private void Start()
        //using the do, while loop, prevent multiple of the same card from spawning
        bool matchFound = false;

            //randomly generate the string used to find the correct card image
            suitNum = Random.Range(0, 4);
            cardNum = Random.Range(1, 14);

            for (int i = 0; i < CardsPlayed.GetCount(); i++)
                if (CardsPlayed.Get()[i][0] == suitNum && CardsPlayed.Get()[i][1] == cardNum)
                    Debug.Log("there was a card match, resolving issue.");
                    matchFound = true;
                else if (i + 1 == CardsPlayed.GetCount())
                    //if all cards which were played were checked and no matches were flagged then set the bool to false
                    matchFound = false;
        } while (matchFound);

        string cardName = "card_" + _suit[suitNum] + "_" + cardNum;


        transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("card_faces/" + cardName);

        //store this new card within the played cards list
        CardsPlayed.UpdateList(suitNum, cardNum, this.gameObject);

        //determine if the card that has been spawned is higher or lower than the previous card
        if (!IsFirstRound)
            //check whether the cards value, ignoring the suit is the same as or higher than the card that was played before this one
            if (CardsPlayed.GetPrevCard()[1] >= CardsPlayed.GetPrevCard(1)[1])
                Debug.Log("New card is higher than previous");
                Guess.NewCardHigher = true;
                Debug.Log("New card is lower than previous");
                Guess.NewCardHigher = false;
    // Update is called once per frame
    private void Update()
        //spawn a new playing card but set a limit of 6 on screen at once, then move the card to the centre of the screen
        if (State.Get() == State.GameState.SpawnPlayingCard && CardsPlayed.GetCount() < 6 && CardsPlayed.TotalCardsPlayedCount < 12)

        //remove all the playing cards off the screen
        if (State.Get() == State.GameState.SpawnPlayingCard && !_removingCards && CardsPlayed.Get().Count > 0)
            _removingCards = true;
