Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Can_index_product_demo_data_and_search_using_outline(string providerType)
            var scope    = "test";
            var provider = GetSearchProvider(providerType, scope);

            provider.RemoveAll(scope, "");
            var controller = GetSearchIndexController(provider);

            controller.RemoveIndex(scope, CatalogItemSearchCriteria.DocType);
            controller.BuildIndex(scope, CatalogItemSearchCriteria.DocType, x => { return; });

            // sleep for index to be commited

            // get catalog id by name
            var catalogRepo = GetCatalogRepository();
            var catalog     = catalogRepo.Catalogs.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("electronics", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            // find all prodducts in the category
            var catalogCriteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria()
                Catalog  = catalog.Id,
                Currency = "USD"


            var ibs           = GetItemBrowsingService(provider);
            var searchResults = ibs.SearchItems(scope, catalogCriteria, Domain.Catalog.Model.ItemResponseGroup.ItemLarge);

            Assert.True(searchResults.TotalCount > 0, string.Format("Didn't find any products using {0} search", providerType));
        public SearchResult Search(SearchCriteria criteria)
            SearchResult result;

            var useIndexedSearch = _settingsManager.GetValue("VirtoCommerce.SearchApi.UseCatalogIndexedSearchInManager", true);
            var searchProducts   = criteria.ResponseGroup.HasFlag(SearchResponseGroup.WithProducts);

            if (useIndexedSearch && searchProducts && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria.Keyword))
                result = new SearchResult();

                // TODO: create outline for category
                // TODO: implement sorting

                var serviceCriteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria()
                    SearchPhrase      = criteria.Keyword,
                    Catalog           = criteria.CatalogId,
                    StartingRecord    = criteria.Skip,
                    RecordsToRetrieve = criteria.Take,
                    WithHidden        = criteria.WithHidden,
                    Locale            = "*",

                SearchItems(_searchConnection.Scope, result, serviceCriteria, ItemResponseGroup.ItemInfo | ItemResponseGroup.Outlines);
                // use original impl. from catalog module
                result = _catalogSearchService.Search(criteria);

        protected virtual void AddProductFilters(CatalogItemSearchCriteria criteria)
            if (criteria != null)
                criteria.Apply(CreateDateRangeFilter("startdate", criteria.StartDateFrom, criteria.StartDate, false, true));

                if (criteria.EndDate != null)
                    criteria.Apply(CreateDateRangeFilter("enddate", criteria.EndDate, null, false, false));

                if (!criteria.ClassTypes.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    criteria.Apply(CreateAttributeFilter("__type", criteria.ClassTypes));

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria.Catalog))
                    criteria.Apply(CreateAttributeFilter("catalog", criteria.Catalog.ToLowerInvariant()));

                if (!criteria.Outlines.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    var outlines = criteria.Outlines.Select(o => o.TrimEnd('/', '*').ToLowerInvariant());
                    criteria.Apply(CreateAttributeFilter("__outline", outlines));

                if (!criteria.WithHidden)
                    criteria.Apply(CreateAttributeFilter("status", "visible"));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void ApplyRestrictionsForUser(this CatalogItemSearchCriteria criteria, string userName, ISecurityService securityService)
            // Check global permission
            //    if (!securityService.UserHasAnyPermission(userName, null, CatalogPredefinedPermissions.Read))
            //    {
            //        // Get user 'read' permission scopes
            //        var readPermissionScopes = securityService.GetUserPermissions(userName)
            //            .Where(x => x.Id.StartsWith(CatalogPredefinedPermissions.Read))
            //            .SelectMany(x => x.AssignedScopes)
            //            .ToList();

            //        /*
            //        var catalogScopes = readPermissionScopes.OfType<CatalogSelectedScope>();
            //        if (catalogScopes.Any())
            //        {
            //            // Filter by selected catalog
            //            criteria.CatalogIds = catalogScopes.Select(x => x.Scope)
            //                                               .Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x))
            //                                               .ToArray();
            //        }

            //        var categoryScopes = readPermissionScopes.OfType<CatalogSelectedCategoryScope>();
            //        if (categoryScopes.Any())
            //        {
            //            // Filter by selected categories
            //            criteria.CategoryIds = categoryScopes.Select(x => x.Scope)
            //                                                 .Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x))
            //                                                 .ToArray();
            //        }
            //        */
            //    }
Exemplo n.º 5
        public CatalogItemSearchResults SearchItems(string scope, CatalogItemSearchCriteria criteria)
            var results = _searchService.Search(scope, criteria) as SearchResults;
            var items   = results.GetKeyAndOutlineFieldValueMap <string>();

            var r = new CatalogItemSearchResults(criteria, items, results);

Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the model from criteria.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="criteria">The criteria.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">The parameters.</param>
        /// <returns>CatalogItemSearchModel.</returns>
        private CatalogItemSearchModel GetModelFromCriteria(CatalogItemSearchCriteria criteria,
                                                            SearchParameters parameters)
            criteria.Currency = UserHelper.CustomerSession.Currency;

            var dataSource = CreateDataModel(criteria, parameters, true);

Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches the items.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="criteria">The criteria.</param>
        /// <param name="useCache">if set to <c>true</c> [use cache].</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CatalogItemSearchResults SearchItems(CatalogItemSearchCriteria criteria, bool useCache)
            var scope = _searchConnection.Scope;

                       CacheHelper.CreateCacheKey(Constants.CatalogCachePrefix, string.Format(SearchCacheKey, scope, criteria.CacheKey)),
                       () => _catalogService.SearchItems(scope, criteria),
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected virtual QueryContainer GetCatalogItemQuery <T>(CatalogItemSearchCriteria criteria)
            where T : class
            QueryContainer result = null;

            if (criteria != null)
                result &= new DateRangeQuery {
                    Field = "startdate", LessThanOrEqualTo = criteria.StartDate

                if (criteria.StartDateFrom.HasValue)
                    result &= new DateRangeQuery {
                        Field = "startdate", GreaterThan = criteria.StartDateFrom.Value

                if (criteria.EndDate.HasValue)
                    result &= new DateRangeQuery {
                        Field = "enddate", GreaterThan = criteria.EndDate.Value

                if (!criteria.WithHidden)
                    result &= new TermQuery {
                        Field = "status", Value = "visible"

                if (criteria.Outlines != null && criteria.Outlines.Count > 0)
                    result &= CreateQuery("__outline", criteria.Outlines);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria.Catalog))
                    result &= CreateQuery("catalog", criteria.Catalog);

                if (criteria.ClassTypes != null && criteria.ClassTypes.Count > 0)
                    result &= CreateQuery("__type", criteria.ClassTypes, false);

Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches by given parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="criteria">The criteria.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">The parameters.</param>
        /// <returns>CatalogItemSearchModel.</returns>
        private CatalogItemSearchModel SearchResults(CatalogItemSearchCriteria criteria, SearchParameters parameters)
            var pageNumber = parameters.PageIndex;
            var pageSize   = parameters.PageSize;

            criteria.Locale            = UserHelper.CustomerSession.Language;
            criteria.Catalog           = UserHelper.CustomerSession.CatalogId;
            criteria.RecordsToRetrieve = pageSize;
            criteria.StartingRecord    = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize;
            criteria.Pricelists        = UserHelper.CustomerSession.Pricelists;

            return(GetModelFromCriteria(criteria, parameters));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void Can_find_item_lucene()
            var scope        = "default";
            var queryBuilder = new LuceneSearchQueryBuilder();
            var conn         = new SearchConnection(_LuceneStorageDir, scope);
            var provider     = new LuceneSearchProvider(queryBuilder, conn);

            if (Directory.Exists(_LuceneStorageDir))
                Directory.Delete(_LuceneStorageDir, true);

            SearchHelper.CreateSampleIndex(provider, scope);

            var criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                SearchPhrase      = "product",
                IsFuzzySearch     = true,
                Catalog           = "goods",
                RecordsToRetrieve = 10,
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                Pricelists        = new string[] { }

            var results = provider.Search(scope, criteria);

            Assert.True(results.DocCount == 1, String.Format("Returns {0} instead of 1", results.DocCount));

            criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                SearchPhrase      = "sample product ",
                IsFuzzySearch     = true,
                Catalog           = "goods",
                RecordsToRetrieve = 10,
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                Pricelists        = new string[] { }

            results = provider.Search(scope, criteria);

            Assert.True(results.DocCount == 1, String.Format("\"Sample Product\" search returns {0} instead of 1", results.DocCount));

            Directory.Delete(_LuceneStorageDir, true);
Exemplo n.º 11
        private List <Item> Search(CatalogItemSearchCriteria criteria, bool cacheResults, out CatalogItemSearchResults results)
            var items            = new List <Item>();
            var itemsOrderedList = new List <string>();

            int foundItemCount;
            int dbItemCount = 0;
            int searchRetry = 0;

            var myCriteria = criteria.Clone();

                // Search using criteria, it will only return IDs of the items
                results = _catalogClient.SearchItems(myCriteria, cacheResults);

                //Get only new found itemIds
                var uniqueKeys = results.Items.Keys.Except(itemsOrderedList).ToArray();
                foundItemCount = uniqueKeys.Length;

                if (!results.Items.Any())

                // Now load items from repository
                var currentItems = _catalogClient.GetItems(uniqueKeys.ToArray(), cacheResults,
                                                           ItemResponseGroups.ItemAssets |
                                                           ItemResponseGroups.ItemProperties | ItemResponseGroups.ItemEditorialReviews);

                items.AddRange(currentItems.OrderBy(i => itemsOrderedList.IndexOf(i.ItemId)));
                dbItemCount = currentItems.Length;

                //If some items where removed and search is out of sync try getting extra items
                if (foundItemCount > dbItemCount)
                    //Retrieve more items to fill missing gap
                    myCriteria.RecordsToRetrieve += (foundItemCount - dbItemCount);
            } while (foundItemCount > dbItemCount && results.Items.Any() && searchRetry <= 3 &&
                     (myCriteria.RecordsToRetrieve + myCriteria.StartingRecord) < results.TotalCount);

Exemplo n.º 12
        public ActionResult Index(SearchParameters parameters)
            Logger.Info("New search started: " + parameters.FreeSearch);
            ViewBag.Title = String.Format("Searching by '{0}'", parameters.FreeSearch);

            var criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                SearchPhrase  = parameters.FreeSearch,
                IsFuzzySearch = true,
                Catalog       = UserHelper.CustomerSession.CatalogId

            var results = SearchResults(criteria, parameters);

        public void Can_find_item_azuresearch()
            var scope        = "test";
            var queryBuilder = new AzureSearchQueryBuilder();
            var conn         = new SearchConnection(Datasource, scope, accessKey: AccessKey);
            var provider     = new AzureSearchProvider(queryBuilder, conn);

            provider.RemoveAll(scope, String.Empty);
            SearchHelper.CreateSampleIndex(provider, scope);

            var criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                SearchPhrase      = "product",
                IsFuzzySearch     = true,
                Catalog           = "goods",
                RecordsToRetrieve = 10,
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                Pricelists        = new string[] { }

            // force delay, otherwise records are not available

            var results = provider.Search(scope, criteria);

            Assert.True(results.DocCount == 1, String.Format("Returns {0} instead of 1", results.DocCount));

            criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                SearchPhrase      = "sample product ",
                IsFuzzySearch     = true,
                Catalog           = "goods",
                RecordsToRetrieve = 10,
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                Pricelists        = new string[] { }

            results = provider.Search(scope, criteria);

            Assert.True(results.DocCount == 1, String.Format("\"Sample Product\" search returns {0} instead of 1", results.DocCount));

            provider.RemoveAll(scope, String.Empty);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public ActionResult Find(string term)
            Logger.Info("New search started: " + term);
            ViewBag.Title = String.Format("Searching by '{0}'".Localize(), term);

            var parameters = new SearchParameters {
                PageSize = 15
            var criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria {
                SearchPhrase = term.EscapeSearchTerm(), IsFuzzySearch = true
            var results = SearchResults(criteria, parameters);

            var data = from i in results.CatalogItems
                       select new { url = Url.ItemUrl(i.CatalogItem.Item, i.CatalogItem.ParentItemId), value = i.DisplayName };

            return(Json(data.ToArray(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public void Can_index_product_demo_data_and_search_using_outline(string providerType)
            var provider = GetSearchProvider(providerType, _scope);

            RebuildIndex(provider, CatalogItemSearchCriteria.DocType);

            // find all products in the category
            var criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                Catalog  = GetCatalogId("electronics"),
                Currency = "USD",
                Outlines = new[] { "4974648a41df4e6ea67ef2ad76d7bbd4/c76774f9047d4f18a916b38681c50557*" },

            var ibs           = GetItemBrowsingService(provider);
            var searchResults = ibs.SearchItems(_scope, criteria, ItemResponseGroup.ItemLarge);

            Assert.True(searchResults.TotalCount > 0, $"Didn't find any products using {providerType} provider");
Exemplo n.º 16
        protected void AddQueryString(BoolQuery <ESDocument> query, CatalogItemSearchCriteria filter, params string[] fields)
            var searchPhrase = filter.SearchPhrase;

            if (filter.IsFuzzySearch)
                    q =>
                        x =>
                    q =>
                        x =>
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void Throws_exceptions_elastic()
            var providerType    = "Elastic";
            var scope           = _DefaultScope;
            var badscope        = "doesntexist";
            var baddocumenttype = "badtype";
            var provider        = GetSearchProvider(providerType, scope);

            // try removing non-existing index
            // no exception should be generated, since 404 will be just eaten when index doesn't exist
            provider.RemoveAll(badscope, "");
            provider.RemoveAll(badscope, baddocumenttype);

            // now create an index and try removing non-existent document type
            SearchHelper.CreateSampleIndex(provider, scope);
            provider.RemoveAll(scope, "sometype");

            // create bad connection
            var queryBuilder = new ElasticSearchQueryBuilder();

            var conn         = new SearchConnection("localhost:9201", scope);
            var bad_provider = new ElasticSearchProvider(new[] { queryBuilder }, conn);

            bad_provider.EnableTrace = true;

            Assert.Throws <ElasticSearchException>(() => bad_provider.RemoveAll(badscope, ""));

            var criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                SearchPhrase      = "product",
                IsFuzzySearch     = true,
                Catalog           = "goods",
                RecordsToRetrieve = 10,
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                Pricelists        = new string[] { }

            Assert.Throws <ElasticSearchException>(() => bad_provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(scope, criteria));
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void Can_sort_using_search(string providerType)
            var scope    = _DefaultScope;
            var provider = GetSearchProvider(providerType, scope);

            SearchHelper.CreateSampleIndex(provider, scope);

            var criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                Catalog           = "goods",
                RecordsToRetrieve = 10,
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                Pricelists        = new string[] { },
                Sort = new SearchSort("name")

            var results = provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(scope, criteria);

            Assert.True(results.DocCount == 6, string.Format("Returns {0} instead of 1", results.DocCount));
            var productName = results.Documents.ElementAt(0)["name"] as string; // black sox

            Assert.True(productName == "black sox");

            criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                Catalog           = "goods",
                RecordsToRetrieve = 10,
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                Pricelists        = new string[] { },
                Sort = new SearchSort("name", true)

            results = provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(scope, criteria);

            Assert.True(results.DocCount == 6, string.Format("\"Sample Product\" search returns {0} instead of 1", results.DocCount));
            productName = results.Documents.ElementAt(0)["name"] as string; // sample product
            Assert.True(productName == "sample product");
        public void Can_find_items_azuresearch()
            var scope        = "default";
            var queryBuilder = new AzureSearchQueryBuilder();
            var conn         = new SearchConnection(Datasource, scope, accessKey: AccessKey);
            var provider     = new AzureSearchProvider(queryBuilder, conn);

            var criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                SearchPhrase      = "sony",
                IsFuzzySearch     = true,
                Catalog           = "vendorvirtual",
                RecordsToRetrieve = 10,
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                Pricelists        = new string[] { },
                StartDate         = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Sort = new SearchSort("price_usd_saleusd")


            //"(startdate lt 2014-09-26T22:05:11Z) and sys__hidden eq 'false' and sys__outline/any(t:t eq 'VendorVirtual/e1b56012-d877-4bdd-92d8-3fc186899d0f*') and catalog/any(t: t eq 'VendorVirtual')"
            var results = provider.Search(scope, criteria);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void Can_find_item_using_search(string providerType)
            var scope    = _DefaultScope;
            var provider = GetSearchProvider(providerType, scope);

            SearchHelper.CreateSampleIndex(provider, scope);

            var criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                SearchPhrase      = "product",
                IsFuzzySearch     = true,
                Catalog           = "goods",
                RecordsToRetrieve = 10,
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                Pricelists        = new string[] { },
                Sort = new SearchSort("somefield") // specifically add non-existent field

            var results = provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(scope, criteria);

            Assert.True(results.DocCount == 1, string.Format("Returns {0} instead of 1", results.DocCount));

            criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                SearchPhrase      = "sample product ",
                IsFuzzySearch     = true,
                Catalog           = "goods",
                RecordsToRetrieve = 10,
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                Pricelists        = new string[] { }

            results = provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(scope, criteria);

            Assert.True(results.DocCount == 1, string.Format("\"Sample Product\" search returns {0} instead of 1", results.DocCount));
Exemplo n.º 21
        public void CanSearchCatalogItems(string providerType)
            var provider = GetSearchProvider(providerType, _scope);

            SearchTestsHelper.CreateSampleIndex(provider, _scope, _documentType);

            var criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                RecordsToRetrieve = 20,

            var results = provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(_scope, criteria);

            Assert.Equal(12, results.DocCount);
            Assert.Equal(12, results.DocCount);

            // Filter by catalog
            criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                Catalog           = "goods",
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                RecordsToRetrieve = 20,

            results = provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(_scope, criteria);

            Assert.Equal(6, results.DocCount);
            Assert.Equal(6, results.DocCount);

            // Get hidden items
            criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                Catalog           = "goods",
                WithHidden        = true,
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                RecordsToRetrieve = 20,

            results = provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(_scope, criteria);

            Assert.Equal(7, results.DocCount);
            Assert.Equal(7, results.DocCount);

            // Filter by catalog and outlines
            criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                Catalog           = "goods",
                Outlines          = new[] { "sony/186d61d8-d843-4675-9f77-ec5ef603fda1", "SONY/186d61d8-d843-4675-9f77-ec5ef603fda2" },
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                RecordsToRetrieve = 20,

            results = provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(_scope, criteria);

            Assert.Equal(2, results.DocCount);
            Assert.Equal(2, results.DocCount);

            // Filter by type
            criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                Catalog           = "goods",
                ClassTypes        = new[] { "type1", "type3" },
                WithHidden        = true,
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                RecordsToRetrieve = 20,

            results = provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(_scope, criteria);

            Assert.Equal(5, results.DocCount);
            Assert.Equal(5, results.DocCount);

            // Filter by start date
            criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                Catalog           = "goods",
                StartDate         = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-3),
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                RecordsToRetrieve = 20,

            results = provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(_scope, criteria);

            Assert.Equal(0, results.DocCount);
            Assert.Equal(0, results.DocCount);

            // Filter by start date
            criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                Catalog           = "goods",
                StartDate         = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-2),
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                RecordsToRetrieve = 20,

            results = provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(_scope, criteria);

            Assert.Equal(4, results.DocCount);
            Assert.Equal(4, results.DocCount);

            // Filter by start date
            criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                Catalog           = "goods",
                StartDateFrom     = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-2),
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                RecordsToRetrieve = 20,

            results = provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(_scope, criteria);

            Assert.Equal(2, results.DocCount);
            Assert.Equal(2, results.DocCount);

            // Filter by end date
            criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                Catalog           = "goods",
                EndDate           = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1),
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                RecordsToRetrieve = 20,

            results = provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(_scope, criteria);

            Assert.Equal(4, results.DocCount);
            Assert.Equal(4, results.DocCount);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public void Can_get_item_facets(string providerType)
            var scope    = _DefaultScope;
            var provider = GetSearchProvider(providerType, scope);

            SearchHelper.CreateSampleIndex(provider, scope);

            var criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                SearchPhrase      = "",
                IsFuzzySearch     = true,
                Catalog           = "goods",
                RecordsToRetrieve = 10,
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                Currency          = "USD",
                Pricelists        = new[] { "default" }

            var filter = new AttributeFilter {
                Key = "Color"

            filter.Values = new[]
                new AttributeFilterValue {
                    Id = "red", Value = "red"
                new AttributeFilterValue {
                    Id = "blue", Value = "blue"
                new AttributeFilterValue {
                    Id = "black", Value = "black"

            var rangefilter = new RangeFilter {
                Key = "size"

            rangefilter.Values = new[]
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "0_to_5", Lower = "0", Upper = "5"
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "5_to_10", Lower = "5", Upper = "10"

            var priceRangefilter = new PriceRangeFilter {
                Currency = "usd"

            priceRangefilter.Values = new[]
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "0_to_100", Lower = "0", Upper = "100"
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "100_to_700", Lower = "100", Upper = "700"
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "over_700", Lower = "700"
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "under_100", Upper = "100"


            var results = provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(scope, criteria);

            Assert.True(results.DocCount == 6, string.Format("Returns {0} instead of 6", results.DocCount));

            var redCount = GetFacetCount(results, "Color", "red");

            Assert.True(redCount == 3, string.Format("Returns {0} facets of red instead of 3", redCount));

            var priceCount = GetFacetCount(results, "Price", "0_to_100");

            Assert.True(priceCount == 2, string.Format("Returns {0} facets of 0_to_100 prices instead of 2", priceCount));

            var priceCount2 = GetFacetCount(results, "Price", "100_to_700");

            Assert.True(priceCount2 == 3, string.Format("Returns {0} facets of 100_to_700 prices instead of 3", priceCount2));

            var priceCount3 = GetFacetCount(results, "Price", "over_700");

            Assert.True(priceCount3 == 1, string.Format("Returns {0} facets of over_700 prices instead of 1", priceCount3));

            var priceCount4 = GetFacetCount(results, "Price", "under_100");

            Assert.True(priceCount4 == 2, string.Format("Returns {0} facets of priceCount4 prices instead of 2", priceCount4));

            var sizeCount = GetFacetCount(results, "size", "0_to_5");

            Assert.True(sizeCount == 3, string.Format("Returns {0} facets of 0_to_5 size instead of 3", sizeCount));

            var sizeCount2 = GetFacetCount(results, "size", "5_to_10");

            Assert.True(sizeCount2 == 1, string.Format("Returns {0} facets of 5_to_10 size instead of 1", sizeCount2)); // only 1 result because upper bound is not included

            int outlineCount  = 0;
            var outlineObject = results.Documents.ElementAt(0)["__outline"]; // can be JArray or object[] depending on provider used

            if (outlineObject is JArray)
                outlineCount = (outlineObject as JArray).Count;
                outlineCount = (outlineObject as object[]).Count();

            Assert.True(outlineCount == 2, string.Format("Returns {0} outlines instead of 2", outlineCount));
Exemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the data model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="criteria">The criteria.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">The parameters.</param>
        /// <param name="cacheResults">if set to <c>true</c> [cache results].</param>
        /// <returns>CatalogItemSearchModel.</returns>
        private CatalogItemSearchModel CreateDataModel(CatalogItemSearchCriteria criteria, SearchParameters parameters,
                                                       bool cacheResults)
            var session = UserHelper.CustomerSession;

            // Create a model
            var dataSource = new CatalogItemSearchModel();

            // Now fill in filters
            var filters = _searchFilter.Filters;

            // Add all filters
            foreach (var filter in filters)

            // Get selected filters
            var facets = parameters.Facets;

            dataSource.SelectedFilters = new List <SelectedFilterModel>();
            if (facets.Count != 0)
                foreach (var key in facets.Keys)
                    var filter = filters.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Key.Equals(key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                                                         (!(x is PriceRangeFilter) || ((PriceRangeFilter)x).Currency.Equals(StoreHelper.CustomerSession.Currency, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));

                    var appliedFilter = _searchFilter.Convert(filter, facets[key]);

                    foreach (var val in appliedFilter.GetValues())
                            new SelectedFilterModel(_searchFilter.Convert(filter), _searchFilter.Convert(val)));

            // Perform search
            var sort      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters.Sort) ? "position" : parameters.Sort;
            var sortOrder = parameters.SortOrder;

            var isDescending = "desc".Equals(sortOrder, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            SearchSort sortObject = null;

            switch (sort.ToLowerInvariant())
            case "price":
                if (session.Pricelists != null)
                    sortObject = new SearchSort(session.Pricelists.Select(priceList =>
                                                                          new SearchSortField(
                        IgnoredUnmapped = true,
                        IsDescending    = isDescending,
                        DataType        = SearchSortField.DOUBLE

            case "position":
                sortObject = new SearchSort(new SearchSortField(string.Format("sort{0}{1}", session.CatalogId, session.CategoryId).ToLower())
                    IgnoredUnmapped = true,
                    IsDescending    = isDescending

            case "name":
                sortObject = new SearchSort("name", isDescending);

            case "rating":
                sortObject = new SearchSort(criteria.ReviewsAverageField, isDescending);

            case "reviews":
                sortObject = new SearchSort(criteria.ReviewsTotalField, isDescending);

                sortObject = CatalogItemSearchCriteria.DefaultSortOrder;

            criteria.Sort = sortObject;
            CatalogItemSearchResults results;
            // Search using criteria, it will only return IDs of the items
            var items         = Search(criteria, cacheResults, out results).ToArray();
            var itemsIdsArray = items.Select(i => i.ItemId).ToArray();

            // Now load items with appropriate
            var itemModelList = new List <CatalogItemWithPriceModel>();

            if (items.Any())
                // Now convert it to the model
                var prices         = _priceListClient.GetLowestPrices(session.Pricelists, itemsIdsArray, 1);
                var availabilities = _catalogClient.GetItemAvailability(itemsIdsArray,

                foreach (var item in items)
                    PriceModel            priceModel        = null;
                    ItemAvailabilityModel availabilityModel = null;
                    var searchTags = results.Items[item.ItemId.ToLower()];

                    var currentOutline = this.GetItemOutlineUsingContext(searchTags[criteria.OutlineField].ToString());

                    //Cache outline
                    HttpContext.Items["browsingoutline_" + item.ItemId.ToLower()] = StripCatalogFromOutline(currentOutline);

                    if (prices != null && prices.Any())
                        var lowestPrice = (prices.Where(p => p.ItemId.Equals(item.ItemId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))).SingleOrDefault();
                        if (lowestPrice != null)
                            var tags = new Hashtable
                            priceModel = _marketing.GetItemPriceModel(item, lowestPrice, tags);

                    if (availabilities != null && availabilities.Any())
                        var availability =
                            (from a in availabilities
                             where a.ItemId.Equals(item.ItemId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                             select a).SingleOrDefault();

                        availabilityModel = new ItemAvailabilityModel(availability);

                    var itemModel = new CatalogItemWithPriceModel(CatalogHelper.CreateItemModel(item), priceModel, availabilityModel)
                        SearchOutline = currentOutline

                        itemModel.ItemReviewTotals.AverageRating = double.Parse(searchTags[criteria.ReviewsAverageField].ToString());
                        itemModel.ItemReviewTotals.TotalReviews  = int.Parse(searchTags[criteria.ReviewsTotalField].ToString());
                        //There are no reviews indexed?

            dataSource.FilterGroups = _searchFilter.Convert(results.FacetGroups);
            dataSource.CatalogItems = itemModelList.ToArray();
            dataSource.Criteria     = criteria;

            // Create pager
            var pager = new PagerModel
                TotalCount            = results.TotalCount,
                CurrentPage           = criteria.StartingRecord / criteria.RecordsToRetrieve + 1,
                RecordsPerPage        = criteria.RecordsToRetrieve,
                StartingRecord        = criteria.StartingRecord,
                DisplayStartingRecord = criteria.StartingRecord + 1,
                SortValues            = new[] { "Position", "Name", "Price", "Rating", "Reviews" },
                SelectedSort          = sort,
                SortOrder             = isDescending ? "desc" : "asc"

            var end = criteria.StartingRecord + criteria.RecordsToRetrieve;

            pager.DisplayEndingRecord = end > results.TotalCount ? results.TotalCount : end;

            dataSource.Pager = pager;
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void Can_get_item_multiple_filters(string providerType)
            var scope    = _DefaultScope;
            var provider = GetSearchProvider(providerType, scope);

            SearchHelper.CreateSampleIndex(provider, scope);

            var criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                SearchPhrase      = "",
                IsFuzzySearch     = true,
                Catalog           = "goods",
                RecordsToRetrieve = 10,
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                Currency          = "USD",
                Pricelists        = new[] { "default" }

            var colorFilter = new AttributeFilter {
                Key = "Color"

            colorFilter.Values = new[]
                new AttributeFilterValue {
                    Id = "red", Value = "red"
                new AttributeFilterValue {
                    Id = "blue", Value = "blue"
                new AttributeFilterValue {
                    Id = "black", Value = "black"

            var filter = new AttributeFilter {
                Key = "Color"

            filter.Values = new[]
                new AttributeFilterValue {
                    Id = "black", Value = "black"

            var rangefilter = new RangeFilter {
                Key = "size"

            rangefilter.Values = new[]
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "0_to_5", Lower = "0", Upper = "5"
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "5_to_10", Lower = "5", Upper = "11"

            var priceRangefilter = new PriceRangeFilter {
                Currency = "usd"

            priceRangefilter.Values = new[]
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "100_to_700", Lower = "100", Upper = "700"


            // add applied filters

            var results = provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(scope, criteria);

            var blackCount = GetFacetCount(results, "Color", "black");

            Assert.True(blackCount == 1, string.Format("Returns {0} facets of black instead of 1", blackCount));

            var redCount = GetFacetCount(results, "Color", "red");

            Assert.True(redCount == 2, string.Format("Returns {0} facets of black instead of 2", redCount));

            var priceCount = GetFacetCount(results, "Price", "100_to_700");

            Assert.True(priceCount == 1, string.Format("Returns {0} facets of 100_to_700 instead of 1", priceCount));

            Assert.True(results.DocCount == 1, string.Format("Returns {0} instead of 1", results.DocCount));
Exemplo n.º 25
        public void Can_find_pricelists_prices(string providerType)
            var scope    = _DefaultScope;
            var provider = GetSearchProvider(providerType, scope);

            SearchHelper.CreateSampleIndex(provider, scope);

            var criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                IsFuzzySearch     = true,
                Catalog           = "goods",
                RecordsToRetrieve = 10,
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                Currency          = "usd",
                Pricelists        = new string[] { "default", "sale" }

            var priceRangefilter = new PriceRangeFilter {
                Currency = "usd"

            priceRangefilter.Values = new[]
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "0_to_100", Lower = "0", Upper = "100"
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "100_to_700", Lower = "100", Upper = "700"


            var results = provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(scope, criteria);

            Assert.True(results.DocCount == 6, string.Format("Returns {0} instead of 6", results.DocCount));

            var priceCount = GetFacetCount(results, "Price", "0_to_100");

            Assert.True(priceCount == 2, string.Format("Returns {0} facets of 0_to_100 prices instead of 2", priceCount));

            var priceCount2 = GetFacetCount(results, "Price", "100_to_700");

            Assert.True(priceCount2 == 3, string.Format("Returns {0} facets of 100_to_700 prices instead of 3", priceCount2));

            criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                IsFuzzySearch     = true,
                Catalog           = "goods",
                RecordsToRetrieve = 10,
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                Currency          = "usd",
                Pricelists        = new string[] { "sale", "default" }


            results = provider.Search <DocumentDictionary>(scope, criteria);

            Assert.True(results.DocCount == 6, string.Format("\"Sample Product\" search returns {0} instead of 6", results.DocCount));

            var priceSaleCount = GetFacetCount(results, "Price", "0_to_100");

            Assert.True(priceSaleCount == 3, string.Format("Returns {0} facets of 0_to_100 prices instead of 2", priceSaleCount));

            var priceSaleCount2 = GetFacetCount(results, "Price", "100_to_700");

            Assert.True(priceSaleCount2 == 2, string.Format("Returns {0} facets of 100_to_700 prices instead of 3", priceSaleCount2));
Exemplo n.º 26
        public void Can_index_product_demo_data_and_search(string providerType)
            var scope    = "test";
            var provider = GetSearchProvider(providerType, scope);

            //if (provider is ElasticSearchProvider)
            //    (provider as ElasticSearchProvider).AutoCommitCount = 1; // commit every one document

            provider.RemoveAll(scope, "");
            var controller = GetSearchIndexController(provider);

            controller.RemoveIndex(scope, CatalogItemSearchCriteria.DocType);
            controller.BuildIndex(scope, CatalogItemSearchCriteria.DocType, x => { return; });

            // sleep for index to be commited

            // get catalog id by name
            var catalogRepo = GetCatalogRepository();
            var catalog     = catalogRepo.Catalogs.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("electronics", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            // find all prodducts in the category
            var catalogCriteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria()
                Catalog  = catalog.Id,
                Currency = "USD"

            // Add all filters
            var brandFilter = new AttributeFilter {
                Key = "brand"
            var filter = new AttributeFilter {
                Key = "color", IsLocalized = true

            filter.Values = new[]
                new AttributeFilterValue {
                    Id = "Red", Value = "Red"
                new AttributeFilterValue {
                    Id = "Gray", Value = "Gray"
                new AttributeFilterValue {
                    Id = "Black", Value = "Black"

            var rangefilter = new RangeFilter {
                Key = "size"

            rangefilter.Values = new[]
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "0_to_5", Lower = "0", Upper = "5"
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "5_to_10", Lower = "5", Upper = "10"

            var priceRangefilter = new PriceRangeFilter {
                Currency = "USD"

            priceRangefilter.Values = new[]
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "under-100", Upper = "100"
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "200-600", Lower = "200", Upper = "600"


            var ibs           = GetItemBrowsingService(provider);
            var searchResults = ibs.SearchItems(scope, catalogCriteria, Domain.Catalog.Model.ItemResponseGroup.ItemLarge);

            Assert.True(searchResults.TotalCount > 0, string.Format("Didn't find any products using {0} search", providerType));
            Assert.True(searchResults.Aggregations.Count() > 0, string.Format("Didn't find any aggregations using {0} search", providerType));

            var colorAggregation = searchResults.Aggregations.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Field.Equals("color", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            Assert.True(colorAggregation.Items.Where(x => x.Value.ToString().Equals("Red", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).SingleOrDefault().Count == 6);
            Assert.True(colorAggregation.Items.Where(x => x.Value.ToString().Equals("Gray", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).SingleOrDefault().Count == 3);
            Assert.True(colorAggregation.Items.Where(x => x.Value.ToString().Equals("Black", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).SingleOrDefault().Count == 13);

            var brandAggregation = searchResults.Aggregations.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Field.Equals("brand", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            Assert.True(brandAggregation.Items.Where(x => x.Value.ToString().Equals("Beats By Dr Dre", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).SingleOrDefault().Count == 3);

            var keywordSearchCriteria = new KeywordSearchCriteria(CatalogItemSearchCriteria.DocType)
                Currency = "USD", Locale = "en-us", SearchPhrase = "sony"

            searchResults = ibs.SearchItems(scope, keywordSearchCriteria, Domain.Catalog.Model.ItemResponseGroup.ItemLarge);
            Assert.True(searchResults.TotalCount > 0);
Exemplo n.º 27
        public ActionResult SearchResultsWithinCategory(CategoryModel cat, SearchParameters parameters, string name = "Index", CatalogItemSearchCriteria criteria = null, bool savePreferences = true)
            criteria = criteria ?? new CatalogItemSearchCriteria();
            if (cat != null)
                ViewBag.Title = cat.DisplayName;
                criteria.Outlines.Add(String.Format("{0}*", _catalogClient.BuildCategoryOutline(UserHelper.CustomerSession.CatalogId, cat.Category)));

            if (savePreferences)

            var results = SearchResults(criteria, parameters);

            return(PartialView(name, results));
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void Can_get_item_multiple_filters_lucene()
            var scope        = "default";
            var queryBuilder = new LuceneSearchQueryBuilder();
            var conn         = new SearchConnection(_LuceneStorageDir, scope);
            var provider     = new LuceneSearchProvider(queryBuilder, conn);

            Debug.WriteLine("Lucene connection: {0}", conn.ToString());

            if (Directory.Exists(_LuceneStorageDir))
                Directory.Delete(_LuceneStorageDir, true);

            SearchHelper.CreateSampleIndex(provider, scope);

            var criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                SearchPhrase      = "",
                IsFuzzySearch     = true,
                Catalog           = "goods",
                RecordsToRetrieve = 10,
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                Currency          = "USD",
                Pricelists        = new[] { "default" }

            var colorFilter = new AttributeFilter {
                Key = "Color"

            colorFilter.Values = new[]
                new AttributeFilterValue {
                    Id = "red", Value = "red"
                new AttributeFilterValue {
                    Id = "blue", Value = "blue"
                new AttributeFilterValue {
                    Id = "black", Value = "black"

            var filter = new AttributeFilter {
                Key = "Color"

            filter.Values = new[]
                new AttributeFilterValue {
                    Id = "black", Value = "black"

            var rangefilter = new RangeFilter {
                Key = "size"

            rangefilter.Values = new[]
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "0_to_5", Lower = "0", Upper = "5"
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "5_to_10", Lower = "5", Upper = "11"

            var priceRangefilter = new PriceRangeFilter {
                Currency = "usd"

            priceRangefilter.Values = new[]
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "100_to_700", Lower = "100", Upper = "700"


            // add applied filters

            var results = provider.Search(scope, criteria);

            var blackCount = GetFacetCount(results, "Color", "black");

            Assert.True(blackCount == 1, String.Format("Returns {0} facets of black instead of 2", blackCount));

            //Assert.True(results.DocCount == 1, String.Format("Returns {0} instead of 1", results.DocCount));

            Directory.Delete(_LuceneStorageDir, true);
        public void Can_index_product_demo_data_and_search(string providerType)
            var provider = GetSearchProvider(providerType, _scope);

            RebuildIndex(provider, CatalogItemSearchCriteria.DocType);

            // find all products in the category
            var criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                Catalog  = GetCatalogId("electronics"),
                Currency = "USD"

            // Add facets
            var colorFacet = new AttributeFilter {
                Key = "color"

            var brandFacet = new AttributeFilter
                Key         = "brand",
                IsLocalized = true,
                Values      = new[]
                    new AttributeFilterValue {
                        Id = "Apple", Value = "Apple"
                    new AttributeFilterValue {
                        Id = "Asus", Value = "Asus"
                    new AttributeFilterValue {
                        Id = "Samsung", Value = "Samsung"

            var sizeFacet = new RangeFilter
                Key    = "display_size",
                Values = new[]
                    new RangeFilterValue {
                        Id = "0_to_5", Lower = "0", Upper = "5"
                    new RangeFilterValue {
                        Id = "5_to_10", Lower = "5", Upper = "10"

            var priceFacet = new PriceRangeFilter
                Currency = "USD",
                Values   = new[]
                    new RangeFilterValue {
                        Id = "under-100", Upper = "100"
                    new RangeFilterValue {
                        Id = "200-600", Lower = "200", Upper = "600"


            var ibs           = GetItemBrowsingService(provider);
            var searchResults = ibs.SearchItems(_scope, criteria, ItemResponseGroup.ItemLarge);

            Assert.True(searchResults.TotalCount > 0, $"Didn't find any products using {providerType} provider");
            Assert.True(searchResults.Aggregations.Any(), $"Didn't find any aggregations using {providerType} provider");

            Assert.True(GetFacetValuesCount(searchResults, "color") > 0, $"Didn't find any aggregation value for Color using {providerType} provider");

            Assert.Equal(0, GetFacetValue(searchResults, "brand", "Apple"));
            Assert.Equal(2, GetFacetValue(searchResults, "brand", "Asus"));
            Assert.Equal(5, GetFacetValue(searchResults, "brand", "Samsung"));

            criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria {
                Currency = "USD", Locale = "en-us", SearchPhrase = "sony"
            searchResults = ibs.SearchItems(_scope, criteria, ItemResponseGroup.ItemLarge);

            Assert.True(searchResults.TotalCount > 0);
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void Can_get_item_facets_lucene()
            var scope        = "default";
            var queryBuilder = new LuceneSearchQueryBuilder();
            var conn         = new SearchConnection(_LuceneStorageDir, scope);
            var provider     = new LuceneSearchProvider(queryBuilder, conn);

            Debug.WriteLine("Lucene connection: {0}", conn.ToString());

            if (Directory.Exists(_LuceneStorageDir))
                Directory.Delete(_LuceneStorageDir, true);

            SearchHelper.CreateSampleIndex(provider, scope);

            var criteria = new CatalogItemSearchCriteria
                SearchPhrase      = "",
                IsFuzzySearch     = true,
                Catalog           = "goods",
                RecordsToRetrieve = 10,
                StartingRecord    = 0,
                Currency          = "USD",
                Pricelists        = new[] { "default" }

            var filter = new AttributeFilter {
                Key = "Color"

            filter.Values = new[]
                new AttributeFilterValue {
                    Id = "red", Value = "red"
                new AttributeFilterValue {
                    Id = "blue", Value = "blue"
                new AttributeFilterValue {
                    Id = "black", Value = "black"

            var rangefilter = new RangeFilter {
                Key = "size"

            rangefilter.Values = new[]
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "0_to_5", Lower = "0", Upper = "5"
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "5_to_10", Lower = "5", Upper = "10"

            var priceRangefilter = new PriceRangeFilter {
                Currency = "usd"

            priceRangefilter.Values = new[]
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "0_to_100", Lower = "0", Upper = "100"
                new RangeFilterValue {
                    Id = "100_to_700", Lower = "100", Upper = "700"


            var results = provider.Search(scope, criteria);

            Assert.True(results.DocCount == 4, String.Format("Returns {0} instead of 4", results.DocCount));

            var redCount = GetFacetCount(results, "Color", "red");

            Assert.True(redCount == 2, String.Format("Returns {0} facets of red instead of 2", redCount));

            var priceCount = GetFacetCount(results, "Price", "0_to_100");

            Assert.True(priceCount == 2, String.Format("Returns {0} facets of 0_to_100 prices instead of 2", priceCount));

            var priceCount2 = GetFacetCount(results, "Price", "100_to_700");

            Assert.True(priceCount2 == 2, String.Format("Returns {0} facets of 100_to_700 prices instead of 2", priceCount2));

            var sizeCount = GetFacetCount(results, "size", "0_to_5");

            Assert.True(sizeCount == 2, String.Format("Returns {0} facets of 0_to_5 size instead of 2", sizeCount));

            var sizeCount2 = GetFacetCount(results, "size", "5_to_10");

            Assert.True(sizeCount2 == 1, String.Format("Returns {0} facets of 5_to_10 size instead of 1", sizeCount2)); // only 1 result because upper bound is not included

            var outlineCount = results.Documents[0].Documents[0]["__outline"].Values.Count();

            Assert.True(outlineCount == 2, String.Format("Returns {0} outlines instead of 2", outlineCount));

            Directory.Delete(_LuceneStorageDir, true);