Exemplo n.º 1
    public override void Initialize(Transform[] objects)
        // list because I don't know size here
        List <Filter> tmpFilters = new List <Filter>();
        int           index      = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++)
            // check performance
            EnemyComponent  ec = objects[i].GetComponent <EnemyComponent>();
            CombatComponent cc = objects[i].GetComponent <CombatComponent>();
            HealthComponent hc = objects[i].GetComponent <HealthComponent>();

            if (cc && hc)
                tmpFilters.Add(new Filter(index, objects[i].gameObject, ec, cc, hc));

        filters = tmpFilters.ToArray();

        environmentComponent   = GetComponentInChildren <EnvironmentComponent>();
        transportableComponent = GetComponentInChildren <CartComponent>();
        inputComponent         = GetComponentInChildren <InputComponent>();
Exemplo n.º 2
    public override void Initialize(Transform[] objects)
        // list because I don't know size here
        List <Filter> tmpFilters = new List <Filter>();
        int           index      = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++)
            // check performance
            InventoryComponent  invC = objects[i].GetComponent <InventoryComponent>();
            InputComponent      inpC = objects[i].GetComponent <InputComponent>();
            InteractorComponent intC = objects[i].GetComponent <InteractorComponent>();
            MovementComponent   movC = objects[i].GetComponent <MovementComponent>();

            if (invC && inpC && intC && movC)
                tmpFilters.Add(new Filter(index, objects[i].gameObject, invC, inpC, intC, movC));

        filters = tmpFilters.ToArray();

        environmentComponent   = GetComponentInChildren <EnvironmentComponent>();
        transportableComponent = GetComponentInChildren <CartComponent>();
        cartInteractable       = transportableComponent.GetComponent <InteractableComponent>();
        lightComponent         = GetComponentInChildren <LightComponent>();
        //villagerComponent = GetComponentInChildren<VillagerComponent>();
        travelComponent  = GetComponentInChildren <TravelComponent>();
        treeComponents   = GetComponentsInChildren <CollectibleComponent>();
        goapSystem       = GetComponent <GOAPSystem>();
        navMeshComponent = playerGO.GetComponent <NavMeshComponent>();
Exemplo n.º 3
    private void InteractWithWorldObject(RaycastHit hit, InteractorComponent interactorComp, InventoryComponent inventoryComp)
        switch (hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <CollectibleComponent>().baseCollectible)
        case BaseResource t:
            //    GatherResource(t, inventoryComp);


        BaseResource resourceComp = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <CollectibleComponent>().baseCollectible;

        if (resourceComp != null)
            // GatherResource(resourceComp, inventoryComp);

        CartComponent transComp = hit.transform.GetComponent <CartComponent>();

        if (transComp != null)
            interactorComp.interactMode        = InteractMode.Object;
            interactorComp.isInteracting       = true;
            interactorComp.currentInteractable = transComp;
            //if(player.go.GetComponent<InventoryComponent>().InventoryBag.Count > 0)
            //    transComp.gameObject.GetComponent<InventoryComponent>().TransferItemsFromTo(
            //        player.go.GetComponent<InventoryComponent>(),
            //        transComp.gameObject.GetComponent<InventoryComponent>(), true);
Exemplo n.º 4
    private void AttemptWorldInteract(InteractorComponent interactorComp, InventoryComponent inventoryComp, LayerMask mask)
        Transform t        = interactorComp.GetOwnerGO().transform;
        Vector3   position = t.position + t.forward;

        RaycastHit[] hits;
        hits = Physics.BoxCastAll(position, Vector3.one, t.forward, Quaternion.identity, 1f, mask);

        for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++)
            CartComponent tc = hits[i].transform.GetComponentInParent <CartComponent>();
            if (tc)
                interactorComp.currentInteractable = tc;
                tc.isTraveling = false;

                /* bool tempTest = false;
                 * for (int y = 0; y < player.inventoryComponent.InventoryBag.Count; y++)
                 * {
                 *   if (player.inventoryComponent.InventoryBag[y] != player.inventoryComponent.tempColl)
                 *   {
                 *       tempTest = true;
                 *       break;
                 *   }
                 * }
                 * if(tempTest)
                 *   player.inventoryComponent.TransferItemsFromTo(player.inventoryComponent, tc.gameObject.GetComponent<InventoryComponent>(), true);*/
Exemplo n.º 5
    public override void Initialize(Transform[] objects)
        // list because I don't know size here
        List <Filter> tmpFilters = new List <Filter>();
        int           index      = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++)
            // check performance
            GameManagerComponent gmc = objects[i].GetComponent <GameManagerComponent>();

            if (gmc)
                tmpFilters.Add(new Filter(index, objects[i].gameObject, gmc));
                gmc.OnRestart += Restart;
                gmc.OnVictory += VictoryScreen;
                //gmc.OnDeath += RestartFromDeath;

                gmc.OnStartGameTick += StartGameTick;
                gmc.OnStopGameTick  += StopGameTick;

        filters                = tmpFilters.ToArray();
        travelComponent        = GetComponentInChildren <TravelComponent>();
        transportableComponent = GetComponentInChildren <CartComponent>();
        goapSystem             = GetComponent <GOAPSystem>();
Exemplo n.º 6
    private void AttemptWorldInteract(InteractorComponent interactorComp, InventoryComponent inventoryComp, LayerMask mask)
        Transform t        = interactorComp.GetOwnerGO().transform;
        Vector3   position = t.position + t.forward;

        RaycastHit[] hits;
        hits = Physics.BoxCastAll(position, Vector3.one, t.forward, Quaternion.identity, 1f, mask);

        for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++)
            CartComponent tc = hits[i].transform.GetComponentInParent <CartComponent>();
            if (tc)
                interactorComp.currentInteractable = tc;
                tc.isTraveling = false;

            // BaseResource treeComp = hits[i].transform.gameObject.GetComponentInParent<CollectibleComponent>().baseCollectible;
            // if (treeComp != null)
//             {
//                 GatherResource(treeComp, inventoryComp);
//             }
Exemplo n.º 7
        IEnumerator InitializeCartComponent(CartComponent cartComponent)
            var entityComponent = cartComponent.GetComponent <EntityComponent>();
            var entityHandler   = EntityComponentToEntityHandler[entityComponent];
            var spriteRenderer  = entityHandler.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();

            spriteRenderer.color = new Color(0.5f, 0.35f, 0.35f);
            yield break;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public Filter(int id,
                      GameObject go,
                      CartComponent tc,
                      CombatComponent cc
            this.id = id;

            gameObject             = go;
            transportableComponent = tc;
            combatComponent        = cc;
        void RegisterCart(CartComponent cart)
            this.Log($"ProductionAgent initializing cart {cart}");

            var cartAgent = cart.gameObject.AddComponent <CartAgentComponent>();

            var logtype = this.GetLogLevel();


            CartToAgent.Add(cart, cartAgent);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void AddToCart()
            List <Product>   productList   = new List <Product>();
            List <Promotion> promotionList = new List <Promotion>();

            productList.Add(new Product {
                SKUID = 'A', Price = 50
            productList.Add(new Product {
                SKUID = 'B', Price = 30
            productList.Add(new Product {
                SKUID = 'C', Price = 20
            productList.Add(new Product {
                SKUID = 'D', Price = 15

            promotionList.Add(new Promotion {
                SKUID = 'A', Quantity = 3, Price = 130
            promotionList.Add(new Promotion {
                SKUID = 'B', Quantity = 2, Price = 45
            promotionList.Add(new Promotion {
                SKUID = 'C', Quantity = 1, Price = 30
            promotionList.Add(new Promotion {
                SKUID = 'D', Quantity = 1, Price = 30

            CartComponent cart = new CartComponent();

            Assert.AreEqual(true, cart.AddCart('A', 1, productList, promotionList));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, cart.AddCart('B', 1, productList, promotionList));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, cart.AddCart('C', 1, productList, promotionList));
            Assert.AreEqual(100, cart.GetCartTotal(productList, promotionList));

            cart = new CartComponent();
            Assert.AreEqual(true, cart.AddCart('A', 5, productList, promotionList));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, cart.AddCart('B', 5, productList, promotionList));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, cart.AddCart('C', 1, productList, promotionList));
            Assert.AreEqual(370, cart.GetCartTotal(productList, promotionList));

            cart = new CartComponent();
            Assert.AreEqual(true, cart.AddCart('A', 3, productList, promotionList));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, cart.AddCart('B', 5, productList, promotionList));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, cart.AddCart('C', 1, productList, promotionList));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, cart.AddCart('D', 1, productList, promotionList));
            Assert.AreEqual(280, cart.GetCartTotal(productList, promotionList));
Exemplo n.º 11
        public Filter(
            int id,
            GameObject go,
            InventoryComponent ic,
            InputComponent inc,
            InteractorComponent iac,
            CartComponent cart
            this.id = id;

            gameObject          = go;
            inventoryComponent  = ic;
            inputComponent      = inc;
            interactorComponent = iac;
            cartComponent       = cart;
Exemplo n.º 12
    public override void Tick(float deltaTime)
        for (int i = 0; i < filters.Length; i++)
            // cache variables
            Filter filter = filters[i];

            CartComponent   transComp = filter.transportableComponent;
            CombatComponent combComp  = filter.combatComponent;

            // ----- logic -----

            /*if (transComp.isTraveling)
             * {
             *  transComp.ConsumeFuel(deltaTime);
             *  transComp.agent.Move(transComp.GetOwnerGO().transform.TransformDirection(transform.forward) * transComp.travelSpeed * deltaTime);
             * }*/
Exemplo n.º 13
    public override void Initialize(Transform[] objects)
        // list because I don't know size here
        List <Filter> tmpFilters = new List <Filter>();
        int           index      = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++)
            // check performance
            InventoryComponent ic = objects[i].GetComponent <InventoryComponent>();

            if (ic)
                tmpFilters.Add(new Filter(index, objects[i].gameObject, ic));

        filters       = tmpFilters.ToArray();
        cartComponent = GetComponentInChildren <CartComponent>();
Exemplo n.º 14
    public override void Initialize(Transform[] objects)
        // list because I don't know size here
        List <Filter> tmpFilters = new List <Filter>();
        int           index      = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++)
            // check performance
            CartComponent   tc = objects[i].GetComponent <CartComponent>();
            CombatComponent cc = objects[i].GetComponent <CombatComponent>();

            if (tc)
                tmpFilters.Add(new Filter(index, objects[i].gameObject, tc, cc));

        filters = tmpFilters.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 15
    public override void Tick(float deltaTime)
        for (int i = 0; i < filters.Length; i++)
            // cache variables
            Filter              filter        = filters[i];
            InventoryComponent  inventoryComp = filter.inventoryComponent;
            InputComponent      inputComp     = filter.inputComponent;
            InteractorComponent interactComp  = filter.interactorComponent;
            CartComponent       cartComp      = filter.cartComponent;

            // ----- logic -----
            if (inputComp.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E) || inputComp.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
                //if (invComp.treeResources > 0)
                //    //craftingSystem?.CraftPotion1();
                //    //craftGO.SetActive(!craftGO.activeSelf);
                AttemptWorldInteract(interactComp, player.inventoryComponent, inputComp.worldInteractMask);
            if (inputComp.upDPad)
            else if (inputComp.rightDPad)
            else if (inputComp.downDPad)
            else if (inputComp.leftDPad)
Exemplo n.º 16
    public override void Initialize(Transform[] objects)
        // list because I don't know size here

        List <Filter> tmpFilters = new List <Filter>();
        int           index      = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++)
            // check performance
            InventoryComponent  ic   = objects[i].GetComponent <InventoryComponent>();
            InteractorComponent iac  = objects[i].GetComponent <InteractorComponent>();
            InputComponent      inc  = objects[i].GetComponent <InputComponent>();
            CartComponent       cart = objects[i].GetComponent <CartComponent>();
            if (ic && iac && inc)
                tmpFilters.Add(new Filter(index, objects[i].gameObject, ic, inc, iac, cart));
        //  OnStart();
        //player.go.GetComponent<InventoryComponent>().invUI = tempUIfix.GetComponent<UseInventorySystem>();//*/GameObject.FindObjectOfType<UseInventorySystem>();

        filters = tmpFilters.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref = "CartLeftEventArgs">CartLeftEventArgs</see> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cart">The <see cref = "CartComponent">Cart</see> which has left the company.</param>
 public CartLeftEventArgs(CartComponent cart)
     Cart = cart;
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets wether a given cart is employed by the company.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cart">The cart in question.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool IsEmployed(CartComponent cart) => Carts.Contains(cart);
Exemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets whether a give cart is at the company.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cart">The cart in question.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool IsAvailable(CartComponent cart) => Location.EntityRegistry.IsRegistered(cart.Entity);
Exemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref = "CartArrivedEventArgs">CartArrivedEventArgs</see> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cart">The <see cref = "CartComponent">Cart</see> which has arrived at the company.</param>
 public CartArrivedEventArgs(CartComponent cart)
     Cart = cart;
Exemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref = "CartHiredEventArgs">CartHiredEventArgs</see> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cart">The hired <see cref = "CartComponent">Cart</see>.</param>
 /// <param name="cost">The cost of hiring the cart.</param>
 public CartHiredEventArgs(CartComponent cart, int cost)
     Cart = cart;
     Cost = cost;
Exemplo n.º 22
    public override void Tick(float deltaTime)
        for (int i = 0; i < filters.Length; i++)
            // cache variables
            Filter filter = filters[i];

            InventoryComponent  invComp        = filter.inventoryComponent;
            InputComponent      inputComp      = filter.inputComponent;
            InteractorComponent interactorComp = filter.interactorComponent;
            MovementComponent   movComp        = filter.movementComponent;

            // ----- logic -----

            // no longer used---------------------------
            InteractMode previous = interactorComp.interactMode;
            if (inputComp.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1))
                // move set none if previous was new to SetInteractMode
                if (previous == InteractMode.PlacingPlanks)
            else if (inputComp.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2))
                if (previous == InteractMode.Combat)

            if (inputComp.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E) || inputComp.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
                //AttemptWorldInteract(interactorComp, player.inventoryComponent, inputComp.worldInteractMask);
            else if (inputComp.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
                interactorComp.interactMode = InteractMode.None;
                CartComponent tc = (CartComponent)interactorComp.currentInteractable;
                if (tc)
                    tc.isTraveling = true;

            if (Vector3.Distance(filter.gameObject.transform.position, transportableComponent.transform.position) < 6f ||
                Vector3.Distance(filter.gameObject.transform.position, travelComponent.transform.position) < 6f && lightComponent.IsLightEnabled())

            if (Vector3.Distance(filter.gameObject.transform.position, transportableComponent.transform.position) < 3f)
                if (inputComp.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.B) || inputComp.GetButtonDown("Fire3"))
                    movComp.alive = false;
                    movComp.alive = true;

                if (inputComp.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M) || inputComp.GetButtonDown("Fire2"))

                if (inputComp.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E) || inputComp.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
                    //if (invComp.treeResources > 0)
                    //    //craftingSystem?.CraftPotion1();
                    //    //craftGO.SetActive(!craftGO.activeSelf);
                 * toggleBookGO.SetActive(false);
                 * craftGO.SetActive(false);*/

            isCombat      = interactorComp.interactMode == InteractMode.Combat;
            actorLocation = interactorComp.gameObject.transform.position;
            if (interactorComp.interactMode == InteractMode.PlacingPlanks)
                isPlacingPlanks = true;
                if (isPlacingPlanks)
                    // Don't LogWarning this unity I'm sure you have your reasons but I don't like them.
                // TODO remaing at last possible location if impossible position
                plankPlaceLocation   = inputComp.GetMouseHoverTransformPosition(inputComp.objectPlaceMask);
                plankPlaceLocation.y = 0f;

                //if (inputComp.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                //    PlacePlank(invComp);
                isPlacingPlanks = false;
                if (inputComp.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                    inputComp.GetMouseWorldLocation(out RaycastHit hit);
        if (Vector3.Distance(lightComponent.transform.position, transportableComponent.transform.position) < 7 && !lightComponent.IsLightEnabled()) //Magic number. Remove this
            //lightComponent.currentFuel = lightComponent.maxFuel;