private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            calculator = new CalcQuick();

            this.calculator["base"]   = (3).ToString();
            this.calculator["height"] = (2.5).ToString();
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void AngleForm_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            //TextBox Angle = new TextBox();
            this.Angle.Name = "Angle";
            this.Angle.Text = "30";

            //cosTB = new TextBox();
            this.cosTB.Name = "cosTB";
            this.cosTB.Text = "= cos([Angle] * pi() / 180) ";

            //sinTB = new TextBox();
            this.sinTB.Name = "sinTB";
            this.sinTB.Text = "= sin([Angle] * pi() / 180) ";

            //Instantiate a CalcQuick object:
            calculator = new CalcQuick();

            //Register the controls used in calculations.
            //The formula names used are the Control.Name strings.
            this.calculator.RegisterControlArray(new Control[]

            //Allow the CalcQuick sheet to create dependency lists among the formula objects
            //necesary for auto-calculations.
        private void AlgebraicExpressions_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            //Initialize CalcQuick object
            calculator = new CalcQuick();

            this.calculator["base"]   = (3).ToString();
            this.calculator["height"] = (2.5).ToString();
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            calculator = new CalcQuick();

            this.textBox1.Text = "12";
            this.textBox2.Text = "=[A] + [C]";
            this.textBox3.Text = "13";
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            calculator = new CalcQuick();

            this.txtA.Text = "12";
            this.txtB.Text = "=[A] + [C]";
            this.txtC.Text = "13";
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void AngleForm_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            //TextBox Angle = new TextBox();
            this.Angle.Name = "Angle";
            this.Angle.Text = "30";

            //cosTB = new TextBox();
            this.cosTB.Name = "cosTB";
            this.cosTB.Text = "= cos([Angle] * pi() / 180) ";

            //sinTB = new TextBox();
            this.sinTB.Name = "sinTB";
            this.sinTB.Text = "= sin([Angle] * pi() / 180) ";

            //Instantiate the CalcQuick object:
            this.calculator = new CalcQuick();
Exemplo n.º 7
        public ViewModel()
            CalcQuick calculate = new CalcQuick();

            foreach (string formula in calculate.Engine.LibraryFunctions.Keys)
                ListOfFormula.Add(new BindList()
                    Formula = formula

            tempListOfFormula = new ObservableCollection <BindList>(ListOfFormula.OrderBy(c => c.Formula));
            ListOfFormula = tempListOfFormula;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //TextBox Angle = new TextBox();
            this.Angle.Name = "Angle";
            this.Angle.Text = "30";

            //cosTB = new TextBox();
            this.cosTB.Name = "cosTB";
            this.cosTB.Text = "= cos([Angle] * pi() / 180) ";

            //sinTB = new TextBox();
            this.sinTB.Name = "sinTB";
            this.sinTB.Text = "= sin([Angle] * pi() / 180) ";

            //Instantiate a CalcQuick object:
            calculator = new CalcQuick();

            this.calculator["Angle"] = this.Angle.Text;
            this.calculator["cosTB"] = this.cosTB.Text;
            this.calculator["sinTB"] = this.sinTB.Text;

            //Mark the calculator dirty:

            //Now as the values are retrieved from the calculator, they
            //will be the newly calculated values.
            this.cosTB.Text = this.calculator["cosTB"];
            this.sinTB.Text = this.calculator["sinTB"];

            //Register the controls used in calculations.
            //The formula names used are the Control.Name strings.
            this.calculator.RegisterControlArray(new System.Windows.Controls.Control[]

            //Allow the CalcQuick sheet to create dependency lists among the formula objects
            //necesary for auto-calculations.
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void MoreComplexForm_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            //Instantiate a CalcQuick object:
            calculator = new CalcQuick();

            //Register the controls used in calculations.
            //The formula names used are the Control.Name strings.
            this.calculator.RegisterControlArray(new Control[]

            //Allow the CalcQuick sheet to create dependency lists among the formula objects
            //necesary for auto-calculations and do the initial computations.
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //1) Instantiate a CalcQuick object:
            calculator = new CalcQuick();

            //2) Populate your controls:
            this.txtA.Text = "12";
            this.txtB.Text = "3";
            this.txtC.Text = "= [A] + 2 * [B]";

            //C is the only formula:
            this.lblc.Content = this.txtC.Text;

            //Must enter formula names before turning on calculations.
            //3) Assign formula object names:
            calculator["A"] = this.txtA.Text;
            calculator["B"] = this.txtB.Text;
            calculator["C"] = this.txtC.Text;
            calculator["D"] = this.txtD.Text;

            //4) Turn on auto calculations:
            this.calculator.AutoCalc = true;

            //5) Subscribe to the event to set newly calculated values:
            this.calculator.ValueSet += new QuickValueSetEventHandler(calculator_ValueSet);

            //6) Subscribe to some events (in this case, Leave events) to trigger setting values into CalcQuick:
            this.txtA.LostFocus += new RoutedEventHandler(txtA_MouseLeave);
            this.txtB.LostFocus += new RoutedEventHandler(txtB_MouseLeave);
            this.txtC.LostFocus += new RoutedEventHandler(txtC_MouseLeave);
            this.txtD.LostFocus += new RoutedEventHandler(txtD_MouseLeave);

            //7) Allow the CalcQuick sheet to create dependency lists among the formula objects
            //   necesary for auto-calculations.
Exemplo n.º 11
    /// <summary>
    /// 최종외부점수계산 / 최종점수 Rollup
    /// </summary>
    public void CalcFinalExternalScore()
        MicroBSC.BSC.Biz.Biz_Bsc_Kpi_Score_Detail objBSC = new MicroBSC.BSC.Biz.Biz_Bsc_Kpi_Score_Detail();
        int iRtn = objBSC.UpdateExternalOriScore(this.IEstTermRefID, this.IYMD);

        CalcQuick objCAL = new CalcQuick();
        DataSet   rDs    = objBSC.GetExternalScorePerKPI(this.IEstTermRefID, this.IYMD);

        int intRow = rDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
        int intCol = rDs.Tables[0].Columns.Count;
        int intRtn = 0;

        string strQrtMark = "\"";
        string sQM        = "\"";

        int    intEsttermRefID = 0;
        int    intKpiRefID     = 0;
        string strYMD          = "";
        string strUseTS        = "";
        string strOriTS        = "";
        string strAvgTS        = "";
        string strStdTS        = "";
        string strAdaTS        = "";
        string strAdsTS        = "";
        string strNorTS        = "";
        string strFnlTS        = "";

        string strColEsttermRefID = "";
        string strColKpiRefID     = "";
        string strColYMD          = "";
        string strColUseTS        = "";
        string strColOriTS        = "";
        string strColAvgTS        = "";
        string strColStdTS        = "";
        string strColAdaTS        = "";
        string strColAdsTS        = "";
        string strColNorTS        = "";
        string strColFnlTS        = "";

        int     itxr_user = gUserInfo.Emp_Ref_ID;
        DataRow dr;

        for (int i = 0; i < intRow; i++)
            if (i == 0)
                strColEsttermRefID = rDs.Tables[0].Columns[0].ColumnName;
                strColKpiRefID     = rDs.Tables[0].Columns[1].ColumnName;
                strColYMD          = rDs.Tables[0].Columns[2].ColumnName;
                strColUseTS        = rDs.Tables[0].Columns[3].ColumnName;
                strColOriTS        = rDs.Tables[0].Columns[4].ColumnName;
                strColAvgTS        = rDs.Tables[0].Columns[5].ColumnName;
                strColStdTS        = rDs.Tables[0].Columns[6].ColumnName;
                strColAdaTS        = rDs.Tables[0].Columns[7].ColumnName;
                strColAdsTS        = rDs.Tables[0].Columns[8].ColumnName;
                strColNorTS        = rDs.Tables[0].Columns[9].ColumnName;
                strColFnlTS        = rDs.Tables[0].Columns[10].ColumnName;

            dr = rDs.Tables[0].Rows[i];
            intEsttermRefID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ESTTERM_REF_ID"].ToString());
            intKpiRefID     = Convert.ToInt32(dr["KPI_REF_ID"].ToString());
            strYMD          = Convert.ToString(dr["YMD"].ToString());
            strUseTS        = Convert.ToString(dr["NRMDST_USE_TS"].ToString());
            strOriTS        = Convert.ToString(dr["POINTS_ORI_TS"].ToString());
            strAvgTS        = Convert.ToString(dr["POINTS_AVG_TS"].ToString());
            strStdTS        = Convert.ToString(dr["POINTS_STD_TS"].ToString());
            strAdaTS        = Convert.ToString(dr["POINTS_ADA_TS"].ToString());
            strAdsTS        = Convert.ToString(dr["POINTS_ADS_TS"].ToString());
            strNorTS        = Convert.ToString(dr["POINTS_NOR_TS"].ToString());
            strFnlTS        = Convert.ToString(dr["POINTS_FNL_TS"].ToString());

            objCAL[strColEsttermRefID] = intEsttermRefID.ToString();
            objCAL[strColKpiRefID]     = intKpiRefID.ToString();
            objCAL[strColYMD]          = strYMD;
            objCAL[strColUseTS]        = strUseTS;
            objCAL[strColOriTS]        = strOriTS;
            objCAL[strColAvgTS]        = strAvgTS;
            objCAL[strColStdTS]        = strStdTS;
            objCAL[strColAdaTS]        = strAdaTS;
            objCAL[strColAdsTS]        = strAdsTS;
            objCAL[strColNorTS]        = strNorTS;
            objCAL[strColFnlTS]        = strFnlTS;

            //objCAL[strColNorMS] = "=IF(["+strColStdMS+"]=0,0,ROUNDDOWN(NORMDIST(["+strColOriMS+"],["+strColAvgMS+"],["+strColStdMS+"],TRUE),8))";
            objCAL[strColNorTS] = "=ROUNDDOWN(NORMDIST([" + strColOriTS + "],[" + strColAvgTS + "],[" + strColStdTS + "],TRUE),8)";

            //objCAL[strColNorMS] = "=IF([" + strColUseMS + "]=" + sQM + "Y" + sQM + ",IF([" + strColStdMS + "]=0,0,ROUNDDOWN(NORMDIST(IF([" + strColAplBS + "]=" + sQM + "Y" + sQM + ",[" + strColAdsMS + "],[" + strColOriMS + "]),[" + strColAvgMS + "],[" + strColStdMS + "],TRUE),8)),IF([" + strColAplBS + "]=" + sQM + "Y" + sQM + ",[" + strColAdsMS + "],[" + strColOriMS + "]))";
            //objCAL[strColNorTS] = "=IF([" + strColUseTS + "]=" + sQM + "Y" + sQM + ",IF([" + strColStdTS + "]=0,0,ROUNDDOWN(NORMDIST(IF([" + strColAplBS + "]=" + sQM + "Y" + sQM + ",[" + strColAdsTS + "],[" + strColOriTS + "]),[" + strColAvgTS + "],[" + strColStdTS + "],TRUE),8)),IF([" + strColAplBS + "]=" + sQM + "Y" + sQM + ",[" + strColAdsTS + "],[" + strColOriTS + "]))";

            //objCAL[strColFnlMS] = "=IF(IF(["+strColUseMS+"]="+strQrtMark+"N"+strQrtMark+",["+strColOriMS+"],(85+(["+strColNorMS+"]-0.5)*30))<70,0, IF(["+strColUseMS+"]="+strQrtMark+"N"+strQrtMark+",["+strColOriMS+"],(85+(["+strColNorMS+"]-0.5)*30)))";
            //objCAL[strColFnlTS] = "=IF(IF(["+strColUseTS+"]="+strQrtMark+"N"+strQrtMark+",["+strColOriTS+"],(85+(["+strColNorTS+"]-0.5)*30))<70,0, IF(["+strColUseTS+"]="+strQrtMark+"N"+strQrtMark+",["+strColOriTS+"],(85+(["+strColNorTS+"]-0.5)*30)))";

            //objCAL[strColFnlMS] = "=IF(["+strColStdMS+"]=0, 85, IF(["+strColUseMS+"]="+strQrtMark+"N"+strQrtMark+",["+strColOriMS+"],(85+(["+strColNorMS+"]-0.5)*30)))";
            //objCAL[strColFnlTS] = "=IF(["+strColStdTS+"]=0, 85, IF(["+strColUseTS+"]="+strQrtMark+"N"+strQrtMark+",["+strColOriTS+"],(85+(["+strColNorTS+"]-0.5)*30)))";

            //objCAL[strColFnlMS] = "=IF(["+strColUseMS+"]="+strQrtMark+"N"+strQrtMark+",["+strColOriMS+"], IF(["+strColStdMS+"]=0, 85, (85+(["+strColNorMS+"]-0.5)*30)))";
            //objCAL[strColFnlTS] = "=IF(["+strColUseTS+"]="+strQrtMark+"N"+strQrtMark+",["+strColOriTS+"], IF(["+strColStdTS+"]=0, 85, (85+(["+strColNorTS+"]-0.5)*30)))";

            // 누적확률을 돌리지 않으면 원시점수 , 누적확률이 0 이면 기본점수 80 그렇지 않으면  (85+([누적확률]-0.5)*30)
            objCAL[strColFnlTS] = "=IF([" + strColUseTS + "]=" + sQM + "N" + sQM + ",[" + strColOriTS + "], IF([" + strColStdTS + "]=0, 85, (85+([" + strColNorTS + "]-0.5)*30)))";


            strNorTS = objCAL[strColNorTS].ToString();
            strFnlTS = objCAL[strColFnlTS].ToString();

            strNorTS = PageUtility.IsAllNumber(strNorTS) ? strNorTS : "0";
            strFnlTS = PageUtility.IsAllNumber(strFnlTS) ? strFnlTS : "0";

            intRtn = objBSC.UpdateExternalScore
                         , intKpiRefID
                         , strYMD
                         , strUseTS
                         , strOriTS
                         , strAvgTS
                         , strStdTS
                         , strAdaTS
                         , strAdsTS
                         , strNorTS
                         , strFnlTS
                         , itxr_user

        // 최종점수 롤업
        MicroBSC.BSC.Biz.Biz_Bsc_Term_Detail objTrm = new MicroBSC.BSC.Biz.Biz_Bsc_Term_Detail();
        intRtn = objTrm.SetNormdisScoreRollUp(this.IEstTermRefID, this.IYMD);