Exemplo n.º 1
    // returns null if the system is considered "stable"
    // on the other hand, if settling is necessary, returns the
    // offending script after making one move towards a stable state
    public CandyScript SettleStep()
        KeyValuePair <Vector2Int, Vector2Int> move = FindStablizingMove();

        if (move.Key.x == -1)

        candy_grid[move.Value.x][move.Value.y] = candy_grid[move.Key.x][move.Key.y];
        candy_grid[move.Key.x][move.Key.y]     = null;

        CandyScript script = candy_grid[move.Value.x][move.Value.y];

        float dx = new int[] { -1, 1 }[move.Value.y - move.Key.y + parity_map[move.Key.x]] *mainRadius;
        float dy = PolyPieceGenerator.CalculateVStackDistance(6, mainRadius);

        script.transform.position += new Vector3(dx, -dy, 0);

        CandyScriptIndex id = candy_indexer[script];

        id.row    = move.Value.x;
        id.column = move.Value.y;

Exemplo n.º 2
    List <CandyScript> FetchNeighbours(CandyScript script)
        CandyScriptIndex id = candy_indexer[script];
        int x = id.column;
        int y = id.row;
        int p = parity_map[y];
        List <Vector2Int>  neighbour_indices = new List <Vector2Int>();
        List <CandyScript> neighbours        = new List <CandyScript>();

        if (p == 1)
            if (id.column != 0)
                neighbour_indices.Add(new Vector2Int(x - 1, y));
                neighbour_indices.Add(new Vector2Int(x - 1, y + 1));
                neighbour_indices.Add(new Vector2Int(x - 1, y - 1));
            if (id.column != cols)
                neighbour_indices.Add(new Vector2Int(x + 1, y));
                neighbour_indices.Add(new Vector2Int(x, y + 1));
                neighbour_indices.Add(new Vector2Int(x, y - 1));
            neighbour_indices.Add(new Vector2Int(x + 1, y + 1));
            neighbour_indices.Add(new Vector2Int(x + 1, y - 1));
            neighbour_indices.Add(new Vector2Int(x, y + 1));
            neighbour_indices.Add(new Vector2Int(x, y - 1));
            if (id.column != 0)
                neighbour_indices.Add(new Vector2Int(x - 1, y));
            if (id.column != cols - 1)
                neighbour_indices.Add(new Vector2Int(x + 1, y));
        foreach (Vector2Int ni in neighbour_indices)
            Vector2Int  gc        = ConvertToGridIndices(ni);
            CandyScript neighbour = SafeGridFetch(gc.x, gc.y);
            if (neighbour != null)
Exemplo n.º 3
    // a candy is stable if either:
    // - it's on the bottom row
    // - it has two blocks supporting it
    // - it is of odd parity and on an edge, with 1 block supporting it
    bool IsStable(CandyScript c)
        CandyScriptIndex id = candy_indexer[c];

        return((id.row == candy_grid.Count - 1)
               (parity_map[id.row] == 0 &&                                                                            // even parity
                (SafeGridFetch(id.row + 1, id.column) != null && SafeGridFetch(id.row + 1, id.column + 1) != null))   // has 2 under it
               (parity_map[id.row] == 1 &&                                                                            // odd parity
                (SafeGridFetch(id.row + 1, id.column) != null && SafeGridFetch(id.row + 1, id.column - 1) != null) || // has 2 under it
                ((id.column == 0 || id.column == cols) &&                                                             // is an edge piece
                 (SafeGridFetch(id.row + 1, id.column) != null || SafeGridFetch(id.row + 1, id.column - 1) != null))
               ));                                                                                                    // one supporting piece