private void RefreshStockQuotes()
            //write my onw class that inherits from that colletion  type,
            //this will be a custom method
            //add new methods that will be able to do thin
            //it will inherit from objervableCollection.
            //class object inherts form objervColleciton,
            //add methods from the collection.
            //IN the method, iterage through the actual collection.
            //I can then do something with each item.
            //if I want to find the thing that has the biggest number of percentae
            //compart most recent to the

            //mayble linq would be to
            //write a loop that would go into the that

            List<Quote> lstQuote = new List<Quote>();
            //This is where I will refresh all of the stock quotes
            Quotes = new ObservableCollection<Quote>();
            //Stocks = new ObservableCollection<Stock>();

            var StockListPath = Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/StockList.txt");
            //System.IO.File.WriteAllText(StockListPath, "Stocks List");
            int BatchRowCount = 300;
            int totalBatches = (File.ReadAllLines(StockListPath).Count() / BatchRowCount) + 1;
            int CurrentRowBatch = 0; // 32751;// 0;   //8536145;THIS NUMBER WAS WHERE WE STARTED START IMPORT IN THE MIDDLE OF FILE
            for (int i = 0; i < totalBatches; i++)
               string s = File.ReadAllLines(StockListPath)[0].ToString();
                //Add just the batch of items
                //I need to add the 300 items to a file, move to the next 300-
                CurrentRowBatch += BatchRowCount;

            List<string> StockList = new List<string>();
            if (File.Exists(StockListPath))

                    int rowsInBatch = 300;
                int counter = 0;
               counter = File.ReadAllLines(StockListPath).Count();
                foreach (var line in File.ReadAllLines(StockListPath))

                    //Add 300 stocks per batch to a Dataset List.
                    List<DataSet> lds = new List<DataSet>();
                    if (!StockList.Contains(line.ToUpper().ToString().Trim()))
                        Quotes.Add(new Quote(line.ToString().Trim().ToUpper()));



                    counter += 1;

            if (!File.Exists(StockListPath))
            { using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(StockListPath)) { } }

            if (File.Exists(StockListPath))
            { using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(StockListPath)) { } }

            //Quotes.Add(new Quote("AAPL"));
            //Quotes.Add(new Quote("MSFT"));
            //Quotes.Add(new Quote("IBM"));
            //Quotes.Add(new Quote("AMZN"));
            //Quotes.Add(new Quote("AMD"));
            //Quotes.Add(new Quote("DELL"));


            foreach (Quote quote in Quotes)
                switch (quote.Symbol)



            //Use Linq to select the Top Priced Objects.
            //Use Linq to select the top 10 prices objects.

            //Quotes.Add(new Quote("AAPL"));
            //Stocks.Add(new Stock("DRNE"));

            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            //Here I will add all of the list to the Quotes

            foreach (Quote quote in Quotes)
                Quote q = quote.GetStockData(quote.Symbol);
                //AppleSymbolLabel.Text = quote.Symbol;
                //string name = quote.Name;
                //AppleUpDownLabel.Text = DetermineIfUpOrDown(AppleLastTradePriceLabel.Text, quote.LastTradePrice);
                //AppleLastTradePriceLabel.Text = quote.LastTradePrice.ToString();
                //AppleLastUpdateLabel.Text = quote.LastUpdate.ToLongTimeString();
                DataRow workRow = dt.NewRow();
                workRow["Symbol"] = quote.Symbol;
                workRow["Name"] = quote.Name;
                workRow["LastTradePrice"] = quote.LastTradePrice;
                workRow["ChangeInPercent"] = quote.ChangeInPercent; //What is the difference between ChagenInPercent and ChangePercent
                workRow["ChangePercent"] = quote.ChangePercent;
                workRow["Volume"] = quote.Volume;
                workRow["AverageDailyVolume"] = quote.AverageDailyVolume;
                workRow["Change"] = quote.Change;
                workRow["Open"] = quote.Open;


                #region Log Quotes
                //Serialize quote object
                //var jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(quote);

                //String SerializedQuotesPath = Path.e

                //string filePath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "SerializedQuotes.txt");
                //if (!File.Exists(filePath))
                //    using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(filePath))
                //    {
                //        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
                //        {
                //        //    sw.WriteLine(jsonString);
                //        }
                //    }


            Calculation calc = new Calculation();
              ObservableCollection<Quote> lstQuote2 =  calc.top10(Quotes);

            var sortedList = (from q in lstQuote orderby q.BookValue descending select q);

            //Sort by priceMovement(dt);
            //sort by percentMovement
            //Selete Top 100 out of a database.
            //Do function to get the top 100 out of 3333 records.

            var jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(lstQuote2);
            grvTopMovers.DataSource = lstQuote2.ToArray();