Exemplo n.º 1
        private MetaTable GetMetaTableLevel2(
            string name)
            UserObject         uo;
            Query              incQry = null; // included query
            QueryTable         qt, qt1, qt2;
            QueryColumn        qc, qc1, qc2;
            CalcFieldMetaTable mt;
            MetaTable          mt1, mt2;
            MetaColumn         mc, mc1, mc2, cfMc, cfMcModel;
            ExecuteQueryParms  eqp;
            string             cfLabel = "", mcName, mcLabel;
            string             sql = null, tables = null, exprs = null, criteria = null;
            int objectId, startingSuffix, ci, i1;

            string prefix = "calcfield_";             // calculated field metatable names begin with "calcfield_"

            if (name.ToLower().IndexOf(prefix) != 0)

            if (Lex.Eq(name, "CALCFIELD_826476"))
                name = name;                                        // debug
            string tok = name.Substring(prefix.Length);             // get the object id

            try { objectId = Int32.Parse(tok); }
            catch (Exception ex) { return(null); }

            uo = UserObjectDao.Read(objectId);
            if (uo == null)

            if (!Permissions.UserHasReadAccess(Security.UserName, uo))

            CalcField cf = CalcField.Deserialize(uo.Content);

            if (cf == null)
            if (cf.FinalResultType == MetaColumnType.Unknown)
                return(null);                                                          // need a final result type
            mt           = new CalcFieldMetaTable();
            mt.Name      = name;
            mt.CalcField = cf;             // include associated CalcField object

            mt.Label = uo.Name;
            if (MetaTableFactory.ShowDataSource)             // add source to label if requested
                mt.Label = MetaTableFactory.AddSourceToLabel(mt.Name, mt.Label);

            mt.Description = cf.Description;

            mt.MetaBrokerType = MetaBrokerType.CalcField;

            bool keyAdded = false;

            cfLabel = cf.ColumnLabel;             // get any user defined label for result

// Add metacolumns for basic calculated field

            if (cf.CalcType == CalcTypeEnum.Basic && cf.Column1.MetaColumn != null)
                cfMcModel = cf.Column1.MetaColumn;

                tok = cf.Operation;
                if (Lex.IsNullOrEmpty(cfLabel))
                    if (tok.IndexOf("/") == 0)
                        cfLabel = "Ratio";
                    else if (tok.IndexOf("*") == 0)
                        cfLabel = "Product";
                    else if (tok.IndexOf("+") == 0)
                        cfLabel = "Sum";
                    else if (tok.IndexOf("-") == 0)
                        cfLabel = "Difference";
                        if (cf.Column1.FunctionEnum == CalcFuncEnum.None)                         // just use existing col name
                            cfLabel = cf.Column1.MetaColumn.Label;

                        else                         // use function & col name
                            tok = cf.Column1.Function;
                            i1  = tok.IndexOf("(");
                            if (i1 >= 0)
                                tok = tok.Substring(0, i1);
                            if (!tok.EndsWith(" "))
                                tok += " ";
                            tok    += cf.MetaColumn1.Label;
                            cfLabel = tok;
                    if (cf.IsClassificationDefined)
                        cfLabel += " Class";                                                 // add class suffix if classifier

            else if (cf.CalcType == CalcTypeEnum.Advanced && cf.AdvancedExpr != "")
                List <MetaColumn> mcList = cf.GetInputMetaColumnList();
                if (mcList.Count == 0)
                cfMcModel = mcList[0];
                if (cfLabel == "")
                    cfLabel = "Value";


            mt.Parent = cfMcModel.MetaTable.Parent;             // set parent
            if (mt.Root == mt)
                mt.Parent = cfMcModel.MetaTable;                            // if F1 table is a root set it as parent
            // Add key value

            mc = cfMcModel.MetaTable.KeyMetaColumn;             // make copy of first table key field for our key
            if (mc == null)
            mc           = mc.Clone();
            mc.ColumnMap = mc.Name;             // map to self
            mc.MetaTable = mt;
            keyAdded        = true;
            mc.IsSearchable = cf.IsSearchable;

            // Add calculated value column

            mc = new MetaColumn();
            mc.MetaTable = mt;
            mc.Name      = "CALC_FIELD";
            mc.Label     = cfLabel;

            mc.DataType = cf.FinalResultType;             // final result type

            mc.InitialSelection = ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected;
            mc.Format           = cfMcModel.Format;
            mc.Width            = cfMcModel.Width;
            mc.Decimals         = cfMcModel.Decimals;

            if (cf.FinalResultType == MetaColumnType.Integer)
                mc.Format   = ColumnFormatEnum.Decimal;
                mc.Decimals = 0;

            if (cf.FinalResultType == MetaColumnType.Image)
                mc.Width = (int)(mc.Width * 2.0);                 // make CF images wider
            mc.IsSearchable = cfMcModel.IsSearchable;
            if (mc.IsSearchable)             // refine searchability
                mc.IsSearchable = cf.IsSearchable;

            cfMc = mc;

            // Add metacolumns for the underlying columns that go into the calculation

            foreach (CalcFieldColumn cfc in cf.CfCols)
                if (cfc.MetaColumn == null)

                if (cfc.MetaColumn.IsKey)
                    continue;                                       // don't add additional key
                mc                  = cfc.MetaColumn.Clone();
                mcName              = mc.MetaTable.Name + "_" + mc.Name;
                mc.Name             = mt.GetValidMetaColumnName(mcName);
                mc.DetailsAvailable = false;            // no drill-down for now (can cause issues)
                mc.IsSearchable     = false;            // no searching for now (can cause issues)
                mc.ColumnMap        = mc.Name;          // map to self

                if (Lex.Eq(mc.Label, cfLabel))          // if same as result start suffix checking at 2
                    startingSuffix = 1;
                    startingSuffix = 2;
                mc.Label = mt.GetUniqueMetaColumnLabel(mc.Label, startingSuffix);

                mc.InitialSelection = ColumnSelectionEnum.Hidden;                        // hide for now

                mc.TableMap = cfc.MetaColumn.MetaTable.Name + "." + cfc.MetaColumn.Name; // save source table and column
                //mc.TableMap = cfc.MetaColumn.MetaTable.Name; // save source table and column
                //mc.ColumnMap = cfc.MetaColumn.Name;


            //mt.MetaColumns.Remove(cfMc); // move cf result column to end after the inputs

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a set of rows from data in the buffer
        /// </summary>

        public override void BuildDataFromOtherRetrievedData(
            QueryEngine qe,
            int ti,
            List <object[]> results,
            int firstResult,
            int resultCount)
            // This routine takes a set of results in the buffer, computes the calculated field value
            // and stores the results back in the buffer. For a calc field derived from a single column
            // the process is simple; however, for two column calculations there are two cases to consider.
            // 1. If no values then nothing to compute.
            // 2. If both values are present in the buffer row then just use them.
            // 3. If a single value is present then pick up the most recent other value that
            //    exists for the same key.
            // Note that if the query only retrieves one of the two fields the the other field
            // will be retrieved into the calc field buffer.

            QueryColumn     qc;
            MetaColumn      mc;
            CalcFieldColumn cfc, cfc2;
            int             voiCfKey, voiCf, voi;
            object          v, v1, v2, vn;

            object[]  vo, mergedVo;
            const int keyOffset = 1;

            throw new NotImplementedException();

#if false
            Query q = qe.Query;
            CalcFieldMetaTable cfMt = GetCalcFieldMetaTable(q.Tables[ti].MetaTable);
            CalcField          cf   = cfMt.CalcField;

            // Setup

            if (resultCount <= 0)
            if (SelectList.Count <= 1)
                return;                                                               // just return if only key selected
            voiCfKey = Qt.KeyQueryColumn.VoPosition;                                  // calc field key value buffer index
            voiCf    = Qt.GetQueryColumnByNameWithException("CALC_FIELD").VoPosition; // calculated value buffer index

            mergedVo = new object[results[0].Length];                                 // merged vo containing latest values for each column

            // Process each result row

            for (int ri = firstResult; ri < firstResult + resultCount; ri++)             // result loop
                vo = results[ri];
                if (vo[0] == null)

                if (mergedVo[0] == null || Lex.Ne(vo[0].ToString(), mergedVo[0].ToString()))
                {                 // if new key init voVals
                    Array.Clear(mergedVo, 0, mergedVo.Length);
                    mergedVo[0] = vo[0];

                int           nonNullCount = 0;
                int           nullCount    = 0;
                QueryColumn[] colMap       = _dataMap.InputColMap;
                for (int mi = 0; mi < colMap.Length; mi++)
                    if (colMap[mi] == null)
                        continue;                                         //
                    voi = colMap[mi].VoPosition;
                    v   = vo[voi];
                    if (!NullValue.IsNull(v))
                        mergedVo[voi] = v;


                if (nonNullCount == 0)
                    continue;                         // if all inputs are null then all done (assume all outputs are null also)
                vo[voiCfKey] = vo[0];                 // copy key value

                QueryTableData qtd = qe.Qtd[ti];

                // Pick up each retrieved value in the from other data fields

                for (int cfci = 0; cfci < qtd.SelectedColumns.Count; cfci++)                 // columns to retrieve/calculate loop
                    qc  = qtd.SelectedColumns[cfci];
                    mc  = qc.MetaColumn;
                    voi = qc.VoPosition;

                    bool calcFieldCol = Lex.Eq(mc.Name, "CALC_FIELD");
                    bool selectedCol  = !calcFieldCol;

                    // Input value column

                    if (selectedCol)                     // retrieved input value
                        QueryColumn cmi = _dataMap.SelectedColMap[cfci];
                        if (cmi != null && cmi.VoPosition > 0)
                            v = mergedVo[cmi.VoPosition];
                            if (mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.Image)                             // convert to proper image reference
                                MetaTable         sourceMt = cmi.QueryTable.MetaTable;
                                GenericMetaBroker gmb      = QueryEngine.GetGlobalBroker(cmi.QueryTable.MetaTable);
                                v = gmb.ConvertValueToImageReference(v);

                            vo[voi] = v;

                    // Calculate the CF value

                        cfc       = cf.CfCols[0];
                        vn        = vo[voiCf];                  // get possible single retrieved value
                        vo[voiCf] = null;                       // clear calc value (may hold one of two values)

                        v = mergedVo[colMap[0].VoPosition];     // get first value
                        if (NullValue.IsNull(v))
                            continue;                                              // if null then result must be null
                        v = ApplyFunction(cfc, v);

                        for (int mi = 1; mi < colMap.Length; mi++) // combine with
                            v1 = v;                                // reference previous value
                            if (colMap[mi] == null)
                            cfc2 = cf.CfCols[mi];
                            voi  = colMap[mi].VoPosition;
                            v2   = mergedVo[voi];

                            v2 = ApplyFunction(cfc2, v2);

                            v = CalculateValue(cf, v1, cfc2, v2);
                            if (v == null)

                        v = ApplyClassification(cf, v);

                        vo[voiCf] = v; // store calculated value
                }                      // column loop

                vo = vo;               // debug to check row loop at end
            }                          // row loop
