Exemplo n.º 1
        private static byte[] GetCachedIcon(Models.Site s)
            CacheInfo rval;
            if (icons.TryGetValue(s.Id, out rval))
                if (DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-720) < rval.CacheDate)
                    return rval.Image;

            rval = new CacheInfo { CacheDate = DateTime.UtcNow };
                    using (var client = new WebClient())
                        var stream = client.OpenRead(s.IconUrl);
                        rval.Image = ReadFully(stream);
                        icons.TryAdd(s.Id, rval);

                icons.TryAdd(s.Id, rval);
            return rval.Image;
Exemplo n.º 2
    public DealDAO()
        dependency = new SqlCacheDependency("anythinglk", "Deals");
        allDealsQuery = from deal in db.Deals orderby deal.PlacedOn descending select deal;
        cacheInfo = new CacheInfo();

        HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert("CacheValid", cacheInfo, dependency);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static CacheInfo Get(string key, ProcessModule module)
     CacheInfo result;
     if( CachedInfos.TryGetValue(key, out result))
         return result;
     result = new CacheInfo(module);
     CachedInfos[key] = result;
     return result;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void AddMoviesToCache(DataSearchRequest q, IEnumerable<Movie> movieList, int totalResults, string nextPageToken)
     CacheInfo cachedResult = _appCache.Get(GetCacheKey(q)) as CacheInfo;
     if (cachedResult == null)
         cachedResult = new CacheInfo() { Movies = new List<Movie>() };
     cachedResult.NextPageToken = nextPageToken;
     cachedResult.TotalResults = totalResults;
     _appCache.Put(GetCacheKey(q), cachedResult);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static string GetFileName(string url)
            lock (Cache.m_cache)
                for (int i = 0; i < Cache.m_cache.Count; ++i)
                    if (Cache.m_cache[i].Url == url)
                        return Cache.m_cache[i].Name;

                var info = new CacheInfo(url);
                return info.Name;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a phoenix with provided cacheDuration and staleWhileRevalidate values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="invocation"></param>
        /// <param name="info"></param>
        public Phoenix(_IInvocation invocation, CacheInfo info)
            _info = info;
            _phoenixState = _info.StaleWhileRevalidate > 0 ? (IPhoenixState)new RaisingPhoenix() : new DisposingPhoenix(Die);
            if (invocation.Proxy != null)
                // It is really a dynamic proxy
                _instanceTargetField = invocation.Proxy.GetType().GetField("__target", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

            Arguments = invocation.Arguments;
            MethodInfo = invocation.Method;

            _timer = new Timer(_ => Reborn(), null, _info.GetRefreshTime(), TimeSpan.Zero);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void Load(int scheduleId)
            _cacheInfo = Cache.Current.Info(CacheKey);

            LogInstance.LogInfo("Schedule cache state is {0}, duration is {1} hrs", _cacheInfo.State, this.CacheDuration.TotalHours);

            if (_cacheInfo.State == CacheStates.Exists)

            var url = string.Format(URL, scheduleId);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void AddToCache(string fileName, Texture2D tex)
            CacheInfo info = new CacheInfo();
            info.texture = tex;
            info.staleTime = 0;
            info.usageCount = 1;

            try {
            this.cacheDict.Add (fileName, info);
            } catch (System.ArgumentException) {
            // The fileName is already in the dictionary.
            // Can happen a lot if using multiple WWW threads
            // to load images
            this.cacheDict[fileName].usageCount += 1;

            //Debug.Log (fileName + " usage count: " + this.cacheDict[fileName].usageCount);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public String file2Md5(string fullFilePath)
            var md5 = "";
            var lastWrite = File.GetLastWriteTime(fullFilePath);
            if ((cacheTable.ContainsKey(fullFilePath)) && (lastWrite == cacheTable[fullFilePath].lastAccess)) md5 = cacheTable[fullFilePath].md5;
                md5 = file2Md5Uncached(fullFilePath);

                var cinfo = new CacheInfo();
                cinfo.fullFilePath = fullFilePath;
                cinfo.lastAccess = lastWrite;
                cinfo.md5 = md5;

                if (cacheTable.ContainsKey(fullFilePath)) cacheTable.Remove(fullFilePath);
                cacheTable.Add(fullFilePath, cinfo);
            return md5;
Exemplo n.º 10
            public override PyObject Run(PyTuple args, object client)
                Log.Debug("objectCaching", "Called GetCachableObject stub");

                CacheInfo cache = new CacheInfo();

                if (cache.Decode(args) == false)
                    return null;

                Log.Debug("GetCachableObject", "Got cache request for cache " + cache.objectID.As<PyString>().Value);

                if (Cache.LoadCacheFor(cache.objectID.As<PyString>().Value) == false)
                    return null;

                return Cache.GetCache(cache.objectID.As<PyString>().Value);
Exemplo n.º 11
			private void CacheObject(CacheInfo cacheInfo)
				switch (cacheInfo.Type)
					case ObjType.Object:
						m_Cache.CacheUnknown(cacheInfo.Hvo, cacheInfo.Flid, cacheInfo.Object);
					case ObjType.BasicTsString:
						m_Cache.CacheStringProp(cacheInfo.Hvo, cacheInfo.Flid, cacheInfo.Object as ITsString);
					case ObjType.ExtendedTsString:
						m_Cache.CacheStringAlt(cacheInfo.Hvo, cacheInfo.Flid, cacheInfo.Ws, cacheInfo.Object as ITsString);
					case ObjType.ByteArray:
						byte[] array = cacheInfo.Object as byte[];
						m_Cache.CacheBinaryProp(cacheInfo.Hvo, cacheInfo.Flid, array, array.Length);
					case ObjType.String:
						var str = cacheInfo.Object as string;
						m_Cache.CacheUnicodeProp(cacheInfo.Hvo, cacheInfo.Flid, str, str.Length);
					case ObjType.Guid:
						m_Cache.CacheGuidProp(cacheInfo.Hvo, cacheInfo.Flid, (Guid)cacheInfo.Object);
					case ObjType.Int:
						m_Cache.CacheIntProp(cacheInfo.Hvo, cacheInfo.Flid, (int)cacheInfo.Object);
					case ObjType.Long:
						m_Cache.CacheInt64Prop(cacheInfo.Hvo, cacheInfo.Flid, (long)cacheInfo.Object);
					case ObjType.Bool:
						m_Cache.CacheBooleanProp(cacheInfo.Hvo, cacheInfo.Flid, (bool)cacheInfo.Object);
					case ObjType.Vector:
						int[] vector = cacheInfo.Object as int[];
						m_Cache.CacheVecProp(cacheInfo.Hvo, cacheInfo.Flid, vector, vector.Length);
					case ObjType.Time:
						m_Cache.CacheTimeProp(cacheInfo.Hvo, cacheInfo.Flid, (long)cacheInfo.Object);
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Load all the config sections from the configuration file.
        /// </summary>
        static private void LoadConfiguration()
            CacheInfo cacheInfo = null;
                CacheServerConfig[] configs = CacheConfigManager.GetConfiguredCaches();
                //Just need to call the static block - stupid logik i know
                for (int i = 0; i < configs.Length; i++)
                    CacheServerConfig config = configs[i];

                    ///[Ata] Until we completely move to using dom based configuration
                    ///we have to convert it to string props
                    string props = GetProps(config);

                    // all but the listed cache types are loaded in s_caches table.

                    string cacheId = config.Name.ToLower();

                    if (!s_caches.Contains(cacheId))
                        cacheInfo = new CacheInfo();
                        cacheInfo.Cache = new LeasedCache(props);
                        cacheInfo.CacheProps = config;
                        s_caches.Add(cacheId, cacheInfo);
                        cacheInfo = s_caches[cacheId] as CacheInfo;
                        cacheInfo.CacheProps = config;
            catch (Exception e)
                string msg = String.Format("CacheServer failed to load configuration information, Error {0}",
                AppUtil.LogEvent(msg, EventLogEntryType.Warning);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public static ProcessorDeviceInfo[] EnumProcessors()
            var p = _internalEnumerateDevices <ProcessorDeviceInfo>(DevProp.GUID_DEVCLASS_PROCESSOR, ClassDevFlags.Present);

            if (p != null && p.Length > 0)
                if (p is null)

                var procs = SysInfo.LogicalProcessors;

                Array.Sort(procs, new Comparison <SystemLogicalProcessorInformation>((x, y) =>
                    if (x.Relationship == y.Relationship)
                        return((int)(x.ProcessorMask - y.ProcessorMask));
                        return((int)x.Relationship - (int)y.Relationship);

                Array.Sort(p, new Comparison <ProcessorDeviceInfo>((x, y) =>
                    return(string.Compare(x.InstanceId, y.InstanceId));

                int c = p.Length;
                int d = procs.Length;

                List <CacheInfo>[] pci = new List <CacheInfo> [c];

                for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
                    ProcessorDeviceInfo pInfo = p[i];

                    pInfo.LogicalProcessor = (i + 1);

                    int ccore = 1;
                    foreach (var proc in procs)
                        if ((proc.ProcessorMask & (1 << i)) == (1 << i))
                            if ((proc.Relationship | LogicalProcessorRelationship.RelationProcessorCore) == LogicalProcessorRelationship.RelationProcessorCore)
                                pInfo.Core   = ccore;
                                pInfo.Source = proc;
                            else if ((proc.Relationship | LogicalProcessorRelationship.RelationCache) == LogicalProcessorRelationship.RelationCache)
                                var cd = new CacheInfo(proc.CacheDescriptor);

                                if (pci[i] == null)
                                    pci[i] = new List <CacheInfo>();

                                switch (cd.Level)
                                case 1:
                                    pInfo.HasL1Cache = true;

                                case 2:
                                    pInfo.HasL2Cache = true;

                                case 3:
                                    pInfo.HasL3Cache = true;

                                pInfo.TotalCacheSize += cd.Size;
                                pInfo.TotalLineSize  += cd.LineSize;


                        if ((proc.Relationship | LogicalProcessorRelationship.RelationProcessorCore) == LogicalProcessorRelationship.RelationProcessorCore)

                    pInfo.Caches = new ReadOnlyCollection <CacheInfo>(pci[i]);

Exemplo n.º 14
 public object Get(Type type, CacheInfo info)
 => OnlinePlayDependencies?.Get(type, info) ?? parent.Get(type, info);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public object Get(Type type, CacheInfo info)
 => dependencies.Get(type, info);
Exemplo n.º 16
        private CacheInfo TryLoadFromDisk(string url)
            if (_directoryOnDisk == null)
                return null; // no place to cache

            CacheInfo found = null;

            // look for all files matching the prefix
            // looking for the one matching url that is not expired
            // removing expired (or invalid) ones
            string pattern = GetTempFileNamePrefixFromUrl(url) + "_*.feed";
            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(_directoryOnDisk, pattern, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);

            foreach (string feedFilename in files)
                XmlDocument feedDoc = null;
                bool isFeedFileValid = false;
                DateTime utcExpiryFromFeedFile = DateTime.MinValue;
                string urlFromFeedFile = null;

                    feedDoc = new XmlDocument();

                    // look for special XML comment (before the root tag)'
                    // containing expiration and url
                    XmlComment comment = feedDoc.DocumentElement.PreviousSibling as XmlComment;

                    if (comment != null)
                        string c = comment.Value ?? string.Empty;
                        int i = c.IndexOf('@');
                        long expiry;

                        if (i >= 0 && long.TryParse(c.Substring(0, i), out expiry))
                            utcExpiryFromFeedFile = DateTime.FromBinary(expiry);
                            urlFromFeedFile = c.Substring(i + 1);
                            isFeedFileValid = true;
                catch (XmlException)
                    // error processing one file shouldn't stop processing other files

                // remove invalid or expired file
                if (!isFeedFileValid || utcExpiryFromFeedFile < DateTime.UtcNow)
                    // try next file

                // match url
                if (urlFromFeedFile == url)
                    // keep the one that expires last
                    if (found == null || found.Expiry < utcExpiryFromFeedFile)
                        // if we have a previously found older expiration, kill it...
                        if (found != null)

                        // create DOM and set expiry (as found on disk)
                        found = new CacheInfo(feedDoc, utcExpiryFromFeedFile, feedFilename);

            // return best fit
            return found;
Exemplo n.º 17
		/// <summary>
		/// Member CacheBinaryProp
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj">obj</param><param name="tag">tag</param><param name="rgb">rgb</param><param name="cb">cb</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// IVwCacheDa method
		/// </remarks>
		public void CacheBinaryProp(int obj, int tag, byte[] rgb, int cb)
			var before = new CacheInfo(ObjType.ByteArray, obj, tag, m_cache.get_Prop(obj, tag));
			var after =  new CacheInfo(ObjType.ByteArray, obj, tag, rgb);
			ActionHandler.AddAction(new CacheUndoAction(m_cache, before, after));

			m_cache.CacheBinaryProp(obj, tag, rgb, cb);
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// 登录成功 添加缓存
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="result"></param>
 public void CacheAdd(CacheInfo result)
     GetLoginCache().Add(GetAuthKey(result.AuthorizationCode), result, 240);//时间为分钟
Exemplo n.º 19
        public JsonResult Application(FormCollection form)
            string success        = String.Empty;
            string scopeName      = form["Scope"];
            string cacheImportURI = form["cacheImportURI"];
            long   cacheTimeout   = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form["cacheTimeout"]) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(form["cacheTimeout"]);
            string permissions    = form["permissions"];

            library.Configuration configuration = new Configuration
                AppSettings = new AppSettings
                    Settings = new List <Setting>()

            CacheInfo cacheInfo = new CacheInfo
                ImportURI = cacheImportURI,
                Timeout   = cacheTimeout

            for (int i = 0; i < form.AllKeys.Length; i++)
                //if (form.GetKey(i).ToLower() != "scope" && form.GetKey(i).ToLower() != "name" && form.GetKey(i).ToLower() != "description" &&
                //  form.GetKey(i).ToLower() != "assembly" && form.GetKey(i).ToLower() != "application" && form.GetKey(i).ToLower().Substring(0, 3) != "val"
                //  && form.GetKey(i).ToLower() != "cacheimporturi" && form.GetKey(i).ToLower() != "cachetimeout")
                if (form.GetKey(i).ToLower().StartsWith("key"))
                    String key = form[i];
                    if (i + 1 < form.AllKeys.Length)
                        String value = form[i + 1];
                        configuration.AppSettings.Settings.Add(new Setting()
                            Key   = key,
                            Value = value

            List <string> groups = new List <string>();

            if (permissions.Contains(","))
                string[] arrstring = permissions.Split(',');
                groups = new List <string>(arrstring);

            ScopeApplication application = new ScopeApplication()
                DisplayName     = form["displayName"],//form["Name"],
                Name            = form["Name"],
                Description     = form["Description"],
                Assembly        = form["assembly"],
                Configuration   = configuration,
                CacheInfo       = cacheInfo,
                PermissionGroup = new PermissionGroups()

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(permissions))

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(form["Application"]))
                success = _repository.AddApplication(scopeName, application);
                success = _repository.UpdateApplication(scopeName, form["Application"], application);

            JsonResult result = Json(new { success = true }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Exemplo n.º 20
 public ICacheEntry <T> GetEntry <T>(string key) where T : class
     return(CacheInfo.GetCacheEntry <T>(key));
Exemplo n.º 21
 public ICacheEntry GetEntry(string key)
Exemplo n.º 22
 private static CacheInfo UpdateValueFactory(T existing, CacheInfo existingCacheInfo) => existingCacheInfo.Touch();
Exemplo n.º 23
 private void ResetCacheInfo()
 => _compiledQueryCacheInfo = new CacheInfo();
Exemplo n.º 24
		/// <summary>
		/// Member CacheGuidProp
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj">obj</param><param name="tag">tag</param><param name="uid">uid</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// IVwCacheDa method
		/// </remarks>
		public void CacheGuidProp(int obj, int tag, Guid uid)
			var before = new CacheInfo(ObjType.Guid, obj, tag, m_cache.get_Prop(obj, tag));
			var after =  new CacheInfo(ObjType.Guid, obj, tag, uid);
			ActionHandler.AddAction(new CacheUndoAction(m_cache, before, after));

			m_cache.CacheGuidProp(obj, tag, uid);
Exemplo n.º 25
		/// <summary>
		/// Member CacheInt64Prop
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj">obj</param><param name="tag">tag</param><param name="val">val</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// IVwCacheDa method
		/// </remarks>
		public void CacheInt64Prop(int obj, int tag, long val)
			var before = new CacheInfo(ObjType.Long, obj, tag, m_cache.get_Prop(obj, tag));
			var after =  new CacheInfo(ObjType.Long, obj, tag, val);
			ActionHandler.AddAction(new CacheUndoAction(m_cache, before, after));

			m_cache.CacheInt64Prop(obj, tag, val);
Exemplo n.º 26
        private CacheInfo TryLoadFromDisk(string url)
            if (_directoryOnDisk == null)
                return(null); // no place to cache

            CacheInfo found = null;

            // look for all files matching the prefix
            // looking for the one matching url that is not expired
            // removing expired (or invalid) ones
            string pattern = GetTempFileNamePrefixFromUrl(url) + "_*.feed";

            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(_directoryOnDisk, pattern, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);

            foreach (string feedFilename in files)
                XmlDocument feedDoc               = null;
                bool        isFeedFileValid       = false;
                DateTime    utcExpiryFromFeedFile = DateTime.MinValue;
                string      urlFromFeedFile       = null;

                    feedDoc = new XmlDocument();

                    // look for special XML comment (before the root tag)'
                    // containing expiration and url
                    XmlComment comment = feedDoc.DocumentElement.PreviousSibling as XmlComment;

                    if (comment != null)
                        string c = comment.Value ?? string.Empty;
                        int    i = c.IndexOf('@');
                        long   expiry;

                        if (i >= 0 && long.TryParse(c.Substring(0, i), out expiry))
                            utcExpiryFromFeedFile = DateTime.FromBinary(expiry);
                            urlFromFeedFile       = c.Substring(i + 1);
                            isFeedFileValid       = true;
                catch (XmlException)
                    // error processing one file shouldn't stop processing other files

                // remove invalid or expired file
                if (!isFeedFileValid || utcExpiryFromFeedFile < DateTime.UtcNow)
                    // try next file

                // match url
                if (urlFromFeedFile == url)
                    // keep the one that expires last
                    if (found == null || found.Expiry < utcExpiryFromFeedFile)
                        // if we have a previously found older expiration, kill it...
                        if (found != null)

                        // create DOM and set expiry (as found on disk)
                        found = new CacheInfo(feedDoc, utcExpiryFromFeedFile, feedFilename);

            // return best fit
Exemplo n.º 27
		/// <summary>
		/// Member CacheStringAlt
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj">obj</param><param name="tag">tag</param><param name="ws">ws</param><param name="tss">tss</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// IVwCacheDa method
		/// </remarks>
		public void CacheStringAlt(int obj, int tag, int ws, ITsString tss)
			var before = new CacheInfo(ObjType.ExtendedTsString, obj, tag, ws,
				m_cache.get_IsPropInCache(obj, tag, (int)CellarPropertyType.MultiString, ws) ?
				m_cache.get_MultiStringAlt(obj, tag, ws) : null);
			var after =  new CacheInfo(ObjType.ExtendedTsString, obj, tag, ws, tss);
			ActionHandler.AddAction(new CacheUndoAction(m_cache, before, after));

			m_cache.CacheStringAlt(obj, tag, ws, tss);
Exemplo n.º 28
 private static bool CacheReadable(CacheInfo dom)
     return(dom != null && dom.Data != null && dom.Data.CanRead);
Exemplo n.º 29
        public static HtdocsCacheSystem CreateNew(string directory, string htdocsDirectory, CacheInfo cacheInfo)
            if (Directory.Exists(directory))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot create new cache system because directory with this name already exist");

            // Just write empty cache config to say, that this dir was opened by cache system before.
            // Currently, this config file do not contain any sensible data
            CreateConfigFile(directory, cacheInfo);

            return(new HtdocsCacheSystem(directory, htdocsDirectory, cacheInfo));
Exemplo n.º 30
 private int DateSort(CacheInfo _a, CacheInfo _b)
     return _a.Date.CompareTo(_b.Date);
Exemplo n.º 31
 public HtdocsCacheSystem(string cacheDirectory, string htdocsRootDirectory, CacheInfo cacheInfo)
     pathResolver        = new PathResolver(htdocsRootDirectory);
     this.cacheInfo      = cacheInfo;
     this.cacheDirectory = cacheDirectory;
Exemplo n.º 32
        public void SetCacheInfo(Uri uri, CacheInfo cacheInfo, Stream stream)
            XmlElement cacheElm = getCacheElm(uri);

            if (cacheInfo != null)
                if (cacheInfo.ETag != null)
                    cacheElm.SetAttribute("etag", cacheInfo.ETag);

                if (cacheInfo.ContentType != null)
                    cacheElm.SetAttribute("content-type", cacheInfo.ContentType);

                if (cacheInfo.Expires != DateTime.MinValue)
                    cacheElm.SetAttribute("expires", cacheInfo.Expires.ToString("s"));

                if (cacheInfo.LastModified != DateTime.MinValue)
                    cacheElm.SetAttribute("last-modified", cacheInfo.LastModified.ToString("s"));

            if (stream != null)
                string localPath;
                if (cacheElm.HasAttribute("local-path"))
                    localPath = cacheElm.GetAttribute("local-path");
                    localPath = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".cache";
                    cacheElm.SetAttribute("local-path", localPath);

                stream.Position = 0;
                int    count;
                byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];

                FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(_cacheDir, localPath));
                while ((count = stream.Read(buffer, 0, 4096)) > 0)
                    fs.Write(buffer, 0, count);
Exemplo n.º 33
        private static IEnumerable <T> ExecuteReader <T>(IDataReader reader, Identity identity, CacheInfo info)
            var tuple = info.Deserializer;
            int hash  = GetColumnHash(reader);

            if (tuple.Func == null || tuple.Hash != hash)
                tuple = info.Deserializer = new DeserializerState(hash, GetDeserializer(typeof(T), reader, 0, -1, false));
                SetQueryCache(identity, info);

            var func = tuple.Func;

            while (reader.Read())
                yield return((T)func(reader));
Exemplo n.º 34
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string Good_Code = Request.QueryString["code"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Good_Code))
                Response.Redirect("/Banknet/", true);

            CacheInfo oCache = (CacheInfo)CacheProvider.Get(string.Format(KeyCache.KeyUserBanknet, Good_Code));

            if (oCache == null)
                Response.Redirect("/Banknet/", true);

            string sRedirection = "/Banknet/";

            SubmitVoucherInfo oSVInfo = new SubmitVoucherInfo()
                GatePayId  = Config.ClientIdBanknet,
                UserId     = oCache.User.subnum,
                Amount     = int.Parse(oCache.Voucher.vouchervalue),
                CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
                TransId    = Good_Code

                WSClient wsclient = new WSClient();
                var      cred     = new credential {
                    clientId = Config.ClientIdBanknet
                var wsResult = wsclient.submitVoucher(cred, oSVInfo.UserId, oSVInfo.Amount.ToString(), oSVInfo.TransId);

                oSVInfo.returnCode            = wsResult.returnCode;
                oSVInfo.returnCodeDescription = wsResult.returnCodeDescription;
                string sResultDate = XMLReader.ReadResultVocher(wsResult.responseData);//dt
                oSVInfo.responseData = sResultDate;
                oSVInfo.signature    = wsResult.signature;

                if (oSVInfo.returnCode == "")
                    Session[Config.GetSessionsResultDate] = sResultDate;//ss

                    ThreadStart newThread = delegate { Confirm(oCache.Merchant_trans_id, oCache.sTrans_Id); };
                    Thread      myThread  = new Thread(newThread);

                    sRedirection = "/Banknet/#" + Good_Code + "|T";
                    Session[Config.GetSessionsResultFail] = wsResult.returnCodeDescription;//ss
                    sRedirection = "/Banknet/#" + Good_Code + "|F|Y";
            catch (Exception ex)
                //log error
                Session[Config.GetSessionsResultFail] = ex.Message;
                oSVInfo.returnCode            = ex.GetHashCode().ToString();
                oSVInfo.returnCodeDescription = ex.Message;
                sRedirection = "/Banknet/#" + Good_Code + "|F|Y";
Exemplo n.º 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the equation text into in IEquation, or obtain from the cache if available
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="equationText"></param>
        protected void ParseEquation(string equationText)

            if (IsJustNumber)

            equationText = CheckForEvenOdd(equationText);

            if (!ParsedEquationCache.TryGetValue(equationText, out cacheInfo))
                cacheInfo = new CacheInfo();
                Equation = cacheInfo.Equation = GetEquation(equationText);
                ParsedEquationCache.TryAdd(equationText, cacheInfo);
                Equation = cacheInfo.Equation;
Exemplo n.º 36
        /// <summary>
        /// The public constructor for the DM637x device AIS generator.
        /// The constructor is where the device differentiation is defined.
        /// </summary>
        public AISGen_OMAP_L138()
            // Define the device name - used for default file names
            devNameShort = "OMAP-L138";
            devNameLong  = "OMAPL138";

            // Define the device caches (they are considered internal memories since
            // bootrom turns off caching) -  two identical sets since the memory map
            // has the caches at two locations
            Cache              = new CacheInfo[6];
            Cache[0].level     = CacheLevel.L2;
            Cache[0].type      = CacheType.Program | CacheType.Data;
            Cache[0].startAddr = 0x00800000;
            Cache[0].size      = 0x40000;

            Cache[1].level     = CacheLevel.L1;
            Cache[1].type      = CacheType.Program;
            Cache[1].startAddr = 0x00E08000;
            Cache[1].size      = 0x8000;

            Cache[2].level     = CacheLevel.L1;
            Cache[2].type      = CacheType.Data;
            Cache[2].startAddr = 0x00F10000;
            Cache[2].size      = 0x8000;

            Cache[3].level     = CacheLevel.L2;
            Cache[3].type      = CacheType.Program | CacheType.Data;
            Cache[3].startAddr = 0x10800000;
            Cache[3].size      = 0x40000;

            Cache[4].level     = CacheLevel.L1;
            Cache[4].type      = CacheType.Program;
            Cache[4].startAddr = 0x10E08000;
            Cache[4].size      = 0x8000;

            Cache[5].level     = CacheLevel.L1;
            Cache[5].type      = CacheType.Data;
            Cache[5].startAddr = 0x10F10000;
            Cache[5].size      = 0x8000;

            // Define the IDMA channels for internal memory transfers
            IDMA    = new IDMARegisters[2];
            IDMA[0] = new IDMARegisters(0, 0x01820000);
            IDMA[1] = new IDMARegisters(1, 0x01820100);

            // Define OMAP-L138 ROM boot loader functions
            ROMFunc                   = new ROMFunction[13];
            ROMFunc[0].funcName       = ROMFunctionNames.PLL0Config;
            ROMFunc[0].iniSectionName = "PLL0CONFIG";
            ROMFunc[0].numParams      = 2;
            ROMFunc[0].paramNames     = new String[2] {
                "PLL0CFG0", "PLL0CFG1"

            ROMFunc[1].funcName       = ROMFunctionNames.PLL1Config;
            ROMFunc[1].iniSectionName = "PLL1CONFIG";
            ROMFunc[1].numParams      = 2;
            ROMFunc[1].paramNames     = new String[2] {
                "PLL1CFG0", "PLL1CFG1"

            ROMFunc[2].funcName       = ROMFunctionNames.PeriphClockConfig;
            ROMFunc[2].iniSectionName = "PERIPHCLKCFG";
            ROMFunc[2].numParams      = 1;
            ROMFunc[2].paramNames     = new String[1] {

            ROMFunc[3].funcName       = ROMFunctionNames.EMIF3AConfigDDR;
            ROMFunc[3].iniSectionName = "EMIF3DDR";
            ROMFunc[3].numParams      = 8;
            ROMFunc[3].paramNames     = new String[8] {
                "PLL1CFG0", "PLL1CFG1", "DDRPHYC1R", "SDCR", "SDTIMR", "SDTIMR2", "SDRCR", "CLK2XSRC"

            ROMFunc[4].funcName       = ROMFunctionNames.EMIF25ConfigSDRAM;
            ROMFunc[4].iniSectionName = "EMIF25SDRAM";
            ROMFunc[4].numParams      = 5;
            ROMFunc[4].paramNames     = new String[5] {
                "SDBCR", "SDTIMR", "SDRSRPDEXIT", "SDRCR", "DIV4p5_CLK_ENABLE"

            ROMFunc[5].funcName       = ROMFunctionNames.EMIF25ConfigAsync;
            ROMFunc[5].iniSectionName = "EMIF25ASYNC";
            ROMFunc[5].numParams      = 5;
            ROMFunc[5].paramNames     = new String[5] {
                "A1CR", "A2CR", "A3CR", "A4CR", "NANDFCR"

            ROMFunc[6].funcName       = ROMFunctionNames.PLLandClockConfig;
            ROMFunc[6].iniSectionName = "PLLANDCLOCKCONFIG";
            ROMFunc[6].numParams      = 3;
            ROMFunc[6].paramNames     = new String[3] {
                "PLL0CFG0", "PLL0CFG1", "PERIPHCLKCFG"

            ROMFunc[7].funcName       = ROMFunctionNames.PSCConfig;
            ROMFunc[7].iniSectionName = "PSCCONFIG";
            ROMFunc[7].numParams      = 1;
            ROMFunc[7].paramNames     = new String[1] {

            ROMFunc[8].funcName       = ROMFunctionNames.PINMUXConfig;
            ROMFunc[8].iniSectionName = "PINMUX";
            ROMFunc[8].numParams      = 3;
            ROMFunc[8].paramNames     = new String[3] {
                "REGNUM", "MASK", "VALUE"

            ROMFunc[9].funcName       = ROMFunctionNames.FastBoot;
            ROMFunc[9].iniSectionName = "FASTBOOT";
            ROMFunc[9].numParams      = 0;
            ROMFunc[9].paramNames     = null;

            ROMFunc[10].funcName       = ROMFunctionNames.IOPUConfig;
            ROMFunc[10].iniSectionName = "IOPUCONFIG";
            ROMFunc[10].numParams      = 2;
            ROMFunc[10].paramNames     = new String[2] {
                "IOPUSELECT", "MPPAVALUE"

            ROMFunc[11].funcName       = ROMFunctionNames.MPUConfig;
            ROMFunc[11].iniSectionName = "MPUCONFIG";
            ROMFunc[11].numParams      = 4;
            ROMFunc[11].paramNames     = new String[4] {

            ROMFunc[12].funcName       = ROMFunctionNames.TAPSConfig;
            ROMFunc[12].iniSectionName = "TAPSCONFIG";
            ROMFunc[12].numParams      = 1;
            ROMFunc[12].paramNames     = new String[1] {

            // Configuration info for the AISExtras functions (provided in AISExtraFileName COFF file)

/*      AISExtraFileName = null;
 *    AISExtraFunc = null;*/
            AISExtraFileName = "AISExtra_" + devNameShort + ".out";

            AISExtraFunc                   = new AISExtraFunction[1];
            AISExtraFunc[0].funcName       = "MakeROMEmulatableAndWait";
            AISExtraFunc[0].iniSectionName = "OPENROMFORDEBUG";
            AISExtraFunc[0].numParams      = 0;
            AISExtraFunc[0].paramNames     = null;
            AISExtraFunc[0].isInitFunc     = true;

            // OMAP-L138 is little endian
            devEndian = Endian.LittleEndian;

            // OMAP-L138 AIS data is little endian;
            devAISEndian = Endian.LittleEndian;

            // Default settings for UARTSendDONE function
            UARTSendDONEAddr = 0x0;
            SendUARTSendDONE = false;

            // Default boot mode (can be changed from INI file) for this device
            bootMode = BootModes.NONE;

            // Create default CRC object for this device
            devCRC = new CRC32(0x04C11DB7, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, true, 1, UtilLib.CRC.CRCType.INCREMENTAL, UtilLib.CRC.CRCCalcMethod.LUT);

            crcType = CRCCheckType.NO_CRC;
Exemplo n.º 37
        protected void ParseEquation(string equation)
            equation = CheckForEvenOdd(equation);
            formula = Equations.CreateEquation<int>(equation);

            if (!ParsedEquationCache.TryGetValue(equation, out cacheInfo))
                cacheInfo = new CacheInfo();
                cacheInfo.MatchingIndices = new HashSet<int>();
                ParsedEquationCache[equation] = cacheInfo;
Exemplo n.º 38
        /// <summary>
        /// 接收数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SID"></param>
        /// <param name="XML"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string ReceiveXMLData(string SID, string xmlStr)
            xmlStr = xmlStr.TrimStart('');
//            if (xmlStr == string.Empty)
//            {
//                xmlStr = @"
//                        &lt;data&gt;&lt;datarow&gt;
//                        &lt;uniquecode &gt;TY0008&lt;/uniquecode &gt;
//                        &lt;dictcustomerid&gt;1396&lt;/dictcustomerid&gt;
//                        &lt;barcode&gt;380003772900&lt;/barcode&gt;
//                        &lt;realname&gt;马昌武3&lt;/realname&gt;
//                        &lt;sex&gt;男&lt;/sex&gt;
//                        &lt;birthday&gt;&lt;/birthday&gt;
//                        &lt;age&gt;41&lt;/age&gt;
//                        &lt;ismarried&gt;未知&lt;/ismarried&gt;
//                        &lt;mobile&gt;13096786113&lt;/mobile&gt;
//                        &lt;idnumber&gt;&lt;/idnumber&gt;
//                        &lt;address&gt;地址&lt;/address&gt;
//                        &lt;section&gt;遵义&lt;/section&gt;
//                        &lt;remark&gt;备注&lt;/remark&gt;
//                        &lt;phone&gt;&lt;/phone&gt;
//                        &lt;email&gt;&lt;/email&gt;
//                        &lt;samplingdate&gt;2014-12-18&lt;/samplingdate&gt;
//                        &lt;province&gt;广东&lt;/province&gt;
//                        &lt;city&gt;广州市&lt;/city&gt;
//                        &lt;county&gt;天河区&lt;/county&gt;
//                        &lt;dictlabid&gt;3&lt;/dictlabid&gt;
//                        &lt;/datarow&gt;&lt;/data&gt;
//                        ";
//            }
            string str        = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>" + StringToXML(xmlStr);
            string strMessage = string.Empty;
            Cache     cache = new Cache();
            CacheInfo info  = cache.GetCacheData(SID);
            DataTable dt    = new DataTable();

                dt = GetDataTable(str);
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(String.Format("{0} {1}", ErrorCode.Rec_1002, ex.Message));
            if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count == 0 || dt.Columns.Count != 20)

            List <Dicttestitem>      TestItemList  = loginservice.GetLoginDicttestitemList();  //项目字典表
            List <Dictproductdetail> ProductDetail = loginservice.GetLoginDictproductdetail(); //套餐组合字典
            string _productname = string.Empty;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                #region 必填项
                string productTestCode = dr["uniquecode"].ToString().Replace('_', ' ').Trim();
                string dictcustomercode = dr["dictcustomerid"].ToString().Trim();
                string barcode = dr["barcode"].ToString().Trim();
                string realname = dr["realname"].ToString().Trim();
                string sex = dr["sex"].ToString().Replace('_', ' ').Trim() == "女" ? "F" : (dr["sex"].ToString().Replace('_', ' ').Trim() == "男" ? "M" : "U");
                string ismarried = dr["ismarried"].ToString().Trim();
                string mobile = dr["mobile"].ToString().Trim();
                string address = dr["address"].ToString().Trim();
                string province = dr["province"].ToString().Trim();
                string city = dr["city"].ToString().Trim();
                string dictlabid = dr["dictlabid"].ToString().Trim();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(productTestCode) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dictcustomercode) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dictlabid) ||
                    string.IsNullOrEmpty(realname) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(sex) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ismarried) ||
                    string.IsNullOrEmpty(mobile) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(address) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(province) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(city))
                    strMessage = ErrorCode.Rec_1005;

                #region 二者不可都为空
                string birthday = dr["birthday"].ToString().Trim();
                string age = dr["age"].ToString().Trim();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(birthday) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(age))
                    strMessage = ErrorCode.Rec_1006;

                #region 可空字段
                string idnumber = dr["idnumber"].ToString().Trim();
                string section = dr["section"].ToString().Trim();
                string remark = dr["remark"].ToString().Trim();
                string phone = dr["phone"].ToString().Trim();
                string email = dr["email"].ToString().Trim();
                string samplingdate = dr["samplingdate"].ToString().Trim();
                string county = dr["county"].ToString().Trim();

                DateTime datebirthday;
                bool     datebirthdayb = DateTime.TryParse(birthday, out datebirthday);
                DateTime datesamplingdate;
                bool     datesamplingdateb = DateTime.TryParse(samplingdate, out datesamplingdate);
                if ((birthday != string.Empty && !datebirthdayb) || (samplingdate != string.Empty && !datesamplingdateb))
                    strMessage = ErrorCode.Rec_1013;
                string dictcustomerid = string.Empty;
                    using (DataTable d = customerservice.CheckHasCustomer(dictcustomercode))
                        if (d == null || d.Rows.Count == 0 || d.Rows.Count > 1)
                            strMessage = ErrorCode.Up_0011;
                            dictcustomerid = d.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                catch (Exception ee)
                    strMessage = ErrorCode.Up_0015 + " " + ee.Message;

                #region 添加套餐
                List <Dicttestitem> productlistTemp = new DicttestitemService().GetProduct(TypeParse.StrToDouble(dictcustomerid, 0));
                List <Dicttestitem> productList     = productlistTemp.Where <Dicttestitem>(c => c.Testcode == productTestCode && (c.Forsex == sex || c.Forsex == "B")).ToList <Dicttestitem>();
                List <Dicttestitem> grouptestList   = new List <Dicttestitem>();
                Dicttestitem        productinfo     = null;
                if (productList.Count == 0)
                    strMessage = ErrorCode.Rec_1008;
                else if (productList.Count > 1)
                    strMessage = ErrorCode.Rec_1009;
                    productinfo = productList.First <Dicttestitem>();
                    List <OrderRegister> _gridtestList = null;
                    #region 添加套餐
                    string msg = registerservice.AddProduct(ref _gridtestList, sex, productinfo.Dicttestitemid, false, null, ref _productname, null);
                    if (msg != string.Empty)
                        strMessage = ErrorCode.Rec_1017;
                    if (barcode != string.Empty && barcode.Length != 12)//条码号必须为12位数字
                        strMessage = ErrorCode.Rec_1010;
                    if (barcode != string.Empty && barcode.Substring(barcode.Length - 2) != "00")//条码号必须以00结尾
                        strMessage = ErrorCode.Rec_1011;
                    if (barcodeservice.CheckBarCode(barcode))//条码号已在系统中存在
                        strMessage = ErrorCode.Rec_1012;

                    IEnumerable <Dictproductdetail> IEgroup = ProductDetail.Where <Dictproductdetail>(c => c.Productid == productinfo.Dicttestitemid);
                    bool iscontinue = true;
                    int  count      = IEgroup.Count <Dictproductdetail>();
                    int  k          = 0;
                    foreach (Dictproductdetail item in IEgroup)
                        IEnumerable <Dicttestitem> IEgruptest = TestItemList.Where <Dicttestitem>(c => c.Dicttestitemid == item.Testgroupid);
                        if (IEgruptest.Count() <= 0)
                        Dicttestitem groupinfo = IEgruptest.First <Dicttestitem>();
                        string res = registerservice.checkSex(groupinfo.Dicttestitemid, sex);
                        if (res != string.Empty)
                            strMessage = ErrorCode.Rec_1015;
                            iscontinue = false;

                        groupinfo.Productid   = productinfo.Dicttestitemid;
                        groupinfo.Productname = productinfo.Testname; ///套餐名
                        groupinfo.IsActive    = "1";                  //是否停止测试
                        groupinfo.Isadd       = "0";                  ///是否追加
                        groupinfo.Billed      = "0";
                        groupinfo.Sendbilled  = "0";
                        groupinfo.Adduserid   = null;//追加人ID

                        if (barcode == string.Empty)
                            IEnumerable <Dicttestitem> IEtempbarcodeList = grouptestList.Where <Dicttestitem>(c => c.Tubegroup == groupinfo.Tubegroup);
                            if (IEtempbarcodeList.Count() > 0)
                                groupinfo.Barcode = IEtempbarcodeList.First <Dicttestitem>().Barcode;
                                groupinfo.Barcode = registerservice.GetBarCode();
                            groupinfo.Barcode = barcode;

                        Dictproductdetail detail = ProductDetail.Where <Dictproductdetail>(c => c.Productid == productinfo.Dicttestitemid && c.Testgroupid == groupinfo.Dicttestitemid).First <Dictproductdetail>();
                        groupinfo.Sendoutcustomerid = detail.Sendoutcustomerid;

                    if (!iscontinue)
                        if (k >= count)
                            strMessage = ErrorCode.Rec_1016;

                #region 添加会员
                Dictmember member = new Dictmember()
                    Realname = realname, Idnumber = idnumber, Nickname = realname, Sex = sex, Addres = address,
                    Phone    = phone, Mobile = mobile, Email = email
                if (datebirthdayb)
                    member.Birthday = datebirthday;
                registerservice.checkmember(null, ref member);

                #region 添加订单
                double year = 0, month = 0, day = 0;
                double hours  = 0;
                double aged   = 0;
                string agestr = age;
                bool   ageb   = double.TryParse(agestr, out aged);

                if (member.Birthday == null)
                    if (agestr != string.Empty && ageb)
                        year            = aged;
                        day             = aged * 365;
                        member.Birthday = datebirthday = DateTime.Now.AddDays((0 - day));
                        strMessage = ErrorCode.Rec_1006;
                TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - Convert.ToDateTime(member.Birthday);//时间差
                year  = Math.Truncate((double)(ts.Days / 365));
                month = (ts.Days % 365) / 30;
                day   = (ts.Days % 365) % 30;
                hours = ts.TotalHours;

                Orders _orders = new Orders()
                    Ordernum     = new ProRegisterService().GetOrderNum(),
                    Dictmemberid = member.Dictmemberid, Dictcustomerid = Convert.ToDouble(dictcustomerid),
                    Realname     = realname, Sex = sex, Caculatedage = hours, Remarks = remark,
                    Age          = string.Format("{0}岁{1}月{2}日{3}时", year, month, day, 0), Enterby = "admin",
                    Ordertestlst = _productname + ",", Dictlabid = Convert.ToDouble(dictlabid), Ordersource = "1",
                    Ismarried    = ismarried == "未婚" ? "0" : (ismarried == "已婚" ? "1" : "2"), Section = section,
                    Status       = ((int)daan.service.common.ParamStatus.OrdersStatus.BarCodePrint).ToString(),
                    Province     = province, City = city, County = county
                if (datesamplingdateb)
                    _orders.SamplingDate = datesamplingdate;
                string errstr = string.Empty;
                bool   b      = registerservice.insertUpdateOrders("易感基因对接订单", "", true, productList, grouptestList, member, _orders, "", ref errstr);
                if (!b)
                    strMessage = String.Format("{0} {1}", ErrorCode.Rec_1018, errstr);
Exemplo n.º 39
 private int SizeSort(CacheInfo _a, CacheInfo _b)
     return (_a.Size < _b.Size) ? -1 : 1;
Exemplo n.º 40
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string sTranId = Request.QueryString["vpc_MerchTxnRef"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sTranId))
                Response.Redirect("/SmartLink/", true);

            //Check info Smartlink
            Hashtable hash = new Hashtable();

            foreach (String key in Request.QueryString.AllKeys)
                if (key.StartsWith("vpc_"))
                    hash.Add(key, Request.QueryString[key]);

            bool isEmptysecureSecret;
            bool isValidsecureHash = SmartLinkHelper.checkSum(hash, out isEmptysecureSecret);

            if (isEmptysecureSecret)
                Response.Redirect("/SmartLink/", true);
            if (!isValidsecureHash)
                Response.Redirect("/SmartLink/", true);

            //check info AV
            CacheInfo oCache = (CacheInfo)CacheProvider.Get(string.Format(KeyCache.KeyUserSmartlink, sTranId));

            if (oCache == null)
                Response.Redirect("/SmartLink/", true);

            string sDerection = "";

            SmartlinkQueryInfo oQueryInfo = new SmartlinkQueryInfo()
                CreateDate = DateTime.Now

                string sStatus = SmartLinkHelper.GetQuery(sTranId, ref oQueryInfo);//chư thấy trả về
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sStatus))
                    String[] arr = sStatus.Split('&');
                    foreach (String item in arr)
                        String[] temp = item.Split('=');
                        if ("vpc_DRExists".ToUpper().Equals(temp[0].ToUpper()))
                            oQueryInfo.vpc_DRExists = temp[1];
                        if ("vpc_FoundMultipleDRs".ToUpper().Equals(temp[0].ToUpper()))
                            oQueryInfo.vpc_FoundMultipleDRs = temp[1];
                        if ("vpc_Message".ToUpper().Equals(temp[0].ToUpper()))
                            oQueryInfo.vpc_Message = temp[1];
                        if ("vpc_SecureHash".ToUpper().Equals(temp[0].ToUpper()))
                            oQueryInfo.vpc_SecureHash = temp[1];
                        if ("vpc_TxnResponseCode".ToUpper().Equals(temp[0].ToUpper()))
                            oQueryInfo.vpc_TxnResponseCode = temp[1];

                    //giao dịch thành công
                    if (oQueryInfo.vpc_TxnResponseCode == "0")
                        //submit voucher
                        SubmitVoucherInfo oSVInfo = new SubmitVoucherInfo()
                            GatePayId  = Config.ClientIdSmartLink,
                            UserId     = oCache.User.subnum,
                            Amount     = int.Parse(oCache.Voucher.vouchervalue),
                            CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
                            TransId    = sTranId
                            WSClient wsclient = new WSClient();
                            var      cred     = new credential {
                                clientId = Config.ClientIdSmartLink
                            var wsResult = wsclient.submitVoucher(cred, oSVInfo.UserId, oSVInfo.Amount.ToString(), oSVInfo.TransId);

                            oSVInfo.returnCode            = wsResult.returnCode;
                            oSVInfo.returnCodeDescription = wsResult.returnCodeDescription;
                            string sResultDate = XMLReader.ReadResultVocher(wsResult.responseData);//dt
                            oSVInfo.responseData = sResultDate;
                            oSVInfo.signature    = wsResult.signature;

                            if (oSVInfo.returnCode == "")
                                Session[Config.GetSessionsResultDate] = sResultDate;//ss

                                sDerection = "/SmartLink/#" + sTranId + "|T";
                                //Session[Config.GetSessionsResultFail] = wsResult.returnCodeDescription;//ss
                                Session[Config.GetSessionsResultFail] = "Giao dịch không thành công";
                                sDerection = "/SmartLink/#" + sTranId + "|F|Y";
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            //log error
                            Session[Config.GetSessionsResultFail] = ex.Message;
                            oSVInfo.returnCode            = ex.GetHashCode().ToString();
                            oSVInfo.returnCodeDescription = ex.Message;
                            sDerection = "/SmartLink/#" + sTranId + "|F|Y";
                        //Session[Config.GetSessionsResultFail] = SmartLinkHelper.getResponseDescription(oQueryInfo.vpc_TxnResponseCode??"");
                        Session[Config.GetSessionsResultFail] = "Giao dịch không thành công";
                        sDerection = "/SmartLink/#" + sTranId + "|F";
                    sDerection = "/SmartLink/#" + sTranId + "|F";
            catch (Exception ex)
                oQueryInfo.vpc_TxnResponseCode = ex.GetHashCode().ToString();
                oQueryInfo.vpc_Message         = ex.Message;
                sDerection = "/SmartLink/#" + sTranId + "|F";
                CacheProvider.Remove(string.Format(KeyCache.KeyUserSmartlink, sTranId));
                if (sDerection != "")
Exemplo n.º 41
        public bool CreateMessage301(string orderNo)
            bool             success       = true;
            OrderHead        orderHead     = null;
            List <OrderList> orderLists    = null;
            XElement         xele          = null;
            XNamespace       ns            = null;
            MessageSql       mssql         = null;
            string           logisticsNo   = null;
            string           logisticsCode = null;
            MessageService   msService     = null;

                orderHead  = new OrderHead();
                orderLists = new List <OrderList>();
                mssql      = new MessageSql();
                mssql.QueryData301(orderNo, ref orderHead, ref orderLists, ref logisticsNo, ref logisticsCode);
                if (orderHead.guid != new Guid())
                    ns   = "http://www.chinaport.gov.cn/ceb";
                    xele = new XElement(ns + "CEB301Message");
                    xele.SetAttributeValue(XNamespace.Xmlns + "ceb", ns);
                    xele = orderHead.ToXElememt(xele, ns);
                    foreach (var a in orderLists)
                        xele = a.ToXElememt(xele, ns);

                    string destPath = FileUtilities.GetNewFolderName(true, ConfigurationInfo.PathBackUp, "301") + "\\" + FileUtilities.GetNewFileName(orderNo) + ".xml";

                    msService = new MessageService();
                    success   = msService.DealMessage301(orderNo, orderHead.orderNo, logisticsNo, false, true, orderHead.guid.ToString(), destPath, logisticsCode);
                    if (!success)
                        destPath = FileUtilities.GetNewFolderName(true, ConfigurationInfo.PathBackUpError, "301") + "\\" + FileUtilities.GetNewFileName(orderNo) + ".xml";
                    xele.Save(ConfigurationInfo.PathSend + "\\" + FileUtilities.GetNewFileName(orderNo) + ".xml");
                    if (CheckNeedSendLogistics(logisticsCode))
                        MessageCache.AddMessageCache("501_" + orderHead.orderNo, CacheInfo.SetCacheInfo("501", Utilities.SetArrayList(orderHead.orderNo, logisticsCode)));
                        CacheInfo cache503R = CacheInfo.SetCacheInfo("503R", Utilities.SetArrayList(logisticsNo, logisticsCode));
                        cache503R.createTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1);
                        MessageCache.AddMessageCache("503R_" + logisticsNo, cache503R);
                        CacheInfo cache601 = CacheInfo.SetCacheInfo("601", Utilities.SetArrayList(logisticsNo, logisticsCode));
                        cache601.createTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(2);
                        MessageCache.AddMessageCache("601_" + logisticsNo, cache601);
                    Logs.Info("Does not exist in database: " + orderNo);
                    success = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logs.Error("Create301Message Exception:" + ex.ToString());
                success = false;
Exemplo n.º 42
        public static PyObject GetUserCacheData(int user, string name)
            if (LoadUserCacheFor(user, name) == false)
                return null;

            PyTuple cache = userCacheData[user][name];

            if (cache == null)
                return null;

            CacheInfo data = new CacheInfo();
            data.objectID = new PyString(name);
            data.cacheTime = cache.Items[1].As<PyLongLong>().Value;
            data.nodeID = cache.Items[2].As<PyIntegerVar>().Value;
            data.version = cache.Items[3].As<PyIntegerVar>().Value; // This is a CRC of the buffer

            return data.Encode();
Exemplo n.º 43
        public bool RegisterCache(string cacheId, CacheServerConfig config, string partId, bool overwrite, bool hotApply, bool isLocalNode)

            if (cacheId == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("cacheId");

            //We load configuration before applying the new changes to preserve some old values in the config.

            cacheId = cacheId.ToLower();
            CacheInfo cacheInfo = null;


                if (s_partitionedCaches.Contains(cacheId.ToLower()))

                    throw new Runtime.Exceptions.ManagementException("A cache with same cacheId already exists");

                if (s_caches.Contains(cacheId.ToLower()))
                    if (!overwrite)
                        return false;
                    cacheInfo = (CacheInfo)s_caches[cacheId.ToLower()];
                    //(WARNING) This code is here to save the old value of connection-retries
                    //in the cluster configuration to avoid override by NCManager. 
                    //This code should be removed after these options appears on UI.
                    //props = GetChangedConfigForTemp(cacheId.ToLower(), cacheInfo.CacheProps, props);

                    ///This is until we change the use of properties in Cache
                    ///from props stirng or hashtable to Dom
                    string props = GetProps(config);

                    ClientConfigManager.LocalCacheId = this.LocalCacheIP;
                    ClientConfigManager.AddCache(cacheId, config);

                    cacheInfo = new CacheInfo();
                    cacheInfo.Cache = new LeasedCache(props);

                    s_caches[cacheId.ToLower()] = cacheInfo;
                cacheInfo.CacheProps = config;

                if (hotApply && cacheInfo != null && cacheInfo.Cache != null && cacheInfo.Cache.IsRunning)
                    CacheConfig cc = CacheConfig.FromConfiguration(config);

                    Alachisoft.NCache.Caching.Util.HotConfig hotConfig = new Alachisoft.NCache.Caching.Util.HotConfig();
                    hotConfig.IsErrorLogsEnabled = cc.IsErrorLogsEnabled;
                    hotConfig.IsDetailedLogsEnabled = cc.IsDetailedLogsEnabled;
                    hotConfig.CacheMaxSize = cc.CacheMaxSize;
                    hotConfig.CleanInterval = cc.CleanInterval;
                    hotConfig.EvictRatio = cc.EvictRatio;
            catch (Exception)

            return true;
Exemplo n.º 44
        /// <summary>
        /// The public constructor for the DM637x device AIS generator.
        /// The constructor is where the device differentiation is defined.
        /// </summary>
        public AISGen_DM643x()
            // Define the device name - used for default file names
            devNameShort = "DM643x";
            devNameLong  = "TMS320DM643x";

            // Define the device caches (they are considered internal memories since
            // bootrom turns off caching) -  two identical sets since the memory map
            // has the caches at two locations
            Cache              = new CacheInfo[6];
            Cache[0].level     = CacheLevel.L2;
            Cache[0].type      = CacheType.Program | CacheType.Data;
            Cache[0].startAddr = 0x00800000;
            Cache[0].size      = 0x20000;

            Cache[1].level     = CacheLevel.L1;
            Cache[1].type      = CacheType.Program;
            Cache[1].startAddr = 0x00E08000;
            Cache[1].size      = 0x8000;

            Cache[2].level     = CacheLevel.L1;
            Cache[2].type      = CacheType.Data;
            Cache[2].startAddr = 0x00F10000;
            Cache[2].size      = 0x8000;

            Cache[3].level     = CacheLevel.L2;
            Cache[3].type      = CacheType.Program | CacheType.Data;
            Cache[3].startAddr = 0x10800000;
            Cache[3].size      = 0x20000;

            Cache[4].level     = CacheLevel.L1;
            Cache[4].type      = CacheType.Program;
            Cache[4].startAddr = 0x10E08000;
            Cache[4].size      = 0x8000;

            Cache[5].level     = CacheLevel.L1;
            Cache[5].type      = CacheType.Data;
            Cache[5].startAddr = 0x10F10000;
            Cache[5].size      = 0x8000;

            // Define the IDMA channels for internal memory transfers
            IDMA    = new IDMARegisters[2];
            IDMA[0] = new IDMARegisters(0, 0x01820000);
            IDMA[1] = new IDMARegisters(1, 0x01820100);

            // Define DM643x ROM boot loader functions
            ROMFunc                   = new ROMFunction[4];
            ROMFunc[0].funcName       = AISGen_DM643x.ROMFunctionNames.PLLConfig;
            ROMFunc[0].iniSectionName = "PLL";
            ROMFunc[0].numParams      = 3;
            ROMFunc[0].paramNames     = new String[3] {
                "PLLM", "PLLDIV1", "CLK_SRC"

            ROMFunc[1].funcName       = AISGen_DM643x.ROMFunctionNames.EMIFConfig;
            ROMFunc[1].iniSectionName = "EMIF";
            ROMFunc[1].numParams      = 5;
            ROMFunc[1].paramNames     = new String[5] {
                "AB1CR", "AB2CR", "AB3CR", "AB4CR", "NANDFCR"

            ROMFunc[2].funcName       = AISGen_DM643x.ROMFunctionNames.DDRConfig;
            ROMFunc[2].iniSectionName = "DDR";
            ROMFunc[2].numParams      = 9;
            ROMFunc[2].paramNames     = new String[9] {
                "SDBCR", "SDTIMR", "SDTIMR2", "SDRCR"

            ROMFunc[3].funcName       = AISGen_DM643x.ROMFunctionNames.PINMUXConfig;
            ROMFunc[3].iniSectionName = "PINMUX";
            ROMFunc[3].numParams      = 2;
            ROMFunc[3].paramNames     = new String[2] {
                "PINMUX0", "PINMUX1"

            // Configuration info for the AISExtras functions (provided in AISExtraFileName COFF file)
            AISExtraFileName = "AISExtra_" + devNameShort + ".out";

            AISExtraFunc                   = new AISExtraFunction[1];
            AISExtraFunc[0].funcName       = AISGen_DM643x.AISExtraFunctionNames.LPSCTransition;
            AISExtraFunc[0].iniSectionName = "LPSC";
            AISExtraFunc[0].numParams      = 2;
            AISExtraFunc[0].paramNames     = new String[2] {
                "MODNUM", "STATE"
            AISExtraFunc[0].isInitFunc = true;

            // DM643x is little endian
            devEndian = Endian.LittleEndian;

            // DM643x AIS data is big endian (this is important for CRC calcs)
            devAISEndian = Endian.BigEndian;

            // INI file describes ROM function parameters
            devINIFileName = devNameShort + ".ini";

            // Default settings for UARTSendDONE function
            UARTSendDONEAddr = 0x0;
            SendUARTSendDONE = false;

            // Default boot mode (can be changed from INI file) for this device
            bootMode = BootModes.NONE;

            // Create default CRC object for this device
            devCRC = new CRC32(0x04C11DB7, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, false, 1, UtilLib.CRC.CRCType.INCREMENTAL, UtilLib.CRC.CRCCalcMethod.BITWISE);

            crcType = CRCCheckType.NO_CRC;
Exemplo n.º 45
			/// <summary/>
			public CacheUndoAction(IRealDataCache cache, CacheInfo before,
				CacheInfo after)
				m_Cache = cache;
				m_Before = before;
				m_After = after;
 /// <param name="defaultCacheLifespan">How long items should be cached by default</param>
 /// <param name="cache">The cache to use, default is a thread safe dictionary</param>
 public RedisCachingService(ICacheProviderSettings settings, ILoggingService loggingService, CacheInfo cacheInfo = null, bool useStaticProvider = true)
     _settings         = settings;
     _cacheInfo        = cacheInfo ?? _settings.ServiceSettings.ProviderInfo;
     _loggingService   = loggingService;
     UseStaticProvider = useStaticProvider;
Exemplo n.º 47
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Caches the boolean prop.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="hvo">The hvo.</param><param name="tag">The tag.</param><param name="value">if set to <c>true</c> [value].</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// IVwCacheDa method
		/// </remarks>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public void CacheBooleanProp(int hvo, int tag, bool value)
			var before = new CacheInfo(ObjType.Bool, hvo, tag, m_cache.get_Prop(hvo, tag));
			var after = new CacheInfo(ObjType.Bool, hvo, tag, value);
			ActionHandler.AddAction(new CacheUndoAction(m_cache, before, after));

			m_cache.CacheBooleanProp(hvo, tag, value);
        private static async Task <int> ExecuteMultiImplAsync(IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition command, IEnumerable multiExec)
            bool isFirst   = true;
            int  total     = 0;
            bool wasClosed = cnn.State == ConnectionState.Closed;

                if (wasClosed)

                CacheInfo info      = null;
                string    masterSql = null;
                if ((command.Flags & CommandFlags.Pipelined) != 0)
                    const int MAX_PENDING = 100;
                    var       pending     = new Queue <AsyncExecState>(MAX_PENDING);
                    DbCommand cmd         = null;
                        foreach (var obj in multiExec)
                            if (isFirst)
                                isFirst   = false;
                                cmd       = (DbCommand)command.SetupCommand(cnn, null);
                                masterSql = cmd.CommandText;
                                var identity = new Identity(command.CommandText, cmd.CommandType, cnn, null, obj.GetType(), null);
                                info = GetCacheInfo(identity, obj, command.AddToCache);
                            else if (pending.Count >= MAX_PENDING)
                                var recycled = pending.Dequeue();
                                total += await recycled.Task.ConfigureAwait(false);

                                cmd             = recycled.Command;
                                cmd.CommandText = masterSql; // because we do magic replaces on "in" etc
                                cmd.Parameters.Clear();      // current code is Add-tastic
                                cmd = (DbCommand)command.SetupCommand(cnn, null);
                            info.ParamReader(cmd, obj);

                            var task = cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(command.CancellationToken);
                            pending.Enqueue(new AsyncExecState(cmd, task));
                            cmd = null; // note the using in the finally: this avoids a double-dispose
                        while (pending.Count != 0)
                            var pair = pending.Dequeue();
                            using (pair.Command) { } // dispose commands
                            total += await pair.Task.ConfigureAwait(false);
                    } finally
                        // this only has interesting work to do if there are failures
                        using (cmd) { } // dispose commands
                        while (pending.Count != 0)
                        { // dispose tasks even in failure
                            using (pending.Dequeue().Command) { } // dispose commands
                    using (var cmd = (DbCommand)command.SetupCommand(cnn, null))
                        foreach (var obj in multiExec)
                            if (isFirst)
                                masterSql = cmd.CommandText;
                                isFirst   = false;
                                var identity = new Identity(command.CommandText, cmd.CommandType, cnn, null, obj.GetType(), null);
                                info = GetCacheInfo(identity, obj, command.AddToCache);
                                cmd.CommandText = masterSql; // because we do magic replaces on "in" etc
                                cmd.Parameters.Clear();      // current code is Add-tastic
                            info.ParamReader(cmd, obj);
                            total += await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(command.CancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (wasClosed)
Exemplo n.º 49
		/// <summary>
		/// Member CacheUnicodeProp
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj">obj</param><param name="tag">tag</param><param name="val">val</param><param name="cch">cch</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// IVwCacheDa method
		/// </remarks>
		public void CacheUnicodeProp(int obj, int tag, string val, int cch)
			var before = new CacheInfo(ObjType.String, obj, tag, m_cache.get_Prop(obj, tag));
			var after =  new CacheInfo(ObjType.String, obj, tag, val);
			ActionHandler.AddAction(new CacheUndoAction(m_cache, before, after));

			m_cache.CacheUnicodeProp(obj, tag, val, cch);
Exemplo n.º 50
 public RedisCache(CacheInfo cacheInfo)
     _cacheInfo = cacheInfo;
Exemplo n.º 51
		/// <summary>
		/// Member CacheUnknown
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj">obj</param><param name="tag">tag</param><param name="unk">unk</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// IVwCacheDa method
		/// </remarks>
		public void CacheUnknown(int obj, int tag, object unk)
			var before = new CacheInfo(ObjType.Object, obj, tag, m_cache.get_Prop(obj, tag));
			var after =  new CacheInfo(ObjType.Object, obj, tag, unk);
			ActionHandler.AddAction(new CacheUndoAction(m_cache, before, after));

			m_cache.CacheUnknown(obj, tag, unk);
Exemplo n.º 52
        private static IObservable <T> ExecuteReader <T>(DbDataReader reader, Identity identity, CacheInfo info)
            var tuple = info.Deserializer;
            int hash  = GetColumnHash(reader);

            if (tuple.Func == null || tuple.Hash != hash)
                tuple = info.Deserializer = new DeserializerState(hash, GetDeserializer(typeof(T), reader, 0, -1, false));
                SetQueryCache(identity, info);

            var func = tuple.Func;

            return(Observable.Create <T>(async observer =>
                while (await reader.ReadAsync())
Exemplo n.º 53
		/// <summary>
		/// Member CacheStringProp
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj">obj</param><param name="tag">tag</param><param name="tss">_tss</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// IVwCacheDa method
		/// </remarks>
		public void CacheStringProp(int obj, int tag, ITsString tss)
			var before = new CacheInfo(ObjType.BasicTsString, obj, tag, m_cache.get_Prop(obj, tag));
			var after =  new CacheInfo(ObjType.BasicTsString, obj, tag, tss);
			ActionHandler.AddAction(new CacheUndoAction(m_cache, before, after));

			m_cache.CacheStringProp(obj, tag, tss);
Exemplo n.º 54
        public override void Process(ProcessContext context)
            if (context.ctx.utils.isSkipCurrentProcessor())

            MvcContext ctx = context.ctx;

            ControllerBase controller = context.getController();

            // 检查缓存
            CacheInfo ci           = CacheInfo.Init(ctx);
            Object    cacheContent = ci.CheckCache();

            if (cacheContent != null)
                logger.Info("load from actionCache=" + ci.CacheKey);
                getPageMetaFromCache(ctx, ci.CacheKey);

            MethodInfo actionMethod = ctx.ActionMethodInfo; // context.getActionMethod();

            // 设值模板并载入全局变量
            setControllerView(controller, actionMethod);

            // 运行并处理post值
            ActionRunner.runAction(ctx, controller, actionMethod, controller.utils.runAction);
            String actionContent = controller.utils.getActionResult();

            // 加入缓存
            if (ci.IsActionCache)
                // 加入PageMeta
                addPageMetaToCache(ctx, ci.CacheKey);

            actionContent = PostValueProcessor.ProcessPostValue(actionContent, ctx);

            if (ctx.utils.isAjax)
            else if (ctx.utils.isFrame())
                int intNoLayout = ctx.utils.getNoLayout();

                if (intNoLayout == 0)
                    String content = MvcUtil.getFrameContent(actionContent);
            else if (ctx.utils.isEnd())


Exemplo n.º 55
		/// <summary>
		/// Member CacheVecProp
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj">obj</param><param name="tag">tag</param><param name="rghvo">rghvo</param><param name="chvo">chvo</param>
		public void CacheVecProp(int obj, int tag, int[] rghvo, int chvo)
			var before = new CacheInfo(ObjType.Vector, obj, tag, m_cache.get_Prop(obj, tag));
			var after =  new CacheInfo(ObjType.Vector, obj, tag, rghvo);
			ActionHandler.AddAction(new CacheUndoAction(m_cache, before, after));

			m_cache.CacheVecProp(obj, tag, rghvo, chvo);
Exemplo n.º 56
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string sTranId = Request.QueryString["code"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sTranId))
                Response.Redirect("/SmartLink/", true);

            CacheInfo oCache = (CacheInfo)CacheProvider.Get(string.Format(KeyCache.KeyUserSmartlink, sTranId));

            if (oCache == null)
                Response.Redirect("/SmartLink/", true);

            SmartlinkQueryInfo oQueryInfo = new SmartlinkQueryInfo()
                CreateDate = DateTime.Now

                string sStatus = SmartLinkHelper.GetQuery(sTranId, ref oQueryInfo);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sStatus))
                    String[] arr = sStatus.Split('&');
                    foreach (String item in arr)
                        String[] temp = item.Split('=');
                        if ("vpc_DRExists".ToUpper().Equals(temp[0].ToUpper()))
                            oQueryInfo.vpc_DRExists = temp[1];
                        if ("vpc_FoundMultipleDRs".ToUpper().Equals(temp[0].ToUpper()))
                            oQueryInfo.vpc_FoundMultipleDRs = temp[1];
                        if ("vpc_Message".ToUpper().Equals(temp[0].ToUpper()))
                            oQueryInfo.vpc_Message = temp[1];
                        if ("vpc_SecureHash".ToUpper().Equals(temp[0].ToUpper()))
                            oQueryInfo.vpc_SecureHash = temp[1];
                        if ("vpc_TxnResponseCode".ToUpper().Equals(temp[0].ToUpper()))
                            oQueryInfo.vpc_TxnResponseCode = temp[1];
            catch (Exception ex)
                oQueryInfo.vpc_TxnResponseCode = ex.GetHashCode().ToString();
                oQueryInfo.vpc_Message         = ex.Message;
                CacheProvider.Remove(string.Format(KeyCache.KeyUserSmartlink, sTranId));
                //Session[Config.GetSessionsResultFail] =oQueryInfo.vpc_TxnResponseCode==null?"Giao dịch bị hủy bỏ": SmartLinkHelper.getResponseDescription(oQueryInfo.vpc_TxnResponseCode);
                Session[Config.GetSessionsResultFail] = "Giao dịch không thành công";
                Response.Redirect("/SmartLink/#" + sTranId + "|F", false);
Exemplo n.º 57
 private static bool CacheReadable(CacheInfo dom)
     return (dom != null && dom.Data != null && dom.Data.CanRead);
 public void Init(IDbContextBase context, IQueryable query, CacheInfo cacheInfo)