Exemplo n.º 1
        static int Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("CatSystem2 UTF-8 Compiler");
            if (args.Length == 0 || (args.Length == 1 && (args[0] == "-h" || args[0] == "--help")))
                Console.WriteLine("usage: catcompiler <anm|cst|fes> <input> [output]");
            else if (args.Length < 2)
                Console.WriteLine("Not enough arguments!");
            else if (args.Length > 3)
                Console.WriteLine("Too many arguments!");
            if (!Enum.TryParse(args[0], true, out CompileType type))
                Console.WriteLine("Argument 1, expected anm, cst, or fes!");
            try {
                string input = args[1];
                string output;
                if (args.Length == 3)
                    output = args[2];
                    output = Path.GetDirectoryName(input);
                    if (output.Length == 0)
                        output = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                switch (type)
                case CompileType.Anm:
                    CatUtils.CompileAnimationFiles(input, output);

                case CompileType.Cst:
                    CatUtils.CompileSceneFiles(input, output);

                case CompileType.Fes:
                    CatUtils.CompileScreenFiles(input, output);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            CatUtils.McPath = "mc_en.exe";

            //List<SceneInfo> sceneInfos = new List<SceneInfo>();
            Dictionary <SceneInfo, List <ISceneLine> > sceneNewLines = new Dictionary <SceneInfo, List <ISceneLine> >();
            Dictionary <string, List <Message> >       groupMessages = new Dictionary <string, List <Message> >();
            HashSet <KifintArchive> archivesWithScenes = new HashSet <KifintArchive>();

            //VCodes vcodes = VCodes.Load(@"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia - Copy (2)\Grisaia2.bin.bak");
            //Message.Builder b = new Message.Builder(null);
            //var msssg = b.Build();
            //KifintArchive sceneArchive = KifintArchive.LoadArchive(@"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia - Copy (2)\scene.int", vcodes.VCode2);

            string grisaiaDir = @"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\The Fruit of Grisaia";
            string grisaiaExe = @"Grisaia.exe";
            VCodes vcodes     = VCodes.Load(Path.Combine(grisaiaDir, grisaiaExe));

            KifintLookup sceneLookup  = KifintArchive.LoadLookup(KifintType.Scene, grisaiaDir, vcodes.VCode2);
            KifintLookup updateLookup = KifintArchive.LoadLookup(KifintType.Update, grisaiaDir, vcodes.VCode2);

            bool restored    = false;
            var  allArchives = sceneLookup.Kifints.Concat(updateLookup.Kifints);

            foreach (KifintArchive archive in allArchives)
                string backup = $"{archive.FilePath}.bak";
                if (File.Exists(backup))
                    File.Copy(backup, archive.FilePath, true);
                    restored = true;
                    File.Copy(archive.FilePath, backup);

            if (restored)
                sceneLookup  = KifintArchive.LoadLookup(KifintType.Scene, grisaiaDir, vcodes.VCode2);
                updateLookup = KifintArchive.LoadLookup(KifintType.Update, grisaiaDir, vcodes.VCode2);

            var sceneInfos = GetSceneInfos(sceneLookup, updateLookup);

            archivesWithScenes = new HashSet <KifintArchive>(sceneInfos.Select(s => s.Entry.Archive));

            foreach (KifintArchive archive in archivesWithScenes)
                string archiveDir = GetArchiveDir(archive);
                foreach (var entry in archive)

            foreach (var sceneInfo in sceneInfos)
                sceneNewLines.Add(sceneInfo, sceneInfo.Script.Lines.ToList());
                foreach (Message msg in sceneInfo.Messages)
                    if (!groupMessages.TryGetValue(msg.GroupId, out var group))
                        group = new List <Message>();
                        groupMessages.Add(msg.GroupId, group);

            /*using (KifintStream kifintStream = new KifintStream()) {
             *      foreach (KifintEntry entry in sceneArchive) {
             *              SceneScript sceneScript = entry.ExtractScene(kifintStream);
             *              sceneNewLines.Add(sceneScript, sceneScript.Lines.ToList());
             *              SceneInfo sceneInfo = new SceneInfo(sceneScript);
             *              sceneInfos.Add(sceneScript, sceneInfo);
             *              foreach (Message msg in sceneInfo.Messages) {
             *                      if (!groupMessages.TryGetValue(msg.GroupId, out var group)) {
             *                              group = new List<Message>();
             *                              groupMessages.Add(msg.GroupId, group);
             *                      }
             *                      group.Add(msg);
             *              }
             *      }
             * }*/
            string ToVoiceId(SoundPlayCommand cmd)
                string snd   = cmd.Sound;
                int    index = snd.IndexOf('_');

                if (index != -1)
                    return(snd.Substring(0, index).ToLower());

            //string sceneDir2 = @"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia - Copy (2)\scene";

            Random rng = new Random();

            foreach (var groupPair in groupMessages)
                string groupId      = groupPair.Key;
                var    messages     = groupPair.Value.ToList();
                var    messageSpots = groupPair.Value.ToList();
                while (messages.Count != 0)
                    var msg       = messages[messages.Count - 1];
                    int spotIndex = rng.Next(messageSpots.Count);
                    var spot      = messageSpots[spotIndex];
                    messages.RemoveAt(messages.Count - 1);
                    var newSceneLines = sceneNewLines[spot.Script];
                    int index;
                    for (int i = spot.Messages.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                    index = newSceneLines.IndexOf(spot.Messages[0]);
                    newSceneLines.Insert(index, msg.CreateMessage());

                    if (!msg.IsMonologue)
                        for (int i = spot.Names.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                        index = newSceneLines.IndexOf(spot.Names[0]);
                        newSceneLines.Insert(index, msg.CreateName());

                    var voices = msg.CreateVoices().ToList();
                    for (int i = 0; i < spot.Voices.Count; i++)
                        string id    = ToVoiceId(spot.Voices[i]);
                        var    voice = voices.Find(v => ToVoiceId(v) == id);
                        if (voice == null)
                            throw new Exception();
                        index = newSceneLines.IndexOf(spot.Voices[i]);
                        newSceneLines.Insert(index, voice);
            foreach (var scenePair in sceneNewLines)

                /*string fileName = scenePair.Key.FileName;
                 * var newSceneLines = scenePair.Value;
                 * SceneScript newScene = new SceneScript(fileName, newSceneLines);
                 * string decompiled = newScene.Decompile();
                 * File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(sceneDir2, Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, ".txt")), decompiled, CatUtils.ShiftJIS);*/

            foreach (KifintArchive archive in archivesWithScenes)
                string archiveDir = GetArchiveDir(archive);
                string compileDir = GetArchiveCompileDir(archive);
                CatUtils.CompileSceneFiles(Path.Combine(compileDir, "*.txt"), archiveDir);
                Directory.Delete(compileDir, true);
                ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo {
                    FileName  = "MakeInt.exe",
                    Arguments = $"\"{Path.Combine(grisaiaDir, archive.FileName)}\" \"{Path.Combine(archiveDir, "*")}\""
                using (Process p = Process.Start(startInfo)) {
                    if (p.ExitCode != 0)
                        throw new Exception($"{archive.FileName} {p.ExitCode}");

                /*string backup = $"{archive.FilePath}.bak";
                 * if (File.Exists(backup))
                 * File.Copy(backup, archive.FilePath, true);
                 * string archiveDir = GetArchiveDir(archive);
                 * Directory.CreateDirectory(archiveDir);
                 * if (archive.ArchiveType != KifintType.Update) {
                 * foreach (var entry in archive) {
                 *      if (updateLookup.ContainsKey(entry.FileName))
                 *              continue;
                 *      //entry.ExtractToDirectory(archiveDir);
                 * }
                 * }*/


            /*string sceneDir = @"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia - Copy (2)\scene";
             * string sceneName = "ama_005.cst";
             * string sceneBackup = $"{sceneName}.bak";
             * //string sceneFile = Path.Combine(sceneDir, "ama_005.cst");
             * SceneScript script = SceneScript.Extract(Path.Combine(sceneDir, sceneBackup));
             * List<ISceneLine> lines = new List<ISceneLine>();
             * List<ISceneLine> newLines = new List<ISceneLine>();
             * lines.AddRange(script.Lines);
             * newLines.AddRange(script.Lines);
             * //List<CharacterMessage> messages = new List<CharacterMessage>();
             * Dictionary<string, List<CharacterMessage>> idMessages = new Dictionary<string, List<CharacterMessage>>();
             * CharacterMessage currentMessage = null;
             * SceneName currentName = null;
             * SceneMessage currentMsg = null;
             * SoundPlayCommand currentVoice = null;
             * void AddIdMessage(CharacterMessage message) {
             *      if (!idMessages.TryGetValue(message.GroupId, out var group)) {
             *              group = new List<CharacterMessage>();
             *              idMessages.Add(message.GroupId, group);
             *      }
             *      group.Add(message);
             *      //messages.Add(currentMessage);
             * }
             * for (int i = lines.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
             *      ISceneLine line = lines[i];
             *      if (line.Type == SceneLineType.Input || line.Type == SceneLineType.Page) {
             *              if (currentMessage != null && currentMessage.HasMessage) {
             *                      currentMessage.Finish(currentName, currentMsg, currentVoice);
             *                      AddIdMessage(currentMessage);
             *                      currentMsg = null;
             *                      currentName = null;
             *                      currentVoice = null;
             *              }
             *              currentMessage = new CharacterMessage(line);
             *      }
             *      else if (currentMessage == null) {
             *              continue;
             *      }
             *      switch (line) {
             *      case SceneMessage msg:
             *              if (currentMsg != null)
             *                      newLines.Remove(currentMsg);
             *              currentMessage.PrependMessage(msg);
             *              currentMsg = msg;
             *              break;
             *      case SceneName name:
             *              if (currentName != null)
             *                      newLines.Remove(currentName);
             *              currentMessage.PrependName(name);
             *              currentName = name;
             *              break;
             *      case ISceneCommand cmd:
             *              if (line is SoundPlayCommand voice && voice.SoundType == SoundType.Pcm) {
             *                      if (currentVoice != null)
             *                              newLines.Remove(currentVoice);
             *                      currentMessage.AddVoiceCommand(voice);
             *                      currentVoice = voice;
             *              }
             *              else if (line is ConditionCommand condition) {
             *                      if (condition.Command is SoundPlayCommand play2)
             *                              Console.WriteLine(condition.Content);
             *              }
             *              break;
             *      }
             * }
             * Random random = new Random();
             * foreach (var groupPair in idMessages) {
             *      string id = groupPair.Key;
             *      var messages = groupPair.Value.ToList();
             *      var messageSpots = groupPair.Value.ToList();
             *      while (messages.Count != 0) {
             *              var msg = messages[messages.Count - 1];
             *              int spotIndex = random.Next(messageSpots.Count);
             *              var spot = messageSpots[spotIndex];
             *              messages.RemoveAt(messages.Count - 1);
             *              messageSpots.RemoveAt(spotIndex);
             *              int index = newLines.IndexOf(spot.NameLine);
             *              if (index != -1) {
             *                      newLines.RemoveAt(index);
             *                      newLines.Insert(index, new SceneName(msg.NameContent));
             *              }
             *              index = newLines.IndexOf(spot.MessageLine);
             *              if (index != -1) {
             *                      newLines.RemoveAt(index);
             *                      newLines.Insert(index, new SceneMessage(msg.MessageContent));
             *              }
             *              index = newLines.IndexOf(spot.VoiceLine);
             *              if (index != -1) {
             *                      newLines.RemoveAt(index);
             *                      foreach (var voice in msg.VoiceCommands)
             *                              newLines.Insert(index++, new SoundPlayCommand(voice.Content));
             *              }
             *      }
             * }
             * CatUtils.McPath = Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, "mc_en.exe");
             * SceneScript newScript = new SceneScript(sceneName, newLines);
             * int result = CatUtils.CompileSceneScript(newScript.Decompile(), sceneDir);
             * Console.WriteLine(result);
             * Console.ReadLine();*/