public void Skin2UnlockOrEquip()
        cat1Details = gameOptionsObject.GetComponent <Cat1DetailsScript>();
        if (!cat1Details.cat1SkinEquipped[1] && cat1Details.cat1SkinsUnlocked[1]) //If we own the skin and it's not equipped
            //First set all skins to be unequipped
            for (int i = 0; i < cat1Details.cat1SkinEquipped.Length; i++)
                cat1Details.cat1SkinEquipped[i] = false;

            //Then Set the appropriate one to be equipped
            cat1Details.cat1SkinEquipped[1] = true;

        if (!cat1Details.cat1SkinsUnlocked[1])
            gameOptions = gameOptionsObject.GetComponent <GameOptionsScript>();
            if (gameOptions.playerSoftCash >= 500)
                cat1Details.cat1SkinsUnlocked[1] = true;
                gameOptions.playerSoftCash      -= 500;
    public void CatSkin()
        gameOptionsObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameOptions");      //Grab the object that contains the options data
        catOptions        = gameOptionsObject.GetComponent <Cat1DetailsScript>(); //Grab the cat data
        catRend           = theCat.GetComponent <Renderer>();

        for (int i = 0; i < catOptions.cat1SkinEquipped.Length; i++)
            if (catOptions.cat1SkinEquipped[i])
                catSkin = i;
        catRend.material.mainTexture = (catTextures[catSkin]);