Exemplo n.º 1
        public SystemIdCard CreateNewSystemIdCard(string itSystemName, CareProvider careProvider, AuthenticationLevel authenticationLevel, string username, string password,
                                                  X509Certificate2 certificate, string alternativeIdentifier)
            SystemInfo systemInfo = new SystemInfo(careProvider, itSystemName);

            return(new SystemIdCard(GetDgwsVersion(), authenticationLevel, GetIssuer(), systemInfo, certificate?.GetCertHashString(), alternativeIdentifier, username, password));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public List <CareProvider> Get(string userName)
            List <CareProvider> careProviders = new List <CareProvider>();
            CareProvider        careProvider;

            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Pets"].ConnectionString))
                    using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("dbo.GetCareProviders", connection))
                        command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("userName", userName);
                        using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                            while (reader.Read())
                                careProvider      = new CareProvider();
                                careProvider.ID   = ((int)reader["ID"]);
                                careProvider.Name = ((string)reader["Name"]);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception(ex.Message);
        private void AddProvider()
            var provider = new CareProvider();

Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Post(CareProvider cp)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

Exemplo n.º 5
        //	private Federation getMockFederation()
        //	{
        //		return new SOSITestFederation(System.getProperties()) {
        //			@Override

        //			public boolean isValidSTSCertificate(X509Certificate certificate)
        //		{
        //			return vocesVault.getSystemCredentialPair().getCertificate().equals(certificate);
        //		}
        //	};

        //private UserInfo BuildUserInfo(OioSamlAssertionToIdCardRequest request)
        //	{
        //		var assertion = request.OioSamlAssertion;
        //		string cpr = "XXXXXXXX"; // Perform lookup based on assertion.getCvrNumberIdentifier() and assertion.getRidNumberIdentifier()
        //		string givenName;
        //		string surName;
        //		if (request.UserGivenName != null && request.UserSurName != null)
        //		{
        //			givenName = request.UserGivenName;
        //			surName = request.UserSurName;
        //		}
        //		else
        //		{
        //			// The IdP cannot split CommonName and neither should we (assertion.getSurName() returns null)
        //			givenName =
        //				assertion.CommonName;
        //			surName = "-";
        //		}
        //		//var email = assertion.GetAttributeValue("urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3");
        //		var email = assertion.Email;
        //		string occupation = null;
        //		var role = "YYYYY"; // Lookup based on CPR, use request.getUserEducationCode() to pick the right one (or validate)
        //		var authorizationCode = "ZZZZZ";// Lookup based on CPR, use request.getUserAuthorizationCode() to pick the right one (or validate)
        //		return new UserInfo(cpr, givenName, surName, email, occupation, role, authorizationCode);
        //	}

        private UserIdCard CreateIdCard()
            SOSIFactory  sosiFactory           = new SOSIFactory(null, new CredentialVaultSignatureProvider(mocesVault));
            CareProvider careProvider          = new CareProvider(SubjectIdentifierType.medcomcvrnumber, "30808460", "Lægehuset på bakken");
            UserInfo     userInfo              = new UserInfo("1111111118", "Hans", "Dampf", "", "", "7170", "341KY");
            String       alternativeIdentifier = new CertificateInfo(mocesVault.GetSystemCredentials()).ToString();
            var          userIdCard            = sosiFactory.CreateNewUserIdCard("IT-System", userInfo, careProvider, AuthenticationLevel.MocesTrustedUser, null, null, null, alternativeIdentifier);

            userIdCard.Sign <Assertion>(sosiFactory.SignatureProvider);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override IDeepCopyable CopyTo(IDeepCopyable other)
            var dest = other as Patient;

            if (dest != null)
                if (Identifier != null)
                    dest.Identifier = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Identifier>(Identifier.DeepCopy());
                if (Name != null)
                    dest.Name = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.HumanName>(Name.DeepCopy());
                if (Telecom != null)
                    dest.Telecom = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Contact>(Telecom.DeepCopy());
                if (Gender != null)
                    dest.Gender = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept)Gender.DeepCopy();
                if (BirthDateElement != null)
                    dest.BirthDateElement = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.FhirDateTime)BirthDateElement.DeepCopy();
                if (Deceased != null)
                    dest.Deceased = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.Element)Deceased.DeepCopy();
                if (Address != null)
                    dest.Address = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Address>(Address.DeepCopy());
                if (MaritalStatus != null)
                    dest.MaritalStatus = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept)MaritalStatus.DeepCopy();
                if (MultipleBirth != null)
                    dest.MultipleBirth = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.Element)MultipleBirth.DeepCopy();
                if (Photo != null)
                    dest.Photo = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Attachment>(Photo.DeepCopy());
                if (Contact != null)
                    dest.Contact = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Patient.ContactComponent>(Contact.DeepCopy());
                if (Animal != null)
                    dest.Animal = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.Patient.AnimalComponent)Animal.DeepCopy();
                if (Communication != null)
                    dest.Communication = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept>(Communication.DeepCopy());
                if (CareProvider != null)
                    dest.CareProvider = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference>(CareProvider.DeepCopy());
                if (ManagingOrganization != null)
                    dest.ManagingOrganization = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference)ManagingOrganization.DeepCopy();
                if (Link != null)
                    dest.Link = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Patient.PatientLinkComponent>(Link.DeepCopy());
                if (ActiveElement != null)
                    dest.ActiveElement = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.FhirBoolean)ActiveElement.DeepCopy();
                throw new ArgumentException("Can only copy to an object of the same type", "other");
Exemplo n.º 7
        private IdCard InternalBuild(XElement idCardElement)
            IdCard result;
            string itSystemName = null,
                   ocesCertHash = null,
                   id = null,
                   version = null,
                   cpr = null,
                   givenName = null,
                   surName = null,
                   email = null,
                   occupation = null,
                   userRole = null,
                   authorizationCode = null,
                   careProviderId = null,
                   careProviderIdType = null,
                   careProviderName = null,
                   authLevel = null;
            bool hasIdCardData = false, hasSystemLog = false, hasUserLog = false;

            string alternativeIdentifier = null;
            string username              = null;
            string password              = null;

            DateTime createdDate = new DateTime(), expiryDate = new DateTime();

            // Check validity interval
            var timeConstraints =
                idCardElement.Descendants("{" + SamlTags.Conditions.Ns + "}" + SamlTags.Conditions.TagName);
            var conditionsAttributes = timeConstraints.Attributes();

                foreach (var attribute in conditionsAttributes)
                    var attributeValue = attribute.Value;
                    var attributeName  = attribute.Name;
                    if (SamlAttributes.NotOnOrAfter == attributeName)
                        expiryDate = DateTime.Parse(attributeValue);
                    else if (SamlAttributes.NotBefore == attributeName)
                        createdDate = DateTime.Parse(attributeValue);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new ModelBuildException("SAML:Conditions could not be parsed", e);

            //Check for an alternative Identifier
            var subjectNameIdNode =
                idCardElement.Descendants("{" + SamlTags.NameID.Ns + "}" + SamlTags.NameID.TagName).FirstOrDefault();
            var nameIdFormatNode = subjectNameIdNode.Attribute((SamlAttributes.Format));

            if (nameIdFormatNode.Value.Equals(SubjectIdentifierTypeValues.Other))
                alternativeIdentifier = subjectNameIdNode.Value;

            // IDCard attributes
            var issuerNode = idCardElement.Descendants("{" + SamlTags.Issuer.Ns + "}" + SamlTags.Issuer.TagName).FirstOrDefault();
            var issuer     = issuerNode.Value;

            var attributeStatementNodeList = idCardElement.Descendants("{" + SamlTags.AttributeStatement.Ns + "}" + SamlTags.AttributeStatement.TagName);

            bool?isUserIDCard = null;

            foreach (var attributeStatement in attributeStatementNodeList)
                var map = attributeStatement.Attributes();
                foreach (var attribute in map)
                    var attributeValue = attribute.Value;

                    if (IdValues.SystemLog.Equals(attributeValue))
                        // Iterate saml:Attributes in SystemLog
                        var samlAttributeNodes =
                            attributeStatement.Descendants("{" + SamlTags.Attribute.Ns + "}" + SamlTags.Attribute.TagName);

                        foreach (var samlAttribute in samlAttributeNodes)
                            var attributeName      = samlAttribute.Attribute("Name").Value;
                            var attributeNameValue = GetAttributeNameValue(samlAttribute, attributeName);
                            if (MedComAttributes.ItSystemName.Equals(attributeName))
                                itSystemName = attributeNameValue;
                            else if (MedComAttributes.CareProviderId.Equals(attributeName))
                                careProviderId = attributeNameValue;
                                var nameFormatAttribute = samlAttribute.Attribute(SamlAttributes.NameFormat);
                                if (nameFormatAttribute == null)
                                    throw new ModelBuildException(
                                              "DGWS violation: 'medcom:CareProviderID' SAML attribute must contain a 'NameFormat' attribute!");
                                careProviderIdType = nameFormatAttribute.Value;
                            else if (MedComAttributes.CareProviderName.Equals(attributeName))
                                careProviderName = attributeNameValue;
                        hasSystemLog = true;
                    else if (IdValues.IdCardData.Equals(attributeValue))
                        // Iterate saml:Attributes in IDCard
                        var samlAttributeNodes =
                            attributeStatement.Descendants("{" + SamlTags.Attribute.Ns + "}" + SamlTags.Attribute.TagName);

                        foreach (var samlAttribute in samlAttributeNodes)
                            var attributeName      = samlAttribute.Attribute("Name").Value;
                            var attributeNameValue = GetAttributeNameValue(samlAttribute, attributeName);
                            // Cert Hash
                            if (SosiAttributes.OcesCertHash.Equals(attributeName))
                                ocesCertHash = attributeNameValue;
                                // CardID
                            else if (SosiAttributes.IDCardID.Equals(attributeName))
                                id = attributeNameValue;
                                // CardVersion
                            else if (SosiAttributes.IDCardVersion.Equals(attributeName))
                                version = attributeNameValue;
                                // IDCardType
                            else if (SosiAttributes.IDCardType.Equals(attributeName))
                                if (IdCard.IDCARDTYPE_USER.Equals(attributeNameValue))
                                    isUserIDCard = true;
                                else if (IdCard.IDCARDTYPE_SYSTEM.Equals(attributeNameValue))
                                    isUserIDCard = false;
                            else if (SosiAttributes.AuthenticationLevel.Equals(attributeName))
                                authLevel = attributeNameValue;
                        hasIdCardData = true;
                    else if (IdValues.UserLog.Equals(attributeValue))
                        // Iterate saml:Attributes in UserLog
                        var samlAttributeNodes =
                            attributeStatement.Descendants("{" + SamlTags.Attribute.Ns + "}" + SamlTags.Attribute.TagName);

                        foreach (var samlAttribute in samlAttributeNodes)
                            var attributeName      = samlAttribute.Attribute("Name").Value;
                            var attributeNameValue = GetAttributeNameValue(samlAttribute, attributeName);
                            if (MedComAttributes.UserCivilRegistrationNumber.Equals(attributeName))
                                cpr = attributeNameValue;
                            else if (MedComAttributes.UserGivenName.Equals(attributeName))
                                givenName = attributeNameValue;
                            else if (MedComAttributes.UserSurname.Equals(attributeName))
                                surName = attributeNameValue;
                            else if (MedComAttributes.UserEmailAddress.Equals(attributeName))
                                email = attributeNameValue;
                            else if (MedComAttributes.UserOccupation.Equals(attributeName))
                                occupation = attributeNameValue;
                            else if (MedComAttributes.UserRole.Equals(attributeName))
                                userRole = attributeNameValue;
                            else if (MedComAttributes.UserAuthorizationCode.Equals(attributeName))
                                authorizationCode = attributeNameValue;
                        hasUserLog = true;
            SubjectIdentifierType careProviderIdEnum;

            Enum.TryParse(careProviderIdType.Replace(":", ""), true, out careProviderIdEnum);
            CareProvider careProvider = new CareProvider(careProviderIdEnum, careProviderId, careProviderName);
            SystemInfo   systemInfo   = new SystemInfo(careProvider, itSystemName);

            // All IDCard types must have a IDCardData element
            if (!hasIdCardData)
                throw new ModelBuildException("IDCardData element missing for IDCard");

            // All IDCard types must have a SystemLog element
            if (!hasSystemLog)
                throw new ModelBuildException("SystemLog element missing for IDCard");

            if (isUserIDCard == null)
                throw new ModelBuildException("ID Card type not found or invalid");
            else if (isUserIDCard.Value)
                if (!hasUserLog)
                    throw new ModelBuildException("UserLog element missing for UserIDCard");
                UserInfo userInfo = new UserInfo(cpr, givenName, surName, email, occupation, userRole, authorizationCode);
                result = new UserIdCard(version, idCardElement, id,
                                        ocesCertHash, issuer, systemInfo, userInfo, createdDate, expiryDate, alternativeIdentifier, username, password);
                if (hasUserLog)
                    throw new ModelBuildException("IDCard type is 'system', but also has a UserLog element (??)");
                result = new SystemIdCard(version, idCardElement, id,
                                          ocesCertHash, issuer, systemInfo, createdDate, expiryDate, alternativeIdentifier, username, password);