
                            entityType = IFCValidateEntry.GetValidIFCType <IFCCoveringType>(floorElement, ifcEnumType, "FLOORING");

                        case IFCExportType.IfcRamp:
                            if (ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.ExportAs4)
                                entityType = IFCValidateEntry.GetValidIFCType <Revit.IFC.Export.Toolkit.IFC4.IFCRampType>(floorElement, ifcEnumType, null);
                                entityType = IFCValidateEntry.GetValidIFCType <IFCRampType>(floorElement, ifcEnumType, null);

                            bool            isBaseSlab      = false;
                            AnalyticalModel analyticalModel = floorElement.GetAnalyticalModel();
                            if (analyticalModel != null)
                                AnalyzeAs slabFoundationType = analyticalModel.GetAnalyzeAs();
                                isBaseSlab = (slabFoundationType == AnalyzeAs.SlabOnGrade) || (slabFoundationType == AnalyzeAs.Mat);
                            entityType = IFCValidateEntry.GetValidIFCType <IFCSlabType>(floorElement, ifcEnumType, isBaseSlab ? "BASESLAB" : "FLOOR");

                        for (int ii = 0; ii < numReps; ii++)
                            string ifcName        = NamingUtil.GetNameOverride(floorElement, NamingUtil.GetIFCNamePlusIndex(floorElement, ii == 0 ? -1 : ii + 1));
                            string ifcDescription = NamingUtil.GetDescriptionOverride(floorElement, null);
                            string ifcObjectType  = NamingUtil.GetObjectTypeOverride(floorElement, exporterIFC.GetFamilyName());
                            string ifcTag         = NamingUtil.GetTagOverride(floorElement, NamingUtil.CreateIFCElementId(floorElement));

                            string       currentGUID       = (ii == 0) ? ifcGUID : GUIDUtil.CreateGUID();
                            IFCAnyHandle localPlacementHnd = exportedAsInternalExtrusion ? localPlacements[ii] : localPlacement;

                            IFCAnyHandle slabHnd = null;

                            // TODO: replace with CreateGenericBuildingElement.
                            switch (exportType)
                            case IFCExportType.IfcFooting:
                                slabHnd = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateFooting(file, currentGUID, ownerHistory, ifcName,
                                                                            ifcDescription, ifcObjectType, localPlacementHnd, exportParts ? null : prodReps[ii],
                                                                            ifcTag, entityType);

                            case IFCExportType.IfcCovering:
                                slabHnd = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateCovering(file, currentGUID, ownerHistory, ifcName,
                                                                             ifcDescription, ifcObjectType, localPlacementHnd, exportParts ? null : prodReps[ii],
                                                                             ifcTag, entityType);

                            case IFCExportType.IfcRamp:
                                slabHnd = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateRamp(file, currentGUID, ownerHistory, ifcName,
                                                                         ifcDescription, ifcObjectType, localPlacementHnd, exportParts ? null : prodReps[ii],
                                                                         ifcTag, entityType);

                                //if ((canExportAsInternalExtrusion || exportedAsInternalExtrusion) && ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.ExportAs4)
                                //    slabHnd = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateSlabStandardCase(file, currentGUID, ownerHistory, ifcName,
                                //        ifcDescription, ifcObjectType, localPlacementHnd, exportParts ? null : prodReps[ii],
                                //        ifcTag, entityType);
                                slabHnd = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateSlab(file, currentGUID, ownerHistory, ifcName,
                                                                         ifcDescription, ifcObjectType, localPlacementHnd, exportParts ? null : prodReps[ii],
                                                                         ifcTag, entityType);

                            if (IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(slabHnd))

                            if (exportParts)
                                PartExporter.ExportHostPart(exporterIFC, floorElement, slabHnd, productWrapper, placementSetter, localPlacementHnd, null);


                            if (!exportParts)
                                if (repTypes[ii] == ShapeRepresentationType.Brep)

                        for (int ii = 0; ii < numReps; ii++)
                            IFCExtrusionCreationData loopExtraParam = ii < loopExtraParams.Count ? loopExtraParams[ii] : null;
                            productWrapper.AddElement(floorElement, slabHnds[ii], placementSetter, loopExtraParam, true);

                        // This call to the native function appears to create Brep opening also when appropriate. But the creation of the IFC instances is not
                        //   controllable from the managed code. Therefore in some cases BRep geometry for Opening will still be exported even in the Reference View
                        if (exportedAsInternalExtrusion)
                            ExporterIFCUtils.ExportExtrudedSlabOpenings(exporterIFC, floorElement, placementSetter.LevelInfo,
                                                                        localPlacements[0], slabHnds, extrusionLoops, floorPlane, productWrapper.ToNative());
                        //// For now we have to be content without IfcOpeningStandardCase from the openings created by this native call because it is too much to
                        ////    "reverse engineer" the IFChandle
                        //foreach (IFCAnyHandle slabHandle in slabHnds)
                        //    updateOpeningProfileRep(exporterIFC, slabHandle);

                    if (!exportParts)
                        if (nonBrepSlabHnds.Count > 0)
                            HostObjectExporter.ExportHostObjectMaterials(exporterIFC, floorElement, nonBrepSlabHnds,
                                                                         geometryElement, productWrapper, ElementId.InvalidElementId, Toolkit.IFCLayerSetDirection.Axis3, false);
                        if (brepSlabHnds.Count > 0)
                            HostObjectExporter.ExportHostObjectMaterials(exporterIFC, floorElement, brepSlabHnds,
                                                                         geometryElement, productWrapper, ElementId.InvalidElementId, Toolkit.IFCLayerSetDirection.Axis3, true);
