internal static CallGraph<string, int> GenerateCallGraph(int n)
            var result = new CallGraph<string,int>();
            for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                result.Add(string.Format("N{0}", i));

            // now generate the edges
            var rand = new Random();
            for (var i = 0; i < 5 * n; i++)
                var source = rand.Next(n - 1);
                var dest = rand.Next(n - 1);

                result.AddCall(string.Format("N{0}", source), string.Format("N{0}", dest));
            foreach (var method in result.GetNodes())
                result.AddCall("Main", method);

            return result;
        private static CallGraph<MethodDescriptor, LocationDescriptor> ReBuildCallGraph(Dispatcher dispatcher, Solution solution)
            var callgraph = new CallGraph<MethodDescriptor, LocationDescriptor>();
            // pg.PropagateDeletionOfNodes();
            foreach (var e in dispatcher.GetAllEntites())
                var entityProcessor = new MethodEntityProcessor((MethodEntity)e, dispatcher);// e.GetEntityProcessor(dispatcher);
                var methodEntity = (MethodEntity)entityProcessor.Entity;
                if (methodEntity.MethodDescriptor.ToString().Contains("Main"))
                // Updates the callGraph
                UpdateCallGraph(entityProcessor, callgraph, solution);

            return callgraph;