Exemplo n.º 1
        public SalesReceipt PlaceOrder(int employeeId, string couponCode, string paymentMethod)
            using (var context = new eToolsContext())
                Employee            employee    = context.Employees.Find(employeeId);
                CartSummaryInfo     cartSummary = ShoppingCart_GetSummary(employeeId, couponCode);
                List <CartItemInfo> cartItems   = ShoppingCart_GetItems(employeeId);

                Dictionary <string, string> validPaymentMethods = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "M", "Money" },
                    { "C", "Credit" },
                    { "D", "Debit" }

                List <string> errors = new List <string>();
                if (employee == null)
                    errors.Add("Employee not found.");
                else if (cartSummary == null)
                    errors.Add("Employee has no shopping cart.");
                else if (cartItems == null || cartItems.Count == 0)
                    errors.Add("Shopping cart is empty.");
                else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(couponCode) && cartSummary.DiscountCoupon == null)
                    errors.Add("Coupon code invalid.");
                else if (cartSummary.DiscountCoupon != null && !cartSummary.DiscountCoupon.IsValid)
                    errors.Add("Coupon expired.");
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paymentMethod))
                    errors.Add("Payment method must not be empty.");
                else if (!validPaymentMethods.ContainsKey(paymentMethod))
                    errors.Add("Payment method invalid.");

                // validate each item in the cart
                foreach (var item in cartItems)
                    StockItem     product    = context.StockItems.Find(item.ProductID);
                    List <string> itemErrors = ValidateCartItem(employee, product, item.QtyInCart);

                if (errors.Count > 0)
                    throw new BusinessRuleException("Order cannot be placed.", errors);
                    // all validation passed, build sales receipt
                    var receipt = new SalesReceipt()
                        SaleDate        = DateTime.Now,
                        PaymentType     = paymentMethod,
                        PaymentTypeDesc = validPaymentMethods[paymentMethod],
                        EmployeeId      = employeeId,
                        EmployeeName    = employee.LastName + ", " + employee.FirstName,
                        SubTotal        = cartSummary.Subtotal,
                        CouponId        = cartSummary.DiscountCoupon?.CouponID,
                        CouponCode      = couponCode,
                        DiscountPercent = (cartSummary.DiscountCoupon == null) ? 0 : cartSummary.DiscountCoupon.DiscountPercent,
                        DiscountAmount  = cartSummary.Discount,
                        TaxAmount       = cartSummary.GST,
                        TotalAmount     = cartSummary.Total,
                        Items           = cartItems.Select(item => new SalesReceiptItem
                            ProductId    = item.ProductID,
                            ProductName  = item.ProductDescription,
                            SellingPrice = item.SellingPrice,
                            Qty          = item.QtyInCart,
                            SubTotal     = item.TotalPrice

                    // store new sale
                    Sale newSale = context.Sales.Add(new Sale()
                        SaleDate    = receipt.SaleDate,
                        PaymentType = receipt.PaymentType,
                        EmployeeID  = receipt.EmployeeId,
                        TaxAmount   = receipt.TaxAmount,
                        SubTotal    = receipt.SubTotal,
                        CouponID    = receipt.CouponId
                    if (newSale == null)
                        throw new Exception("Sale cannot be added to the database.");
                    // process each item: insert into the database and decrease qty on hand
                    foreach (var item in receipt.Items)
                        SaleDetail newSaleDetail = context.SaleDetails.Add(new SaleDetail()
                            SaleID       = newSale.SaleID,
                            StockItemID  = item.ProductId,
                            SellingPrice = item.SellingPrice,
                            Quantity     = item.Qty,
                            Backordered  = false,
                            ShippedDate  = null
                        if (newSaleDetail == null)
                            throw new Exception("Sale detail cannot be added to the database.");
                        // decrease stock
                        StockItem currentProduct = context.StockItems.Find(item.ProductId);
                        currentProduct.QuantityOnHand -= item.Qty;
                        context.Entry(currentProduct).Property(x => x.QuantityOnHand).IsModified = true;
                        if (currentProduct.QuantityOnHand < 0)
                            throw new Exception("Product out of stock.");
                    // all good, delete cart
                        context.ShoppingCartItems.Where(x => x.ShoppingCart.EmployeeID == employeeId));
                    // delete shopping cart (I used RemoveRange just to make it simpler)
                        context.ShoppingCarts.Where(x => x.EmployeeID == employeeId));

                    // commit all changes

                    // retrieve receipt ID
                    receipt.SaleID = newSale.SaleID;

Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void RefreshCartSummary()
            // check if the user is logged in, has sales role and is an employee and set visibility accordingly
            if (CurrentEmployee == null)
                // not logged in or not employee or has no sales role
                CartSummaryPanelNotLoggedIn.Visible = true;
                CartSummaryPanel.Visible            = false;
                // disable checkout button in navigation
                // logged in and employee with sales role
                CartSummaryPanelNotLoggedIn.Visible = false;
                CartSummaryPanel.Visible            = true;

                // set salesperson name
                CartSummary_EmployeeName.Text = CurrentEmployeeName;
                CartSummary_EmployeeID.Text   = CurrentEmployeeID.ToString();

                // get cart summary for current employee given the coupon code
                var             cartmgr = new SalesCartController();
                CartSummaryInfo summary = cartmgr.ShoppingCart_GetSummary(CurrentEmployeeID, CartSummary_Coupon.Text);

                // if the cart is empty, display a message, otherwise display the cart summary
                if (summary == null)
                    // cart is empty
                    CartSummaryPanelEmpty.Visible    = true;
                    CartSummaryPanelNotEmpty.Visible = false;
                    // disable checkout button in navigation
                    // cart is not empty, populate fields
                    CartSummaryPanelEmpty.Visible    = false;
                    CartSummaryPanelNotEmpty.Visible = true;
                    // enable checkout button in navigation
                    // populate cart summary fields
                    CartSummary_ProductCount.Text   = string.Format("{0}", summary.ProductCount);
                    CartSummary_ItemCount.Text      = string.Format("{0}", summary.ItemCount);
                    CartSummary_SubtotalAmount.Text = string.Format("{0:C2}", summary.Subtotal);
                    CartSummary_DiscountAmount.Text = string.Format("{0:C2}", summary.Discount);
                    CartSummary_TaxAmount.Text      = string.Format("{0:C2}", summary.GST);
                    CartSummary_TotalAmount.Text    = string.Format("{0:C2}", summary.Total);

                    // check coupon and display discount percent if coupon was valid or error otherwise
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CartSummary_Coupon.Text))
                        // coupon field empty, hide all messages
                        CartSummary_DicountIcon_OK.Visible    = false;
                        CartSummary_DiscontIcon_Error.Visible = false;
                        CartSummary_DiscountError.Text        = "";
                        CartSummary_DiscountPercent.Text      = "";
                    else if (summary.DiscountCoupon == null)
                        // coupon not found
                        CartSummary_DicountIcon_OK.Visible    = false;
                        CartSummary_DiscontIcon_Error.Visible = true;
                        CartSummary_DiscountError.Text        = "Invalid";
                        CartSummary_DiscountPercent.Text      = "";
                    else if (!summary.DiscountCoupon.IsValid)
                        // coupon not valid because of date range
                        CartSummary_DicountIcon_OK.Visible    = false;
                        CartSummary_DiscontIcon_Error.Visible = true;
                        CartSummary_DiscountError.Text        = "Expired";
                        CartSummary_DiscountPercent.Text      = "";
                        // coupon valid, dispay percentage
                        CartSummary_DicountIcon_OK.Visible    = true;
                        CartSummary_DiscontIcon_Error.Visible = false;
                        CartSummary_DiscountError.Text        = "";
                        CartSummary_DiscountPercent.Text      = string.Format("{0} %", summary.DiscountCoupon.DiscountPercent);
            // refresh cart items