Exemplo n.º 1
        public NewsModel getMoviesToNews()
            NewsModel model = new NewsModel {
                MoviesList = new List <Movies_ttl>()
            var cass = new CassandraDatabase();

            Cassandra.RowSet movies = cass.getAllDataFromTable("movies_ttl2");

            foreach (var movie in movies)
                Movies_ttl tmpMovie = new Movies_ttl
                    Id      = movie["id"].ToString(),
                    Title   = movie["title"].ToString(),
                    Date    = movie["release_date"].ToString(),
                    Genere  = movie["genere"].ToString(),
                    Runtime = movie["runtime"].ToString(),
                    Rating  = movie["rating"].ToString(),
                    Summary = movie["summary"].ToString(),
                    RawImg  = movie["img_base64"].ToString(),
                    Price   = movie["price"].ToString()
Exemplo n.º 2
        public IActionResult Notification()
            NotificationModel model = new NotificationModel();

            model.Notifications = new List <Notification>();
            var    cass      = new CassandraDatabase();
            string condition = "where user_login = "******"'" + this.CurrentUser.Name + "'";

            Cassandra.RowSet notifications = cass.getAllDataFromTableWithCondition("notification", condition);

            foreach (var notification in notifications)
                Notification tmpNotification = new Notification
                    User    = notification["user_login"].ToString(),
                    Time    = notification["added_time"].ToString().Split("+")[0],
                    Message = notification["message"].ToString(),

Exemplo n.º 3
 public RowSet(Cassandra.RowSet rawRowSet)
     this.rawRowSet = rawRowSet;
Exemplo n.º 4
        // https://www.instaclustr.com/support/documentation/getting-started/connect-cassandra-c-sample-code/

        // AnySqlWebAdmin.Sample.QueryKeyspaces().Wait();
        // AnySqlWebAdmin.TestCassandra.Test();
        public static void Test()
            System.Console.WriteLine("Hello Cassandra!");

            using (Cassandra.ICluster cluster = Cassandra.Cluster.Builder()
                                                // .WithLoadBalancingPolicy(new Cassandra.DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy("AWS_VPC_AP_SOUTHEAST_2"))
                                                // .WithAuthProvider(new Cassandra.PlainTextAuthProvider("Username", "Password"))
                // Connect to the nodes using a keyspace
                using (Cassandra.ISession session = cluster.Connect("system_distributed"))
                    // Get name of a Cluster
                    System.Console.WriteLine("The cluster's name is: " + cluster.Metadata.ClusterName);
                    // Execute a query on a connection synchronously
                    using (Cassandra.RowSet rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM repair_history"))
                        // Iterate through the RowSet
                        foreach (Cassandra.Row row in rs)
                            string value = row.GetValue <string>("keyspace_name");
                            // Do something with the value
                        } // End Using row
                    }     // End Using rs

                    Cassandra.Mapping.IMapper mapper = new Cassandra.Mapping.Mapper(session);
                    // System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<User> users = mapper.Fetch<User>("SELECT userid, name FROM users");
                    // System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<User> users2 = mapper.Fetch<User>("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ?", "someName");

                    // https://docs.datastax.com/en/developer/csharp-driver/3.6/features/parametrized-queries/
                    // https://docs.datastax.com/en/developer/java-driver/3.1/faq/
                    // https://docs.datastax.com/en/developer/csharp-driver/3.2/
                    // Cassandra.PreparedStatement statement = session.Prepare("SELECT * FROM table where a = :a and b = :b");
                    // Bind by name using anonymous types
                    // session.Execute(statement.Bind(new { a = "aValue", b = "bValue" }));

                    System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable <SchemaKeyspaces> keySpaces1 = mapper.Fetch <SchemaKeyspaces>("SELECT * FROM system_schema.keyspaces");
                    System.Collections.Generic.List <SchemaKeyspaces>        keySpaces  = System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList(keySpaces1);

                    using (Cassandra.RowSet rs = session.Execute("SELECT * FROM system_schema.keyspaces"))
                        // Iterate through the RowSet
                        foreach (Cassandra.Row row in rs)
                            foreach (Cassandra.CqlColumn cc in rs.Columns)
                                object value = row.GetValue <object>(cc.Name);
                                // Do something with the value
                            } // Next cc
                        }     // End Using row
                    }         // End Using rs
                }             // End Using session
            }                 // End Using cluster
        }                     // End Sub Test