Exemplo n.º 1
    private void PlayCardResultSound(Card.CardValue match)
        AudioSource audio = GetComponent <AudioSource>();

        if (match == Card.CardValue.Ammo)
        else if (match == Card.CardValue.Health)
        else if (match == Card.CardValue.Poison)
        else if (match == Card.CardValue.Health100)
        else if (match == Card.CardValue.Unknown)
            // No match
Exemplo n.º 2
    private Texture2D GetTextureForCardValue(Card.CardValue cardValue)
        switch (cardValue)
        case Card.CardValue.Unknown:

        case Card.CardValue.Ammo:

        case Card.CardValue.Health:

        case Card.CardValue.Poison:

        case Card.CardValue.Poison2:

        case Card.CardValue.Block:

        case Card.CardValue.Health100:

Exemplo n.º 3
         * Check if player is allowed to make meld of given CardValue,
         * in terms of natural to wild card ratio.
         * @param cv CardValue of meld
         * @return True -> is allowed, False -> is not allowed
        private bool CanMeld(Card.CardValue cv)
            int natural = CardAmount(cv, myCards);
            int wild    = WildCardAmount();

            return(natural > 1 && (wild > 0 || natural > 2));
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Run given meld -> remove cards from player hand and add cards to player melds.
  * @param meld      Meld to run
  * @param meldValue CardValue of meld
 private void RunMeld(List <Card> meld, Card.CardValue meldValue)
     foreach (Card card in meld)
     myMelds[CardValueToValue(meldValue) - 3] = meld;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void ReturnHighestCardInHand(Card.CardValue[] sourceCardValues,
                                            Card.CardValue expectedValue)
            Hand instance         = new Hand(sourceCardValues);
            var  highestCardValue = instance.GetHighestCardValue();

            Assert.AreEqual(highestCardValue, expectedValue);
Exemplo n.º 6
         * Count amount of given cards of given or lower CardValue
         * @param cv       CardValue (or lower) to consider
         * @param cards    Cards to count
         * @return Amount of cards of CardValue or lower
        private static int CountLowerOrSame(List <Card.CardValue> values, Card.CardValue cv)
            int count = 0;

            foreach (Card.CardValue value in values)
                count += CardValueToValue(value) <= CardValueToValue(cv) ? 1 : 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
         * Count amount of given cards of given CardValue
         * @param cv    CardValue to consider
         * @param cards Cards to count
         * @return Amount of cards of CardValue
        private static int CardAmount(Card.CardValue cv, List <Card> cards)
            int amount = 0;

            foreach (Card card in cards)
                amount += card.value == cv ? 1 : 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public Sprite FindCardSprite(Card.CardValue v, Card.CardSuit s)
     foreach (var item in commonFronts)
         if (item.suit == s && item.value == v)
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Search for first card of player of given CardValue
  * @param cv CardValue to consider
  * @return First Card of given CardValue, Null if not found
 private Card FindFirstCard(Card.CardValue cv)
     foreach (Card card in myCards)
         if (card.value == cv)
Exemplo n.º 10
        public Card CreateCard(Card.CardSuit suit, Card.CardValue value)
            //make sure we can find our prefab in resorces
            var _cardObj = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Card") as GameObject;

            if (_cardObj == null)
                Debug.LogError("Unable to find card prefab");

            //now instatiate (creates an instance of that prefab and adds it to the scene)
            _cardObj = Instantiate(_cardObj);
            if (_cardObj == null)
                Debug.LogError("Failed to create card prefab");

            //we will be using the "Card" component of the newly created card a few times,
            // GetComponent is expensive so we do it once and store it. Because _card was created in this function
            //it will get freed up after the funtion and destroyed.
            var _card = _cardObj.GetComponent <Card> ();

            if (_card == null)            //if for some reason the card doesnt have a card class/component on it we will just add it.
                _card = _cardObj.AddComponent <Card> ();

            _card.CSuit  = suit;
            _card.CValue = value;

            //now we want to set the name of the card so it makes sense as we look at it in the hierarchy
            //and set the parent to the deck, so all the cards get hidden underneath
            _cardObj.name = _card.CValue.ToString() + "_" + _card.CSuit.ToString();
            _cardObj.transform.SetParent(transform, false);

            //we will now loop though all the children (possible card types) and
            //remove the ones we are not set to for this specific card.
            //this makes creating them a little heavier but ends up the cleanest so far for me.
            Transform _child = null;

            //loop though and destroy the kids we are not, that we dont need.
            for (int m = 0; m < _cardObj.transform.childCount; m++)
                _child = _cardObj.transform.GetChild(m);
                if (_child.name != Card.CardBack && _child.name != _cardObj.name)

Exemplo n.º 11
 private static int CardValueToValue(Card.CardValue cv)
     return(cv switch
         Card.CardValue.JOKER => 0,
         Card.CardValue.TWO => 1,
         Card.CardValue.THREE => 2,
         Card.CardValue.FOUR => 3,
         Card.CardValue.FIVE => 4,
         Card.CardValue.SIX => 5,
         Card.CardValue.SEVEN => 6,
         Card.CardValue.EIGHT => 7,
         Card.CardValue.NINE => 8,
         Card.CardValue.TEN => 9,
         Card.CardValue.JACK => 10,
         Card.CardValue.QUEEN => 11,
         Card.CardValue.KING => 12,
         Card.CardValue.ACE => 13,
         _ => - 1,
Exemplo n.º 12
        /* Constructor loops through different suits and kinds in double for loop to
         * create a deck of 52 cards
        public Deck()
            _Deck = new List <Card>();
            string[] suits = new string[] { "Clubs", "Hearts", "Diamonds", "Spades" };
            //string[] kinds = new string[] { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
            //                                "Jack", "Queen", "King", "Ace" };
            Card.CardValue[] kinds = new Card.CardValue[] { Card.CardValue.TWO, Card.CardValue.THREE, Card.CardValue.FOUR,
                                                            Card.CardValue.FIVE, Card.CardValue.SIX, Card.CardValue.SEVEN, Card.CardValue.EIGHT,
                                                            Card.CardValue.NINE, Card.CardValue.TEN, Card.CardValue.JACK, Card.CardValue.QUEEN,
                                                            Card.CardValue.KING, Card.CardValue.ACE };

            foreach (var suit in suits)
                foreach (var kind in kinds)
                    _Deck.Add(new Card()
                        Kind = kind, Suit = suit
Exemplo n.º 13
    private void OnCardMatch(Card.CardValue match)
        if (match == Card.CardValue.Ammo)
            AmmoCount += 10;

        else if (match == Card.CardValue.Health)
            Health += 25;

        else if (match == Card.CardValue.Poison)
            Health -= 12;


            Health = Mathf.Max(Health, 0);
        else if (match == Card.CardValue.Health100)
            int diff = 100 - Health;
            if (diff > 0)

            Health = Mathf.Max(Health, 100);


Exemplo n.º 14
         * Use drop net to predict card to drop. When the player does not hold the card,
         * the second highest prediction value gets chosen and so on.
         * @return Card to drop, identified by SUIT and VALUE
        public Card Drop()
            Card toDrop;
            //get raw predictions and copy it. when cutting of later the orginal one is not touched
            NDarray pred        = dropModel.Predict(input)[0];
            NDarray predCleaned = np.array(pred);

            //CardValues that the AI predicted but are not in the playershand
            List <Card.CardValue> tried = new List <Card.CardValue>();

                //convert prediction vector to CardValue
                NDarray        argMax  = np.argmax(predCleaned);
                int            value   = argMax.item <int>();
                Card.CardValue tryDrop = value > 0 ? ValueToCardValue(value + 1) : Card.CardValue.JOKER;
                tryDrop = ValueToCardValue(CardValueToValue(tryDrop) + CountLowerOrSame(tried, tryDrop));

                //check if player actually holds predicted CardValue
                toDrop = FindFirstCard(tryDrop);

                //JOKER stands for wild card in general -> also consider TWO
                if (tryDrop == Card.CardValue.JOKER)
                    toDrop = toDrop ?? FindFirstCard(Card.CardValue.TWO);

                //cuts out tried CardValue
                var sliceIdx = Numpy.Models.Slice.Index(
                    tryDrop != Card.CardValue.JOKER ? CardValueToValue(tryDrop) - CountLowerOrSame(tried, tryDrop) - 1 : 0);
                predCleaned = np.delete(predCleaned, sliceIdx);
            }while (toDrop == null);

Exemplo n.º 15
 public CardInfo(Card.CardColor color, Card.CardValue value)
     this.color = color;
     this.value = value;
Exemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Check if cards have same card value
 /// </summary>
 public bool EqualValue(Card.CardValue cardValue)
     return(this.value == cardValue);
Exemplo n.º 17
         * Use meldIf net to predict wether to meld cards or not. If yes, meld value and (wild)card amount
         * get predicted by (meld)value/wild net. Runs as long AI wants(= prediction) to and also can(=cards) meld.
         * @param minMeldPoints Minimal points needed to be a valid meld
         * @return All melds to be made. Every array element is representing one meld with a list of cards.
         * The element at index == 0 represents the meld with CardValue == Four, index == 1 -> CardValuue == Five, ...
         * When an array element == null, there are no cards of this CardValue to be meld.
        public List <Card>[] Meld(int minMeldPoints = 0)
            List <Card>[] toMeld     = new List <Card> [11];
            int           meldPoints = 0;

            //get raw "if" prediction and convert vector to boolean
            NDarray predIf  = meldIfModel.Predict(input)[0];
            float   valueIf = predIf.item <float>();
            bool    doMeld  = Math.Round(valueIf) == 1;

            if (doMeld)
                Card toMeldElem;
                    //get raw "value" predictions and copy it. when cutting of later the orginal one is not touched
                    NDarray predValue        = meldValueModel.Predict(input)[0];
                    NDarray predValueCleaned = np.array(predValue);

                    //CardValues that the AI predicted but are not in the playershand
                    List <Card.CardValue> tried = new List <Card.CardValue>();
                        //convert prediction vector to CardValue
                        NDarray        argMaxValue = np.argmax(predValueCleaned);
                        int            valueValue  = argMaxValue.item <int>();
                        Card.CardValue tryMeld     = ValueToCardValue(valueValue + 3);
                        tryMeld = ValueToCardValue(CardValueToValue(tryMeld) + CountLowerOrSame(tried, tryMeld));

                        //check if player actually holds predicted CardValue
                        toMeldElem = FindFirstCard(tryMeld);

                        //cuts out tried CardValue
                        var sliceIdx = Numpy.Models.Slice.Index(CardValueToValue(tryMeld) - 3 - CountLowerOrSame(tried, tryMeld));
                        predValueCleaned = np.delete(predValueCleaned, sliceIdx);
                    }while (predValueCleaned.size > 0 && (toMeldElem == null || !CanMeld(toMeldElem.value)));

                    if (toMeldElem != null)
                        //get raw "wild" prediction and convert vector to wild card amount. also considering max wild cards
                        NDarray predWild       = meldWildModel.Predict(input)[0];
                        NDarray argMaxWild     = np.argmax(predWild);
                        int     wildCardAmount = WildCardAmount();
                        int     cardAmount     = CardAmount(toMeldElem.value, myCards);
                        int     valueWild      = argMaxWild.item <int>() <= wildCardAmount?argMaxWild.item <int>() : wildCardAmount;

                        //correct if not enough cards or too many wild cards
                        if (valueWild + cardAmount < 3)
                            valueWild = 3 - cardAmount;
                        if (valueWild > cardAmount)
                            valueWild = cardAmount;

                        //build meld
                        List <Card> meld = AllCardsOfCVs(new List <Card.CardValue>()
                        meld.AddRange(AllCardsOfCVs(new List <Card.CardValue>()
                            Card.CardValue.TWO, Card.CardValue.JOKER
                        }, valueWild));

                        //update meld array and meld points
                        toMeld[CardValueToValue(toMeldElem.value) - 3] = meld;
                        meldPoints += MeldToPoints(meld);

                        //update myCards and myMelds
                        RunMeld(meld, toMeldElem.value);

                        //get raw "if" prediction (after updating input vector) and convert vector to boolean
                        predIf  = meldIfModel.Predict(input)[0];
                        valueIf = predIf.item <float>();
                        doMeld  = Math.Round(valueIf) == 1;
                        doMeld = false;
                } while (doMeld);
            return(meldPoints >= minMeldPoints ? toMeld : new List <Card> [11]);