Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Executing this method will perform all the operations of the sample
        /// </summary>
        public static void Run()
            // Initialize cache

            // Generate instance of Customer that will be used in different operations in this sample
            Customer customer = CreateNewCustomer();
            string   key      = GetKey(customer);

            // Cache item versioning makes possible the concurrency checks on cacheitems.
            // Scenario:
            // User X and Y has fetched data from cache
            // User Y makes changes to some cache items and write back the changes to cache
            // Now the version of cache items with User X are obsolete and it can determine
            // so by using cache item versioning.

            // Adding item
            CacheItemVersion itemversion = AddObjectToCache(key, customer);

            // Update an item
            CacheItemVersion latestItemversion = UpdateObjectInCache(key, customer, itemversion);

            // Get an item with cache item version
            GetObjectWithItemVersion(key, itemversion, latestItemversion);

            // Remove an item if cache item
            RemoveObjectWithItemVersion(key, latestItemversion);

            // Dispose the cache once done
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method Gets an object from cache using cache item version
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key"> String key to be fetched from cache </param>
        /// <param name="oldCacheItemVersion"> Instance of CacheItemVersion to get item from cache if an updated item exist </param>
        /// <param name="latestCacheItemVersion"> Instance of CacheItemVersion to get item from cache </param>
        private static void GetObjectWithItemVersion(string key, CacheItemVersion oldCacheItemVersion, CacheItemVersion latestCacheItemVersion)
            // Retrives item from cache based on CacheItemVersion
            // Get item only is version superior to old version
            Customer customer = _cache.GetIfNewer <Customer>(key, ref oldCacheItemVersion); //Version to be compared from cache

            if (customer == null)
                // Print output on console
                Console.WriteLine("\nSpecified item version is latest.");
                // Print output on console
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("\nCurrent Version of {0} is: {1}", GetKey(customer), oldCacheItemVersion.Version));

            // Get an item from cache from latest item version
            customer = _cache.GetIfNewer <Customer>(key, ref latestCacheItemVersion); //Version to be compared from cache

            if (customer == null)
                // Print output on console
                Console.WriteLine("\nSpecified item version is latest.");
                // Print output on console
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("\nCurrent Version of {0} is: {1}", GetKey(customer), latestCacheItemVersion.Version));
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Delete an object in the cache using cache item version
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key"> String key to be removed from cache </param>
 /// <param name="cacheItemVersion"> Instance of CacheItemVersion to remove item from cache if item version is same in cache </param>
 private static void RemoveObjectWithItemVersion(string key, CacheItemVersion cacheItemVersion)
     // Remove object from cache if cache item version matched in cache
     _cache.Remove(key, null, cacheItemVersion);
     // Print output on console
     Console.WriteLine("\nObject removed from cache.");
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method adds object in the cache
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key"> String key to be added in cache</param>
        /// <param name="customer"> Instance of Customer that will be inserted in the cache</param>
        /// <returns>Returns cache item version</returns>
        private static CacheItemVersion AddObjectToCache(string key, Customer customer)
            CacheItemVersion cacheItemVersion = _cache.Add(key, customer);

            // Print output on console
            Console.WriteLine("\nItem is added to cache.");

Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override object Get(object key)
            if (key == null)
            log.Debug("fetching object {0} from the cache", key);

            CacheItemVersion version = null;

            return(cache.Get(region, key.ToString(), ref version));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public object Get(object key)
            if (key == null)
            if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                log.DebugFormat("fetching object {0} from the cache", key);

            CacheItemVersion version = null;

            return(cache.Get(region, key.ToString(), ref version));
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete an object in the cache using cache item version
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key"> String key to be removed from cache </param>
        /// <param name="cacheItemVersion"> Instance of CacheItemVersion to remove item from cache if item version is same in cache </param>
        private static void RemoveObjectWithItemVersion(string key, CacheItemVersion cacheItemVersion)
            // Remove object from cache if cache item version matched in cache
            Customer customerRemoved = (Customer)_cache.Remove(key, cacheItemVersion);

            if (customerRemoved == null)
                // Print output on console
                Console.WriteLine("\nFailed to remove item from cache. The newer version of item exists in cache.");
                // Print output on console
                Console.WriteLine("\nFollowing Customer is removed from cache:");
Exemplo n.º 8
 public APILogItem(string key, CacheItem item, string exceptionMessage)
     _key                  = key;
     _group                = item.Group;
     _subGroup             = item.SubGroup;
     _tags                 = item.Tags;
     _namedTags            = item.NamedTags;
     _abs                  = item.AbsoluteExpiration;
     _sld                  = item.SlidingExpiration;
     _p                    = item.Priority;
     _dep                  = item.Dependency;
     _syncDep              = item.SyncDependency;
     _resyncProviderName   = item.ResyncProviderName;
     _version              = item.Version;
     _isResyncRequired     = item.IsResyncExpiredItems;
     this.ExceptionMessage = exceptionMessage;
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// This method updates object in the cache if Cache Item Version matches
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key"> String key to be updated in cache </param>
        /// <param name="customer"> Instance of Customer that will be updated in the cache </param>
        /// <param name="oldItemVersion"> Instance of old CacheItemVersion to verify item is updated in cache </param>
        /// <returns>Returns updated cache item version </returns>
        private static CacheItemVersion UpdateObjectInCache(string key, Customer customer, CacheItemVersion oldItemVersion)
            // Updaing the customer object in cache;
            customer.CompanyName = "Gourmet Lanchonetes";

            // Create a CacheItem instance and assign Cache Item Version
            CacheItem cacheItem = new CacheItem(customer);

            cacheItem.Version = oldItemVersion;

            // Update item if version match
            CacheItemVersion updatedItemVersio = _cache.Insert(key, cacheItem);

            if (oldItemVersion.Version != updatedItemVersio.Version)
                // Print output on console
                Console.WriteLine("\nItem has changed since last time it was fetched.");

Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the specified entry to the cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">The entry key.</param>
        /// <param name="resultItem">The entry value.</param>
        public void PutItem(string key, DbResultItem resultItem, DbCommand dbCommand)
            Logger.Instance.TraceDebug("Caching results against key \"" + key + "\"");
            if (this.cache == null)

            CacheItem cacheItem = new CacheItem(resultItem.Value);

            if (resultItem.DbSyncDependency)
                cacheItem.Dependency = this.GetDependency(resultItem.TargetDatabase, key, resultItem.ConnectionString, dbCommand);

            cacheItem.AbsoluteExpiration = resultItem.AbsoluteExpiration;
            cacheItem.SlidingExpiration  = resultItem.SlidingExpiration;

            CacheItemVersion ver = cache.Insert(key, cacheItem);
            ulong            v   = ver.Version;

            Logger.Instance.TraceDebug("Cached results against key \"" + key + "\"");
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void Add_Get_Using_Region()

            string myRegion = "MyRegion";

            // TESTING SIMPLE Add/Get on default cache USING Region
            // without Tags
            // without version
            Console.WriteLine("Testing Simple Add/Get");
            Console.WriteLine("Cache       = default");
            Console.WriteLine("Region      = " + myRegion);
            Console.WriteLine("Tags        = <none>");
            Console.WriteLine("Version     = <none>");

            Tag[]            myTagIsNull = null;
            CacheItemVersion thisisNull  = null;

                // Initialize the object with a Add
                if ((itemVersion = _defaultCache.Add(myRegion, "KeyToMyString", myObjectForCaching, myTagIsNull)) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Add-Object Added to Cache, " + itemVersion);
                    Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Add-Object did not add to cache");

                // Do a Simple Get using version API
                if ((item = (string)_defaultCache.Get(myRegion, "KeyToMyString", ref thisisNull)) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Get-Object Get from cache");
                    Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Get-Object did not Get from cache");

                // Do a Simple Get with invalid key
                if ((item = (string)_defaultCache.Get("InvalidKey")) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Get-Object returned from Cache, should not since key is invalid");
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Get-Object did not Get from cache. Expected since key is invalid");
            catch (CacheException ex)
                Console.Write("**FAIL----->Add-Get-Distributed Cache Generated Exception:");
                // Will never get this error since we are Removing existing regions and creating new ones
 internal DataCacheItemVersion(CacheItemVersion itemVersion)
     this.itemVersion = itemVersion;
Exemplo n.º 13
		public void Load_Large_Data()

			// Simple Load testing
			// Object size every line starts with 100 bytes and grows "exponentially".
			// Try this out
			// - Increase the size of data and test behaviour
			// - Increase number of iterateMax
			// - If the app crashs with "out of memory"
			//   * Cache lotOfData.Length.ToString()
			//   * Behaviour noticed, application will still crash
			//   * Learning : Get the application to work before using DistributedCache
			// Behaviour noticed
			// - Regardless of a add to cache, test app run's out of memory
			// - Memory increases exponentially
			int iterateMax = 10;
			string lotOfData =
				"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
				"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
				"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
				"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
				"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
				"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
				"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
				"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
				"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
				"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +

			Console.WriteLine("Testing Simple Add/Get");
			Console.WriteLine("Cache       = default");
			Console.WriteLine("Region      = " + myLoadTestRegion);
			Console.WriteLine("Tags        = <none>");
			Console.WriteLine("Version     = <none>");
			long totalSizeAdded = 0;
			long iterate;
			for (iterate = 0; iterate < iterateMax; iterate++)
					// Lets know how much we want to add to cache before the add
					if ((itemVersion = _defaultCache.Add(myLoadTestRegion, iterate.ToString(), lotOfData, null)) != null)
						Console.Write(" PASS----->Add" + iterate + " ");
						Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Add-Object did not add to cache - FAIL");

					if ((item = (string) _defaultCache.Get(myLoadTestRegion, iterate.ToString(), ref thisisNull)) != null)
						Console.WriteLine(item.Length + " PASS-->Get" + iterate + " ");
						Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Get-Object did not Get from cache");
					totalSizeAdded += lotOfData.Length;
					lotOfData += lotOfData;
				catch (CacheException ex)
					Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Add-Get-This is failing probably because you are running this sample test");
					Console.WriteLine("         within 10mins (default timeout)");
					Console.Write("**FAIL----->Distributed Cache Generated Exception:");
					// Will never get this error since I am now calling RemoveRegion at the start of the sample test
			Console.WriteLine("Total Size added " + totalSizeAdded);
Exemplo n.º 14
		public void Add_Get_With_Tags()
			// Testing simple Add/Get on a Region with Tags
			// without Version
			// Each object will have a unique key
			// Each object can have multiple tags, hence the tag[]
			// Multiple Objects can have the same tag
			Console.WriteLine("Testing Simple Add/GetByTag");
			Console.WriteLine("Cache       = default");
			Console.WriteLine("Region      = " + myRegion);
			Console.WriteLine("Tags        = yes");
			Console.WriteLine("Version     = <none>");

			const int totalTags = 5;
			Tag[] allMyTags = new System.Data.Caching.Tag[totalTags]
			                  	new Tag("Tag1"), new Tag("Tag2"),
			                  	new Tag("Tag3"), new Tag("Tag4"),
			                  	new Tag("Tag5")
			List<KeyValuePair<string, object>> getByTagReturnKeyValuePair;
			int totalObjects = 10;
				for (int objectid = 0; objectid < totalObjects; objectid++)
					if ((itemVersion = _defaultCache.Add(myRegion, "MyKey" + objectid,
					                                     myObjectForCaching, allMyTags)) != null)
						Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Add-Object " +
						                  "MyKey" + objectid +
						                  " added to Cache, with all tags");
						Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Add-Object did not add to cache");
				for (int objectid = 0; objectid < totalObjects; objectid++)
					for (int tagid = 0; tagid < totalTags; tagid++)
						if ((getByTagReturnKeyValuePair = _defaultCache.GetByTag(myRegion, allMyTags[tagid])) != null)
							Console.WriteLine("PASS----->GetByTag-Object " +
							                  getByTagReturnKeyValuePair.ElementAt(tagid).Key +
							                  " get from cache. Using Tag " + tagid);
							Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->GetByTag-Object did not Get from cache");
			catch (CacheException ex)
				Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Add-GetByTag-This is failing probably because you are running this sample test");
				Console.WriteLine("          within 10mins (default timeout)");
				Console.Write("**FAIL----->Distributed Cache Generated Exception:");
Exemplo n.º 15
		public void Add_Get_On_Region_With_Version()
			// TESTING SIMPLE Add/Get ON REGION with Version
			// without Tags
			// Try this
			// - Put a BreakPoint on the second Put and wait for 5 seconds before releaseing.

			Console.WriteLine("Testing Simple Add/GetCacheItem/Put");
			Console.WriteLine("Cache       = default");
			Console.WriteLine("Region      = " + myRegion);
			Console.WriteLine("Tags        = <none>");
			Console.WriteLine("Version     = yes");

				if ((itemVersion = _defaultCache.Add(myRegion, "KeyToMyStringWithVersion", myObjectForCaching, myTagIsNull)) != null)
					Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Add-Object Added to Cache, " + itemVersion);
					Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Add-Object did not add to cache");

				if ((cacheItem1 = _defaultCache.GetCacheItem(myRegion, "KeyToMyStringWithVersion")) != null)
					Console.WriteLine("PASS----->GetCacheItem-Object Get from cache");
					Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->GetCacheItem-Object did not Get from cache");

				if ((cacheItem2 = _defaultCache.GetCacheItem(myRegion, "KeyToMyStringWithVersion")) != null)
					Console.WriteLine("PASS----->GetCacheItem-Object Get from cache");
					Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->GetCacheItem-Object did not Get from cache");

				if ((cacheItemVersion = _defaultCache.Put(myRegion, "KeyToMyStringWithVersion",
				                                          cacheItem1.Value, myTagIsNull, cacheItem1.Version)) != null)
					Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Put-Object updated successfully");
					Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Put-Object did not update successfully");

				if ((cacheItemVersion = _defaultCache.Put(myRegion, "KeyToMyStringWithVersion",
				                                          cacheItem2.Value, myTagIsNull, cacheItem2.Version)) != null)
					Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Put-Object update. Optimistic lock did not work");
				else // this will throw a exception, so the else will not run if the object is locked.
					Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Put-Object did not update. Optimistic lock worked");
			catch (CacheException ex)
				Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Add-GetCacheItem-Put-Expected behaviour since object is locked");
				Console.WriteLine("          for 5 seconds");
				Console.Write("PASS----->Distributed Cache Generated Exception:");
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void Add_Get_With_Tags()
            // Testing simple Add/Get on a Region with Tags
            // without Version
            // Each object will have a unique key
            // Each object can have multiple tags, hence the tag[]
            // Multiple Objects can have the same tag
            Console.WriteLine("Testing Simple Add/GetByTag");
            Console.WriteLine("Cache       = default");
            Console.WriteLine("Region      = " + myRegion);
            Console.WriteLine("Tags        = yes");
            Console.WriteLine("Version     = <none>");

            const int totalTags = 5;

            Tag[] allMyTags = new System.Data.Caching.Tag[totalTags]
                new Tag("Tag1"), new Tag("Tag2"),
                new Tag("Tag3"), new Tag("Tag4"),
                new Tag("Tag5")
            List <KeyValuePair <string, object> > getByTagReturnKeyValuePair;
            int totalObjects = 10;

                for (int objectid = 0; objectid < totalObjects; objectid++)
                    if ((itemVersion = _defaultCache.Add(myRegion, "MyKey" + objectid,
                                                         myObjectForCaching, allMyTags)) != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Add-Object " +
                                          "MyKey" + objectid +
                                          " added to Cache, with all tags");
                        Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Add-Object did not add to cache");
                for (int objectid = 0; objectid < totalObjects; objectid++)
                    for (int tagid = 0; tagid < totalTags; tagid++)
                        if ((getByTagReturnKeyValuePair = _defaultCache.GetByTag(myRegion, allMyTags[tagid])) != null)
                            Console.WriteLine("PASS----->GetByTag-Object " +
                                              getByTagReturnKeyValuePair.ElementAt(tagid).Key +
                                              " get from cache. Using Tag " + tagid);
                            Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->GetByTag-Object did not Get from cache");
            catch (CacheException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Add-GetByTag-This is failing probably because you are running this sample test");
                Console.WriteLine("          within 10mins (default timeout)");
                Console.Write("**FAIL----->Distributed Cache Generated Exception:");
Exemplo n.º 17
		public void Add_Get_Using_Region()

			string myRegion = "MyRegion";
			// TESTING SIMPLE Add/Get on default cache USING Region
			// without Tags
			// without version
			Console.WriteLine("Testing Simple Add/Get");
			Console.WriteLine("Cache       = default");
			Console.WriteLine("Region      = " + myRegion);
			Console.WriteLine("Tags        = <none>");
			Console.WriteLine("Version     = <none>");

			Tag[] myTagIsNull = null;
			CacheItemVersion thisisNull = null;
				// Initialize the object with a Add
				if ((itemVersion = _defaultCache.Add(myRegion, "KeyToMyString", myObjectForCaching, myTagIsNull)) != null)
					Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Add-Object Added to Cache, " + itemVersion);
					Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Add-Object did not add to cache");

				// Do a Simple Get using version API
				if ((item = (string) _defaultCache.Get(myRegion, "KeyToMyString", ref thisisNull)) != null)
					Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Get-Object Get from cache");
					Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Get-Object did not Get from cache");

				// Do a Simple Get with invalid key
				if ((item = (string) _defaultCache.Get("InvalidKey")) != null)
					Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Get-Object returned from Cache, should not since key is invalid");
					Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Get-Object did not Get from cache. Expected since key is invalid");
			catch (CacheException ex)
				Console.Write("**FAIL----->Add-Get-Distributed Cache Generated Exception:");
				// Will never get this error since we are Removing existing regions and creating new ones
Exemplo n.º 18
		public void Add_Get_Simple()
			// TESTING SIMPLE Add/Get on default cache
			// no regions
			// Need to catch exception here to allow the program to run continously
			// Try this out
			// - Comment the try catch on this block of code
			// - Run this program twice within 10 mins
			// - Result, Add will throw a exception
			// - Run this program after 10 mins
			// - Result, Program will run ok
			// Try this out
			// - Put a VS-BreakPoint at the Get("KetToMyString") call
			// - Run the sample test after 10 mins
			// - Get will fail
			Console.WriteLine("Testing Simple Add/Get");
			Console.WriteLine("Cache       = default");
			Console.WriteLine("Region      = <none>");
			Console.WriteLine("Tags        = <none>");
			Console.WriteLine("Version     = <none>");
				if ((itemVersion = _defaultCache.Add("KeyToMyString", myObjectForCaching)) != null)
					Console.WriteLine("PASS--->Add-Object Added to Cache, HashCode: " + itemVersion.GetHashCode());
					Console.WriteLine("**FAIL--->Add-Object did not add to cache - FAIL");

				if ((item = (string) _defaultCache.Get("KeyToMyString")) != null)
					Console.WriteLine("PASS--->Get-Object Get from cache");
					Console.WriteLine("**FAIL--->Get-Object did not Get from cache");

				if ((item = (string) _defaultCache.Get("InCorrectKeySpecified")) == null)
					Console.WriteLine("PASS--->Get-Object did not Get, since invalid key specified");
					Console.WriteLine("**FAIL--->Get-Object Get from cache, unexpected result");
			catch (CacheException ex)
				Console.WriteLine("**FAIL--->Add-Get-This is failing probably because you are running this");
				Console.WriteLine("          sample test within 10mins (default timeout) in clusterconfig.xml");
				Console.WriteLine("          To get this working, in the admin tool");
				Console.WriteLine("          - stop cluster");
				Console.WriteLine("          - delete cache default");
				Console.WriteLine("          - create cache default");
				Console.WriteLine("          - start cluster");
				Console.Write("**FAIL--->Distributed Cache Generated Exception:");
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void Add_GetAndLock_Using_Region()

            // TESTING SIMPLE Add/GetAndLock using Region
            // without Tags
            // without version
            // Try this out
            // - Put a BreakPoint on the first Get, and hold execution for then 5 seconds.
            //   It will return the object. Since the lock will expire.
            //   Additionally : Study behaviour of Put and PutAndLock
            // - Put a BreakPoint on the second GetAndLock, and hold the execution for 5 seconds.
            //   It will lock the object for 10 seconds. Since the first lock has expired.
            //   Additionally : Study behaviour of Put and PutAndLock
            Console.WriteLine("Testing Simple Add/Get/GetAndLock/GetIfVersionMismatch/Put/PutAndLock");
            Console.WriteLine("Cache       = default");
            Console.WriteLine("Region      = " + myRegion);
            Console.WriteLine("Tags        = <none>");
            Console.WriteLine("Version     = <none>");

            CacheItemVersion myVersionBeforeChange = null, myVersionAfterChange = null, myVersionChangedOnceMore = null;
            LockHandle       lockHandle;
            string           myKey = "KeyToMyStringTryingLock";

                // Initialize the object with a Add
                if ((itemVersion = _defaultCache.Add(myRegion, myKey, myObjectForCaching, myTagIsNull)) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Add-Object Added to Cache");
                    Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Add-Object did not add to cache");

                // Do a Simple Get, lock the object for 5 seconds
                if ((item = (string)_defaultCache.GetAndLock(myRegion, myKey,
                                                             new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5), out lockHandle)) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS----->GetAndLock-Object Get from cache");
                    Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->GetAndLock-Object did not Get from cache");

                // Do a optimistic Get
                if ((item = (string)_defaultCache.Get(myRegion, myKey, ref myVersionBeforeChange)) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Get-Object returned. Get will always pass. Will not wait");
                    Console.WriteLine("          on a updating object. Current Version will be returned.");
                    Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Get-Object did not return.");

                    // Do a one more Simple Get, and attempt lock the object for 10 seconds
                    if ((item = (string)_defaultCache.GetAndLock(myRegion, myKey,
                                                                 new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10), out lockHandle)) != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->GetAndLock-Object Get from cache");
                        // Since a exception will catch it, this will never return null
                        Console.WriteLine("PASS----->GetAndLock-Object did not Get from cache");
                catch (CacheException ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS----->GetAndLock hit a exception, becuase object is already locked");
                    Console.Write("PASS----->GetAndLock-Distributed Cache Generated Exception:");

                if ((item = (string)_defaultCache.GetIfVersionMismatch(myRegion, myKey, ref myVersionBeforeChange)) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->GetIfVersionMismatch-Object changed. Should not return as object has");
                    Console.WriteLine("            not been changed");
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS----->GetIfVersionMismatch-Object has not changed. Hence did not return.");

                // Now update the object with a Put
                if ((myVersionAfterChange = _defaultCache.Put(myRegion, myKey,
                                                              myObjectForCaching + "Put1", myTagIsNull, thisisNull)) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Put1-null-version-Object changed. Put will pass even if object");
                    Console.WriteLine("          is locked. Object will also be unlocked.");
                    myObjectForCaching += "Put1";
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Put1-null-version-Object did not change.");

                // Object with older version changed
                if ((item = (string)_defaultCache.GetIfVersionMismatch(myRegion, myKey, ref myVersionBeforeChange)) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS----->GetIfVersionMismatch-Object has been changed.");
                    Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->GetIfVersionMismatch-Object did not return. Put ");
                    Console.WriteLine("            did modify the object. Should return.");

                // Object with newer version after Put
                if ((item = (string)_defaultCache.GetIfVersionMismatch(myRegion, myKey, ref myVersionAfterChange)) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->GetIfVersionMismatch-Object with newer version not changed.");
                    Console.WriteLine("            Should not return.");
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS----->GetIfVersionMismatch-Object with newer version not changed");

                if ((myVersionChangedOnceMore = _defaultCache.Put(myRegion, myKey,
                                                                  myObjectForCaching + "Put2", myTagIsNull, myVersionBeforeChange)) !=
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Put2-version from Put1-Object changed.");
                    myObjectForCaching += "Put2";
                    Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Put2-version from Put1-Object did not change.");

                    // Try the above PutAndUnlock
                    if ((myVersionChangedOnceMore = _defaultCache.PutAndUnlock(myRegion, myKey,
                                                                               myObjectForCaching + "Put3", lockHandle, myTagIsNull)) !=
                        Console.WriteLine("PASS----->PutAndUnlock-Object updated and unlocked.");
                        myObjectForCaching += "Put3";
                        Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->PutAndUnlock-Object should have updated and unlocked.");
                catch (CacheException ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS----->PutAndUnlock-Expected exception since object is already unlocked.");
                    Console.Write("PASS---->PutAndUnlock-Distributed Cache Generated Exception:");
                // Unlock Object
                    if (_defaultCache.Unlock(myRegion, myKey, lockHandle))
                        Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Unlock-Object unlocked");
                        Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Object could not be unlocked");
                catch (CacheException ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Unlock-Expected exception since object is already unlocked.");
                    Console.Write("PASS----->Unlock-Distributed Cache Generated Exception:");
                // Final Test the state of object should be "This is my Object.Put1Put2"
                if ((item = (string)_defaultCache.Get(myRegion, myKey, ref myVersionChangedOnceMore)) ==
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Get-Object retrived from cache.");
                    Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Get-Object was not retrived from cache");
            catch (CacheException ex)
                    "**FAIL---->Add-Get-GetAndLock-GetIfVersionMismatch-Put-PutAndUnlock-Distributed Cache Generated Exception:");
Exemplo n.º 20
        public object Get(string sessionId, string key, string group, string subGroup)
            CacheItemVersion version = null;

            return(_cache.Get <object>(key));
Exemplo n.º 21
        public void Load_Large_Data()

            // Simple Load testing
            // Object size every line starts with 100 bytes and grows "exponentially".
            // Try this out
            // - Increase the size of data and test behaviour
            // - Increase number of iterateMax
            // - If the app crashs with "out of memory"
            //   * Cache lotOfData.Length.ToString()
            //   * Behaviour noticed, application will still crash
            //   * Learning : Get the application to work before using DistributedCache
            // Behaviour noticed
            // - Regardless of a add to cache, test app run's out of memory
            // - Memory increases exponentially
            int    iterateMax = 10;
            string lotOfData  =
                "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
                "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
                "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
                "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
                "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
                "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
                "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
                "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
                "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
                "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +

            Console.WriteLine("Testing Simple Add/Get");
            Console.WriteLine("Cache       = default");
            Console.WriteLine("Region      = " + myLoadTestRegion);
            Console.WriteLine("Tags        = <none>");
            Console.WriteLine("Version     = <none>");
            long totalSizeAdded = 0;
            long iterate;

            for (iterate = 0; iterate < iterateMax; iterate++)
                    // Lets know how much we want to add to cache before the add
                    if ((itemVersion = _defaultCache.Add(myLoadTestRegion, iterate.ToString(), lotOfData, null)) != null)
                        Console.Write(" PASS----->Add" + iterate + " ");
                        Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Add-Object did not add to cache - FAIL");

                    if ((item = (string)_defaultCache.Get(myLoadTestRegion, iterate.ToString(), ref thisisNull)) != null)
                        Console.WriteLine(item.Length + " PASS-->Get" + iterate + " ");
                        Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Get-Object did not Get from cache");
                    totalSizeAdded += lotOfData.Length;
                    lotOfData      += lotOfData;
                catch (CacheException ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Add-Get-This is failing probably because you are running this sample test");
                    Console.WriteLine("         within 10mins (default timeout)");
                    Console.Write("**FAIL----->Distributed Cache Generated Exception:");
                    // Will never get this error since I am now calling RemoveRegion at the start of the sample test
            Console.WriteLine("Total Size added " + totalSizeAdded);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public void Add_Get_Simple()
            // TESTING SIMPLE Add/Get on default cache
            // no regions
            // Need to catch exception here to allow the program to run continously
            // Try this out
            // - Comment the try catch on this block of code
            // - Run this program twice within 10 mins
            // - Result, Add will throw a exception
            // - Run this program after 10 mins
            // - Result, Program will run ok
            // Try this out
            // - Put a VS-BreakPoint at the Get("KetToMyString") call
            // - Run the sample test after 10 mins
            // - Get will fail
            Console.WriteLine("Testing Simple Add/Get");
            Console.WriteLine("Cache       = default");
            Console.WriteLine("Region      = <none>");
            Console.WriteLine("Tags        = <none>");
            Console.WriteLine("Version     = <none>");
                if ((itemVersion = _defaultCache.Add("KeyToMyString", myObjectForCaching)) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS--->Add-Object Added to Cache, HashCode: " + itemVersion.GetHashCode());
                    Console.WriteLine("**FAIL--->Add-Object did not add to cache - FAIL");

                if ((item = (string)_defaultCache.Get("KeyToMyString")) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS--->Get-Object Get from cache");
                    Console.WriteLine("**FAIL--->Get-Object did not Get from cache");

                if ((item = (string)_defaultCache.Get("InCorrectKeySpecified")) == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS--->Get-Object did not Get, since invalid key specified");
                    Console.WriteLine("**FAIL--->Get-Object Get from cache, unexpected result");
            catch (CacheException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("**FAIL--->Add-Get-This is failing probably because you are running this");
                Console.WriteLine("          sample test within 10mins (default timeout) in clusterconfig.xml");
                Console.WriteLine("          To get this working, in the admin tool");
                Console.WriteLine("          - stop cluster");
                Console.WriteLine("          - delete cache default");
                Console.WriteLine("          - create cache default");
                Console.WriteLine("          - start cluster");
                Console.Write("**FAIL--->Distributed Cache Generated Exception:");
Exemplo n.º 23
		public void Add_GetAndLock_Using_Region()

			// TESTING SIMPLE Add/GetAndLock using Region
			// without Tags
			// without version
			// Try this out
			// - Put a BreakPoint on the first Get, and hold execution for then 5 seconds. 
			//   It will return the object. Since the lock will expire.
			//   Additionally : Study behaviour of Put and PutAndLock
			// - Put a BreakPoint on the second GetAndLock, and hold the execution for 5 seconds.
			//   It will lock the object for 10 seconds. Since the first lock has expired.
			//   Additionally : Study behaviour of Put and PutAndLock
			Console.WriteLine("Testing Simple Add/Get/GetAndLock/GetIfVersionMismatch/Put/PutAndLock");
			Console.WriteLine("Cache       = default");
			Console.WriteLine("Region      = " + myRegion);
			Console.WriteLine("Tags        = <none>");
			Console.WriteLine("Version     = <none>");

			CacheItemVersion myVersionBeforeChange = null, myVersionAfterChange = null, myVersionChangedOnceMore = null;
			LockHandle lockHandle;
			string myKey = "KeyToMyStringTryingLock";

				// Initialize the object with a Add
				if ((itemVersion = _defaultCache.Add(myRegion, myKey, myObjectForCaching, myTagIsNull)) != null)
					Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Add-Object Added to Cache");
					Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Add-Object did not add to cache");

				// Do a Simple Get, lock the object for 5 seconds
				if ((item = (string) _defaultCache.GetAndLock(myRegion, myKey,
				                                              new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5), out lockHandle)) != null)
					Console.WriteLine("PASS----->GetAndLock-Object Get from cache");
					Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->GetAndLock-Object did not Get from cache");

				// Do a optimistic Get
				if ((item = (string) _defaultCache.Get(myRegion, myKey, ref myVersionBeforeChange)) != null)
					Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Get-Object returned. Get will always pass. Will not wait");
					Console.WriteLine("          on a updating object. Current Version will be returned.");
					Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Get-Object did not return.");

					// Do a one more Simple Get, and attempt lock the object for 10 seconds
					if ((item = (string) _defaultCache.GetAndLock(myRegion, myKey,
					                                              new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10), out lockHandle)) != null)
						Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->GetAndLock-Object Get from cache");
						// Since a exception will catch it, this will never return null
						Console.WriteLine("PASS----->GetAndLock-Object did not Get from cache");
				catch (CacheException ex)
					Console.WriteLine("PASS----->GetAndLock hit a exception, becuase object is already locked");
					Console.Write("PASS----->GetAndLock-Distributed Cache Generated Exception:");

				if ((item = (string) _defaultCache.GetIfVersionMismatch(myRegion, myKey, ref myVersionBeforeChange)) != null)
					Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->GetIfVersionMismatch-Object changed. Should not return as object has");
					Console.WriteLine("            not been changed");
					Console.WriteLine("PASS----->GetIfVersionMismatch-Object has not changed. Hence did not return.");

				// Now update the object with a Put                
				if ((myVersionAfterChange = _defaultCache.Put(myRegion, myKey,
				                                              myObjectForCaching + "Put1", myTagIsNull, thisisNull)) != null)
					Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Put1-null-version-Object changed. Put will pass even if object");
					Console.WriteLine("          is locked. Object will also be unlocked.");
					myObjectForCaching += "Put1";
					Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Put1-null-version-Object did not change.");

				// Object with older version changed
				if ((item = (string) _defaultCache.GetIfVersionMismatch(myRegion, myKey, ref myVersionBeforeChange)) != null)
					Console.WriteLine("PASS----->GetIfVersionMismatch-Object has been changed.");
					Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->GetIfVersionMismatch-Object did not return. Put ");
					Console.WriteLine("            did modify the object. Should return.");

				// Object with newer version after Put
				if ((item = (string) _defaultCache.GetIfVersionMismatch(myRegion, myKey, ref myVersionAfterChange)) != null)
					Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->GetIfVersionMismatch-Object with newer version not changed.");
					Console.WriteLine("            Should not return.");
					Console.WriteLine("PASS----->GetIfVersionMismatch-Object with newer version not changed");

				if ((myVersionChangedOnceMore = _defaultCache.Put(myRegion, myKey,
				                                                  myObjectForCaching + "Put2", myTagIsNull, myVersionBeforeChange)) !=
					Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Put2-version from Put1-Object changed.");
					myObjectForCaching += "Put2";
					Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Put2-version from Put1-Object did not change.");

					// Try the above PutAndUnlock                 
					if ((myVersionChangedOnceMore = _defaultCache.PutAndUnlock(myRegion, myKey,
					                                                           myObjectForCaching + "Put3", lockHandle, myTagIsNull)) !=
						Console.WriteLine("PASS----->PutAndUnlock-Object updated and unlocked.");
						myObjectForCaching += "Put3";
						Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->PutAndUnlock-Object should have updated and unlocked.");
				catch (CacheException ex)
					Console.WriteLine("PASS----->PutAndUnlock-Expected exception since object is already unlocked.");
					Console.Write("PASS---->PutAndUnlock-Distributed Cache Generated Exception:");
				// Unlock Object
					if (_defaultCache.Unlock(myRegion, myKey, lockHandle))
						Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Unlock-Object unlocked");
						Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Object could not be unlocked");
				catch (CacheException ex)
					Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Unlock-Expected exception since object is already unlocked.");
					Console.Write("PASS----->Unlock-Distributed Cache Generated Exception:");
				// Final Test the state of object should be "This is my Object.Put1Put2"
				if ((item = (string) _defaultCache.Get(myRegion, myKey, ref myVersionChangedOnceMore)) ==
					Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Get-Object retrived from cache.");
					Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Get-Object was not retrived from cache");
			catch (CacheException ex)
					"**FAIL---->Add-Get-GetAndLock-GetIfVersionMismatch-Put-PutAndUnlock-Distributed Cache Generated Exception:");
Exemplo n.º 24
        public object Get(string sessionId, string key, string group, string subGroup)
            CacheItemVersion version = null;

            return(_cache.Get(key, DSReadOption.None, ref version));
Exemplo n.º 25
        public void Add_Get_On_Region_With_Version()
            // TESTING SIMPLE Add/Get ON REGION with Version
            // without Tags
            // Try this
            // - Put a BreakPoint on the second Put and wait for 5 seconds before releaseing.

            Console.WriteLine("Testing Simple Add/GetCacheItem/Put");
            Console.WriteLine("Cache       = default");
            Console.WriteLine("Region      = " + myRegion);
            Console.WriteLine("Tags        = <none>");
            Console.WriteLine("Version     = yes");

                if ((itemVersion = _defaultCache.Add(myRegion, "KeyToMyStringWithVersion", myObjectForCaching, myTagIsNull)) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Add-Object Added to Cache, " + itemVersion);
                    Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Add-Object did not add to cache");

                if ((cacheItem1 = _defaultCache.GetCacheItem(myRegion, "KeyToMyStringWithVersion")) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS----->GetCacheItem-Object Get from cache");
                    Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->GetCacheItem-Object did not Get from cache");

                if ((cacheItem2 = _defaultCache.GetCacheItem(myRegion, "KeyToMyStringWithVersion")) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS----->GetCacheItem-Object Get from cache");
                    Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->GetCacheItem-Object did not Get from cache");

                if ((cacheItemVersion = _defaultCache.Put(myRegion, "KeyToMyStringWithVersion",
                                                          cacheItem1.Value, myTagIsNull, cacheItem1.Version)) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Put-Object updated successfully");
                    Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Put-Object did not update successfully");

                if ((cacheItemVersion = _defaultCache.Put(myRegion, "KeyToMyStringWithVersion",
                                                          cacheItem2.Value, myTagIsNull, cacheItem2.Version)) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("**FAIL----->Put-Object update. Optimistic lock did not work");
                else                 // this will throw a exception, so the else will not run if the object is locked.
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Put-Object did not update. Optimistic lock worked");
            catch (CacheException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("PASS----->Add-GetCacheItem-Put-Expected behaviour since object is locked");
                Console.WriteLine("          for 5 seconds");
                Console.Write("PASS----->Distributed Cache Generated Exception:");