Exemplo n.º 1
      private void SetupMocksandExecute(IAlignmentExtractor extractorForRealign, IRealignmentWriter writer, bool skipDups, int maxShift, string chrReference = null, ITargetCaller targetCaller = null, IStateManager stateManager = null)

          var extractorForCandidates = new Mock <IAlignmentExtractor>();
          var ranker      = new Mock <IIndelRanker>();
          var indel       = new CandidateIndel(new CandidateAllele("chr", 10, "C", "CTATATA", AlleleCategory.Insertion));
          var indelFinder = new Mock <IIndelCandidateFinder>();

          if (targetCaller == null)
              var mocktargetCaller = new Mock <ITargetCaller>();
              mocktargetCaller.Setup(x => x.Call(It.IsAny <List <CandidateIndel> >(), It.IsAny <IAlleleSource>()))
              .Returns(new List <CandidateIndel>()

              targetCaller = mocktargetCaller.Object;

          var realigner = new ChrRealigner(new ChrReference()
                Sequence = chrReference ?? string.Join(string.Empty, Enumerable.Repeat("ACGT", 10))
            }, extractorForCandidates.Object,
                                           extractorForRealign, indelFinder.Object, ranker.Object, targetCaller,
                                           new RealignStateManager(), writer, skipDuplicates: skipDups, maxRealignShift: maxShift);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public void GetCandidateGroup()
            var stateManager = new RealignStateManager();

            var indel1 = new CandidateIndel(new CandidateAllele("chr1", 500, "A", "AT", AlleleCategory.Insertion));
            var indel2 = new CandidateIndel(new CandidateAllele("chr1", 510, "A", "AT", AlleleCategory.Insertion));
            var indel3 = new CandidateIndel(new CandidateAllele("chr1", 505, "A", "AT", AlleleCategory.Insertion));

            var indel4 = new CandidateIndel(new CandidateAllele("chr1", 1500, "A", "AT", AlleleCategory.Insertion));
            var indel5 = new CandidateIndel(new CandidateAllele("chr1", 1510, "A", "AT", AlleleCategory.Insertion));
            var indel6 = new CandidateIndel(new CandidateAllele("chr1", 3000, "A", "AT", AlleleCategory.Insertion));
            var indel7 = new CandidateIndel(new CandidateAllele("chr1", 3010, "A", "AT", AlleleCategory.Insertion));

            var allCandidates1 = new List <CandidateIndel> {
                indel1, indel2, indel3
            var allCandidates2 = new List <CandidateIndel> {
                indel4, indel5
            var allCandidates3 = new List <CandidateIndel> {
                indel6, indel7
            var testCandidates1 = new List <CandidateIndel> {
                indel1, indel2
            var testCandidates2 = new List <CandidateIndel> {
                indel3, indel2
            var testCandidates3 = new List <CandidateIndel> {
                indel1, indel3


            var candidateIndelGroup = stateManager.GetCandidateGroups(1);

            Assert.True(candidateIndelGroup.Count == 0);

            candidateIndelGroup = stateManager.GetCandidateGroups(2001);
            Assert.True(candidateIndelGroup.Contains(new Tuple <string, string, string>(indel1.ToString(), indel3.ToString(), indel2.ToString())));
            Assert.True(candidateIndelGroup.Contains(new Tuple <string, string, string>(indel1.ToString(), indel3.ToString(), null)));
            Assert.True(candidateIndelGroup.Contains(new Tuple <string, string, string>(indel3.ToString(), indel2.ToString(), null)));
            Assert.False(candidateIndelGroup.Contains(new Tuple <string, string, string>(indel1.ToString(), indel2.ToString(), null)));
            Assert.False(candidateIndelGroup.Contains(new Tuple <string, string, string>(indel2.ToString(), indel3.ToString(), null)));

            Assert.True(candidateIndelGroup.Contains(new Tuple <string, string, string>(indel4.ToString(), indel5.ToString(), null)));
            Assert.False(candidateIndelGroup.Contains(new Tuple <string, string, string>(indel5.ToString(), indel4.ToString(), null)));

            Assert.False(candidateIndelGroup.Contains(new Tuple <string, string, string>(indel6.ToString(), indel7.ToString(), null)));

            candidateIndelGroup = stateManager.GetCandidateGroups(4000);
            Assert.True(candidateIndelGroup.Contains(new Tuple <string, string, string>(indel1.ToString(), indel3.ToString(), indel2.ToString())));
            Assert.True(candidateIndelGroup.Contains(new Tuple <string, string, string>(indel4.ToString(), indel5.ToString(), null)));
            Assert.True(candidateIndelGroup.Contains(new Tuple <string, string, string>(indel6.ToString(), indel7.ToString(), null)));
        private bool IsCallable(CandidateIndel indel, IAlleleSource alleleSource)
            // set frequency
            var callable = AlleleHelper.Map(indel);

            _coverageCalculator.Compute(callable, alleleSource);
            indel.Frequency = callable.Frequency;

            return(indel.IsKnown || callable.Frequency >= _frequencyCutoff);
Exemplo n.º 4
 // Evaluate insertions at read ends to determine if they are partial or unanchored
 // minimumUnanchoredInsertionLength applies to the indel target that is being realigned against.
 public static bool EvaluateInsertionAtReadEnds(CigarOp cigar, CandidateIndel indel, int minimumUnanchoredInsertionLength, bool maskPartialInsertion)
     if (cigar.Type == 'I')
         var isPartial    = maskPartialInsertion && cigar.Length < indel.Length;
         var isUnanchored = indel.Length < minimumUnanchoredInsertionLength;
         return(isPartial || isUnanchored);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public bool CanCoexist(CandidateIndel indel1, CandidateIndel indel2)
            if (indel1.ReferencePosition - indel2.ReferencePosition == 0 && indel1.Type == indel2.Type)

            // Assumption is that we are dealing with simple insertions & deletions. i.e. either ref or alt will have single base, and the other will have that single base + the varying bases.
            var indel1Bases = indel1.Type == AlleleCategory.Insertion ? indel1.AlternateAllele : indel1.ReferenceAllele;
            var indel2Bases = indel2.Type == AlleleCategory.Insertion ? indel2.AlternateAllele : indel2.ReferenceAllele;

            if (indel1.ReferencePosition - indel2.ReferencePosition == 0 && indel1Bases == indel2Bases)

            // Note that the "End" only makes sense here if we are talking about deletions. Appropriately, it is not used in any of the insertion cases below.
            var indel1Start = indel1.ReferencePosition + 1;
            var indel1End   = indel1.ReferencePosition + indel1.Length;
            var indel2Start = indel2.ReferencePosition + 1;
            var indel2End   = indel2.ReferencePosition + indel2.Length;

            if (indel1.Type == AlleleCategory.Deletion)
                if (indel2.Type == AlleleCategory.Deletion)
                    // no overlapping deletions
                    if ((indel1Start >= indel2Start && indel1Start <= indel2End) ||
                        (indel2Start >= indel1Start && indel2Start <= indel1End))
                    // insertion cannot start within deletion
                    if (indel2Start > indel1Start && indel2Start <= indel1End)
            else if (indel2.Type == AlleleCategory.Deletion)
                // insertion cannot start within deletion
                if (indel1Start > indel2Start && indel1Start <= indel2End)

Exemplo n.º 6
        public int CompareRightAnchor(CandidateIndel c1, CandidateIndel c2)
            var coordinateResult = c1.ReferencePosition.CompareTo(c2.ReferencePosition);

            if (coordinateResult == 0)
                if (c1.Type == AlleleCategory.Insertion)  // return insertions first
Exemplo n.º 7
        private RealignmentResult AddIndelAndGetResult(string readSequence, CandidateIndel priorIndel,
                                                       string refSequence, bool anchorLeft, int[] positionMap)
            var foundIndel = false;
            var insertionPostionInReadStart = -1;
            var insertionPositionInReadEnd  = -1;

            if (anchorLeft)
                // move along position map to see if we can insert indel
                for (var i = 0; i < positionMap.Length; i++)
                    if (positionMap[i] == priorIndel.ReferencePosition && i != positionMap.Length - 1)  // make sure we dont end right before indel
                        foundIndel = true;

                        if (priorIndel.Type == AlleleCategory.Insertion)
                            insertionPostionInReadStart = i + 1;

                            // stick in -1 for insertion length, then adjust positions after
                            for (var j = i + 1; j < positionMap.Length; j++)
                                if (j - i <= priorIndel.Length)
                                    positionMap[j] = -1;
                                    if (j - i == priorIndel.Length || j == positionMap.Length - 1)
                                        insertionPositionInReadEnd = j;
                                    if (positionMap[j] != -1) // preserve existing insertions
                                        positionMap[j] = positionMap[j] - priorIndel.Length;

                        if (priorIndel.Type == AlleleCategory.Deletion)
                            // offset positions after deletion
                            for (var j = i + 1; j < positionMap.Length; j++)
                                if (positionMap[j] != -1)  // preserve existing insertions
                                    positionMap[j] += priorIndel.Length;
                // walk backwards along position map to see if we can insert indel
                if (priorIndel.Type == AlleleCategory.Insertion)
                    for (var i = positionMap.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (positionMap[i] == priorIndel.ReferencePosition + 1 && i != 0)
                            foundIndel = true;
                            insertionPositionInReadEnd = i - 1;
                        else if (positionMap[i] == priorIndel.ReferencePosition && i != positionMap.Length - 1)
                            foundIndel = true;
                            insertionPositionInReadEnd = i;

                        if (foundIndel)
                            // stick in -1 for insertion length, then adjust positions
                            for (var j = insertionPositionInReadEnd; j >= 0; j--)
                                if (insertionPositionInReadEnd - j + 1 <= priorIndel.Length)
                                    positionMap[j] = -1;
                                    if (insertionPositionInReadEnd - j + 1 == priorIndel.Length || j == 0)
                                        insertionPostionInReadStart = j;
                                    if (positionMap[j] != -1) // Don't update position map for things that were already -1
                                        positionMap[j] = positionMap[j] + priorIndel.Length;

                else if (priorIndel.Type == AlleleCategory.Deletion)
                    for (var i = positionMap.Length - 1; i >= 1; i--)
                        if (positionMap[i] == priorIndel.ReferencePosition + priorIndel.Length + 1) //deletions must be fully anchored to be observed
                            foundIndel = true;

                            // offset positions after deletion
                            for (var j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                                if (positionMap[j] != -1) // preserve existing insertions
                                    positionMap[j] -= priorIndel.Length;


            if (!foundIndel || !Helper.IsValidMap(positionMap, refSequence))

            // verify insertion matches
            if (priorIndel.Type == AlleleCategory.Insertion)
                if (insertionPostionInReadStart == -1 || insertionPositionInReadEnd == -1)
                    return(null); // weird, this shouldnt ever happen
                var readInsertedSequence = readSequence.Substring(insertionPostionInReadStart,
                                                                  insertionPositionInReadEnd - insertionPostionInReadStart + 1);

                var indelSequence = priorIndel.AlternateAllele.Substring(1);

                var clippedPriorSequence = anchorLeft
                    ? indelSequence.Substring(0, readInsertedSequence.Length)
                    : indelSequence.Substring(indelSequence.Length - readInsertedSequence.Length);

                var mismatches = Helper.GetNumMismatches(readInsertedSequence, clippedPriorSequence);
                if (mismatches == null || mismatches > 0)
                    return(null); // inserted sequence doesn't match read

            var newCigar = Helper.ConstructCigar(positionMap);

            var newSummary = Extensions.GetAlignmentSummary(positionMap.First(p => p >= 0) - 1, newCigar, refSequence,

            if (newSummary == null)

            var readHasPosition = positionMap.Any(p => p >= 0);

            if (!readHasPosition)
                throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format("Trying to generate result and read does not have any alignable bases. ({0}, {1})", newCigar, string.Join(",", positionMap)));
            return(new RealignmentResult()
                Cigar = newCigar,
                NumIndels = newCigar.NumIndels(),
                Position = positionMap.First(p => p >= 0),
                NumMismatches = newSummary.NumMismatches,
                NumNonNMismatches = newSummary.NumNonNMismatches,
                NumMismatchesIncludeSoftclip = newSummary.NumMismatchesIncludeSoftclip,
                NumSoftclips = newSummary.NumSoftclips,
                NumNonNSoftclips = newSummary.NumNonNSoftclips,
                NumIndelBases = newSummary.NumIndelBases