Exemplo n.º 1
        public static byte[] Pack(byte[] unpackedBytes, string unpackedFileName)
            MemoryStream           unpackedStream = new MemoryStream(unpackedBytes);
            BasicPackStreamContext streamContext  = new BasicPackStreamContext(unpackedStream);

            List <string> fileNames = new List <string>();

            using (CabEngine engine = new CabEngine())
                engine.Pack(streamContext, fileNames);
            Stream packedStream = streamContext.ArchiveStream;

            if (packedStream != null)
                packedStream.Position = 0;

                byte[] packedBytes = new byte[packedStream.Length];
                packedStream.Read(packedBytes, 0, packedBytes.Length);
                string message = String.Format("Error: File '{0}' failed to be repacked");
                throw new Exception(message);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static void Pack(this ArchiveInfo o, string sourceDirectory, IList <string> sourceFileNames, IList <string> fileNames, CompressionLevel compLevel, EventHandler <ArchiveProgressEventArgs> progressHandler, IPackStreamContext ipackstreamcontext)
     if (sourceFileNames == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceFileNames");
         if (fileNames == null)
             string[] array = new string[sourceFileNames.Count];
             for (int i = 0; i < sourceFileNames.Count; i++)
                 array[i] = Path.GetFileName(sourceFileNames[i]);
             fileNames = array;
         else if (fileNames.Count != sourceFileNames.Count)
             throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("fileNames");
         using (CompressionEngine compressionEngine = new CabEngine())
             compressionEngine.Progress += progressHandler;
             IDictionary <string, string> files = CreateStringDictionary(fileNames, sourceFileNames);
             ArchiveFileStreamContext     archiveFileStreamContext = new ArchiveFileStreamContext(o.FullName, sourceDirectory, files);
             archiveFileStreamContext.EnableOffsetOpen = true;
             compressionEngine.CompressionLevel        = compLevel;
             compressionEngine.Pack(archiveFileStreamContext, fileNames);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Expects the directory to contain an infopath manifest.xsf & template.xml files. The contents are then persisted &
        ///     indexed by DocTypeName & DocTypeRev (aka solutionVersion) for OpenStream & OpenText operations. As of this writing,
        ///     this application must have write access to the parent folder of the given directory for cab compression operations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="importFolderPath"></param>
        /// <param name="workingFolderPath">default is parent of importFolderPath</param>
        public static List <ImporterLightDoc> ImportContentFolder(string sourceFolderPath, string workingFolderPath = null)
            List <ImporterLightDoc> List_ImporterLightDoc = new List <ImporterLightDoc>();

            DirectoryInfo _DirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(sourceFolderPath);

            if (workingFolderPath == null)
                workingFolderPath = RequestPaths.GetPhysicalApplicationPath("import");

            //// ensure the import folder actually exists
            //Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>{
            new DirectoryInfo(workingFolderPath)
            .Attributes = FileAttributes.NotContentIndexed | FileAttributes.Hidden;

            string DocMD5, DocTypeVer;
            string DocTypeName = ScanContentFolder(_DirectoryInfo, out DocTypeVer, out DocMD5);

            if (!ServiceController.LuceneController.List(new List <string> {
            }, null, null, DocMD5).Any())
                    IList <string> relativeFilePathsInDirectoryTree = GetRelativeFilePathsInDirectoryTree(_DirectoryInfo.FullName, true);
                    IDictionary <string, string> files = CreateStringDictionary(relativeFilePathsInDirectoryTree, relativeFilePathsInDirectoryTree);
                    //the folder's contents compressed
                    string cabFilePath = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}_{2}.cab", workingFolderPath, DocTypeName, FileSystem.CleanFileName(DocTypeVer));

                    Dictionary <string, string> DocIdKeys = new Dictionary <string, string>
                        { "TargetDocTypeName", DocTypeName },
                        { "TargetDocTypeVer", DocTypeVer }

                    //TODO:Unit Test this! Generating in memory cab files has not been tested at all!!!
                    using (CompressionEngine _CompressionEngine = new CabEngine {
                        CompressionLevel = CompressionLevel.Max
                        using (ArchiveMemoryStreamContext _ArchiveMemoryStreamContext = new ArchiveMemoryStreamContext(cabFilePath, sourceFolderPath, files)
                            EnableOffsetOpen = true
                            using (MemoryStream _TargetDocTypeFilesMemoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                                _CompressionEngine.Pack(_ArchiveMemoryStreamContext, files.Keys);

                                string fileName       = Path.GetFileName(cabFilePath);
                                uint   fileNameLength = (uint)fileName.Length + 1;
                                byte[] fileNameBytes  = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(fileName);

                                using (MemoryStream CabFileMemoryStream = _ArchiveMemoryStreamContext.DictionaryStringMemoryStream.Values.First())
                                    CabFileMemoryStream.Position = 0;
                                    using (BinaryReader _BinaryReader = new BinaryReader(CabFileMemoryStream))
                                        using (BinaryWriter _BinaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(_TargetDocTypeFilesMemoryStream))
                                            // Write the InfoPath attachment signature.
                                            _BinaryWriter.Write(new byte[] { 0xC7, 0x49, 0x46, 0x41 });

                                            // Write the default header information.
                                            _BinaryWriter.Write((uint)0x14); // size
                                            _BinaryWriter.Write((uint)0x01); // version
                                            _BinaryWriter.Write((uint)0x00); // reserved

                                            // Write the file size.

                                            // Write the size of the file name.

                                            // Write the file name (Unicode encoded).

                                            // Write the file name terminator. This is two nulls in Unicode.
                                            _BinaryWriter.Write(new byte[] { 0, 0 });

                                            // Iterate through the file reading data and writing it to the outbuffer.
                                            byte[] data      = new byte[64 * 1024];
                                            int    bytesRead = 1;

                                            while (bytesRead > 0)
                                                bytesRead = _BinaryReader.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
                                                _BinaryWriter.Write(data, 0, bytesRead);

                                    // these contents will be stored in yet another document as an attached cab file
                                    IDocRev_Gen2 DocRevBaseDoc = (IDocRev_Gen2)DocInterpreter.Instance.Create("DOCREV");

                                    DocRevBaseDoc.DocChecksum        = int.MinValue;
                                    DocRevBaseDoc.DocIdKeys          = DocIdKeys;
                                    DocRevBaseDoc.DocStatus          = true;
                                    DocRevBaseDoc.DocTitle           = String.Format("{0} {1}", DocTypeName, DocTypeVer);
                                    DocRevBaseDoc.DocTypeName        = "DOCREV";
                                    DocRevBaseDoc.TargetDocTypeFiles = _TargetDocTypeFilesMemoryStream.ToArray();
                                    DocRevBaseDoc.TargetDocTypeName  = DocTypeName;
                                    DocRevBaseDoc.TargetDocTypeVer   = DocTypeVer;

                                     * BANDAID: DOCREV
                                     * (search for this though out the code for more on DOCREV snafus in general),
                                     * earlier implementations of DOCREV did not have a TargetDocMD5 property, the IDocRev must be compatible with all versions of this object
                                    foreach (PropertyInfo p in DocRevBaseDoc.GetType().GetProperties().Where(p => p.Name == "TargetDocMD5"))
                                        p.SetValue(DocRevBaseDoc, DocMD5, null);

                                        new ImporterLightDoc {
                                        LightDoc = ServiceController.Instance.Import(DocRevBaseDoc.GetDocData())
                catch (ThreadAbortException) { }