Exemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Highlights the list of tiles in a caboose.
    /// </summary>
    public void HighlightCaboose( CabooseList l )
        //Highlight caboose
        foreach ( Tile t in l.list )
            t.HighlightSelectedAbilityPiece ( );

        //Highlight destination
        l.destination.HighlightSelectedMove ( );
Exemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Uses the Caboose ability by moving each piece in the caboose forward.
    /// </summary>
    public void UseCaboose( CabooseList l, Info info )
        //Store animation
        Sequence s = DOTween.Sequence ( );

        //Move each piece in the caboose
        for ( int i = l.list.Count - 1; i > -1; i-- )
            //Store destination
            Tile t = l.list [ i ];
            Tile d = l.list [ i ].neighbors [ l.direction ];

            //Update tile and piece references
            t.currentPiece.currentTile = d;
            d.currentPiece = t.currentPiece;
            t.currentPiece = null;

            //Move the piece
            s.Insert ( 0, d.currentPiece.transform.DOMove ( d.transform.position, ANIMATE_TIME ) );

        //End turn
        s.OnComplete ( () =>
                //Clear caboose info
                info.cabooseList.Clear ( );
                info.selectedCaboose = null;
                info.multiCabooseTile = false;

                //End turn
                info.EndTurn ( );
            } );
Exemplo n.º 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Check if there is a viable setup for using the Caboose ability.
    /// </summary>
    public void GetCaboose( Info info )
        //Clear caboose list
        info.cabooseList.Clear ( );

        //Find the current player's pieces
        foreach ( Tile t in info.board )
            //Check for the player's pieces
            if ( t.currentPiece == null || t.currentPiece.owner != info.currentPlayer || t.currentPiece.color == PieceColor.White )

            //Store direction
            int start, end;

            //Check player
            if ( t.currentPiece.owner == info.player1 )
                //Section off tiles to move right
                start = 2;
                end = 6;
                //Section off tiles to move left
                start = 0;
                end = 4;

            //Check each direction
            for ( int i = start; i < end; i++ )
                //Check for tile
                if ( t.neighbors [ i ] == null || t.neighbors [ i ].currentPiece == null || t.neighbors [ i ].currentPiece.owner == info.opponent || t.neighbors [ i ].currentPiece.color == PieceColor.White )

                //Store the number of friendly pieces in a line
                int count = CabooseNeighborChecker ( t.neighbors [ i ], i , info.currentPlayer, 1 );

                //Check count
                if ( count > 1 )
                    //Check if the front of the line has a open space for movement
                    switch ( count )
                        case 2:
                            //Check tile
                            if ( t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ] != null && t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].currentPiece == null )
                                //Store caboose
                                CabooseList l = new CabooseList ( );
                                l.list.Add ( t );
                                l.list.Add ( t.neighbors [ i ] );
                                l.list.Add ( t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ] );

                                //Store direction
                                l.direction = i;

                                //Store destination
                                l.destination = t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ];

                                //Add caboose to list
                                info.cabooseList.Add ( l );

                                //Highlight tile
                                t.HighlightAbilityPieceSelection ( );
                        case 3:
                            //Check tile
                            if ( t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ] != null && t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].currentPiece == null )
                                //Store caboose
                                CabooseList l = new CabooseList ( );
                                l.list.Add ( t );
                                l.list.Add ( t.neighbors [ i ] );
                                l.list.Add ( t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ] );
                                l.list.Add ( t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ] );

                                //Store direction
                                l.direction = i;

                                //Store destination
                                l.destination = t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ];

                                //Add caboose to list
                                info.cabooseList.Add ( l );

                                //Highlight tile
                                t.HighlightAbilityPieceSelection ( );
                        case 4:
                            //Check tile
                            if ( t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ] != null && t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].currentPiece == null )
                                //Store caboose
                                CabooseList l = new CabooseList ( );
                                l.list.Add ( t );
                                l.list.Add ( t.neighbors [ i ] );
                                l.list.Add ( t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ] );
                                l.list.Add ( t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ] );
                                l.list.Add ( t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ] );

                                //Store direction
                                l.direction = i;

                                //Store destination
                                l.destination = t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ];

                                //Add caboose to list
                                info.cabooseList.Add ( l );

                                //Highlight tile
                                t.HighlightAbilityPieceSelection ( );
                        case 5:
                            //Check tile
                            if ( t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ] != null && t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].currentPiece == null )
                                //Store caboose
                                CabooseList l = new CabooseList ( );
                                l.list.Add ( t );
                                l.list.Add ( t.neighbors [ i ] );
                                l.list.Add ( t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ] );
                                l.list.Add ( t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ] );
                                l.list.Add ( t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ] );
                                l.list.Add ( t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ] );

                                //Store direction
                                l.direction = i;

                                //Store destination
                                l.destination = t.neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ].neighbors [ i ];

                                //Add caboose to list
                                info.cabooseList.Add ( l );

                                //Highlight tile
                                t.HighlightAbilityPieceSelection ( );