Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void RunCharacterTest()
            Core core = new Core();

            StillDesign.PhysX.Scene scene = core.CreateScene();

            ControllerManager manager = scene.CreateControllerManager();

            CapsuleControllerDescription desc = new CapsuleControllerDescription(2, 10);
            CapsuleController            capsuleController = manager.CreateController <CapsuleController>(desc);

            BoxShapeDescription boxShapeDesc = new BoxShapeDescription(1, 1, 1);
            ActorDescription    actorDesc    = new ActorDescription(boxShapeDesc);

            actorDesc.BodyDescription = new BodyDescription(1f);

            Actor actor = scene.CreateActor(actorDesc);

            //capsuleController.Move( Vector3.Up );

            // Update Physics
            scene.Simulate(1.0f / 60.0f);
            scene.FetchResults(SimulationStatus.RigidBodyFinished, true);


Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override void ProcessKeyboard(Key[] pressedKeys)
            // Create a rotation matrix around the y-axis
            Matrix rotation = Matrix.RotationAxis(Vector3.UnitY, _rotation);

            // Compute the forwards and right movement vectors
            // The controller will move in its own space, so rotate the usual forwards and right vectors
            Vector3 forward = Vector3.TransformNormal(Vector3.UnitZ, rotation);
            Vector3 right   = Vector3.TransformNormal(Vector3.UnitX, rotation);

            Vector3 moveDelta = Vector3.Zero;

            if (pressedKeys.Contains(Key.W))
                moveDelta += forward;
            if (pressedKeys.Contains(Key.S))
                moveDelta += -forward;
            if (pressedKeys.Contains(Key.A))
                moveDelta += -right;
            if (pressedKeys.Contains(Key.D))
                moveDelta += right;

            // Normalize the distance vector (as we may of added two or more components together)
            Vector3 d = Vector3.Normalize(moveDelta);

            // Move the controller in the intended direction * a speed multiplier
            _controller.Move(d.AsPhysX() * _controllerSpeed, this.Engine.FrameTime);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void Update(TimeSpan elapsed)
     _controller.Move(new Vector3(1, 0, 1), elapsed);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void TestPhysicsError()
            Game game1 = new Game();


            /*XNAGame game = new XNAGame();
             * bool flag = false;
             * game.UpdateEvent += delegate
             * {
             *  if ( flag ) game.Exit();
             *  flag = true;
             * };
             * game.Run();*/

            using (PhysicsEngine engine = new PhysicsEngine())
                StillDesign.PhysX.Scene scene;
                CapsuleController       controller = null;

                ControllerManager manager;

                 * game.InitializeEvent +=
                 *  delegate
                 *  {*/

                scene = engine.Scene;

                manager = scene.CreateControllerManager();

                CapsuleControllerDescription capsuleControllerDesc = new CapsuleControllerDescription(0.5f, 1);

                CapsuleController capsuleController = manager.CreateController <CapsuleController>(capsuleControllerDesc);

                controller = capsuleController;

                ActorDescription actorDesc;
                Actor            actor;

                BoxShapeDescription boxShapeDesc = new BoxShapeDescription(1, 1, 1);

                actorDesc = new ActorDescription(boxShapeDesc);
                actorDesc.BodyDescription = new BodyDescription(1f);

                actor = engine.Scene.CreateActor(actorDesc);
                actor.GlobalPosition = new Vector3(1, 4, 0);


                /*    };
                 * game.UpdateEvent += delegate { if (flag) game.Exit();
                 *                               flag = true; };
                 * game.Run();*/
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void updateBody(float deltaTime)
            goalDirection = Mogre.Vector3.ZERO;               // we will calculate this

            if (keyDirection != Mogre.Vector3.ZERO && baseAnim.Type != ChaAnimType.CAT_CUSTOME_BLOCK)
                // calculate actually goal direction in world based on player's key directions
                goalDirection  += keyDirection.z * cameraNode.Orientation.ZAxis;
                goalDirection  += keyDirection.x * cameraNode.Orientation.XAxis;
                goalDirection.y = 0;

                Quaternion toGoal = entityNode.Orientation.ZAxis.GetRotationTo(goalDirection);

                // calculate how much the character has to turn to face goal direction
                float yawToGoal = toGoal.Yaw.ValueDegrees;
                // this is how much the character CAN turn this frame
                float yawAtSpeed = yawToGoal / Mogre.Math.Abs(yawToGoal) * deltaTime * TURN_SPEED;
                // reduce "turnability" if we're in midair
                if (baseAnim.Type == ChaAnimType.CAT_JUMP_LOOP)
                    yawAtSpeed *= 0.2f;

                // turn as much as we can, but not more than we need to
                if (yawToGoal < 0)
                    yawToGoal = System.Math.Min(0, System.Math.Max(yawToGoal, yawAtSpeed));                                //yawToGoal = Math::Clamp<Real>(yawToGoal, yawAtSpeed, 0);
                else if (yawToGoal > 0)
                    yawToGoal = System.Math.Max(0, System.Math.Min(yawToGoal, yawAtSpeed));                                     //yawToGoal = Math::Clamp<Real>(yawToGoal, 0, yawAtSpeed);
                entityNode.Yaw(new Degree(yawToGoal));

                // move in current body direction (not the goal direction)
                var           dist         = deltaTime * RUN_SPEED /* * baseAnim.AnimationState.Weight*/;
                Mogre.Vector3 displacement = new Mogre.Vector3(0, 0, dist);
                entityNode.Translate(displacement.x, displacement.y, displacement.z,

                /*Get world movement*/
                displacement = entityNode.Orientation * displacement;

                ControllerFlags flag;
                physicsController.Move(displacement, 0, 0.01f, out flag);
                entityNode.Position = new Mogre.Vector3(

            if (baseAnim.Type == ChaAnimType.CAT_JUMP_LOOP)
                // if we're jumping, add a vertical offset too, and apply gravity
                entityNode.Translate(0, verticalVelocity * deltaTime, 0, Node.TransformSpace.TS_LOCAL);
                verticalVelocity -= GRAVITY * deltaTime;

                Mogre.Vector3 pos = entityNode.Position;
                if (pos.y <= CHAR_HEIGHT * lastPosition.y)
                    // if we've hit the ground, change to landing state
                    pos.y = CHAR_HEIGHT * lastPosition.y;
                    entityNode.Position = pos;
                    ControllerFlags flag;
                    physicsController.Move(pos, 1 << 3, 0.01f, out flag);
                    entityNode.Position = physicsController.Actor.GlobalPosition;
                    SetBaseAnimation(anims.Where(o => o.Type == ChaAnimType.CAT_JUMP_END).First(), true);
                    timer = 0;
        public void Update(DX11Game _game)
            var game = TW.Graphics;

            if (movementDisabled)
                frameMovement = Vector3.Zero;

            if (velocity.LengthSquared() < 0.001f)
                velocity = Vector3.Zero;
            // Calculate component in the direction of the velocity
            if (frameMovement.LengthSquared() > 0.00001f)
                var dot = Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Normalize(frameMovement), Vector3.Normalize(velocity));
                if (dot < 0)
                    velocity      -= velocity * 0.1f * -dot;
                    frameMovement -= Vector3.Normalize(velocity) * Vector3.Dot(frameMovement, Vector3.Normalize(velocity));

            if (velocity.LengthSquared() > 0.001f)
                while (controllerHitReport.HitQueue.Count > 0)
                    var hit         = controllerHitReport.HitQueue.Dequeue();
                    var frictionDot = Vector3.Dot(velocity, hit.WorldNormal);
                    if (frictionDot > 0)
                        continue;                  // moving away from surface
                    var tangentVelocity = velocity - hit.WorldNormal * frictionDot;
                    if (tangentVelocity.LengthSquared() < (1f * 1f))
                        //Static friction

                        velocity -= tangentVelocity;
                        //Dynamic friction
                        velocity -= tangentVelocity * game.Elapsed; // this integrates the friction force.
            // This is bad practice ( 2-way dependancy ) (no clue what this means)
            player.Position = controller.Position.dx();

            var gravity = Vector3.Down * 10;

            if (!DisableGravity)
                velocity += gravity * game.Elapsed;

            frameMovement += velocity * game.Elapsed;

            var oldPos = controller.Position;


            // Apply fake gravity. Downward speed is constant.
            frameMovement = Vector3.Zero;
            // Clamp to 0 for now
            Vector3 position = controller.Position;

            if (position.Y < controller.Height + GroundHeight)
                controller.Position = position + Vector3.UnitY * (controller.Height - position.Y + GroundHeight);

            if (Math.Abs((controller.Position - oldPos).Y) < 0.001)
                velocity.Y = 0;

            player.Position = controller.Position.dx();


            if (DisableGravity)
                velocity = Vector3.Zero; // Apply infinite friction