Exemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult Details(int?_ID)
            // 如果沒有修改 /App_Start/RouteConfig.cs,網址輸入 http://xxxxxx/UserDB/Details/2 會報錯!
            if (_ID == null || _ID.HasValue == false)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));

            // 第四種寫法:透過 .Find() 函數
            Hr ut = _db.Hrs.Find(_ID);    // 翻譯成SQL指令的結果,同上(第一種方法)

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ut.Boss))
                var BossName = from _hr in _db.Hrs
                               where _hr.MemberID == ut.Boss
                               select _hr.Name;
                ViewBag.BossName = BossName.FirstOrDefault().ToString();
                ViewBag.BossName = "";
            DateTime Today = DateTime.Now;
            var      age   = CalculationDate.AGE(ut.Birthday, Today);

            ViewBag.age = age;
            if (ut.Status != 2)
                var service = CalculationDate.Seniority(ut.StartDate, Today);
                ViewBag.service = service;
                var service = CalculationDate.Seniority(ut.StartDate, ut.EndDate);
                ViewBag.service = service;

            if (ut == null)
            {   // 找不到這一筆記錄
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Фильтр на дату расчетов
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        public void CalulationDateToFilter(CalculationDate Date)
            //Trace("CreateCalcForm: Открываем фильтр Расчет на дату");
            //var Date = obj as CalculationDate;
            // AppManager.Instance.MainWindow.ModalWindow(SearchCriteria.ByAutomationId("formCalculationRegistryNew"));
            var chageDate = new DateTime(int.Parse(Date.Year), int.Parse(Date.Month), int.Parse(Date.Day));

            //Дата обновляется два раза для того что бы обновить день
            Trace("CreateCalcForm: Заполняем фильтр Расчет на дату = " + chageDate);
            _dtCalculationDateTo.SetDate(chageDate, DateFormat.DayMonthYear);
            _dtCalculationDateTo.SetDate(chageDate, DateFormat.DayMonthYear);
            //, DateFormat.DayMonthYear);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Период страхового взноса
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj1">DateStart</param>
        /// <param name="obj2">DateEnd</param>
        public void InsurancePremiumPeriod(CalculationDate DateStart, CalculationDate DateEnd)
            Trace("CreateCalcForm: Заполнение периода страхового взноса");
            var chageDateStart = new DateTime(int.Parse(DateStart.Year), int.Parse(DateStart.Month), int.Parse(DateStart.Day));
            var changeDateEnd  = new DateTime(int.Parse(DateEnd.Year), int.Parse(DateEnd.Month), int.Parse(DateEnd.Day));

            //Дата обновляется два раза для того что бы обновить день
            Trace("CreateCalcForm: Устанавливаем дату начала = " + chageDateStart.ToString());
            _dtFilterPaymentsDateStart.SetDate(chageDateStart, DateFormat.DayMonthYear);
            _dtFilterPaymentsDateStart.SetDate(chageDateStart, DateFormat.DayMonthYear);

            Trace("CreateCalcForm: Устанавливаем дату оконвания = " + changeDateEnd.ToString());
            _dtFilterPaymentsDateEnd.SetDate(changeDateEnd, DateFormat.DayMonthYear);
            _dtFilterPaymentsDateEnd.SetDate(changeDateEnd, DateFormat.DayMonthYear);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// تعدادي مرخصي براي شخص در يک ماه خاص منظور ميکند
        /// اولويت:1-باقيمانده ماه جاري 2-طلب ساليانه 3-ماههاي گذشته 4-ماههاي آينده
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="remainMinutes">به روز و دقيقه تبديل ميشود</param>
        /// <param name="date"></param>
        public virtual void AddUsedLeave(int value)
                if (value != 0)
                    PersianDateTime pdateTime         = CalculationDate;
                    int             month             = pdateTime.Month;
                    int             monthDayRemain    = Convert.ToInt32(value / MinutesInDay);
                    decimal         monthMinuteRemain = value - monthDayRemain * MinutesInDay;
                    int             requestedLeave    = value;

                    #region addUsedLeave
                    int allowedLeave = BudgetYear[month - 1] - UsedBudget[month - 1];
                    //کسر از مانده ماه جاري
                    if (value <= allowedLeave)
                        UsedBudget[month - 1] += value;
                        value = 0;
                        UsedBudget[month - 1] += allowedLeave;
                        value -= allowedLeave;
                    //کسر از طلب سالانه
                    if (value > 0)
                        int demandLeave = GetDemandLeave();
                        if (value <= demandLeave)
                            UsedBudget[month - 1] += value;
                            BudgetYear[month - 1] += value;
                            CalculatedDemandLeave -= value;
                            value = 0;
                            UsedBudget[month - 1] += demandLeave;
                            BudgetYear[month - 1] += demandLeave;
                            value -= CalculatedDemandLeave;
                            CalculatedDemandLeave = 0;
                    //کسر از طلب ماههاي قبل
                    if (value > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < month - 1; i++)
                            allowedLeave = BudgetYear[i] - UsedBudget[i];
                            if (value <= allowedLeave)
                                UsedBudget[month - 1] += value;
                                BudgetYear[i]         -= value;
                                BudgetYear[month - 1] += value;
                                value = 0;
                                UsedBudget[month - 1] += allowedLeave;
                                BudgetYear[i]         -= allowedLeave;
                                BudgetYear[month - 1] += allowedLeave;
                                value -= allowedLeave;
                    //کسر از باقيمانده ماههاي آينده
                    if (value > 0 && !LeaveSettings.DoNotUseFutureMounthLeave)
                        for (int i = month; i < BudgetYear.Length; i++)
                            allowedLeave = BudgetYear[i] - UsedBudget[i];
                            if (value <= allowedLeave)
                                UsedBudget[month - 1] += value;
                                BudgetYear[i]         -= value;
                                BudgetYear[month - 1] += value;
                                value = 0;
                                UsedBudget[month - 1] += allowedLeave;
                                BudgetYear[i]         -= allowedLeave;
                                BudgetYear[month - 1] += allowedLeave;
                                value -= allowedLeave;

                    //افزودن به بدهکاری سالیانه
                    if (value > 0)
                        this.Debit += value;
                        value       = 0;


                    #region Add UsedDetail
                    if (value == 0)
                        UsedLeaveDetail detail = new UsedLeaveDetail();
                        detail.UsedBudget = UsedBudget;
                        detail.Date       = CalculationDate.GregorianDate;
                        detail.Value      = requestedLeave;

                    if (value > 0)
                        throw new OutOfExpectedRangeException("0", GetRemainLeave(CalculationDate.GregorianDate).ToString(), value.ToString(),
                                                              "GTS.Clock.Model.Concepts.BudgetYear.AddUsedLeave(end of method) Date:" + CalculationDate.ToString(), "The Total Remain Leave Is Less Than Value. \n the value checked at the top of the function but at the end of it value is not valid.there is a bad problem at the checking session \n rollback is needed here", ExceptionType.FATAL);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("خطا در بخش مدیریت مرخصی ها.کد 102", ex);