//Clear All items, comboboxes, checkboxes etc... private void ClearListButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { rtb.Document.Blocks.Clear(); CarPrice.Clear(); InsurancePrice.Clear(); Brand.Clear(); Type.Clear(); SenderName.SelectedIndex = 0; AssistanceType.SelectedIndex = 0; AdreserType.SelectedIndex = 0; GlassPrice.SelectedIndex = 0; NnwPrice.SelectedIndex = 0; ValType.SelectedIndex = 0; AcDisc.SelectedIndex = 0; OwnCont.SelectedIndex = 0; GrNet.SelectedIndex = 0; OcComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; ConstInsuranceValue.SelectedIndex = 0; OcCheckBox.IsChecked = false; AcCheckBox.IsChecked = false; NnwCheckBox.IsChecked = false; GlassCheckBox.IsChecked = false; AssCheckBox.IsChecked = false; AtHomeLimit.IsChecked = false; KmLimit.IsChecked = false; BorderRange.IsChecked = false; InsuranceCompany = ""; Recpient = ""; CarBrand = ""; CarType = ""; DiscountOC = ""; CarPriceAC = ""; GrossNetAC = ""; OwnContributionAC = ""; DiscountAC = ""; ValuationTypeAC = ""; NnwTypes = ""; AssistanceRange = ""; CarGlass = ""; InsurancePriceEnd = ""; Sender = ""; AssistanceTypeCompany = ""; InsuranceChange = ""; FirstPartOfMail = ""; SecondPartOfMail = ""; ThirdPartOfMail = ""; FourthPartOfMail = ""; FourthAndHalfPartOFMail = ""; FifthPartOfMail = ""; SixthPartOfMail = ""; SeventhPartOfMail = ""; EightPartOfMail = ""; AtHomeLimitation = ""; KmLimitation = ""; BorderRangePl = ""; id = 0; }
public static CarPriceDto ConvertModelDto(this CarPrice source) { return(new CarPriceDto() { id = source.id, companyId = source.companyId, price = source.price }); }
public CarPrice GetPrice(CarPricingForm form) { var key = $"{form.Make}-{form.Model}-{form.Year}"; if (_bucket.Exists(key)) { return(_bucket.Get <CarPrice>(key).Value); } Thread.Sleep(5000); var result = CarPrice.Generate(); _bucket.Upsert(new Document <CarPrice> { Id = key, Content = result, Expiry = 60 * 1000 // 60 seconds }); return(result); }
public CarPrice GetPrice(CarPricingForm form) { var key = $"{form.Make}-{form.Model}-{form.Year}"; var cachedValue = _cache.Get <CarPrice>(key); if (cachedValue != null) { return(cachedValue); } Thread.Sleep(5000); var result = CarPrice.Generate(); _cache.Set(key, result, new DistributedCacheEntryOptions { SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60) }); return(result); }
public async Task <List <CarPrice> > SearchCars(CarSearchRequest searchRequest, Supplier supplier) { var factory = new SupplierCarSearchFactory(); var supplierSearchService = factory.GetSupplierCarSearchService(supplier.Id); var supplierCarPrice = await supplierSearchService.SearchCars(searchRequest); var mappedResult = new List <CarPrice>(); foreach (var sc in supplierCarPrice) { // do some mapping here to identify the car between supplier car and local car // Apply commission policy here, now just multiple 10% as an example var carPrice = new CarPrice() { Car = new Car { Id = new Random().Next(1, 100), Name = sc.SupplierCar.Name, ImageUrl = sc.SupplierCar.ImageUrl }, Price = sc.SupplierBasePrice + (sc.SupplierBasePrice * 0.1M), PriceRateId = Guid.NewGuid() //Supplier = supplier, //BookingDetail = new BookingRequestDetail { // PickupDate = searchRequest.PickupDate, // ReturnDate = searchRequest.ReturnDate, // PickupLocation = new Location { Name = searchRequest.PickupLocation }, // ReturnLocation = new Location { Name = searchRequest.ReturnLocation } //} }; mappedResult.Add(carPrice); } return(mappedResult); }
public CarPrice GetPrice(CarPricingForm form) { Thread.Sleep(5000); return(CarPrice.Generate()); }