Exemplo n.º 1
        //!!! Calandar Handel Code !!!

        //retrives info from database and creates a string for inserting to web page
        public bool RetriveDayItem(int year, int dayID, out string dayItemInfo)
            Calandar.CalanderFormater CF = new Calandar.CalanderFormater(year);

            dayItemInfo = "<label class=DayItem> <h3>" + CF.getMonthByDay(dayID).getDaysIntoMonth(dayID) + "</h3>";

            //int valueDay = 1;//deadcode: removed because passed value (dayID) can be assumed to be equivilant
            int    valueCourse    = 404;//test value
            int    valueRoom      = 404;
            string valueStartTime = "08:00";
            string valueEndTime   = "12:00";

            string queryString = "SELECT CLASS_ID, ROOM_ID, START_TIME, END_TIME FROM dbo.CALANDER_LIST WHERE LIST_YEAR = " + year + " AND LIST_DAY = " + dayID + ";";

            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);

                SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                while (reader.Read())
                    valueCourse    = (int)reader.GetSqlInt32(0);
                    valueRoom      = (int)reader.GetSqlInt32(1);
                    valueStartTime = (string)reader.GetSqlString(2);
                    valueEndTime   = (string)reader.GetSqlString(3);

                    dayItemInfo += "<hr />" + valueCourse + " : Room " + valueRoom + " <br /> " + valueStartTime + " - " + valueEndTime + " </label>";
            catch (SqlException excp)
                dayItemInfo += "<hr /> failed to read on database";
                Debug.WriteLine("failed on read day item" + excp);

Exemplo n.º 2
         * Attempts a brute force insert of all data considered valid by target parameters.
         * Does not check against data inside database.
         * If a target parameters are not valid within given context, function will imediantly terminate and no data will be inserted into database [returns false].
         *   Parmeters(implicit):
         *   Target Database: Defined by [DataBase Connetion String] in [WebApp/Bin/DataBaseConfig.txt]
         *   Parmeters(defined):
         *   year(string): target year for upload into database. used by (Calander Logic) and [Calandar/CalanderFormater.cs]
         *   month(string): target month to upload target data. if left as (null) or (0) all months will be targeted
         *   week(string): target day of week to upload target data. if left as (null) or (0) all weeks will be targeted
         *   day(string): target day of target month(s) to upload target data. if left as (null) or (0) all days will be targeted
         *   room(string): roomID of target data to upload into database
         *   course(string): courseID of target data to upload into database
         *   startTime(string): time of day following 12 Clock formated to fit "XX:XX" as a 5 character string, defines begining target time of day for upload into dataBase
         *   endTime(string): time of day following 12 Clock formated to fit "XX:XX" as a 5 character string, defines ending target time of day for upload into dataBase
        public bool InsertSchedualItem(string year, string[] month, string[] week, string[] day, string room, string course, string startTime, string endTime)
            //Convert Year Logic
            int yearParse;

            if (int.TryParse(year, out yearParse))
                //Pre insert Year Logic Here:
                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to Parse <STRING_YEAR: " + year + "> too INT");

            //Convert Month Logic
            int[] monthParse = new int[month.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < month.Length; i++)
                if (int.TryParse(month[i], out monthParse[i]))
                    //Pre insert Month Logic Here:
                    Debug.WriteLine("Failed to Parse <STRING_MONTH: " + month[i] + "> too INT");

            //Convert Week Logic
            int[] weekParse = new int[week.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < week.Length; i++)
                if (int.TryParse(week[i], out weekParse[i]))
                    //Pre insert Day Logic Here:
                    Debug.WriteLine("Failed to Parse <STRING_WEEK: " + week[i] + "> too INT");

            //Convert Day Logic
            int[] dayParse = new int[day.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < day.Length; i++)
                if (int.TryParse(day[i], out dayParse[i]))
                    //Pre insert Day Logic Here:
                    Debug.WriteLine("Failed to Parse <STRING_DAY: " + day[i] + "> too INT");

            //Convert Room Logic
            int roomParse;

            if (int.TryParse(room, out roomParse))
                //Pre insert Room Logic Here:
            else if (room == null)//Dan: roomID shouldn't be optional either, need to fix before push to master [MASTER] not-note: meh...
                roomParse = 0;
                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to Parse <STRING_ROOM: " + room + "> too INT");

            //Convert Course Logic
            int courseParse;

            if (int.TryParse(course, out courseParse))
                //Pre insert Course Logic Here:
            else if (course == null)//Dan: hold up... the course ID shouldn't be optional. this needs fixed before we can update master [MASTER]
                courseParse = 0;
                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to Parse <STRING_COURSE: " + course + "> too INT");

            TimeItem startTimeParse;

                startTimeParse = new TimeItem(startTime);
            catch (FormatException excpt)
                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to Parse <STRING_START_TIME: " + startTime + "> too TIMEITEM \n" + excpt);

            TimeItem endTimeParse;

                endTimeParse = new TimeItem(endTime);
            catch (FormatException excpt)
                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to Parse <STRING_END_TIME: " + endTime + "> too TIMEITEM \n" + excpt);

            //Dan : Calandar logic
            Calandar.CalanderFormater CF = new Calandar.CalanderFormater(yearParse);

            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();//holds information for interacting with database

            //GregorianCalendar GC = new GregorianCalendar();//deadcode: replaced with CalanderFormater

            //Dan : find valid days logic
            for (int curDay = 1; curDay <= CF.GetDaysAmount(); curDay++)//begin for days in year
                bool isValid = true;

                if (monthParse.Length != 0)//if month specified
                    for (int i = 0; i < monthParse.Length; i++)
                        if (CF.getMonthByDay(curDay).getMonthID() == monthParse[i]) //looks to see if current day is in specified month
                            isValid = true;                                         //makes invalid if it is
                            isValid = false;
                }//end if month specified

                if (weekParse.Length != 0 && isValid)//if week specified
                    for (int i = 0; i < weekParse.Length; i++)
                        if (CF.getDayOfWeek(curDay) == weekParse[i])//looks to see if current day is specified day of week
                            isValid = true;
                            isValid = false;
                }//end if week specified

                if (dayParse.Length != 0 && isValid)//if day specified
                    for (int i = 0; i < dayParse.Length; i++)
                        if (CF.getMonthByDay(curDay).getDayByMonth(dayParse[i]).getDayID() == curDay)//looks to see if current day is specified days into month
                            isValid = true;
                            isValid = false;
                }//end if day specified

                if (isValid)//if valid day
                    string[] badrows;
                    string[] colDats = { null, null, null, null, null, null, CF[curDay].getDayID().ToString(), null, null };
                    if (!IsConflict("SELECT * FROM dbo.CALANDER_LIST WHERE LIST_YEAR IN (" + yearParse + ") AND ROOM_ID IN (" + roomParse + ");", colDats, out badrows)) //checks for conflicting days of year
                        colDats = new string[] { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, startTimeParse.ToString(), endTimeParse.ToString() };                         //checks for conflicting rooms in days of year

                        string[] rowGet;
                        for (int i = 0; i < badrows.Length; i++)
                            if (IsConflictSingleRow("SELECT * FROM dbo.CALANDER_LIST WHERE LIST_ID IN (" + badrows[i] + ");", colDats, out rowGet))
                                TimeItem gotStart = new TimeItem(rowGet[7]);
                                TimeItem gotend   = new TimeItem(rowGet[8]);

                                if ((gotStart <= startTimeParse) && (gotend >= startTimeParse) || (gotend >= endTimeParse) && (gotStart <= endTimeParse))//check for time conflict
                                    isValid = false;
                                //TODO: check for fail to read on single row : fault talerance [BETA]
                        } //end for each conflict
                    }     //end if Conflict

                    if (isValid)
                        cmd.CommandText += "INSERT INTO dbo.CALANDER_LIST(CLASS_ID,ROOM_ID,LIST_YEAR,LIST_MONTH,LIST_WEEK,LIST_DAY,START_TIME,END_TIME) VALUES(" + courseParse + "," + roomParse + "," + yearParse + "," + CF.getMonthByDay(curDay).getMonthID() + "," + CF.getDayOfWeek(curDay) + "," + curDay + ", '" + startTimeParse.ToString() + "', '" + endTimeParse.ToString() + "');\n";
                } //end if valid day
            }     //end for days in year

                //SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();//moved to : find valid days logic
                cmd.Connection = connection;
                //cmd.CommandText = null;//moved to : find valid days logic
            catch (SqlException excp)
                Debug.WriteLine("Failed to run InsertIntoDataBase: " + excp);

        }//end InsertSchedualItem